Stella Dimoko Do Confessions Make A Relationships Stronger Or Kills It?


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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Do Confessions Make A Relationships Stronger Or Kills It?

A lot of people say that they tell their spouse everything...really?
Some others say they filter what they tell theirs because when the chips are down,the confessions they made is used against them.

Now the extent of what one confesses varies.....yes varies.

A man has an affair and confesses to his spouse and she thinks he must really be remorseful and love her enough to confess (well,that is if he confesses oh)

A woman has an affair and confesses to her man and she is history...most men cannot take confessions maturely.
This is just one example,i have used,there are several other confessions which can break a marriage or relationship.

Let me try making up a few
-Honey i thought about rat poison last time you pissed me off,please don't do it again.

-I kissed your friend but regretted it.

-I hate your mother,she poke noses too much in this relationship/marriage.

-Honey,i dated your friend before i met you,i couldn't tell you because i didn't want to lose you.

-I had lunch/dinner with your friend when you were out of town.

-I slept with your friend when we broke up.

-I didn't lose the baby,i was never pregnant.

-The doctors told me before we married that i cant have any kids,i am sorry i didn't tell you.

Do confessions make relationships stronger or breaks them you filter stuff you tell your spouse or anything goes and they laugh and say ''its okay darling,i love you still....''

Did you confess anything that backfired?you wanna share?


  1. Hmmm! My hand is not there. I no dey confess anything wey happen before marriage. I'm fact I like to just shut it. Men don't have a recycling bin in their brain. They don't forget. They never do. Choose your confessions if you must.

    1. Confess fire!
      I'm pure and holy no matter how pushed,I won't break.
      My heart can't condone any confession coming from my man cos I just wld never forget even if I forgive.
      To be frank,I've got no secret cos I tend to do everything right so have nothing to confess to.

    2. Abeg o,,women b wise as serpent!!! Con-gini??? NEVER EVER!!! If u do,,ur own don finish bcos most men will use it against der babe_wife!!! Je ne peut pas crier!!!

    3. My boyfy of 7 months just confessed he is married with a daughter to a British Nigerian girl. He wants us to go get married traditionally but discreetly . We love each other dearly and he has been there for my daughter and I. I don't know what to do . I am just in shock to think now. I am 36 and he is a year older than I am.

    4. Confess wetin? If I hear! Confession is a very selfish act as far as I'm concerned, cos u free urself and cage the other person with hurt or unforgiveness. So please shut ur mouth and gently chew ur chinchin whilst sippn tht cold zobo. Confess ni confess ko *rolling eyes*

    5. Lol, julit....@recycle bin. They actually do, so they can call it up whenever they want to. They don't have the "shift + delet" button.

      Well, some things should be said before marriage. Things like, "honey, I think you should know I can't have kids b4 we get married" or "honey, I dated your friend tunde and we went all the way"....etc....some other things had better be kept within you...e.g, "honey, I had 2 abortions b4 we got married(maybe you are pregnant or u hv kids, it will change how he sees you" or "I have had sex with 20 people all my life"...etc
      Just shut up and delet them from ur head.

    6. Before I read this post, please correct your tittle "A relationships" tho?!

    7. I did tell my husband of my previous experience, b4 we got married. Not that there was much to tell.
      I was quite naïve then and believed in full disclosure.
      Would I do it again? Hmm...not sure. But he's never ever brought it up in all our yrs of marriage.

    8. ****yimu***

    9. @mamie..madam perfect..just shut ur trap...evri human has a past or dont come on sdk forming all perfect...mscheeew

    10. Kills oh,confess ke,xcpt I see say them go get me and the only way to exempt myslf slf,coz in some cases u just have to confess o

    11. Must you reply on the first person's comment. Someone has told you about it. Delusional bleached soul

    12. @ Galore you are so funny

    13. Hmmm, Julit, i'm fact ba? I hear you, na you gan gan be fact.
      Fir all its worth, it is " in fact" not ' i'm fact. You hear me so?

    14. See this agbaka! You're a foolish earth worm. For all it's worth it is "for" not "fir". Baskarifool!
      Common sense no tell u say na typo. Ewu nembe!

    15. You going to tell him how many dicks you fuck, how many sss, that years later you fuck his friend, tell him how you love to suck dick, and swallow, and wait to see the consequences! Although, it's good to suck a little bit. Nasty bitch!

  2. Hmmm. Stella, this is the second post that I've done and you're doing. I asked this question on my blog last week and all the married people said its a big mistake to confess everything to your partner. I feel that in situations where you'll be putting your partner at risk of something then you should let them know eg, the lady with herpes or that Chinese woman that did cosmetic surgery before she got married etc. things like how many people you've slept with, how many abortions, etc should be kept to yourself.

    Please visit for your short stories and series and exciting topical issues.

    1. Meaning Stella copies from your blog? You can hype yourself sha

    2. There is a post for adverts;let your guards down.

    3. Yes thelma i read it on ur blog and i must say u r doing a good job. Am happy stella raised the issue here as well, since she has more audience am likely to learn more.

