Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.


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Monday, August 10, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.

Which wedding document is more valid?


Good morning Stella.

I don't know where this can feature on your blog. Maybe in the "Chronicles" Please I need advise from your blog visitors on this issue.

I had my traditional marriage last year October and a marriage certificate was signed by us and issued to us. Because of our religious differences my wife and I didn't have a Church marriage but we had said we will do a court marriage. 

However, we didn't decide when exactly we will have the court marriage. March this year, my wife raised the issue of court marriage and wanted to know when we are going to do the court marriage. My reply to her was that I didn't have the money for the court marriage since I was building my house then and cash was not my friend at that time. Again, because she wanted a case whereby we will invite few friends (about 10) on same day of the court marriage and then have lunch with them at a Chinese restaurant. She even said she will assist me with the expenses on the lunch since I said I didn't have money for that but I didn't agree to this. 

Last month my wife raised up the issue of the court marriage again and I told her that I don't see the need for a court marriage since we already have a marriage certificate which was issued to us on the day of the traditional marriage, and that there are no benefits in court marriage anyways.  I also wanted to know from her part why she wanted a court marriage and she told me that 

(1) the court marriage certificate is the only document that is accepted globally and worldwide to show that you are married. That there are some embassies that would require one to present a marriage certificate and it is the court marriage certificate that will only be valid. 

(2) she also said that asides the embassies, there are somethings we may want to do in future and it is the court marriage certificate that would allow us do those things. I have been able to achieve two things for her since we got married by presenting only the traditional marriage certificates and they went through (her health insurance and life insurance). 

On health, she has full coverage. On Life insurance it is 100%, everything is to my wife. Currently my wife does not have any document showing my name on it since we got married. Even when I got someone to do a change of name for her, she refused and said until I am legally married to her, even after I was told a change of name can be done with the Traditional marriage certificate we have. My wife has refused to understand that whether court marriage or not, she still has 100% of everything. This has caused coldness in my marriage and it is tearing us apart but still I am not keen about court marriage. 

I have spoken with my lawyer and he assured me that the certificate we have can pass for anything. I understand hers fears because I have been married before but divorced and not that I had children from my previous marriage. I also understand why she can't go into details to tell me why she wants a court marriage because she is trying to protect her future and she does not want to sound so. Advise me BVs. Thanks

Why is having a court wedding so hard if you have nothing to hide? I dont buy your excuse for not wanting to having one!


  1. Replies
    1. Young man you are not married yet until you do court wedding. Traditional marriage cert is only recogniz by ur community alone and not globally. That lawyer of yours must be hiding the truth from U

    2. Young man pls do a court marriage.end of story.trad wedding is not recognised globally.

    3. Forgive My ignorance, but this is the first time I'm hearing marriage certificate are given in traditional wedding.
      That said, you have a lawyer, he should tell you which is more accepted, but personally, I think it's the court wedding certificate That's more acceptable and makes you both officially legally married by law. Accept if during the trad wedding the certificate signed was that of the court brought to the traditional wedding. Even in church wedding, the certificate that are signed arest that of the court. That tells you How important it is. So it's court certificate that made you legally married, whether signed during traditional wedding, or court wedding or church wedding, if the certificate signed in Your traditional wedding is not court certificate, you're still not legally married yet. If it's, there's no need for court wedding again.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    4. Please go and do your court /registry wedding oooh,is very important.
      Traditional wedding is not accepted.....court is acceptable!

    5. Poster pls gi and do a court marriage. Its only a court marriage that is legally binding. Which is traditional marriage cert sef? That's not legally binding. I support your wife on dis. U guys agreed b4 marriage y do u want to go bak on d agreement? I did trad marriage, court and also av a church marriage cert. So pls do dat for her. It doesnt cost much to do a court marriGe biko and it's not as if u'r not capable. U want to host 10 friends abi? 100k shu km d be enuf. Your wife is even nice by not throwin an elaborate party. If u know u luv your wife pls give her a court marriage.

    6. Oga, bvs has said it all.

      As you cannot compare the G wagon Tyga gave to chyna blac to the Ferrari he gave to Kylie, so you cannot compare a traditional marriage certificate to a court marriage certificate. #inuf said. Thank you plenty

    7. Stop giving excuses!
      Court registry doesn't cost anything.....
      Do the right thing and marry your wife properly........4 the fact dat u are not doing white wedding!

    8. The lawyer is not hiding the truth from him. I'm very sure he has confided in him, the reasons for his refusal to do a court marriage which seemingly are ulterior and self-centered. Poster, you're obviously protecting your finances and property, but that is quite wrong. In marriage, you completely give yourself over to your partner to avoid unnecessary marital frictions such as this. I can't advise you to put your foot down on your stance when I wouldn't want that to be done to me. Please, do a court marriage and get a legal certificate.

    9. Poster, if u have nothing to hide, then go ahead with the court wedding. She has already promised to assist with the expenses, so what's keeping you from doing what you ought to do?

    10. Oga, go and do a court wedding, her fears are well founded. You are right when you said she wanna secure her future and that of the kids, before nko? Abeg do the needful. You are lucky she didn't add church wedding sef, mtcheww!

    11. Besides, I no know say they dey give certificate after trad wedding, which part of the country dey do that one please? *side eyes*

    12. Ehhhhnnn. Traditional wedding certificate???????. I have never heard nor seen such before. Who traditional wedding certificate don help????? Oga do the needful.

    13. Why are you so opposed to having a court wedding when you both agreed on one in the first place? She's offering to shoulder some of the financial expense so that's not a problem. Go ahead and do the court wedding except you have a hidden agenda. Don't let something so trivial affect your marriage too soon.

