Stella Dimoko Rant All You Want


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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Rant All You Want

Hey,Its that time to rant again....ranting our frustrations concerning everything not right....

-God punish Boko Haram and all its sponsors,May their legs be tied together like mermaids soon and may the biggest disgrace ever be their portion.May God bend the hand of any man of God who lays his hand to pray and bless any Boko Haram sponsor or member knowingly or unknowingly.....If any boko haram stooge is reading this,pass back this message that GOD WILL AVENGE ALL THE LIVES Y'ALL TOOK BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO....Amen!

- Why are so many marriages crashing.It is scary!....what are they doing wrong?The other day A couple who just got married after two years were getting divorced because one person accused the other of acute stinginess....I tire!

-Sex smells and sells everywhere and truthfully speaking I have lost respect for sex itself.
Is the world coming to an end Lord? are these the signs?

-Shout to 'em haters,I cant live without yo!..LMAO!


  1. Hmmm! So many things not going on fine but still I rather give thanks.

    1. Abeg, lemme rant and release the anger that has been building inside of me these past few months jare.

      My ex bf is a fool. My luv life had always run smoothly till he came along. I knew how to handle the opposite sex without allowing myself care too much. Walking away was always very easy for me.

      This young man came along and swept me off my feet. I fell flat on my face in love with him. He made me feel and left me hanging shortly after.

      He was generous to a fault. He spoilt me silly. Buh heaven knows I didn't fall for him because of his generosity. It was natural. We were madly in love with each other. He showed me the true definition of LOVE. I didn't just fall, I drowned!

      I was shocked when this guy started avoiding me like a plague after he lost his job few months ago. He was one of the staffs that FCMB disengaged when they acquired finbank. He said he had to let me go cos he does not have enough resources to take care of me.

      What did I not do to get through to him? To make him understand that it was not about the money, that I loved him genuinely? I tried my damnedest to make him see, to no avail o. He was like a stranger. He became very cruel. Someone that was so sweet and sometimes shed tears whenever we quarrel? Hian

      Not once did I ask him for money when we were dating o, all he did for me, he did of his own free will. I wonder why he should think I can only be with him when he has money. He is not only good looking, he's got brains, too. I told him getting another job shouldn't be difficult, sent him several texts, professed luv...e no work.

      I ran into him two weeks ago and I was shocked to say the least. He was looking older and haggard. He only said hi and drove off before I could say Jack. I am starting to think another thing dey there. I mean, idongerrit.

      Anyhow, na him sabi. I have decided to move on. "I cannot come and goan die". If he is not wise enough to see that I love him unconditionally, then it is his cup of tea. Mtcheeew!

  2. heheheheh.... stellastica

    1. I need my hubby to realize I need gud sex! Fuck! I literally rape ds man. Oh how I wish adultery wasn't a sin but I hate to sin. Av never suck or been sucked since I married ds man. 5 mins and it's over! Chei last time I had sex was like 6 months ago n I guess I raped him. As a calabar girl, I know n learnt d act well. It pains me he is not making me deliver on my experience, I guess he is getting it outside too. Dou am 5months preggy n my hormones r running helter skelter. Am in ds for life n all I can do is pray and pray

    2. Mumu lair @anon 1:33pm u only want someone to reply u and am doing that pls tell your hubby to send u to school to learn English if u really HV hubby.

    3. Anon 2:49, English tutor, na ur Mumu pass. She forced u to reply her? Ode bitter soul. Face ur work. Jobless mofo.


    who is that BV who has no comment other than "shut up"? suffering from so much intimidation and lack of self defence hence the usual cliché?

    where is Ezenwanyi?

    Where is Dr Agwotorumbe?

    What is the position with Dr Okechukwu and the Ebola case study ish?

    why do I love Wide-eye so much?

    where are my boos Mr Fantastic and Memphis.

    yes! xoxo mystery is getting my attention these days with those hilarious/brilliant/attention grabbing comments

    okbye...but I need answers to my questions.

    happy new month people!

    1. Ezenwanyi biko come back..
      Hope dr Okechukwu is fine though..
      I miss you guys..

    2. My sis, that london perfume Nko? Meanwhile,Okwuturumbe lied about the Ebola stuff .I'm still in shock you pple bought that fiction.

    3. Bloglord Pls add jagbajantis 2 ur list tanx.

    4. Plss where's bilie jean??I miss bilie jean
      @linda eze loves bilie jean

    5. @Bloglord. Also add where is pepper osu oku? Where is sweetest pussy? Where is jaymoore?