    4. Anonymous 2:34 you spoke my mind! Hian

    5. How can Stella copy from ur dead blog? Get a life woman!

    6. How can Stella copy from ur dead blog? Get a life woman!

    7. Confess only to God

  3. hmmm,confession time.confession depends on the person you are confessing to, some confession will change your relationship with your spouse forever,better filter before you talk ,especially if you are in with a nigerian man ,confess to a nigerian man that you use to sleep with his best friend hmmmmm,abeg i dey go back to my garri and ekpa when i finish i come back and confess

    1. Sme trivial confessions hlps d rlship buh serious ones ar rily tough to forgt,eg f u hv a health,emotional or spiritual problem I tnk s bst u let ur partna knw to avoid complicatns latter n d future,n I mean whilst courtship nt dating tho.4 me I neva bring up ma past I lyk t buried,no amount of pleadin or cajolin wil mk me tell u abt t

    2. Lol, meanwhile I miss drinking garri. That's the ist thing I'd take when I get back to my base.

    3. Confess fire? Won't try that even if I have a gun to my head. My bf doesn't forget,he will just be reminding u of it all d time

  4. Some people dont have the tendency to forgive and forget so if you know who you are in a relationship with then you should know how to deal with him/ her concerning issues

    1. Its depends on the ears the confession is falling on...and what he/she makes out of it! Confessions can make or mar the relationship!

  5. I had an abortion after i got pregnant d very ist tine i tried getn intimate wit my ist bf..d trauma of it all broke me emotionally. I had an abortion nd broke up wit him. He was my ist love. 3yrs later, i met my current bf and i refused to hav sex wit him cos i was scared i wud get preggers! He kept askin me whr d fear was comin frm nd after much persuation, i told him i was once preggers nd had an abortion. He askd for details nd who else knew nd i told him. He hugged me nd we never spoke abt it again. I broke up wit him later n he still came back beggn me to take him back. Im back wit him nd he still hasnt mentioned it. That was 3yrs ago nd we r waxing stronger. My point, confessions can either make or mar ur relationship but it absolutely depends o. D individuals involved. What will make A run, might be wat will make B stay.

    1. Marry make u no born then you will know he has not forgotten.

    2. Take 5,,ur guy na correct!!! Bt some dey pretend sha ooo,,dem go dey manage u till dem get anoda option.....

    3. Wait until u get married to him and not have a child. U go see d effect of dat ur 'true confession'.

  6. I think it depends on the gravity of the confession and the maturity of the people involved. I for one tell my husband everything mainly because he's my best friend and I can't keep things in for long. Sometimes it backfire,but in the long run,he trusts and loves me and knows I don't keep secrets from him.

    1. You are so stingy. You had to keep the "s" to yourself, I mean the "s" you were supposed to put at the end of backfire.

  7. I used to bare it all in the past but I know better now. People ask for your past and when you spill, they can't handle it.

  8. Hmmmmm....girls be wise....don't tell ur man every every.....have a little secret....he will always use it against u wenever there's a misunderstanding...

    1. Asin eh. I no dey confess abeg. Wetin Im go use am do?. Cook soup?

  9. Hmmmm...
    Yo, for me, I don't think I'd say anything yeah?.. I'll just confess to my God..forgive myself and move on because unlike God yeah who wipes our slates clean anytime we confess our sins yeah? man will not forget and sometimes not forgive and in the end, yeah so you end up ruining your relationship because you couldn't keep your big mouth shut, you feel me yo?
    Yeah so..that's me anyway yo!
    Yeah that's right. Uhun! That's what I'm talking about yeah!
    *moon walking* whoooooooooooooooo
    Drum rolls...
    Yo by the way, I love you aunty stella!!!!!

    1. @ "anon init",pls explain what ure trying to say,all I can see is "yeah"!

    2. Hahahahahahahah! This one don off. Nne ndo o!

    3. OMG yeah
      U got me cracking yeah
      Yo yo yo!

    4. Fearless, na me taya pass. Hasn't school resumed yet?

    5. Anon 2:17, who sang the music you rapped from?

      or were you really trying to communicate to us?

    6. Somebody say " yeah yeah", Anon 2:17, you be real fela pikin, CONFIRM!!!

    7. This anonymous 8:45 na ekuke. It's not yeah yeah as in fela. #londontinz

  10. it kills my own opinion,,there are some things u dont hv to tell your partner

    Just keep it to urself
    Take it wt u to d grave


  11. Yes oh! I told my hubby that I don't enjoy sex, that I ve been pretending to make him feel better, he has made luv to me since 2yrs... We re just there as biz partner lol... we ve two kids together

    1. Sry r u sayin uv nt had sex wit ur hubby in 2 yrs or wot?if dat's true u dey guck ursef,omo boy dey run tins 4 town.

    2. Sry r u sayin uv nt had sex wit ur hubby in 2 yrs or wot?if dat's true u dey guck ursef,omo boy dey run tins 4 town.

    3. I think you meant hasn't made love. I beg my sister I feel you. Try however to make the business partnership healthy for your two wonderful blessings

    4. Whaaaaat! 2years and no sex between you guys?

      Please find solution please.

    5. Yes, 4 2yrs we haven't had sex, I confided in a friend abt my problem n she advised I tell him so dat we can look 4 solution together which I did but he stopped talking to me 4 a while n warned me not to mention sex in his house again. He might ve a gf I don't kn . As 4 me, I don't feel it.