    14. Hmm
      Judging from the energy it took you to write and itemise this, it is not just about the expenses Oga! Go to the registry and get wedded!!!

    15. Oga, u sound like a very stingy-oversabi person. And to top it all, ur "Li-ar" is being economic wit d truth. Ur tradional marriage cert ain't taking u any far, blv mi. Does court marriage cost that much?
      Then do a low-low key CM- spend less

      This is for ur wife: Madam, stand ur ground, insist on d court marriage~ if sickness persists make sure all ur properties re registered in ur name. Do it the patra way " my property is my property" , His property can also be urs . If he throws u out tomorrow, u ain't laying finger on any of "his" stuff with dat traditional worever. Oga thinks he's smart lol. Ok bye **side eyes**

    16. Don't mind this poster. He is not divorced from his first wife.

    17. Boy o boy! This My English is the equivalent of 2nd world war Lol. I really murdered English there. Hehehe.
      Blame it on My phone.

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    18. The only recognise marriage is traditional marriage. Court marriage is another person's culture. With way people marry and divorce daily , I will not advise to you to do court marriage.

    19. In the eyes of the law, you are not legally recognized as married until you have done have your Court marriage. Why are you so opposed to it if you have nothing to hide. She is even being considerate to want to invite only 10 friends and also contribute. That your Lawyer must be worse than a charge a bail to give you that kind of advise. Whether you made the insurance 100% is inconsequential to the matter @ hand as you can change the terms if you so please. Legalize your marriage or do you want an easy way out when you decide that she no longer tickles your fancy?

    20. Mhzzbee international10 August 2015 at 19:59

      And you will later abuse her you didn't marry her in court. I suspect you have a hidden agenda. She has even made it simple for you to carry the food and drink just for about ten pple and you still don't want to go ahead? God don catch you!!!you want to become president later and deny her the post of first lady by referring to did I marry you legally?? I like your wife baje she too sharp.side eyes to her

    21. Anon 19:29 aka POSTER, u're welcome to d discussion u brought up. Were u born and bred in Pluto and just arrived to planet earth hence you do not know the importance of court wedding? So are u saying people who get married traditionally or even in d church/mosque do not divorce if there's a need for it? I ask again which planet did u come from? All ur arguments are baseless. Divorce can happen irrespective of d way the marriage was contracted.

      Uncle husband, abeg do the right thing. Marry ur wife properly except there's more to this.

    22. Anon 19.29 I bow for u oh. Trad marriage is the only recognized marriage for where?? Ur village abi. You CAN'T compare trad wedding to court oh. American embassy sabi n recognize ur village trad cert Shebi. Siddon dere oh

    23. Bad man. U want to punish ur wife for ur last marriages failure. If trad marriage is accepted legally then why is that what polygamists use? Bad man. In fact she should leave u cos I r not pure. Bad man

    24. Dear poster please give it time before goin 4any stupid court marriage after all its a borrowed culture.the way marriages end these days is quite appalling biko!..I regret having d court wedding cos in my own case, in less dan 4months his real xter started manifesting n den it ended within a yr and to think it was my ex dat was pestering 4 us to hv it. now am goin tru stress to break free after 5yrs in his absentia. So please Don't just b in a hurry biko..u guys should focus on the marriage n on each other 4 now afterall you ve paid her dowry!..court can b don later.

    25. @ Clara Udeh, did you really type this? Please explain what part the registry marriage played in your collapsed marriage. Just admit you didn't do your homework before getting into the marriage.

    26. Ahn-Ahn Clara, see as u fine like this; u no com get common sense. Abi na just makeup? Choi!

  2. Stella borrow me ur chair,make I read comments.

    ********LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******

    1. Poster go ahead and do a court marriage, there's no big deal in it. Its only ur wife that knows what she is seeing that's making her insist on the court marriage.

    2. Oga, I don't understand ur reluctance in having a court wedding. If u are so concerned with restoring warmth to ur marriage, pls do ur court wedding and stop making excuses.

      Ur wife is playing safe and it's a wise thing to do. Court wedding doc has been known to be a more valid document internationally. If u truly love her and care for her feelings, u shouldn't hesitate to do d right thing, unless u have an ulterior motive.

      Pls don't be selfish. Don't do it for u, do it for ur wife so dat peace will reign cos am sure right now she may be feeling there is more to ur disagreeing to a court wedding that meets d eye.
      She might even find it difficult trusting u becos of this.

      There is nothing wrong in having d two documents, so why d stress...? It is a safe thing to do to avoid future problems.

      For hard talks on sex, marriage, relatioships and spirituality pls check out my blog

      There is soooo much u need to know!

    3. Emjay Emjay!! Na you biko

    4. Em jay let me perch here biko

      Oga your wife is good nah, I did court, traditional and white, I left no stone unturned. The truth is court is more recognized and its not even expensive, if your really building a house then you can afford the court, its about 20-30k, if u don't want to do any after party u can just go with your wife alone and witnesses. This matter isn't serious, pls look for the nearest registry and go pick a date

  3. Replies
    1. Am sure u have a wicked plan for the future. U have money to build house but u don't have 18k plus two bottles of wine for court marriage?
      She even offered to assist u sef!
      If u love her and u have nothing to hide, then go to registry. Forget about the reception.

    2. I'm with your wife on this. I don't understand why you're resenting the idea of a court wedding. It's not an expensive process so why can't you get it done once and for all? You don't have to invite guests for dinner if you can't afford it.

    3. Read this:
      Mr.... I put it to you that you are simply avoiding a situation in the future when you would divorce her and she would legally lay claim to half your estate. Shikena!

      If you wanted a woman you can manipulate then you shouldn't have married a learned and liberated woman. You can't eat your cake and have it.