      Your comment will be visible after approval

    I want to rant about not been able to browse 2 guys I ve a crush on, there names are Bank W and Kcee

    I want to rant about not been able to browse 2 guys I ve a crush on, there names are Bank W and Kcee

  6. I miss my boo of life! That's all I have to rant about
    Happy indepence day Nigeria, it can only get better

  7. I almost wanted to type that I need a husband until I remembered that marriage itself is highly overrated. Lmao.
    Have a beautiful day people and a wonderful new month
    I can smell Christmas already

    1. 40 years knocking! Keep deceiving yourself ooo

    2. Yes I Said It!!!1 October 2014 at 17:44

      @Anon 2:34pm Oponu! If she gets to 40 years then what?!! Ladies have woken up teytey from that lie that you must marry by force o! All we need now is 1 or 2 kids, money to groove life, freedom and 1 or 2 guys to fuck when agro comes calling.

      Marriage is soooo OVERRATED

  8. I hate dt am stil madly in love wif my ex even Afta he jilted me and married som1 else 4months ago! Argghh! Stil feel lyk askin wat I dint do right. I just hate dt I can't get my mind off him nd can't get into any relationship cos of fear dt if I do il b jilted again! *heartbroken Owan girl*

    1. my dear i feel u. im still madly in love with my ex even tho he is married. i dont know why he didnt think i was good enuff. its fucked my confidence. and the sad thing is i know his wife isnt better than me so i dont get it. iim so jealous of them i wonder if i can ever love someone else after feeling so unworthy. but lets blv God knows best

    2. Kerian is this you? I told you before than man had a gf in sicily but you wouldn't listen.
      If this is not Kerian, oh well!

    3. I think dis is Nora Nwabunwa......

    4. Anon 1.31, his wife is obviously better than u that's why he married her. At least in his eyes. Move on and find Ur own man.

    5. His wife is better for him than you were. It should not mess with your esteem or conscience. Move on

  9. Thunder fire poverty.. Let's taste the money..Ebola na idiot

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  10. It's my birth month so I can't rant.
    I'm just grateful to God for giving me good health, putting food on my table with me having to work my butts off, blessing me with lovely parents, siblings, husband, kids relatives and friends.
    It's been 26 years of a beautiful and very simple life and I'm grateful to God. I can't thank you enough Lord.
    I pray and wish things will get better in Nigeria soonest. I pray that God grants us good leaders come 2015. Any politician with bad intention for our dear country will not live to see 2015, Amen.
    Happy new month people.
    Happy independence fellow Nigerians.
    Happy birthday to all October babies, we rock!

  11. How many thing I wan even rant about, is it all the problems in my country or about the fact say so BV too fast to load recharge card? Lol. Dem no want make the wind blow reach where I dey. lol. Abeg i thank God for the gift of life.

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  12. I have stoped ranting!!..
    This life is too sweet to be ranting..
    I need a new sugar son tired of the old ones..
    Dark skinned,tall,slim below 25..
    Apply asap,lemme take you to my world..

    1. Whenever I see stuffs like this I always assume you're joking.

    2. It will shock u she isn't

    3. Loooool! Linda Eze loves Billy jeans.

    4. Bwahahahahahahha! Oriegwu!

    5. Linda,i tot u said u only cheat with women?now I conclude u are just playing around with words to provoke some holy pple.ur type can't cheat!lol

  13. I av a lot of fins to rant abt. Buh my most painful rant is dat i m serving as a corper from home. No freedom @ all. Wish i were serving in akwa-ibom, not dis Ibadan I av lived all my lyf....i neva envisaged dis..xo sad @ d moment

    1. Awwww Bisola.
      I know that feeling. Was made to go to school from home in my 1st year @ the uni. I was so bitter and frustrated when my parents made me choose a school in my town of residence.
      Before 1 was done with my 1st year, I became very rebellious,stubborn and annoying. No one told my parents to quickly pay for an off campus room for me so I can live amongst my fellow students.
      Now I live far away from home and I miss home sooo much that I cry sometimes.
      It is well my dear, just hang in there. Nysc is just a year and before you know it you will be done.
      Try and be happy ok?

    2. I am tired. I don't even have the strength anymore.. How can your parents ask you not to come back home even tho they know you are been mentally abused,emotionally abused,physically abused and all form of abuse is been metted out at you. And this so called abuser comes to you crying hours later about how it was the devil. I don't wanna die. I am tired. I am too young for this. I don't even love him anymore. All his abuses has gotten to me and I don't feel anything for him again.

      I want to make friends. Friends that I can talk to that I can run to when I need a place to stay. Because if I have somewhere to go,I can get something doing and taking care of myself..

      Marriage is just so over ratted,people rather you die in silence than leave your home. I don't even know what to type anymore..

      If you are with a food man please appreciate him,my isn't and claims he loves you. Said I can't work cos of his ego and his self esteem.. This is selfish. And this same man don't want me to do business but coa he said he doesn't have money but he bought 3 cars just this year. One for him and the other for me but in his name so I can't sell it and the other for a family member. I go about driving car without having anything in mY account. He doesn't even allow money get to me. Knows the price of everything in the market. Doesn't give you a penny more or less. I can't buy even bra without asking him for the money.. But outsiders think I am lucky xos I drive flashy cars and leave in a flashy house. I am ready to damn all this and suffer just to have my inner peace.