    6. Ah this is serious o. Rather than appreciate ur sincerity and work at a solution, seems he has taken it out of context. And madame u don't seem to bother too?

      Except u tell me that u do not love him anymore, please don't let ur marriage collapse o. Oh yea he's been having sex outside, perhaps u delivered the message in a way that got his ego brutally bruised. Pls let him know that u love sex with him..but that u want to enjoy it too...rather than just being sexually accommodating of him.

      Plead and cry a river if u must, so that way he'll know u are in dire need for help. Your dismissal of it would annoy me too if I were ur hubby. He probably thinks that u are having sex outside, and that u just don't enjoy his own. Ur message may have been misconstrued u know?
      Pls I beg u, try to work it out and see a doctor if u must. Otherwise your marriage will be over in a jiffy. Seems u live like flatmates for convenience now..before he gets a lady pregnant o. Touch word.

  12. It depends on the issue. But if I have to confess, I'll confess... Free my mind and soul. If le boo wants to leave because of that... As painful as it may be I'll open the door for him to go. Love is patient, kind and forgiving. Don't be with me only when the going is good, be with me when I mess up too cause I'd do the same for you. And that's the kind of love I need.
    But that one about saying you don't like your mother inlaw is stupidity at its peak. That's his family, do you think he'll shine his teeth for you when you tell him such nonsense or what? even if you don't like her attitude.tolerate and learn to love her for your man's sake. She brought the man you love into this world.

  13. I won't say jack! No matter how little or grievous it is! What's in the past remains there! I don't bring it up! And it will be really difficult for him to find out any way!

    1. Even wen uv had series of abortions n u knw all along dat evn wit TB Josua,Oyakhilome n Adeboye's prayers u cnt conciv,u wnt tell him bcos d abortion ere done in d past?hmmmm!!!

  14. No way am I telling my husband jack. He has his past, I have my past, he has his. Men can be very funny...

    1. ds ur @jack jack husband all the time

      I hope say no be ur ''Dildo'' u dey call @jack?

      Pple still dey bear @jack?....Madam @Oluyomi?


    2. @ Galore,ur lack of understanding stuns me. I'm not telling him Jack means I'm not telling him anything! Read small na

    3. @galore, by jack, I don't think she's calling her husbands name. I yhink she means "no way she's telling her husband anything".
      @oluyomi, yes, we all have our pasts.....

    4. Hahaha. Galore is an illiterate I tell ya!

    5. Galore u b olodo o! She tell u say her hubby name na jack?

    6. Galore, you are the dumbest thing to happen to humanity.

    7. All of una wey dey comment under galore are the dumbest fucks ever, is it not obvious she was trying to be funny? U guys have no sense of humour whatsoever, and trust me u need sense to have it..

    8. Peeps life is not dt hard now, Galore was just trying to be funny. @Galore, u really cracked me up wit ur comment.

    9. Peeps life is not dt hard now, Galore was just trying to be funny. @Galore, u really cracked me up wit ur comment.

    10. Come on guys! @ galore is being sarcastic duh! Lol.........

    11. Sarcastic indeed, if I hear....., what has sarcasm got to do with it? Na lie, na where Galore sense reach be dat. She's always quick to yarn without thinking

  15. No way am I telling my husband jack. He has his past, I have mine. Men can be very funny...

  16. Confess everything ke? Am I stupid?

    I believe everyone has something they keep only to themselves. To let everything out is suicidal

  17. Don't confess anything to your girlfriend let her find out by herself, if you confess anything she will leave you for option B,or give option B&C a quickie,the best person you can confess anything to is your wife or your fiancee,she Is always ready for your baggage.

    1. Option B&C got me laughing,well said@kaycee

    2. Kaycee I agree with you,don't spill unless you might be an option.

    3. And if she finds out on the long run, she might leave you without thinking twice

  18. One of the reasons God still rules the universe is because He has not tell us everything(all the secret), yet it has not kill our relationship with him. And am created in his own image...... Guess you know the answer now?

    The point remains that no one can ever tell you everything and you don't even need to hear every thing to get a relationship going. An affair should grow with the present not the past.

    1. Is Has your middle name?

    2. Keep God out of this, have some respect for your maker!

    3. 2 million likes for dis comment #thumbs up#

    4. Ifeanyi, God has not TELL you everything, and it has not KILL your relationship with him. Hmmm, is that why you want to kill blog visitors this 2014 with your gbagauns of life? Abeg o

  19. Not that i have anything to hide but i learnt this important lesson since i was a lil girl...aka na onu!!!! PI-YOOOOMMMMMMMM!! sssshhhhh shhhhhh sssshhhhh.... Keep your mouth shut o! Especially if its something or somethings that happened before y'all got together. Biko mechie onu gi...

    but please if you have STD'S or HIV or any life lasting diseases please you gotta sha tell the partner that info. That one na life and death thingz o! You dont need to tell the story of how it came about in gory explicit details. Just get to the point.