      Kudos to your wife. She sure knows what she deserves. Lady BVs tow her line pls.

    4. Chikito a.k.a FinalSay10 August 2015 at 19:54

      Poster, I know people with different religions who did a Christian or Muslim wedding, based on an agreement. So leave religion out as an excuse for not doing church wedding or nikkai!
      Secondly, if there is a war today, you and your wife are not a registered couple under the federal republic of Nigeria. Meaning that the Government doesn't recognize you as a couple. So you're on a long thing. My parents had to do court wedding after 23 yrs of marriage, because a certain embassy didn't accept their marriage certificate. Since then, my father preaches it to everyone to go and do because they explained the implications to both of them and they felt very bad that as two educated people they overlooked it.
      I put it to you that you aren't behaving well even as a divorcee who is supposed to be doing everything to salvage his marriage and make his wife happy. Are u sure this your heady attitude isn't what affected your first marriage in the first place? If I am your wife I won't do no freaking name change because you are entering the marriage with one leg and I don't blame her. Man, use your tongue to count your teeth and tell your lawyer that I said 'fuck you' cod he's a hypocrite.

    5. I'm sure his divorce is not yet thru. The lady should leave u. U are BAD NEWS!!! Court weddings that are cheap. Stingy man!!

    6. Chikito, my exact thoughts too. If that's the type of attitude he's having towards something as vital as that in a marriage, no wonder he's divorced. Very sorry to sound harsh but it seems like his true colours and possible negative intentions might just be accuring to the wife, otherwise why such hullabaloo over a court marriage cert? That's why I can't settle for all these divorced guys, their ex wives already know whether they're worth the stress of marriage or not, so why would I now put my head there too? Especially as a single, female who had never married or had kids for anyone else before. The fact that you found someone to give you another chance should be enough reason to want to do everything right this time around. When there are plenty rich, successful eligible bachelors out there starting to look for wives. Mr Poster, you have no excuse to try to call that woman your wife without doing the needful, the most logical excuse would be that you don't really trust her and don't want her to take all your money if something happens but if that was the case then you never should have married her. Marriage isn't by force. The registry is not expensive at all. But YOU, my friend seem to have alterior motives here.

  4. You are a wicked man. You never intended to legally marry her due to some silly ideology you have been lying to her. What money do you need for court marriage?

    Your lawyer is a liar am sure you never consulted one.

    Men like you are wicked you want your wives to bw beggars and your kids turned into househelps in case something happens to you.

    Better legally marry that woman else she should leave you.selfish man

    1. Don't mind dis mofon man! Why will his wife not protect the future of herself nd her kids! And it's inter-tribal marriage sef! Traditional marriage certificate my foot! Dats not legal! And yes if anytyn happens 2u nd ur family pounces on your fortunate she ll ve no case in court without a court marriage certificate! Even wit dat from d church! D court won't answer u!

    2. These poster is selfish
      No wonder your former wife dumped you!
      Please go and do court are even a second hand product.

    3. But why are women always talking about in case something happens to the husband. What law states that things cant first happen to the wives. The bane of today's society is greed and it is in property acquired by another person. No good family will tet their late brother's wife and children when the man dies early. There are still some good families today and in my village there some families in this category even though their are also other praying for the demise of their brother so that they chase his wife and children away and take over everything including the man's personal wealth. Once a girl friend of mine made a statement as to in case something happens to me. When a I asked her to show me evidence that one of us would die prematurely and that person must be me, she stated starmaring and I told her that means she doesn't want a marriage between the two of us to last till old age when we would have finished training our children so I sacked her because for me she was not praying that nothing should stop our marriage from lasting to old age

    4. I don't know why you should call him wicked man. I am fully on the side of his wife but why use strong words like calling him wicked. If i call u names now, u go dey vex.
      oga, you are wrong to say there are no benefits of a court marriage, very wrong at that.
      please forget your fears. If you really are in, then go all out and do the court marriage.

  5. Oga do a court marriage n stop being evasive.

  6. Tell us why you dont want a court wedding

    Let us start from there...... bad man, i see you

    1. LMAO! @bad man, I see you. The man doesn't want to hear "divorce" and "alimony" later.

    2. Not jst ordinary bad,he is a General in badness....very crafty man,which doomed laywer told u,traditional marriage certificate is ok?

      Women open ur eyes,una go say no.
      This nigga has other plans.
      these are d kind of men I'll rather remain single than get married to
      Serial husband alert!

    3. Not jst ordinary bad,he is a General in badness....very crafty man,which doomed laywer told u,traditional marriage certificate is ok?

      Women open ur eyes,una go say no.
      This nigga has other plans.
      these are d kind of men I'll rather remain single than get married to
      Serial husband alert!

    4. Spot on my guy!

      Don't mind this cunny poster. Am with ur wife 100% on this one.

  7. Court wedding is way cheaper than traditional wedding, you're hiding something. Court is even more legal than church cos any pastor can join a couple without necessarily doing it in a church. My guy your way no pure all these your outlining no follow.

    1. Blog analyser: hope u are reading this. Do it and avoid issues in your marriage

  8. Court wedding no expensive. Go and do it. Unless you have ulterior motives.
    My friend got married a few months back in the registry. They paid only 25k for it. You are building house yet you don't have 25k for registry.

  9. haha...did you say you are building a house? lol Your wife is very very smart!!!Love her already.

    You dont have money for court marriage??? Its now N25,000 ONLY! burst the Chinese ish..MARRY IN COURT for just N25,0000! hmmm men of dis generation self... hian!

    1. Exactly u guys can boycott hostin friends and just go to d registry to sign d neccrsary docs.25k is d fee and in last than a month uld be legally married.

