Stella Dimoko Deadlock Vs Subsidy!


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Friday, January 13, 2012

Deadlock Vs Subsidy!

This time the protests are different from any other ever had in Naija...frustrated by the empty promises of government over time,the people of Nigeria woke up on new years day to be told that fuel had been hiked.

This time Nigerians unite stronger than ever as they try to wrestle the Goodluck Jonathan led government into reversing the fuel price from N140 to N65...

The labour union and the governemt could not reach an understanding and so the strike continues as celebs and naijas from all works of life meet at different points to discuss and ridicule the governemt....they name this struggle for freedom #occupynigeria#
and all sorts of slogan have been flowing the social network with Nigerians occupying their outdoor envronment with their indoor furniture.

Would it really be possible for government to revert to the old price?Will Nigerians keep up with this stay at home order if the deadlock stretches into next week?
God Nigeria needs you now..this is an sos!

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