      I have been robbed of my happiness,self esteem and peace.

    3. Why akwa Ibom? Are you targetiing Godswill? Na kwenshun o.

    4. I pray for something for you, i am not sure what but you are suffering like many naija women. God please help us.

    5. Sweetie, marriage isn't overrated, it only feels that way when you marry the wrong partner. The problem is, the red flags are always there, you get a preview of how your life with a person will be during courtship but a lot of ladies still plung in headlong hoping marriage will change their partners. After they get married and realise the flaws only becomes worse due to over-familiarity, they say marriage is overrated! A lot of ladies have wrong preconceptions and unrealistic expectations about marriage. Marriage isn't meant for the fainthearted, you need patience, tolerance and a very forgiving heart to make marriage work. Don't settle for a man who treats you less than you deserve because you are scared of being alone or all your friends are getting married. You shouldn't marry out of fear or pity or any form of obligation. Love, compatibility and mutual respect are what you must look out for before you get hitched. I've been with my heartbeat for 12years now and my love for him gets stronger with each passing day. Our marriage had it's challenges of course but we weathered the storms together. We still act like lovestruck teenagers and can barely be apart for two days. We worked hard to be where we are now because we bluntly refused to settle into the clichéd married boring couple. We try to outdo each other with new surprises like couriering gifts to each other though we live together or making reservations at cozy hotels for the weekend (of course the kids will be at their Nana's). Note I used "we" not "I" nor "he". We have succeeded so far because of the Grace of God and I made sure I married a man who has strong family values and loves me like his life depends on it. Maybe if I picked a wrong partner I'd probably have written not less than 5 voluminous books on how love and marriage are overrated(from my comments you can tell I love to write). For those who are yet to marry, please choose wisely or remain single if the choices available to you at the moment aren't what you really want.

    6. Awesome write up

  14. I only wish to thank God for how far He has brought me and my family and my prayer is that He will continue to take to higher and higher, amen.
    I want to thank God for the peace He alone have allowed to reign in Nigeria. My prayer is that He will continue to uphold this great Nation and take us to greater heights, amen.
    I want to thank God for this blog and all the blog visitors. God bless u.
    No matter how tough life is, I hv decided to be grateful to God and be positive.


    1. Do you know the meaning of peace? peace in Nigeria? Lol. People be daydreaming since October 1,1960

  15. Chizoba should turn a new leaf. I detest her foul uncouth mouth. I detest her attitude.

    C - Crazy
    H - Hater
    I - Insolent
    Z - Zip your lips
    O - Osho free
    B - Busy Body
    A - Attention Seeker

  16. The Lord is good... He makes every thing beautiful in His time....

    Magical Eyes

  17. I don't really have anything to rant about than just to give thanks to God for his faithfulness in my life, for he has been good to me and my family...I just bless the lord for everything

  18. Thanking God for a new quarter, it's been HIM all the way.

  19. I am not happy that ezenwanyi is no longer commenting on this blog, I'm not happy that u drove her away, one useless blogger cannot make 1 sentence without mentioning sdk, she keep posting but refused to enable comments #fearofbashing# guess she's got ur last line. Sdk richard card no dey reach me, I'v stopped trying cos na 'west' of time. Bose this one u want wedding anniversary wishes, hop d richard cards no go cease as u don get d wishes just as jagbajantis, he ask for birthday wishes n that was d last we heard from him. Jaymore is another one, we no hear from him again. I no get fast finger, so don't think that I'm after d card, just my observation. Thank u stella 'll be right back for more. Chizoba uchu keep calling ppl ezi meanwhile u r d only pig here, just another observation. If I made u angry, tie ur legs n pretend to be a mermaid, n tie ur mouth n pretend to be a horse.

    1. Your own is to be collecting. If Jagba stopped giving cards unko so, hasnt he or she tried. Ungrateful Gnats.

    2. She said ' just my observation', not that she's really after the scratch cards. Even if it were so nko?its her own 'rant' free her/him jor


    3. She said ' just my observation', not that she's really after the scratch cards. Even if it were so nko?its her own 'rant' free her/him jor


  20. God has been too kind and too faithful to fail. For this i'm grateful.

    Oya make I rant.
    Why wont the Italian embassy give me my visa, it's over a month I applied and no news. Why did I apply in Nigeria instead of apply in my base? I'm supposed to return home in 2weeks and I'm still here? Why? Why is my BF reluctant to go to the embassy and shout at the consulate (lol, my incredible idea)? What am I still doing here? Heaven please, let october favour me so I won't retrieve my passport and start this application process all over again.

    God bless us all, Amen.

