Stella Dimoko Judge Annuls Actress Stephanie Okereke's First Wedding!


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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Judge Annuls Actress Stephanie Okereke's First Wedding!

 Judge Says"It Never Existed!"

                                       Stephanie and Linus Idahosa

......The controversial marriage between Alist actress StephanieOokereke and ex footballer chikelu has been annulled by Justice Phillips of the lagos high court and rendered null and void with a loud bang of the judges hammer on the table!

 "The annullment was pronounced on Friday December 9,2011 with the judge telling Stephanie the marriage was not valid because as at the time their union was conducted in a court registry,he(chikelu)was still legally married to another woman in the US.....a news which took many by suprise.
Continuing,the actress was told she could no longer be referred to as chikelu's ex wife if the marriage never took place in the first instance".

 In other words Stephanie can no longer be referred to as a divorcee...Stunned by this revelation and armed with the good news that stephanie had fixed a February wedding with her boo Mr. Linus Idahosa,I contacted the actress to pass on good wishes and to solicit for an invite to the february wedding But her cellphone was switched off and olofofos explained why:::"She's probably not taking any calls at the moment and has been telling people that their wedding is not in February

"The olofofos continue"she was recently spotted with her beau explaining to some friends who wanted to know why they didn't get an invite and their explanation was that the wedding invites would soon be out but definitely not a febuary wedding'':

Actress Stephanie okereke shocked her fans and family when she married the ex-footballer in a hush hush court registry a few years back but the union barely survived a year and the couple parted ways. The actress also repeatedly stated in interviews that there was no traditional marriage and no bride price was paid.

                                   Stephanie and boo Linus Idahosa

Stephanie who has been dating Linus Idahosa, the CEO of Del-York International,got every womans dream proposal when linus went down on one knee on her birthday in 2010 and asked her to marry him.
Stephanie aside from acting and being a brand name to some international firms also runs her own producrion company called nextpage production whilst her boo linus idahosa is an international media
consultant with global repute and has clients in the US,nigeria, and enjoys patronage from some of the biggest blue chip companies in Nigeria.
The couple are planning an -out-of-this-world wedding but have refused to reveal venue or date.
Abeg, if you see Stephanie, tell her to drop my invite to her wedding, so i can witness their celebration of love with my two korokoro eyes.



  1. stella thanks for the news

  2. Is there anything like bigamy in Africa?

    It is our culture that a man can marry as many wives as he has the heart and means to. Our forefathers were polygamist. the culture of polygamy is fading for economic reasons not for legal or any other reasons.

    Didn't the owner of AIT marry more than one wife legally? What about the president Nigeria never had: the beloved Abiola? maybe we talk of bigamy only in limited part of Nigeria?

    Career women need a man that will be slave to them; a submissive sub-male that will worship them and take shit from them happily.

    A he-man to them is a disaster. The issue of married before or bigamy is null and void and of no consequence in this part of the world


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