Stella Dimoko Domestic Voilence:Kolade Butchers Wife Titilayo in a fit of Anger!


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Domestic Voilence:Kolade Butchers Wife Titilayo in a fit of Anger!

Kolade, (the guy in the picture) stabbed his wife Titilayo, (a staff of Skye Bank) multiple times, leading to her death. No one knows for sure what transpired between them to cause their altercation and eventual death of Titi but Kolade was a known drunk and wife beater.
He stabbed her multiple times in their home. When he realized that she was dead, he locked himself in the house. he wasn't picking his phone that police was alerted. Police got to his house and they saw the gory sight.
Titi was lying with a knife stuck to her neck and her body parts dismembered!

Titi left him at some point in the marriage but eventually, they resolved the problem and she went back.
The guy, Kolade is rumoured to be from a very dysfunctional family. Their families are well known in Iyana Ejigbo where the said Kolade's father has a family house.
That's the much I can tell you for now. Still keeping ears on the ground to know what caused the problem.
The gory pictures of titi is presently in circulation around iyana ejigbo and its environs.
Death occured on june 24,2011

Arowolo Akolade Lukman is the guy's name
His Facebook name is Arowolo Akolade L.
you can checkout his page and see that the devil is in human form.
His wall on facebook is filled with scriptures from the bible!



  1. Most times, we don't settle for 'Love' cos d luv I know supersedes all things nd it finds no fault, so it won't make u unhappy.
    The truth is that we re only being mislead by our emotions nd selfishness.
    If u truly luv someone, u sud be able to sacrifice somethings even at ur own detriment to make dem happy cos in d happiness of a luved one, we find happiness

  2. The bible says in proverbs 21:9 that it is better to live in the desert than to stay under the same roof with a nagging and complaining wife. Also, the position of the law is that ungovernable temper is sufficient ground for dissolution of marriage. So where the man has such temper the wife shud run for her life. Also where the nagging of the woman might instigate a crime....... Section 15(2)(c) Matrimonial Causes Act. The decision is urs to make. Wish u all the best.

  3. The bible says in proverbs 21:9 that it is better to live in the desert than to stay under the same roof with a nagging and complaining wife. Also, the position of the law is that ungovernable temper is sufficient ground for dissolution of marriage. So where the man has such temper the wife shud run for her life. Also where the nagging of the woman might instigate a crime....... Section 15(2)(c) Matrimonial Causes Act. The decision is urs to make. Wish u all the best.

  4. Omo,I miss U̶̲̥̅̊ already,dis man ll nt go free,God ll punish him.

  5. Hmmm... this is so unfortunate...Ladies, any guy that gets a fit of anger or hits you during courtship, RUN! he will never change his ways, it will only get worse..This lady got killed because she went back into the marriage thinking he was going to change or was afraid of being labelled a DIVORCEE!
    Please ladies watch out, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS REAL!

  6. The day your husband or fiance lifts his finger to hit you, PLEASE RUNNNNN!!!! Its only GOD that knows everyone's mind....

  7. I guess every1 in life makes a mistake!!!! Nd ‎​A̶̲̥̅♍ sure diz wil be d greatest mistake he would make. To bad nd sad.

  8. A man who cannot control his anger ȋ̝̊̅§ not fit τ̲̅ǿ be a father or a husband... I don't ‎​Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ any reason y ΰ will be ‎​S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ angry that ΰ will take a knife and stab †ђξ woman ΰ ‎​SαƔ ΰ L♥√ع, †ђξ mother if ur daughter... This man ȋ̝̊̅§ an ANIMAL and he needs τ̲̅ǿ be treated as ONE. May titi's soul find rest IJN...

  9. A man who cannot control his anger ȋ̝̊̅§ not fit τ̲̅ǿ be a father or a husband... I don't ‎​Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡ any reason y ΰ will be ‎​S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ angry that ΰ will take a knife and stab †ђξ woman ΰ ‎​SαƔ ΰ L♥√ع, †ђξ mother if ur daughter... This man ȋ̝̊̅§ an ANIMAL and he needs τ̲̅ǿ be treated as ONE. May titi's soul find rest IJN...

  10. This is so painful shocking and sad. What has become of our own dear native land.!!!! I've always thought this kind of barbaric act only happens in the UK, US and other countries. There is no doubt Kolade has mental health / substance missuse problem as they package it nicely here in Uk. Amona tete mabo ..indeed Aye i ti daru patapata!!!!
    Please don't be fooled Any of the spouse can be the abuser. I just wonder if Nigeria is equipped enough to manage someone like Kolade..he really really needs help bc He is sick!!!!!!!!'

  11. The story that Titi died from stabbing is true, but Kolade also have a stabbed wound on him, and he also bleed seriously, Kolade ran away after the girl died but he went to Hospital for treatment. this shows that the girl first stabbed him and he stabbed her till death, this is very bad of him

  12. Our society promotes the culture of 'wife misuse'. Many men from dysfuctional backgrounds get away with it, -'I was angry, thats why i did it' they say. Truth is that they are suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). He had planned the ultimate revenge and carried it out. Ladies run for your life! Any person that has fits of uncontrolable anger is a lunatic. Do not give in to the begging, the " I am so sorry, wont happen again" story. Once you allow that, it wont stop. It's a cycle. I am saying this from experience (having been married to such for about 18yrs) I eventually had the gut to leave when he declared he would kill me and my children soon. The alarm bells rang again... I knew it was time to leave. Sisters, run for your life.