    1. Eeew! Ashewo benin, maybe they don't want you trading ur goods on their soil anymore

    2. Italy hmmmm

  21. I miss love, I want love. Love find me? Let's love love....

    1. i miss sex. i need hot hot pounding fucking. its been too long since someone fucked me well well. i need to find someone to fuck me till i collapse

    2. @Anon1:34 Bwahahahhahahaha! U don craze finish...U want someone to fuck u till u collapse? Choi!

  22. When a lebanese who ran away from his country with no educational background is made a general manager cos he is white and I with a first degree, masters and other qualifications is made a sales representative because am black.. We are not independent at all.. Starting from our mental reasoning and demeaning of our own very self..

    Just for this singular reason of feeling inferiors, one and quarter of the ladies have bleached their skins.. We need to be free from these complex

  23. Just can't wait to be through with school , and then make some dough... I want to help my family especially mum since dad have decided not to put in any effort at all. *sigh*


  24. I cant rant o. Thanking God for my life. October babies rock!!!

  25. that ibo yoruba girl...IFEchukwuOluwa!1 October 2014 at 11:33

    I rant that I used my hand mirror to check my vjay and found out how small my vagina hole is..I wonder how painful it will be wen I wnt to get down to's so small that my pinky finger(smallest finger) cannot fit in...ayam worried!!! Stellz may I no find my comment! Oluwa naputam

    1. You don't sound like one with size zero punani. The way you ve spelt stella shows its apian way o.

    2. Loool
      Many are mad few are roaming.

    3. Lmao! Correct apiam way! Many are mad indeed.

      Stella your BV's na wa. Loooool! I can't biko.

  26. Pls pay us nysc batchB stream2 lagos state our allowee!ahn ahn august and sept we no see

  27. I really wish i would finish sch,work n get some moni to treat myslf b4 ds infection ruins my reproductv system.wish my dad wld stop ds verbal abuse

    1. Anony please what is going on??kindly reply..infections cannot wait for you to finish school and get a job ooh

    2. Oga ooo!!!why wait that long...go to a general hospital or try herbal remedies. Staph or gonorrhoea will not wait for you to get a job o.

  28. My rant is about this 'richard' card thing how can someone bring expired card come here come make them block my line!
    Stella b wise with dis card thing

    1. Anony 11:35, your spelling alone is death sentence. *Richard card* Ewu gambia*

    2. Anon 1:55, are you a learner? That's what it's called on this blog.

    3. You na makakwu. Can't you see its 'richard' card? Meaning she knows that's not the correct spelling. Oversabi house girl.

    4. Anon 1:15 you are the Ewu Gambia!
      Mumu that is too quick to correct someone meanwhile knows nothing. Blockhead!

    5. Anon1:55, na u be d complete Ewu Congo. So u ddnt get d joke 'RICHARD? ask SDK she wl educate u more. Okpo!

    6. Anon 1.55 ah ah now? She or he put Richard in quote so it was a joke! You are just surfing for who to insult.

    7. Anon 1:55 itz obvious you're new here,keep opening your yansh,
      Monkey ugwu awusa!

  29. bt in al of ds i stil thank God,am nt beta dan those in d hospital

  30. Am depressed! Yea, I am

    On top joblessness, I don fat full everywhere. I hv gone from uk 14 to 20. Na so so rice, indomie and eba.

    To even exercise I no fit! Chai!

    Discipline -0, self esteem -0, money I no get and most confusing is that hubby isn't complaining of my size and more than ever, he wan kill me with sex(money him no get...mscheeeew!).

    How do I slim down my pple? Am seriously depressed n am not motivated.

    1. Jesus!!..
      Size 20..
      Biko hit the gym or road..early morning road walks works..
      Choi!!!..I hate FAT with a passion..

    2. That depression will slim you down hunay

    3. Eeeyyyaaa anon 11:38, sorry for your weight gain.
      Have you heard the saying you are what you eat?
      You need to control what you eat if you want to loose weight. That's the simple truth. Eat more of fruits,vegetables and water.
      Learn portion control. Drink lots of water before eating so you won't have space for more food. Don't eat late in the night.
      Work out. You don't need to go to the gym if you don't want to.
      You can do it at home. Just get a long rope and and skip everyday (morning and night if you can). You can start with 50 or 100, then increase it as time goes on and your body gets used to it.
      Set a target for yourself.
      I will use me as an example. I had a baby almost 5 months ago and as usual, I added. I recently stopped exclusive breastfeeding so I set a target for me to loose pounds.
      I bought a shirt that's under size, couldn't even button it at all. I then told myself that in one month time, I will fit into this shirt. My hubby cheered.
      It's been 3 weeks and I'm happy to tell you that I can button up the shirt now. In fact I plan to wear it out later on today. It's still a bit tight around my boobs but the fact is that I'm so happy that I'm able to reach my target. What's remaining now is for my tummy and boobs to go back to normal and I won't relent till I achieve that. I give myself till next month end. I have already bought a body hugging gown and I intend to wear it soon.
      You can do this boo. You just have to be determined. Just pray and make up your mind. Stop eating any form of junk food. When the urge comes try and distract yourself or take a bottle of water and force yourself to finish it.
      Good luck as you take the bull by the horn. It won't be easy but with God by your side you can do it.
      Take that bold step honey, it gets easier once you start.

