Stella Dimoko Peter Esele:Traitor Or Opportunist?


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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Peter Esele:Traitor Or Opportunist?

Yesterday labour called off its nation wide strike and today TUC President Peter Esele gets appointed to the Petroleum Investment Board.....more like a witch crying at night and the little child dying in the morning!

Did i hear someone say 'money answereth all things'?

The official story goes like this ''the board will consist of people from all areas of work so peter was chosen from his section blah blah blah......''.

Well i say ''anyone is free to read between the lines what they think this appointment is about but i think Mr esele weighted his options before he accepted this appointment.....he wont care what anyone says in a few months when his bank balance will turn green.....Mr esele is a traitor,a fallen hero!


  1. more no less, they are all the same, greedy and selfish leaders we have in Nigeria.

  2. This iS ondeed a gossip rag, take ur tym to get informed before givin d public wrong information. He was appointed as a member of a special task force to facilitate the quick passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill. There's a press release maybe u can start by gettin it first and postin it on ur blog

  3. This is a powerplay indeed.well done to d players!

  4. stella u just be fool..


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