    2. Some women trying 2 hard to impress, 4get d Chinese restaurant biko. Go to d registry with u witnesses shikena.. u can alwax do a get 2geda or parry anytime...Oga if u have no hidden agenda please do d registry

  10. Money IS NOT the reason why U don't want a court marriage done.

    Be sincere...

    I may be wrong though!

    1. Some people be hiding skeletons in their cupboard and dnt want to do d court wedding....wat is traditional wedding certificate? if u divorce her ass, she'll be left with little or nothing.......and yes, she can't change her far as i'm concerned, u r nt legally married...she's "home pooling" with u knw hw many of her friends r laughing at her btw?.....if u love her like u so profess, give her wat she's nt like she's asking u to cut ur testicles off.......and she didnt even add white wedding...u get luck #longhiss

  11. And secondly, all these divorce and re-marrying bullshit sef.

    Una dey try oh.

    If anything happen between me and my angel tomorrow, i wont marry again oh.

    I cant afford to have children from different mothers sha

    And better still, as a sibgle guy, i wont be hiding to fuck.

  12. Oh yeah? Didn't know there was a traditional marriage certificate, that's news!

    1. You aren't alone; neither did I.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    2. I'm just as shocked as you are.

    3. The revered father that wedded us said they were advocating for certificates like that to be issued. They were visiting villages and creating awareness then.
      If they have started practising it,Odikwa nice.

    4. It makes no difference to me jare. Trad is for the community the marriage takes place and won't go out

  13. Court marriage is still the best oooo. Biko, take ur wife there ooooo. Women dey suffer for this part of the world sha. If na America u dey, wey na mugu wey go give u green card u want marry, I'm sure na u go insist on court wedding. Men n selfishness. Eeeish!

  14. Go ahead and do it, she isn't asking for too much!

  15. Poster,it seems you don't love your wife very well. Bcos if you do,you won't have any problem with her request. Afterall, you are a serial "marriager".

    1. Blog analyser: I laughed hard

    2. Rotfl. Serial marriager.

      This is epic!!! 😀😀

    3. Anon 15:27 aka sisi eko, abegi leave me alone naw. Abi na by force?

  16. Excuse not bought... Restrategize

  17. Poster,

    I am a man like you and I know and I support your wife's claim that court wedding is the only recognized certificate globally, so I will advice you go and do it...

    Also, don't go to any court but a federal court suck as the ikoyi registry and do it.

    Someday you may neee to relocate with your family to a country like USA or Canada or even an European country, you will be requested to provide evidence that you are married... If you present church or traditional evidence, your application will be thrown out.

    So for this, make I support women for once, go and make it legal with the court wedding/marriage. It doesn't cost much.

    1. Blog analyser: so true

    2. It must not be a fed court. Any registry can pass so long u are issued a registry certificate

  18. Oga! Court marriage is not expensive o! Please allow her what she wants. I am not even aware they give certificates in traditional marriages sef. Don't allow a little thing spoil your home.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Gbam; my thots exactly! He is not thru wt the divorce process of his previous marriage Na hin Mk he dey run from court. Otherwise, no biggy in court wedding now.

  20. Do the court wedding she ll feel safe with that and why r u reluctant??God forbid if anything happens to u today ur ppl myt throw her out with nothing.

  21. Your wife is right oga do the needful,Men are so selfish .Court marriage is still the cheapest doesn't cost much and recognized globally .You do not even have an escuse

  22. Poster,

    I am a man like you and I know and I support your wife's claim that court wedding is the only recognized certificate globally, so I will advice you go and do it...

    Also, don't go to any court but a federal court suck as the ikoyi registry and do it.

    Someday you may neee to relocate with your family to a country like USA or Canada or even an European country, you will be requested to provide evidence that you are married... If you present church or traditional evidence, your application will be thrown out.

    So for this, make I support women for once, go and make it legal with the court wedding/marriage. It doesn't cost much.

    On the hand, be careful cos your wife may have hidden agenda. Why would a married woman not have her husband's name to show she is married?

    Mr man, be careful aswell. Your wife may be up to something. B

    1. She's not up to anything. She's using it as leverage to get him to do the needful.

  23. I suspect d guy is not done with the divorce process of his previous marriage...abi why are u avoiding a proper court's not like she's askin for a very big ceremony or white wedding. Oga,u probably have sometin to hide

  24. Your wife is right. I prefer traditional marriage more than any other type of marriage. I didn't even know there is traditional marriage certificate because where I come from we don't issue such.

    Court wedding is the legal one and I doubt if any embassy will accept another marriage certificate except that.

    I think you should do the court marriage because it is important and doesn't cost much.

  25. I still prefer d certificate from court to d traditional one cos it's more valid

    If u have no hidden agenda I don't think dere is any problem doing court wedding nd it doesn't cost too much

  26. Oh oh! D same question that was running through my mind.does court wedding require much money you are complaining about? If so, then reach an agreement with her that for the next too months, there wont be feeding allowance cos you will use it for the court wedding and you will see, she will gladly oblige.

    I dont think the money is your have stated the obvious.please clear her doubts and make her feel at peace.afterall, you were the one that promised court wedding.
    I so love that woman! She must be an SDK addict! Heheheheh.she don tear eye never marry me d way I want and you want make I change my name. Aru eme!!!

  27. C ur big head like malu!!!!!
    D same reason u r running away from going to, is same reasons she wants it!
    Who told u court wedding is expensive?
    With 30k, u r DONE!!!
    U have a cool wife sef.......
    If it were me, d chronicle u will be sending to stella is for bv's to teach u how to quickly get a court done......cos,.........hmmmmmm
    Emi abija we re bi ekun.....