      Remember, you are what you eat!

    4. Hahahahahahahaha, SDK where you for dey gather these people from? Chai! I don laugh tire.
      Stop been depressed you hear? At least you dey see food chop sotay you dey fat, some don't even have to eat, you get Oga when wan kill you with sex, some your age are still single, then the married ones don't have someone satisfying them, money will always come as lonmg as you aren't lazy.
      About the weight join a fitness group( blogs, BBM channels) follow on people that are into fitness on twitter and everywhere, most importantly watch what you eat, count calories. My greatest motivation is having a "Fat mentor" someone that is/used to be fat that I don't ever want to be like.
      You are a very lively person. You are just sad not depressed

    5. Are you on family planning? Some gives weight gain

    6. @gennybaby,u are young but Ur comments always make sense,u must be one intelligent n wise lady,keep it up.

    7. Sweetie try cambridge diet plan. I lost 15kg in 5weeks

  31. Make I no rant on Independence Day nah. Haba! Any other day, ehn. But make I no craze with naija problem just for today. Lol

  32. My rant!!
    How can Bvs cuss out people that send cards here?? Make them feel inadequate and sad?? On top of the airtime they spent money buying and time/energy sending??
    Who does that people?? You come on here and criticise the government but some of us in our individual capacity are horrible! It is not fair guys!
    Did you give someone money here to hold for you?? How can you turn somebody's happiness into a law court where she will come and defend herself and her cards! Did any of you dream that Spicy Tee,Bose even Stella will load cards this week?? Treat people the way you want to be treated is all I have to say!

    Secondly about the girl that was raped by the banker!
    I read some comments here and it amazed me that some people esp females have such mentality! The first thing most people did was to look for a way to blame that girl...she cant go to a man's house to go tell him she wants to date him?will they be meeting outside throughout the relationship?? did you lot meet and court your hubbies/bfs in Mr biggs?? That is not an excuse for the rapist..
    Others said she was wicked for trying to take the case up! Well I put it to some here that you got bitter because you could not do anything when you were raped,you listened to your friends and never you have nightmares,you see your attacker sauntering around and you wish you did,then you read about a woman that wants to do right by herself and scream murder! You abuse her! Call her names!make her feel worse...just so you sleep at night...I know you! God sees you!Stop being Cruel! Thank you!

    1. Abeg go and sit down inside gutter.
      Did your parent raise you up to be visiting a man in his house? Moreover one dat ure not dating.
      We dat did not even grow up in dis internet age dare not go to a man's house unaccompanied.
      The truth is bitter. Why didn't she escape after d first round? Wat evidence does she have to show she put up a struggle?
      Sorry for her if she was actually raped but her report shows she's probably a scorned lady. Ish.

  33. Haba Stellz, the first day of the tenth month of d year is no time for ranting! It's a time to be grateful for making it this far and thankful in faith that we will see 2015. No matter how bad things are, there is LIFE and we have assurance in GOD. Happy new month folks. No rants, just PRAISE

  34. BLOG ANALYSER: May Continue to uplift and Take Asandrea collections to greater heights.#check us out on Fb. May God continue to bless us as a nation. I pray for God's strenght in all our endeavours this month.

  35. foolish heartbroken man1 October 2014 at 11:50

    Married men and women need to stop cheating. Stella, I'm a man and I made the greatest mistake of my life to cheat on my wife constantly. This is a woman who loved and adored me, she has degrees from some of the best universities in England. She comes from a very well to do family from the south south. Even with the hard time my family gave her Stella, she still stayed with me and supported me in every way one can think of. I was the envy of my friends Stella. My wife is humble, an excellent cook , beautiful and gives me see whenever I wanted. No one had a bad word to say about her or her people. Sadly, my wife hates me now. And I know I pushed her to it. I was a cheat, a dog and a male whore! I slept with almost every woman u came across. My wife would cry and even beg me to stop. She would even pray for me but I carried on thinking she wasn't aware. We've been married for 18 months and she has given me a set of twins (boy and girl). She's a size 10 and I have no reason whatsoever to cheat. My world came crashing two months ago when she told me she had put up with enough of my bullshit, she said she had prayed for God to give her the courage to walk away and stop loving me and how he had. I thought she was bluffing. She is still not back Stella. I have gone to beg with my people to no avail. Her parents have said they will not force her to return to me. I really fucked up. Her parents are the nicest inlaws one could even ask for. I don't even know how to win her back Stella. How do I get her to forgive me? Pls married men especially, stop cheating. My wife hates me because of that and it could happen to u guys as well. I need help please, I will never cheat on her again if she comes back. Oh God! Help me.