    1. Lmao @"aka na onu pi-yooom.." You are a real igbo babe.

  20. I tink its risky to confess...i did tell my ex bf smtins abt my past....nw dat we'r nt 2geda again am rili scared dat he mite talk one day.
    even so i'v planned 2 deny evrytin.
    Will neva confess to any man again even my husband#let d past stay in the past# Mbok!!!

  21. Well, it depends on the man and the woman in question. Let me stop here before I.......clear throat.

  22. Well, I would love anyone I'm in a serious relationshipt to tell me everything without holding anything back. If you must hide something from me then better make sure I never ever find out! As in NEVER EVER! Because if I find out, hmmmmm...
    I made sure my hubby knew everything about my past, both good and bad before we married. I can't keep any secret from him at all and I expect him to do same. If I don't like any of his relatives,I tell him and he doesn't force me to like them, he just begs me to tolorate. If he annoys me, I show it immidiately and he allows me vent then make peace later. I can't and will never cheat on him so that kind of secrete can never be associated with me (God forbid!!!).

    I feel it's best to tell your spouse the whole truth about you, if he or she stays good, if he or she leaves you because of your past,life goes on.

    1. Lol...but you can't even remember everything not to talk of telling him everything.

    2. I tnk we hv similar personality Genny.u must b an honest n wondaful wife

    3. Next time Genny Baby, remember, SECRETE and SECRET are not the same thing.

  23. There's no hard and fast rule!
    I feel it depends on who ure dealing with.every relationship has its peculiaritiies!
    Be wise!

  24. Most men can't stand confessions so its better I don't tell him anitin

  25. i dnt think i can tell my man everything bcos everyone has a secret

  26. i dnt think i can tell my man everything bcos everyone has a secret

  27. Sterrrrrrra of life!


    See me ooo, i met a guy on facebook, i ws on my own mindin my business ooo na him dis guy start 2 dey bother me dey tell me say him luv me ooo. I ask am hw old he b? He tell me say him na 26th so i tell am say i b he anuty, d guu say lie lie ooo say age na numba no b anytin say he is in luv. Ok one day d guy sau he won go bck 2 skool say he go reach my place first. Hmm! Na so d guy take com my house see me nd my kid sista. Me i com go wrk d guy com go dey ask my sista if na me born her (cos i dey on d big side) my kid sista say no say she b my sista... As i dey write so till today i no see d guy headlight not 2 talk of breaklight... So wetin i dey trie talk, he neva see me b4, he say he luv me make i bone age say na numba nd nw wen he see me nd my kid sista he take off... So yeah most of d time it kills a relationship...

    1. Lmaooo erm madam what are you saying??? So na crime to get kid sister?? Are you sure he ran away because you have a kid sister?

    2. Wait o, u gave your house address to a guy you met on fb? When will we learn?????

    3. How do you feel after writing this rubbish? U sabi write nonsense sha. "E com say, e con talk"! Oshi o da

    4. Buahahahaahahahahahhaha some guys tho...

    5. Madam, by 26th, you mean say the guy na the 26th born of him parents? I jus dey wonder

  28. Leona ohhhh.........................u wont kil me.

  29. SDK Nigerian men cannot handle confessions trust me
    I advise young ladies going into marriage 1. never tell him about your family, do not rubbish your family in his presence, do not bitch about your mother or fathers shortcomings to him, in future he wl make reference to it, he wl go 'I dont blame you when your father/mother has done that before' that could be painful ehn!
    never told him you have had evacuations before except he went with you to d hospital or he was d Dr, its not his business, some issues are better kept under the wrap


    1. Yea, never bitch about your family.....agreed

    2. I told him about my family story. My God, I regret it so bad. We are not even married. Bt I try as much as possible to keep quiet this days. I am connect with people easily wen I tell them my about my life. I regret it ex used it against me bt he has his own history too. So, if he tries any thing I will use it against it him too. Mtcheeeeew. We are getting married this january. Let's watch nd see. God help me.

    3. true dat @not rubbishing your family.... infact, men use these things against women later!!! wisdom is available to direct

    4. Evacuation! Hmmmmm just say abortion. Shior!

    5. My dear,you are so wrong...Confessing your past to your spouse,depends on the individual involved.Ihave been married for 16 years,I had a horrible past,ojuelegba ,evacuations,sugar daddies etc...I told him everything,he loved me more for having the courage to change.Secondly,he has not mentioned a word about it to me ever since.He is a great man,we have 4 children together....Just find out who he really is on the inside.then u can manage urselves

  30. I don't ve to tell evrytin for as long as its coming from my past, d ones to be told have to be filter, afta αℓℓ some tinx shld be left in d past for us to move on

    1. Stingo, abeg put "ed" after the filter jare.

  31. When u confess u find urself trying to deal wiv gettin back his/her trust, for ladies they can let go but truly almost any guy will get angry, maybe forgive u but if he finds another girl he would leave yo ass giving ur confession as an excuse, so rlly if u gonna start wiv d truth start if yo gonna start wiv a lie its ok to hold on to that u ve strtd wiv. Evn wen u say the truth and u strt dealing wiv trust its 80% promised u break up in rltnshps then in marriages I cnt say cos I've not been there...

  32. No telling oh. Na keeping mouth shut things.

  33. It depends on what u r saying. I don't hide anything from my husband. He's quite understanding. If not, I will just zip it!!!