  28. Traditional and court wedding are very important.Do both.

  29. Oga since you don have anything to hide and again you said your wife has everything, please why don't you help in satisfying her curiosity ( since you already know) by just granting her this court wedding?
    You said cash was the problem but she agreed to foot the bill so tell me your other excuse again??????!!!!!

  30. Count me out if it's not court marriage........ It doesn't cost much with 20/30k d wedding is done........Mr man do the needful like my dad told my elder brother when his wife was fighting for samething....... All ladies need to protect their future......

  31. your wife being get common sense pass you. look beyond your nose and get a court certificate of marriage. who knows, you might even be the one in need of it desperately in future and not your wife.

  32. Mr poster;from your narrative,it simply shows that your wife is learned..
    Traditional marriage is mostly seen as A customary rite which cant in most cases be certified in the "eyes of the western world" that you both are married..on the other hand,A court marriage would issue you A certificate which is accepted worldwide and can make her claim ownership of you and your asset just incase of anything gone wrong or in the case of any future divorce between you both..
    So just like i said earlier;your Wife is A "Sharp woman" joor and you better know what you are in for..



    1. Don't mind the guy. I got married traditionally a few years ago. I didn't get any certificate o. Mmmh but anyway once the going no fit go again we both walked away with no papers to issue. Nigeria does not even recognise a traditional marriage as legally binding so you and your lawyer (na woman? Hmmmm) are dodgy.

    2. I like your words' in the eyes of the western world' and that is the genesis of the whole world. When the British were ruling Nigeria, without the evidence of their white wedding you can't get anything from their government as a married person. The same western world with marriage registry certificates yet littherd with divorced, serially divorced,serially married,people marrying first and then informing their parents later. Like it or leave, marriage certificate has no inate coercive power, hence if people treat marriage as ought to you need no certificate. It is selfishness and materialism that are at the too of all this. This generation is slowly but steadily losing it so god help us that sincerely ask for it. Certificate and godly behaviour in marriage( which by the way guarantees the so called future) i choose godly behavior over certificate of marriage. But in all honesty both poster and the wife were insincere to each other. The lady knew he was a divorcee. She should have been clear with the man to give her court marriage before village things refusing which she pulls out. The man also should have told the lady point blank that he isn't for court marriage for the girl to accept and continue or reject and pull out. That's insincerity on both sides because no matter what we all say every one has right to her/his own preferences

    3. Chop kiss @youngman u wrote my thoughts verbatim. ..these days dats what's obtainable. people spend time planning n plotting a wedding rather than plan a marriage filled with love, sincerity and openness.

    4. Youngman (commenter 16:43) you're trying to make sense, almost did but then you ruined everything by including the wife in the blame game - typical African man's attitude. Always making sure to blame the wife in any or every situation when it's clearly obvious that she has no blame. I'm pretty sure you read at the end of the 2nd paragraph where he said they both planned to do a court wedding. So go look for another excuse to blame the wife mister, your first one didn't hold water. In which "sincerity book of life" does it state that a woman must refuse one marriage rite if it doesn't come before another to show sincerity? They both agreed to a certain plan of events, for reasons best known to him, he's trying to evade things while making the silliest excuses and you're busy including the wife in your blame game....... Just Me

  33. Oga u ve no case...ur wife is very right so go and do the right tin..

  34. I don't believe your story. To do court marriage is not expensive oga. Why do I have the feeling that because you were once married and probably went through a messy divorce you don't want to tow that part again!! The most acceptable marriage certificate is the court certificate. Even churches now are now affiliated to the court that they now issue same court certificate in church. If you are sure you don't have nothing to hide and you are genuine please do the needful and do court marriage 20k max is enough if you want the fast track process.

    I'm out!

  35. Oga Ade o

    March to the court no time to check time

  36. Court wedding documents is very important cos the traditional doc is only used in village while court doc is world wide showing she is married n it's also recognise.the man is hiding some tin from her.

  37. Exactly, Stellz.

    What are you hiding, Mr man.

    Court wedding isn't that expensive that you cannot afford it.

    And her reasons are right.

    Court marriage certificate is more binding than your traditional wedding certificate.

    I don't think any embassy will look at it and give her passage, if she wants to travel.

    Or are you considering divorce after a while with her too?

    You don't have the money, but she offered to help you out.

    If it were i,i wouldn't feel married without a court or church wedding, and you haven't given her any.

    Stop being selfish and do the needful abeg.


  38. Hope single girls shine their opolo eyes b4 entering this institution called "marriage" bcos very soon Stellla bvs go soon tire to advice.

  39. Oga go and do Court wedding. It's only a court wedding certificate you can present at the embassy. She has her fears so go do it if you got nothing to hide.

  40. Hope single girls shine their opolo eyes b4 entering this institution called "marriage" bcos very soon Stellla bvs go soon tire to advice.


  42. Oga u have made no sense .. Ur excuses are not valid . Even kids of 24 who have nothing to their names do court wedding .

    Pls go and do court wedding . In this day and age , ur still blowing grammar and asking us silt questions ?! Gerrahere !!

  43. Oga Poster... Please do the needful,
    How will she do change of name with just traditional wedding cert?
    Helllooooo ! ! Please let us know, any skeleton in your cupboard?
    Don't allow me to tell her to lock-up the central bank


  44. Court marriage doesn't cost much Mr. Infact its the cheapest of all. You are the one giving yourself unnecessary headache, do it and enjoy your marriage. She's right. Court marriage protects the rights and interest of the woman.

  45. Blog Analyser: oga a beg if u don't have skeletons or hidden agendas please I beg u in the name of God give her a court marriage. Her ideas are 100percent legit.