    1. You don't know what you had till its gone...
      Serves you right!!!!!!!!..

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha haha hahaha. I have no sympathy towards people like u. Thank God Ur wife has realized what u are. Dirty pig.

    3. I hope she never comes back. I hope she meets a better man who will treat her like the queen she is. I hope you cry and live an unhappy and unfulfilled life. You felt good hurting her but you can't take the heat now.

    4. You don't know what you had till its gone...
      Serves you right!!!!!!!!..

    5. K I'll help u. First of all watch enough porn,u need more styles to survive these. Go round ur street naked 8x, then start fucking anything female, women, dogs, goats, fowl, monkey, cockroach, rat, housefly et al. Remember it's operation no more mercy as doing it, be chanting come back iyawo mi, n watch her run back to u, u hear? Pour small cold water on your head, n continue. Don't ever get tired, u 'll do these for 21days. If she doesn't come bck after 21days, get some bitter cola juice, take 1 full glass cup 5x a day for 1 year. If u didn't see her after 1 year then continue taking it to d rest of your life. Eyaah! Pele! Udele!

    6. I pray she comes back to you when you are truly a changed person. Now you have seen that a bird in hand is the VERY BIRD and there's actually nothing in the bush. See how the devil works, he pushes you to commit all kinds of atrocities and when you get yourself in a ditch, he steps back and leaves you to bear the consequences. Now that devil has left you and your eyes are open to the fact that you were on a suicide mission to the edge of a cliff. Its a good thing that he left you at the cliff just before you took a plunge.

    7. Oh? She is as smart as you said she is for leaving your cheating ass. Keep licking your wounds inugo. I sincerely hope that someone that will adore her will come her way. You don't deserve her

    8. People, in as much as adultery is very painful especially as the women folk have in the long past suffered much from it....please be gentle with this man, he is in deep pain and hurt. Don't not go to your homes without realising the impact your words have had on someone. Please show some level of empathy, y'all. Depression and Suicide are serious issues in our society, please.

      @Heartbroken Man

      It's a pity this has happened to you. I guess some of us will learn the hard way in this life we live. However, it is important that you seek forgiveness from this woman, and try and remain in your childrens lives as much as you can. If she comes back, congrats, if she doesn't....then tough luck, pick your pieces and move on. You're a human being who deserves happiness too. Try and seek that. God will forgive you, as long as you forgive yourself and be more respectful and responsible to people who love you.


    9. I pity her if she comes back, people like you never ever change. Serves you right.

    10. Anon 2:02 u hv killed me. Is dat not madness u just described

    11. U guys should take it easy with him, he is truly sorry I believe.

    12. Serves u rite. I hope and pray she doesn't come can to u. This will teach u a very great lesson. I am very happy this happened to u. And I hope the same happens to other cheating spouses. Foolish he goat.

  36. I'm frustrated:
    * I can not go to my friend's wedding Becos my tailor spoil my cloth.
    * my birthday is next week(oct 6) and I don't hav a bf to celebrate wit
    I hate public holidays..

  37. I'm just tired oooo stella the way sex is being praised and worshipped like a God dis days is alarming shaa. Sumtyms I just dnt feel like doin it,I just want to examine the vagina itsef and see wahs inside dah create such controversies..hv checked and checked nottin I even use touchlight phone still nottin..I'll kip on searching shaa.

    1. Keep searching dear , one day u go hit jackpot........

    2. Hahahahahahahaha...
      This boy don finish me with laugh ohhh...

    3. Hahahahahahahaha...
      This boy don finish me with laugh ohhh...

    4. Its official!!! This Kelvin is a foooool. I just hope u r not ur parent's only child cos if u r then they childless.

  38. Barca lost to Psg last night,it was a sad and shocking result for me cos I thought Barca would win the match.The worse I expected from that match was a draw but my dearest Barca lost.I believe they will bounce back to their winning ways.VIVA VISCA FORZA BARCA.

  39. I always advice my fellow married women,u might be a doctor,engineer,lawyer,accountant or banker,pls and pls no matter what, u cannot play the role of a man,stop rubbing shoulders with men at home,ur man go talk 1 u go talk 10 because Ua earning more than him, a man no matter how poor still has a certain spiritual aura u can't take away...that is not to say we shd be trampled on,insist that u deserve respect but treat ur man with respect and love and ur marriage will be intact.

    Rant 2
    We belong to a cool family on here,pls let's stop cursing and insulting ourselves,let's comment with decorum,some people are cussed out here and they develop low self esteem pls let's encourage ourselves and be each other's keeper...

  40. I dint get any of d r\cards t loads, so vexed. Its d 10th month of d year already; no job (afta 5yrs of grad), no engagement ring...n am nt getting any younger. Wen will baba God rememba me. Am tired of getting wedding invites!!! *sad* Lord settle me befr d year runs out, I wanna testify n nt rant.

