Stella Dimoko Nollywood's Best Friends Forever!


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nollywood's Best Friends Forever!

According to hear sayists in olofofoland "rukky and tonto have been coded best friends and it has worked for them,whilst other friendships are nose diving,theirs remain rock solid and that is partly because they refuse to listen to them say them say concerning each other "

Congrats to both for being able to keep their ship afloat. Maybe this is a good time to ask tonto to help me to tell her best friend rukky sanda to reduce her make up,she seems to have increased the volume these days and unlike before where her beautiful face radiates,she now looks like an egunu.

This is memo is without bad belle so please no hating on both girls!

make una carry go!


  1. birds of d same feathers...

  2. Am really happy for d both of them and want †ђξ rest of them to follow their footsteps and stop bad belle friendship and man-snatching . I think †ђξ reason why their friendship is solid is bcos they trust eachother and they don't compete .

  3. Dey actually luk alike,i usually mistake 1 for d oda.dey are cool sha.

  4. story rukky is no 1's friend


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