    Mrs J

  34. I have to go under anonymous to do this.confession my ass,how do you expect me to tell my husband have being sleeping with his best friend even before we got married,and I swing both ways.I just can't ,I love doing girls,and hubby's frnd dick is very sweet

    1. Ashewo no be work o! When u r caught now u would start blaming the devil..u really need serious deliverance

    2. You are evil. A woman who can sleep with her husband's friend can kill him, walahi.

  35. correct itshekiri babe2 January 2014 at 15:21

    A little mystery add spice to the relationship

  36. I used to tel my exs thinking it would make us waz stronger, sadly, whenever we had issues they used it against me. So I decided to shut my big mouth as I thought nigerian men cannot handle confessions. Until I met my husband, with him everything is different, we had a window were we spoke about our past, it was exciting for us, he told me of stuffs and it was different for me, I wasn't pissed, instead I felt like I was chatting away with my girlfriend talking about our escapades. I have come to understand that when your with a matured mind bringing out your secrets is a way of taking off baggages. Not all men/women can handle other peoples' past, but I feel its best certain skeletons be told, cos no1 knows tomorrow. If someone were to dig up my past, he would laugh and say so what? I already know that. My opinion though, not all minds r matured simply cos they r Obj's agemates... Okbye

  37. @HYBunny,,u are very very correct!!1000000likes 4 dis ur comment!!!

  38. If it is in the past, shut it though there are times the past catches up with the present.Neverthless, if it isn't so fundamental eg health issues, u had a child, bn married before etc don't spill oh

  39. Some confessions you must tell your partner, Some you keep and hope it isn't waiting for you down the road. Some secrets are better coming from you than from a third party.

  40. Some things are better left "UNSAID". Some men could use it against you! Be wise.

  41. Hmmmmmm, I tink "whatever happens in vegas stays in vegas" covers it all. Truth is no1 can stand ur past especially if it's dirty, so leave it there. I for one belive in transparency and honesty in a relationship and it has neva helped. So no matter how pressing d past is bursting to come out, please do not say a word... U wil regret it.

  42. I beg no be everything person dey confess o!

  43. I don't see anything wrong in telling your partner about your past, especially when you guys are planning to get married. Telling each other everything will definitely bring you both closer (if you both are matured - mentally). But, talking about your past doesn't mean saying bad things about your family, siblings or friends. Abeg, that one is not you people's business. Your own man/woman will not run away when he/she learns about your past #myopinion

  44. It happen to me, I was pregnant when i was dating my husband and another guy...I slept wit my hubby during my ovulation and slept wit d second one after 5 days of ovulating.I took in and when i had d child, d baby resembled my family people's rather than me and hubby. I confess to him about what happened and how I slept with 2 of them, since them he keep calling me names that d boy doesn't belongs to my own mind and as a woman too, that child belongs to him.
    So becareful how your discussing your past with your spouse.

    1. Sorry to insult you but YOU ARE A FOOL. How can you tell a man that. I have no more words for you.

    2. You be MUMU. Correct one.

    3. You sound lack a complete illiterate,how can you tell the child is ur husbands and not d other guys#to ur own mind and as a woman#indeed..I wonder why the guy has not kicked you out of his house sef.mscheew

    4. Pls go and do dna test 2 mk d man b at peace,hw can u say such a tin,na only woman knw d true fada of her child,na wa 4 u Ooooo

    5. Chai! Some women foolish sha.....

    6. Na wa o, so u had unprotected Sex with 2 men around the most crucial period of ur cycle n they both came inside u? So u weren't worried abt stds or pregnancy, I'm really baffled.

    7. Go on Maury show he go find solution for u......

  45. you know what they say , what happens in Rome, stays in Rome...... i aint confessing any shit, but if i have to, i wont spill all the details ... somethings are better left unsaid.

  46. @HYBunny, seconded.
    Guys talk,forget that we ladies talk and gossip. Guys do gossip to, they tell themselves stuffs. So i'll advice we keep our secret secret.

  47. Lies often times do not end relationships. Usually, truth does.
    So....the choice is yours.
    But I'd rather stick to telling the truth sha....but sometimes to save situation, man go just tell small lie...u nor dey ther?

    1. If you keep shut especially when you haven't been asked, you have not lied na. Abego, 2Cor 5:17

  48. Confession??? Am I a learner? Mbanu! No matter how mature he is, I will just tell him d filtered part of my life. I can't have someone remind me of something I'm trying to forget he is not God so he's not perfect. We'll just sit back relax and enjoy the present ride and let the past remain in the past where it belongs biko.

  49. Anon 3.06pm ur very correct
    Am a victim of stella,s question ooo
    I thot I was doing d right thing by let my ex into my world but today I regret every action I took cos as I type am a single mum of 3 boys on my own wth my mum nd my kids,i refused to leave my kids behind cos I don't knw which bitch he wil bring home to start maltreating my kids so I opted to go wth my kids though he takes care of thr needs.
    After I did my whole confession stuff my sdkers I cldnt drink water nd drop d cup peacefully,it was like tom nd jerry drama in my home so I opted out,he was singing it like a song to every little mistake I make,at a point I became very depressed lonely nd angry
    But now am at peace wth myself nd my kids give me so much joy seeing them every morning I wake up
    So guys confession can really make or break a relationship so guys be wise oooo

  50. Confess say u no fit get children again.. Babe I go run pass Bolt o.. U've got to allow me to take another wife #reality (that is if you aint out of my houz the 2nd day o)

  51. No confession. No sin.

    Innocent until proven guilty.