    1. Your settlement is coming your way soon in Jesus name.

    2. It's ok to keep trusting God even with tears in your eyes, he will fill ur mouth with laughther be encourage don't give up.

  41. I hate d fact dat I can't get a good job.
    I hate d fact dat my boss has not paid my salary and I'm tired of my 6months relationships and y can't I get a serious bf

  42. I dint get any of d r\cards t load, so vexed ds morning. Its d 10th month of d year already; no job (afta 5yrs of grad), no engagement ring...n am nt getting any younger. Wen will baba God rememba me. Am tired of getting wedding invites!!! *sad* Lord settle me befr d year runs out, I wanna testify n nt rant.

  43. God will deal with all the wicked people on earth,they will never see anything good: amen

  44. Thank You Lord for mking me nd my family see this new month..We couldn't have come this far without you..
    BLESS and PROSPER US..Give my Family More More Money.
    I love you Lord,with all my heart..

  45. Sex right now is so normal that people think premarital sex is normal. What I learnt early in life is tgat not everyone is doing, live right.

    Next, if only nigerian government will fight corruption the way they fought ebola, we will all be happily celebrating our 54th birthday....

  46. I hate d way some ppl act like blog celebs here, as if d blog won't go on without them. I hate d way some ppl ask where is that annoying pepper and ezewanyi? Dat will be all for now.

  47. SDK you're the best. lol.

  48. Abuja has been in blackout for a while now! Wonder if privatization will actually work in naija! 54 years and almost nothing to show for it!
    Why will NYSC demand for 4k from prospective corp members and they hv not been sanctioned by the house of reps?
    Why am I so lazy today that I can't even get my breakfast done?
    Mtchew wetin I dey talk sef?

    1. POC, some parts of Abuja. Don't generalize it so you don't pass the wrong message across.

    2. Apo, sun city, gaduwa estate and loads of areas were affected. But thank God our own was restored last night. Suncitys own was restored like a week ago.

    3. Which black out?? OYO is your case *In Rita Dominic's voiseee*

  49. I don't understand y sm pple will just sit n decide that they do not want peace n things 2 work well in naija..God ll see us through sha..

  50. Yay! Its ma Birthday month, I'm not gonna rant. Mehn, dis Lag weather na die. Raining everyday. Kai! Hubby just gave me the best head ever, I married a porn star walahi. He dey chop toh toh like sey his life depends on it. Damn! He's a confirmed dish washer. Egweji!!!!!!

    1. Haaaaaaaa people are praying for ur type hold him well

  51. Ah na wa oo
    Although its Nigeria 54th anniversary there's still no light atleast
    na wa oo hain!!

  52. I hate my dad! He doesn't care about his family and sorry to say,I see all men like that. Selfish and wicked!

  53. Ah na wa oo
    Although its Nigeria 54th independence there's still no light atleast
    na wa oo hain!!

  54. ...I promised my dad a rangesport b4 the year runs out..the situation of things right now is not good I dont know how am gonna fulfill d promise confused at d moment.#sipMoetnChandon#

    1. Lemme borrow u ego to buy it.....

    2. Fool that can't give Peugeot out, then it's range. Highway robber.

    3. How far na, the car you were meant to give out nko?

  55. Etisalat increase the salary of your contract staff. They carry out the same job function as the permanent staff, but some earn as low as 55k.

    It is not encouraging. At all.
    Do something about it.
    80k won't be a bad idea.

  56. Aunty stella u be clown I swear.

  57. I don't have anything to rant about.
    Not today.
    I'm grateful to God.

  58. Why can't I meet up with posting what's on my mind
    Why is it that the more money I make the more these a**holes wanna tax me
    Why is it that I alwa feel I'm preggo
    Why does my son always smile at every one and makes me jealous
    Why do I feel I'm gonna cheat on DH if he messes with me

  59. I no get power to rant Abeg!!! It is well.

  60. Yay! It's been a while i ranted
    So here goes my rant

    I hate the fact that Nigeria is 54 years today but cant afford to boast of common constant electricity or health care or even good road and I'm suppose to celebrate Independence Day wherever I am right? Nah!

    Marriages these days is like 2 mins noodles...people rush in cos of pressure from every angle and rush out almost immediately...why?

    I hate it when Nigerians tend to generalise that every fair rich single good looking working class lady is a runz girl....cant a lady be empowered/independent again?

    It's okay for an old rich man to marry a young girl but not okay for a young girl to marry an old rich man of her choice...i hate gender inequality. Stop been a fucking retard and respect people's choices.

    Why is rape not a serious offence in Nigeria??? I cry everytime i read that a child was raped and the suspect walks freely most time.

    Finally but not all. I hate the fact that sometimes things dont just go my way or how i want it knowing fully well that I'm a Caribbean Princess.