  46. Its obvious your wife has an ulterior motive for continually insisting that you do a court wedding.
    Watch it man it could be something bad

    1. Ode only you dey give stupid advice.

    2. So if his wife was your daughter will you offer the same advice ? Mtcheew !

    3. Shift abeg, which ulterior motive? Must she have an ulterior motive to ask for the needful, if he truly loves his wife he should even be the one to be wanting it, its my husband that even insisted we do it.

    4. God bless you a zillion times

    5. Ode,she needs a court wedding certifcate to strangle him or what?

    6. You are an animal, an mkpi to be specific.

    7. Really?
      So she is the mugu that needs to waste her life and get thrown out like the first wife?

      Edmen dear,receive sense!
      Mr man,I put it to u with all the empirical evidence stated above that u are a "General badman" and a serial husband in progress!

  47. Oga just do the court wedding jare.

  48. Mr poster, I have a hunch you are being frugal with your already invalid reason for having not done a court marriage which is important in this day and age and I bet if she leaves you, you'll "never have money" to do the court marriage.
    This is being Unreasonably selfish if you ask me as you've already stated that you understand her fears given your previous status.
    Get the court marriage done already to further give your wife the assurance she needs else this is a tip of the iceberg in reference to the coldness already penetrating your marriage.

    #sideeyes# @she still has 100% of everything.
    I stand to be corrected.

  49. Mr man,go and wed her in d court..with less dan 70k,it will be done(excluding miscellaneous, refreshments /food for both families)

    Men dey fear court marriage these days..y na?
    Btw,never heard of traditional marriage certificate. For which village?na d family of d bride dey give am?

    Or r u talkin abt d marriage certificates issued by traditional rulers? Dts d only one I kn. Cos they issue state of origin cert, too.

  50. Oga talk true make we help you! There is something you are not saying ooo. I fear men like you. Abeg take her there and do the RIGHT thing. Never heard of a traditional wedding certificate na only you I know that has that certificate ooo

    1. My thoughts exactly. Haven't heard of a traditional marriage certificate before.

  51. What is your problem gan gan??

    Court wedding doesn't cost that much, so what's ur problem?? Even if u don't have money to buy lunch for 10 friends, then reduce them as long as you have 2 or 3 people to act as witnesses, then u're good to go.... You don't want to do church wedding? You also don't want to do court?? Na wa to you ooo

  52. Oga, you are hiding something, you never talk true. Court wedding is the simplest and cheapest to do. You can ask your wife to even make the arrangements and give her the money. All you need to do on that day is appear!

  53. Poster you are very smart..I understand u well

  54. U are a very crafty man dats why ur first marriage did not work, my friend go and wed her in court u hear nonsense.

  55. Abeg that your wife is really smart...
    What's the big deal wif doing a court marriage.
    U have no excuse whatsoever....
    Do the needful.

  56. which court wedding is costly? abi egbe n worry yin ni is 25k pere! if you no get skeleton,march to the court with a smile and do wicked o wicked gan.i see through wife must be an SDK addict.the ones wey no dull among us no dull want her to change name legally but you no want to marry am legally.which korofo lawyer did you consult about the trad doc been recognized globally.oyinbo sabi igbankwu? aru adiro berra step into the court...madam if you are and sdkbv no gree ooo..gerrarehia menh shiii!

    1. 25k gan is expensive. It costs less than 10k and the oga says he is building a house oooo


  58. If you have no hidden agenda why can't you have a court wedding? What does it take to do that? Please get that done ASAP.

  59. The reasons your wife gave are valid. But those are not the reasons she insist on court marriage. Her reason is purely to own your property whether dead or alive. Marriage is traditional everywhere it is performed but only Nigerians of all peoples of the world invalidate their pwn marriage relegate it to the background and elevate other people's traditional marriage as the authentic marriage( Google origin of white wedding and its meaning). The need for what you want determines the docent you need. For instance if you want something from the American government eg visa, your church marriage certificate will not be accepted. They will sand court certificate. As a Nigerian there is nothing you are looking for with your church or so called traditional certificate that you can't get because our own laws recognise all of them as your lawyer told you
    It's just like if you want to go to america for instance, they will not accept your big book or baptismal certificate or birth certificate from the private hospital where you were born for age authentication. They will only accept age declaration from court(d reason by d way a lot of age cheats abound here). So if you have no immediate need to travel abroad there is nothing your marriage certificate can't do for you. Now all these certificates are an issues because people these days are wicked,selfish and dishonest. If you marry a wife/husband that you live with to ald age all these certificates are of no your work place you don't need a marriage certificate to make your wife your next of kin. So tell your wife that she insists on court only because of the money she hopes to get sometime in future. Remember you don't need a marriage certificate to have your will. Therefore if she insists tell her clearly that your will do the court thing and make your will as you live. You will be shocked and surprised what her reaction will be. But over and above everything else you must be sincere just and godly in the way you perceive your marriage because if you two live together happily to old age your marriage certificate would merely gather dust without seeing the light of day. For those women who are only after what to inherit from your man and those who see court marriage as an instrument to behave anyhow in your marriage claiming that if your husband do any gra gra you take him to court, you should remember that separation is not divorce. So you husband can separate from you and refuse to give you divorce so you get nothing. And what you gat if you sue for divorce is not exactly what you get if it's your husband that sues for divorce. The key is that if couples take marriage the way it ought the be there will be no need for any certificate of any hue

    1. You writing trash. You marry a woman and you don't want to protect her. The man should march to court jare. Its call total package

  60. I have a question, my fiance is Canadian while am Nigerian, we are planning to have our court marriage first before the white wedding
    however i'd like to know which country is best to have the court marriage.
    Nigeria or Canada??