  52. Depends on the individuals involved.

    Study your partner. Are they the loving/forgiving type?

    I'm of the opinion one should be 100% open.

    But if it's something that happened in your past/doesn't affect your present, &u don't think your partner will take it well, then don't share it.

  53. galore u be mumu oh. see as u dey floor ur fellow babe. lmao

  54. whao! Am no longer anonymous. Thank God for 2014 o, more good things to come. Am so happy.

  55. I don't get the thing with naija women and secrets, I agree we all have our little secrets and all, but there are some secrets that i will never condone, because i will definitely find out on my own. For example you've had several abortions and u think keeping that as a secret is the best decision? i can not handle a lady with a history of several abortions, cos i haven't for once aborted for any lady and i don't think i deserve that. At the end of the day, we all have our opinions and standards anyway!!

  56. I won't confess to anything. Infact if he catches me on top someone else I will deny it. That I'm not the one. I won't confess.

  57. Behold,old things have passed away and all things have become new....therefore no secrets to

  58. Will I tell my man everything? Nah! Some things are better left unsaid.

  59. Hmmmm, somethings are important to tell ur spouse. Wen my husband proposed, I told him I once had an evacuation so dat if there's a problem in future he won't blame me, yet he got ova and we are married. In marriage he confessed to me wat he did in d early yrs of our marriage it took me time to 4give him but we r still very much in love.

  60. I told my hubby EVERY relationship I ever went into before we got married cos he was always preaching d sermon of entering marriage with a clean slate! It was a few months into our marriage I discovered he is a Wolve in sheep's clothing. He was having an affair with my sis and was sleeping with her all along! Most of His church girls had seen his nakedness, I discovered he was a good pretender!! Now, I wl NEVER make any confessions even if I have to cos obviously we aint moving @ d same pace! I dnt even know wht to make of him now! I feel soooo bad!

  61. Pls a thousand times, keep ur secrets to your selves and u ll be a happier couple. I once confessed and lost a good man, it's over a year and I still haven't recovered from the separation.

  62. I once told my ex boyfriend everything abt me, from been abuse as a child by an uncle to the fling I had with his friend b4 we started dating. But I will neva do that again, EVER ! My business is always going to be mine.

  63. well like smone said it depends on the maturity of the person involved and it also depends on d magnitude of the if u have a lov child. and again if u r to keep a secret make sure it is not a'blackmailable secret'(if theres any like that )

  64. dont ask for ur partners past cos u might get more than u bargained for.
    to the confessor: he/she is not God so what will he do wit ur confessions? forgive u,forget it or erase ur past? u must be joking

  65. U can confess some to your spouse ,not all cos he/she will later use the confession as a point to bring someone down.

  66. Been married a dozen yrs. Pls don't confess anything. Wether it happened b4 u met them or while with them. Naija men can't take anything. Their egos are too delicate. They will never let u forget it. Even telling how many men u dated b4 them is a prob. A word is enough for the wise!!!!

  67. My confession made mine stronger.
    I still can't believe it.
    God bless you Toluwalase.
    A rare gem you are.

  68. If I hear! Confess wetin,d little I ve confessd 2 my hubby,anytime we ve a misunderstanding he uses it 2 strike me,I dare nt again!

  69. From my 10years experience in marriage, some things are better kept as secret for ever bcos when there are quarrels in d home my husband still make reference to some things I told him about my past and hurts me a lot., and I usually feel bad about it..though am happily married

  70. My Advise is to Confess all no matter how bad,Heartbreakin the Secret or past is!so one won't have any form of blackmail in the future.because no matter how much you try for the unlucky ones Ur past ll hunt you!if he/she truly love you, he/she should be able to forgive bt if not allow he/she to go,dt means u were neva meant to for me,i am married to my husband,bestfriend,confidant and small dad(lol)so I dnt kip Secret neither does he kip secrets too...Secrets Brings Natural Fear,so fight the fear by confessin..

  71. Just reading comments

  72. Some things should be kept to yourself. Not everything is fitting for confession, if your conscience pricks you, then confess to God ask forgiveness and move on.

  73. Confess indeed! Even @ gun point!

  74. I had an abortion from a one day stand with an ex just before I got with my current partner, I was young and went through it alone and I told him. He seems fine with it but just this last night he asked if I ever think of my ex and if I still love him. So I decided never to mention the subject again. Ever

  75. I don't advice anybody to confess to his or her spouse, if u want to make a confession, go to God and confess ur sin's. Bcs man will definately use it against u. Eg u where into runs b4 u met him, and bcs u want to be a gud wife to him or u want to win more trust, u will then open u big mouth and tell him abt ur past life... Ur respect will end that day, and he wil keep using it against u, and ones u guys have misunderstanding, he will bring it up. Whatever evil u must have done befor u met him, should die wit u.... Trust nobody...

