Stella Dimoko Actress Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde Turns Movie Producer/Celebrates Widows.


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Actress Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde Turns Movie Producer/Celebrates Widows.


....It was bound to happen ,what with everyone in Nollywood trying to better the movie making business in the country.
Nigerias Alist actress omosexy has just shifted her gaze into movie production via her company 'redhot concept'.
This is the message she circulated amongst friends
"Hello friends,
Introducing to you my company's new business.We produce interesting documentary/movie like fun lifestyle projects .I.e instead of just having the usual boring wedding video we will make you a wedding movie script, family interviews,friends interviews and never seen before reality type footages... Intriguing,suspense filled and funny.You have never seen anything like this!
You can also give a gift to someone on their wedding,birthday or just loving you Gift!
We'll give you your own blockbuster!
Contact us  at and you will be glad you did"

Omotola went on to explain her new venture to Stella Dimoko-Korkus
" Yes my production outfit will now do movie like projections of people and occasions. Everyone can now be a lead actor of their own movie and we'll do it their style,be it Western, action, romance or comedy... Its Never been done before"

 .Why did you decide to shift your gaze into this line of business?

.......Well I've always loved to direct. I've directed a soap opera "the smoke" and I also love to make people's dreams come true.i combined this two and found this idea. I did it for someone and couldn't believe their reaction so... Let's go.

.Will this be affordable to the common man or is this idea a dream come true only for those who are rich?
.....(Laughing)we will work with people's budget to the best of our its something everyone should company has warned me against turning them into charity though!

..Thank you for your time omotola. Wish you the best with your new project.

...Thanks stella.have you seen the widows makeover we did in December with give and let give?

.No omotola I have not. What is special about it?

....It was our yearly Ngo Give and let give celebration. It was to encourage and bring back the self confidence of widows. My mum was a widow for 10yrs and last year it was a way of me appreciating her even though it was 10yrs ago that I lost her.

This is what omotola did with the 20 widows she made contact with.....

''The 20 Widows Makeover was aimed at pampering these women and boosting their confidence and self esteem. The widows were treated to first class treatment, beauty regimen which comprises of a total makeover starting with facials and massage by the reputable Fresh Look Spa and celebrity choice, H and H Spa.  The women had their hair done by celebrity hairstylist; Ugo of Make Me Beautiful, and make up was by House of Tara. Afterwards, they were treated to a shopping spree with clothes from upscale fashion shop, Every Woman and finally a photo session with international and celebrity’s favorite, Kelechi Amadi Obi.
Food was in abundance with unforgettable cupcakes from Mossy ‘ella Bakers and drinks from Chivita. The final event was at Pine Park, Lekki, Lagos. It was one of a kind experience.
Aside all these treats, the widows went home with various gifts such as sets of designer pots, cooking utensils and a bag of rice each, make up kit from House of Tara and words of encouragement from Pastor Tessy of Jesus My Shepherd Church. Kelechi Studios will also be sending a framed portrait to each of the 20 widows''.

Omotola rounded up the event with these words

 “This is something I wish I or someone had done for my mother.  If you give these women money, they would spend it on their kids. This time it’s about them.  When my mother was alive, I didn’t know I was going to loose her so soon, she was a very beautiful woman, but because of all her struggles, she neglected her personal needs, she didn’t get to enjoy all these things like going to the spa, going shopping. So, this is one thing I would have loved to do for my mum who was a widow for 10 years. It was lovely and fulfilling to see the entire transformation and I am really grateful to all that helped to make this happen''

Omotola is well known for her charitable works among the youths through the Omotola Youth Empowerment Programme (OYEP). She also works with children as a United Nation World Food Programme (UNWFP) ambassador and Amnesty International where she has campaigned to end maternal mortality among women.


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