  61. Unless you have something to hide, I don't see why the court wedding is an issue.

  62. Oga you married your first wife in court so why are you finding it difficult doing same now. When you did your first court wedding did it cost u a fortune? Please marry that wise woman in court sharp sharp.

  63. Pls do a court wedding. Thank you

  64. Poster I think your not telling us the truth, if not I don't see the reason why you cannot take your wife to the registry, she only need that certificate for her change of name. The traditional marriage certificate is usually issued this days by some the communities, it cannot be used for other things outside Nigeria, but can be accepted for Life Insurance, but usually in future the court may asked for your court wedding certificate. Secondly, Unless your divorce have not been formalized because it takes longer time in Nigeria, Some people just remarry out of ignorant. My big friend just got her official divorced letter after 4yrs and I also learnt some stays longer than hers. If not You must be hiding something

  65. Bros why are u looking for trouble where there is no trouble?it was a mutual agreement from the on set,right?why bringing in flimsy excuses now?so,you can't sacrifice 25k to have peace is your home? If I should be honest with you,you are being selfish and senseless,infact,Gerrara here!

  66. That woman should insist on the court wedding pls. This is how my sister was thrown out of her house without anything. In fact, the husband confiscated all her things including those she brought into the marriage. I met a lawyer to seek for redress and the lawyer said that in the eyes of legal law, my sister is not legally married even when she did all traditional things and had a white wedding in church, the lawyer said as long as the marriage was not registered in court, it is not legal.

    The scariest part was when the lawyer said that if my in-law marries another woman and does court wedding with her, that new wife becomes the legally recognized wife and thus first wife and in terms of compensation in event of separation or divorce, by Customary law, the woman is not entitled to anything but by the normal courts, she is entitled to some benefits.

    So madam, pls stick your neck on that court wedding. Its most important.

    1. Find another lawyer. A church wedding is legal as long as a certificate was issued.

  67. Oga what kind of charge and bail lawyer did u consult.liar like you!and i av never heard of traditional marriage certificate.with less dan 20k you are done with HAVE SOMETHING YOU ARE HIDING.

  68. Although traditional marriage is legal and accepted in Nigeria, it however entitles the man to marry as he wishes and these wives and their children will have rights of inheritance from the man under the Nig law. With a court marriage he can only marry one wiife. If he marries another woman without a proper divorce at the High Crt, it is bigamy and that second "wife" is not recognised by the Nig law.
    Even for a church mrg to be valid, that church must a licensed church (authorised under the law to legally wed pple). The church will be affiliated to a marriage registry nearest to it and all records of marriage held in that church will also be kept in that mrg registry. The church will usually issue 2 certificates - the church cert and a crt wedding cert (from the crt registry nearest to the church. Infact its as good as marrying in that mrg registry. If you wed in an unlincenced church (without doing a crt wedding) that church will not be recognised by Nig law. (That's a fact. There are decided cases to that effect).
    So Mr. Narrator, this your story doesn't hold water. If you have nothing to hide, go do a crt wedding). Nobody needs to know. Just give d crt 3 weeks notice, pay abt N20k - N25k, take 1hr off the supervision of your building (or any other biz you are doing) sneak into the mrg registry with 2 witnesses and marry! Don't bother hosting anybody. That's not legally required. What is impt is signing the marriage cert!

  69. Very interesting! So if you die now your wife gets everything? Okpari!

  70. Oga your wife is right only court certificate is accepted globally that is why some churches even insist you get it 1st before they wed you. Am not even aware there is traditional certificate..

  71. I believe court wedding is cheaper than trad and white weddings...please go for your court wedding (that is if you are sure you have nothing to hide), it can be just you and your wife with your witnesses. forget about the Chinese food part if you are broke at the moment..

  72. Court wedding is the cheapest to do
    I hope you are not hidin something

  73. Chai poster jus negodu. Unanimous fa fa fa fowl to u.

  74. Lol. U r a selfish man! This is very typical of men to shy away from proper weddings once the woman has moved in. I know a man who had been married before,then for his 2nd marriage he bragged to his friends that its only trad he would have. And he kept his word! 7years after the trad,still no white wedding. And his wife keeps talking about plans for her white wedding. Anumpam,pls give ur wife a court wedding,its not expensive.

  75. Mr man do a court marriage except if u av a baggage u are hiding. Court marriage is very essential in one's married life n it assures immunity. So wed ur wife pls n stop running around.

  76. Please do they issue TM certificate? abi I forgot to ask my kinsmen? Inukwa oyibo biko nu. Nnaa, do the court marriage and have peace in your home; Why all this fuss of your wife changing her property? Do the need full . Ihe aji akwa ozo na agu gi mana ichoro...... Chi Nwa Austin

  77. Please do they issue TM certificate? abi I forgot to ask my kinsmen? Inukwa oyibo biko nu. Nnaa, do the court marriage and have peace in your home; Why all this fuss of your wife changing her property? Do the need full . Ihe aji akwa ozo na agu gi mana ichoro...... Chi Nwa Austin

  78. Your wife has a valid point. You sound like you have something up your sleeve.

    I can see another problem risen in the future with both of you, and that is your religion issue, I pray that God gives both of you the wisdom to sort things out.

  79. Na waoo what is there in having a court marriage. What is so difficult. She even voluntered to help out financially. It's not a must you will take ur guest to Chinese restaurant. If u have nothing up in sleeve u are hiding then do ur court wedding and save ur marriage. Haba.

  80. omo, dis blog una no get chill o, i feel una sha..... hahahahahahahaa.......