  76. @anon 4:21 PM.....watever happens to DNA!

  77. To all the perfect wives who knws hw to confess to their loving husbands, keep the gud work up..... The other one said they have been 2gether for 16years, and he has been showing her love. My dear live matter...He is cheating on u to make up for ur confession... And U will neva find out unless he wants u too... Perfect house wives, make una dey confess well well... In most cases, na wen dem dey bury the man, another woman go appear with kids, she go tell u say na ur husband get the children, na dat time una go see the repacution of the confession.... Angelic wives

    1. Nefertiti, I feel u on " he's cheating on u to makeup for ur confessions", well he may or may not be cheating, men have a natural tendency to cheat, that does not mean he doesn't luv her or makes it right, cheating is bad, period. Men are not wired to feel weaker to women, so dey can't handle whatever depletes thier ego, if u were a bad girl n hv seen all sorts of dick, u lie a lot, u do girls too, u smoke, in short, d whole 9 yards, most men can't handle dis cos even dey demselves as men hvnt done enuff to equal ur record, if ure a girl wit a very bad past n u end up wit a guy n he knws abt it, trust me he will mostlikely use dat as an excuse to cheat just to be even wit u. Men naturally cheat even on good women, don't expect u with a dirty past to come n get a gud man, what goes around comes around. Trust me, for every insult u give a man, for every act u do dat belittles him n hurts his ego, u give him an excuse to cheat or look for anoda woman, only a handful of men r different, just as der r only a few women with self respect n dignity to love demselves enuff not to indulge in things that wud later constitute "a bad past" n thus a need for confession.

  78. I don't advice anybody to confess to his or her spouse, if u want to make a confession, go to God and confess ur sin's. Bcs man will definately use it against u. Eg u where into runs b4 u met him, and bcs u want to be a gud wife to him or u want to win more trust, u will then open u big mouth and tell him abt ur past life... Ur respect will end that day, and he wil keep using it against u, and ones u guys have misunderstanding, he will bring it up. Whatever evil u must have done befor u met him, should die wit u.... Trust nobody...

  79. Confess my behind, learnt my lesson the hard way. I thought I was in a relationship with my best friend and told him everything, but at the end of the day, he used my words against me like I'm a criminal in a court of law. So ladies, only share with your girls, and not the backstabbing ones oh. If a guy asked you how many guys have you slept with, divide the number by 10. Take your secrets to the grave.

  80. Chaiiiiiii SDK this one hard ooooooo. Biko use your head/heart......# no further comment#

  81. Chaiiiiiii SDK this one hard ooooooo. Biko use your head/heart......# no further comment#

  82. Chaiiiiiii SDK this one hard ooooooo. Biko use your head/heart......# no further comment#

  83. I cant confess my past to any fucking humand be it my 'horsband' /boy friend the only 1 i own my confession is God

  84. Hell no! Ain't saying nothing!!!

  85. As u see me so, I get plenty bagage. It goes like this;
    1. Molested by a lesbian when I was less than 11yrs. I can't rmember my age. Molested by another lesbian who like sucking boobs a lot.
    2. Molested by an 2 uncles all fingering and sucking my pussy not penetrating oo ( I think they all took advantage of me cus I was quiet 2 a fault)
    3. Raped by a cult boy in year 3 (2010)
    4.In my bid to get a mr. Right I've slept with 8 men. Just had a fling with my ex which was unintentional cus of lack of sex 4 like a year now.
    5. I lived with my ex bf when I had accommodation problem and I got pregies and aborted.
    6. The fact that if I tell any1 what I did 2 my ex boy friend that impregnated me n tot he could runaway, they will term me as a wicked person. Cus I sold his possessions for a costly abortion in a big private hospital.
    7. The fact that I almost slept in jail cus my ex came with police 2 arrest me and I just brought out evidence and doctors report wich showed I had rupture and I don't know how but I ddnt sleep in jail.

    My dear my story long. There was a time I tot I was a lesbian sef. But didn't do the act.

    Which man will handle my bagage? Pls all the good house wives kudos. My husband will just know a part of my life not all this detail. And he will never find out.I will go 2 the grave with all these at a very old age.

    Na condition make crafish bend if not crafish 4 still dey straight.

    I think the ones that I confessing don't have much bagage. So don't make me feel inferior.#smellos

    1. Young woman, if you talk, I will personally come and beat you myself. As long as your fertility is intact, don't lie but don't share. Every one has a past and as long as that past won't fundamentally impact your future together, keep quiet o. Married life is hard enough.

  86. Its a catch 22 situation oh, if you tell him too much he will use it against you if you don't and he finds out, he will still use it against you.
    For those saying it depends on the guy's level of maturity, how is that determined? And do they ever truly mature? Its only women who forgive & forget a man's past (and even their present for some women). Men are fickle & shallow most of the time.

    Many of them come around you with their agenda already in their mind, all those stories about how they left cause of what they found out is bull crap cuz many end up with girls who have a worse past or even present.