  13. this is what "give me belle marry me" syndrome causes. its like he never really loveed this woman as far as i am concerned

  14. Am in shock..... we watch these things on TV and feel it aint real.. It is very much reaal... Coming from a domestic violent home which ended in divorce I am afraid to get married coz of this same thing... People like this make it hard for the marriage institution to have its true meaning... May her soul rest in peace...

  15. Cos women r d weaker vessel doesnt mean they should b dumb. wen i guy hits u d first time durin courtship, it cld av been a mistake. but wen he does it d second time..... RUUUUNN!
    But no, accordin to d ladies its becos d guy loves her dats y he did it. Back in school, when ever my cousin and his ex had altercation, she expects him to at least shove,hit or even slap her. According to her, she expects him to whip her in line.
    LETS ALL SAY NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. hits u d first time durin courtship, it cld av been a mistake. but wen he does it d second time..... RUUUUNN!
    But no, accordin to d ladies its becos d guy loves her dats y he did it. Back in school, when ever my cousin and his ex had altercation, she expects him to at least shove,hit or even slap her. According to her, she expects him to whip her in line.

  16. To the person who said kolade also has a stabbed wound and went 2 d hospital as he was bleeding also which shows that it was the lady that stabbed him 1stly,y didn't kolade not retaliate?y stab her to death?he has absolutely destroyed his evidence and besides,what if he stabbed himself to show that he was stabbed by her?...

  17. To the person who said kolade also has a stabbed wound and went 2 d hospital as he was bleeding also which shows that it was the lady that stabbed him 1stly,y didn't kolade not retaliate?y stab her to death?he has absolutely destroyed his evidence and besides,what if he stabbed himself to show that he was stabbed by her?...

  18. May the Lord have mercy on him. Really sad

  19. Hmmmm. See how domestic violence has led to death. I just hope our men will learn from this to visit a psychiatrist if they need help & stop putting unnecessary blames on their wives. Pastors should also learn to direct domestic violence to psychiatrists. Sometimes u need more than prayer to solve such issues. This is a wake up call

  20. My dear omo titlayo Arowolo,I remember secondary school days,u were un-assuming,calm n easy going I just wonder what will make ur hubby take ur life,the truth is dat u would ve taken to ur folks advice in cuz no mata how far a child think he\she has attained,ones parent is wiser.the scripture is clear on dis LOVE THEY SAY DON'T a lady of a truth we allow our emotions dictate for us,we re not rational,those in love don't harm who they love,for me,Mr Arowolo is sound nothing is wrong with his mental a way of escape for him.and trust me u won't go free,the court where I belong might not do much but remember scriptures says there is no peace for the wicked.ADVICE for the ladies and wwoman in the house Run from anyone who assaults you.

  21. A man who assaults his wife regularly is a psychotic case. Such men are usually deficient in other areas of their lives- mean, dishonest, unfaithful and selfish.It is the so-called christian submission teaching about marriage that has made victims to keep silent while the crazy husband keeps bashing his wife. Has anybody wondered that these cowards don't beat up their male friends or sisters to settle a quarrel? It usually is the wife that gets beat for any kind of offence. This Arowolo fellow must be made to pay with his life.Did he plead not guilty of killing Titilayo,even with evidence of mutilating the body of a dead wife? This is just gross, and it is a test for the Nigerian Judiciary as well as the Nigerian society at large. I am so sad for this lady and thousands like her who are in similar danger because they've been taught to submit to men who have demonstrated in the best way possible that they neither love nor respect them.

  22. Now is the time for the Church in Nigeria to rise up and protect the rights of women(Jesus Christ did!)and stop encouraging women to suffer in an unprofitable relationship where it is only the women who labor the hardest to make a marriage work. Most of these flawed marriages almost invariable end in permanent separation, divorce or gradual death for the wives, and, in extreme cases, violent death, anyway. The Arowolo's case is so orchestrated because it is gruesome. I have no doubt many Nigerian women had died as a result of domestic violence. There was a pregnant woman that miscarried after being mercilessly pummeled by her husband. She eventually died from complications of the miscarriage. The man is still walking the streets of Nigeria free. It is high time the laws of the land were invoked to contain the excesses of men who would reduce women to bought punch bags.
    May Titi's soul find repose in God.

  23. A man who assaults his wife regularly is a psychotic case. Such men are usually deficient in other areas of their lives- mean, dishonest, unfaithful and selfish.It is the so-called christian submission teaching about marriage that has made victims to keep silent while the crazy husband keeps bashing his wife. Has anybody wondered that these cowards don't beat up their male friends or sisters to settle a quarrel? It usually is the wife that gets beat for any kind of offence. This Arowolo fellow must be made to pay with his life.Did he plead not guilty of killing Titilayo,even with evidence of mutilating the body of a dead wife? This is just gross, and it is a test for the Nigerian Judiciary as well as the Nigerian society at large. I am so sad for this lady and thousands like her who are in similar danger because their pastors tell them to submit to men who have demonstrated in the best way possible that they neither love nor respect them.

  24. What he did was very gruesome bt lets nt b too judgmental nd sentimental bcos killing him won't bring back Titilayo bt turn dier child to an orphan. So, abeg d pple concerned to tamper justice wt mercy. RIP Titilayo.

  25. He won't necessarily make a good father. He will abuse any woman who gets close enough to him. So why set him free to do just that to some other person. He will likely be verbally n emotionally. abusive towards the child if not physically so too . I m with the court s judgement on this. Good one.

  26. God's will wl surely be done.


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