  81. Asking for a marriage under the Act is no too much to ask. .. Marry her legally Sir nd stop giving excuses. You are building a house yet you don't have money to marry your woman legally.. Your Lawyer though. I don't even understand this trad marriage certificate. Some1 should put me through. I tot you pay bride price and taket your wife? Trad marriage cert ke. We learn every day sha.

  82. LMAO @ i won't be hiding to fuck..LMAO. The guy has something to hide.

  83. Traditional marriage dey get certificate?…SHUO!

    1. Yes o. They do that in isoko,especially the oleh people in delta state. I was given one o.

  84. Oga, u are a baaad man. What is so difficult in going to the registry? This reminds me of my case where the idiot I had a traditional marriage with, bluntly refused to go for a court marriage even after I had waived the idea of a white wedding, so as not to burden him financially. The fool was insisting that I change my name because we were already married as per customary law. After going back and forth on the matter, I simply walked out of the stupid relationship abi na marriage. After I had taken a walk, he and all his kinsmen started begging me, telling me that he was ready to do the court marriage the next day. I just called him and advised him to go to his village and look for a lady as fair as I am to accompany him to the court for the court marriage. As for me, I don waka. I have no time for animals in human skin. Imagine, begging a man to do the needful. Rubbish. I even thank God that I escaped. Now, I've met a fine, responsible dude with better dick. No be that short idiot with soft indomie noodles between his legs.

    1. u won't kill me with laugh...,

    2. Lmao! Good for you dear. It's the broke ones who have the biggest egos. I can't deal!

    3. See short men have terrible ego problems yes i know what I am saying.

  85. 'Oga Ade' why are u giving excuse? court wedding is the cheapest... and iyawo if u read this blog and i hope u do, this oga fit marry another person for court tomorrow o and he will be so free to do so since there is no legal tie between u two..

  86. Court marriage all the way. Oga where are you from that you collected certificate on your traditional marriage? Was the certificate written in your native language or English? Asi ocha. Abeg bundle yourself to Ikoyi and do the needful. She even accepted to support and you are doing sime-sime here. Umu nwoke, ike gwulu.

  87. Court Marriage won't cost more than N10K. If possible less than. Just do it and if you're afraid of your kids' future then write a WILL.

  88. Stella's comment on point jhor.U don't ve a genuine excuse Man,jst ve d court wedding and enjoy a peaceful marriage,shikena

  89. I have never heard of a certificate for traditional wedding o oga. Court marriage is the cheapest form of marriage and its benefits cannot be overemphasized. It guarantees a woman's stay in her husband's home.... Shikena

  90. My friend go nd marry ur wife nd their skeletal cupboard and naive way of thinking.mtchewww

  91. e pain me say i no fit slap u! She suppose dump your sorry ass. #pissedoff

  92. Oga, you should have saved yourself time and your wife the heart ache of adhering to your promise instead of coming here. I doubt if anyone will support you because you sound like you never had the intention of doing the court wedding in the first place.

    Hold on, are you sure you are divorced properly??? Is that why you are dodging. Abeg, do not play with another human being's life in the name of marriage. If you are not ready to marry her well, let her go.


  93. This is the same reason my uncle refused to trust his wife again
    she wanted a court wedding by force but my uncle told her to wait till
    when he is really ready for that but she refused to hear,then my uncle take
    her to village and call a big family meeting and told every of our family
    member that if dead or alife that nobody from our family should take anything away from his wife both property or money that is only his wife has every right to his
    property and its was recorded by his lawyer,but after two months the wife still
    demanding for the court wedding and he got angry and asked the wife to leave if she
    wanted and vows never to trust her again,,,maybe she wanted to divorce the husband
    after the court wedding,,or did you treat your ex wife very bad that she wanted to learn from its?you should know your wife characters very well and know where she is heading to with its or are you a wicked husband to her?think man

  94. This is the same reason my uncle refused to trust his wife again
    she wanted a court wedding by force but my uncle told her to wait till
    when he is really ready for that but she refused to hear,then my uncle take
    her to village and call a big family meeting and told every of our family
    member that if dead or alife that nobody from our family should take anything away from his wife both property or money that is only his wife has every right to his
    property and its was recorded by his lawyer,but after two months the wife still
    demanding for the court wedding and he got angry and asked the wife to leave if she
    wanted and vows never to trust her again,,,maybe she wanted to divorce the husband
    after the court wedding,,or did you treat your ex wife very bad that she wanted to learn from its?you should know your wife characters very well and know where she is heading to with its or are you a wicked husband to her?think man

  95. But africa is about losing its cultures,,,
    no bi the same some evil pastors that has collected there powers from
    an evil kingdom was wedding them in there church?
    and they said marriages are not lasting again in Nigeria

  96. Traditional marriage certificate. Abeg make una no vex o, shebi na to pay bride price and babe carry palmy deh find her husband up and down for her papa house or family compound? So where them come see certificate, how, from the traditional ruler of the community or the king? Honestly this is my first time of hearing this.

  97. Pls how do I go about obtaining a customary marriage certificate I already have a marriage declaration /affidavit from court. Actually did dat today and it's amazing someone else somewhere s thinking exactly like me . Help !!

  98. For the first time, a unanimous answer on the SDK blog. we should have a party. Even peeps that were trying to partial to the write still concluded with him going ahead with the court marriage. Except 'yamutere' 19:29 that needs to be yanked off or blocked from this blog. loool

  99. Mr man so you have time to speak with your charge and bail lawyer, go and do the damn court marriage

  100. Anon 19.42
    ogun kii u der!...define common sense..u obviously can't see past ur eyes...u r mosdef an mkpi! Very irrelevant n way jobless..just as ur status moron.


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