  87. Am having nipple discharge... Should I tell my bf?

  88. I will love to share my testimony with all my viewers because I never thought I would have another chance with my husband , the man I so much love, he left me for another woman, and when I called him, he never picked my calls, he deleted me on his face book account and then set the status to having a lady with the other chick. I was devastated. I went to three spell casters before I met Dr OKIJA. Who help me get all my lost hope. I lost a lot of money with them and got no results. So when I came to Dr OKIJA, I was really leery of him and didn`t think he could help me. I though it is too good to be true, because all the other spell casters were supposedly good and none of them helped me. I saw the testimonials and read the other testimonials and decided to get the consultation. He said he could help me, but my chances of getting my ex were very low and he didn`t recommend it at all. But I insisted that he at least give me the chance to work with him and try and if it didn`t work, I wouldn`t be upset and I would move on with my life. He agreed. Since he is in jersey and am in need, I decided I would go in person to have my spells cast. He is a really sweet and gentle man, when I met him I was really surprised. He looks very young, and I had my doubts whether or not he would be able to help me. But I figured I came all that way and I said I would try so I tried it. He called a spirit to talk with me and do the work, it was a woman spirit and when it came it totally transformed Dr`s face. That is when I thought to myself that it might just work. The spirit gave me some advice and did the spells. I had a separation spell and a reunion spell done. The spirit said it would take a while for my ex to leave his new girl but once he did, he would come to me very quickly. She gave me some things to take home and do. I did them, but I was really nervous. I think I messed up a few times and I told her and she said just keep going and I would be fine. So I did. It was like 6 or 7 weeks later and I saw that my ex unblocked me from facebook. I saw he had changed his status again to single. So I was super excited because I took this to mean that he had split up with the other girl. About 10,days after that my ex called me. At first, it was weird between us. He wanted to see me. So I went to meet up with him. He didn`t ask me back then. I got very anxious and told t, and she said to stay calm and everything would turn out okay. So I did the best I could although I was still worried. We met up a few more times after that, and still he didn`t ask me back out. So I got a consultation with hector and he said to expect my ex to ask me back out within two weeks from the consultation. I listened, but I wasn`t sure it would happen. Then it was almost 2 weeks later, and I though, damn, hector was wrong. But the next day (there was like 2 days left from it being 2 weeks) my ex called and we got together. He asked me if I would be willing to try our relationship again, which of course I said yes. That was about 3 weeks ago, and so far we have been doing okay, we still have a lot of things to work out, but I am very happy. dr jujuman is the real deal and I am so glad that I found him and I recommend him to anyone who needs help. Thank you so much hector you saved my life! Reply? You can as we contact him for your help email

  89. I will love to share my testimony with all my viewers because I never thought I would have another chance with my husband , the man I so much love, he left me for another woman, and when I called him, he never picked my calls, he deleted me on his face book account and then set the status to having a lady with the other chick. I was devastated. I went to three spell casters before I met Dr OKIJA. Who help me get all my lost hope. I lost a lot of money with them and got no results. So when I came to Dr OKIJA, I was really leery of him and didn`t think he could help me. I though it is too good to be true, because all the other spell casters were supposedly good and none of them helped me. I saw the testimonials and read the other testimonials and decided to get the consultation. He said he could help me, but my chances of getting my ex were very low and he didn`t recommend it at all. But I insisted that he at least give me the chance to work with him and try and if it didn`t work, I wouldn`t be upset and I would move on with my life. He agreed. Since he is in jersey and am in need, I decided I would go in person to have my spells cast. He is a really sweet and gentle man, when I met him I was really surprised. He looks very young, and I had my doubts whether or not he would be able to help me. But I figured I came all that way and I said I would try so I tried it. He called a spirit to talk with me and do the work, it was a woman spirit and when it came it totally transformed Dr`s face. That is when I thought to myself that it might just work. The spirit gave me some advice and did the spells. I had a separation spell and a reunion spell done. The spirit said it would take a while for my ex to leave his new girl but once he did, he would come to me very quickly. She gave me some things to take home and do. I did them, but I was really nervous. I think I messed up a few times and I told her and she said just keep going and I would be fine. So I did. It was like 6 or 7 weeks later and I saw that my ex unblocked me from facebook. I saw he had changed his status again to single. So I was super excited because I took this to mean that he had split up with the other girl. About 10,days after that my ex called me. At first, it was weird between us. He wanted to see me. So I went to meet up with him. He didn`t ask me back then. I got very anxious and told t, and she said to stay calm and everything would turn out okay. So I did the best I could although I was still worried. We met up a few more times after that, and still he didn`t ask me back out. So I got a consultation with hector and he said to expect my ex to ask me back out within two weeks from the consultation. I listened, but I wasn`t sure it would happen. Then it was almost 2 weeks later, and I though, damn, hector was wrong. But the next day (there was like 2 days left from it being 2 weeks) my ex called and we got together. He asked me if I would be willing to try our relationship again, which of course I said yes. That was about 3 weeks ago, and so far we have been doing okay, we still have a lot of things to work out, but I am very happy. dr jujuman is the real deal and I am so glad that I found him and I recommend him to anyone who needs help. Thank you so much hector you saved my life! Reply? You can as we contact him for your help email

    1. Pls accept JESUS and ur problem will be solved permanently # i love Nija


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