  61. Noooooooooo. I've never ranted on this blog but I've to thank God for His grace. I got married to my love and best friend last week thurs/sat. It was an awesome experience. We've been honeymoon' ing in our home but we gonna leave tomorrow for a fantastic 'hornymoon and sun'. Lol.

  62. D unemployment in nigeria is alarming. Aunty stella I know dat all dem Reuben Abati, Doyin Okupe and other big big people in d government read ur blog. They should pls tell Jonathan to tell all these parastatals n ministries to recruit graduates nah. There are so many vacancies in dis places yet dia is an embargo on employment. We r tired of being jobless. They shld atleast even if its 5 gradutes 4rm evry state. It will go a long way.

  63. My only rant this morning is to know why NHS midwives have decided to strike particularly this month when I have to see mine.........Lord I am happy and grateful for all you have done. This month will make it 2years I have to married to my hubby. God be praised...... Happy New Month SDK'rs.

  64. God will punish the black thief that jacked my box in JFK and stole my leather jacket, human hair, jewellry and the worst 8 huge packs of plantain chips and chinchin. You will pudge till u confess.
    Delta i still dey wait for your call

    I am so upset with the state of the country. We shouldnt be here at 54.

    I have quit applying for jobs, i will face my business squarely now. It is so demoralising, upon great masters and high scores, why did i even bother. It is vexing applying like there is no 2moro and having nothing to show for it.
    Thank God i am business minded.

    pls follow IG- kidsarena for your kids outfits

  65. Happy married life Viva ciara. I wish you a fruitful marriage....Do i have to rant on a newmonth? God has been awesome and all i have to say is a big THANK YOU.

  66. All I have to say is thank you Lord.

  67. Stella I have missed this your ranting sessions! I was just about to mail u that it's been a while! Well here I go with mine. My husband is really getting to me these days. I am usually very patient, understanding and tolerant, but as I am getting older, his excesses are getting to me seriously. He is never appreciative of me, talks to me very rudely, I dare not complain about anything, I dare not tell him if he is wrong, we only have sex when he wants, he does the house shopping himself, he does not give me money at all cos I work, even if I decide to buy some things which he does not buy, he tells me I chose to, he did not ask me to buy i.e. things for d kids, some food for d house, cos all he buys r staple food. He does not give my parents anything talk more of my siblings. Still I don't complain,he loves to pick little quarrels with me and keep malice till eternity. The man is a total nag I swear. I love him and I always try to please him but he does not help matter at all. Above all these, he still cheats on me, and I wonder the kind of girls sef cos he is very stingy, well I might be wrong' maybe it's just me he is stingy to. Anyway it is well. But above all, I thank God for d wonderful kids he has blessed me with, they r my joy n pride, and I pray he sustains my job so I can conveniently give them the best I can

    1. Start ignoring him biko,thank God you have a job...A stingy man is a stingy man...
      I don't think he gives those girls money..
      Some girls derive joy in dating people's husband..

    2. I feel u my sis! Any one my DH cheats on me with is just osofree, he hardly spends on them. He gives me money now dat we are married better than when we wr dating. He once confessed d highest he can give a girl dat fucks him is 2k. But he can spend all his salary on his children n car cos dats his priority. Av always been independent but rite now I left my job cos of late salary( 9months) n am preggy. He hardly gives me money but I benefit from my kids allowance. Sex is when I beg n cry for but it's been 5months now self. Just wish I can fast forward delivery so I can get a job n live life. Can't afford to look good or wear perf or dress well. But am hopeful n pray every day for him. If he will not change, I pray God let him realize on time before he infest himself wt a deadly disease but as for me, no more sex till he gets a proper medical checkup. I wonder how I got preggy self. God pls keep adultery away from me.

    3. Aiya, Pls send me ur email address, so I can contact u and send u something cos of ur pregnancy.

  68. i just wanna shoutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    1. And screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Dont mind me. Am off work and its na to stay house, watch re~runs of BBA and blog with one eye sure pass.

  69. I hate the fact that things are still the way they are in nigeria wonder what the country is celebrating.

  70. Life is being so unfair to me,what is life anyway,I wish I could just die but the thought of my younger ones wouldn't let me do that.a life without mother with a father who doesn't care about us but his other children from another woman.why is he been so unfair to us.mother was killed by her witch sister who later confessed and ran mad,elder sister battling with breast cancer with no money for operation(early stage)I'm the only one making a little progress as a polytechnic student with a little help from a kind hearted boyfriend. younger one out of second school with no hope of higher institution. What is life, Can life ever bring something good for me?

  71. Life is a bitch. I was practically pushed by my family to get married and I chose Mr Available. I don't love him, I don't give a fuck about marriage. Why do I come from a soceity where so much importance is attached to marriage? I love being single. I love my freedom. I love my job and now the SOB has the audacity to ask me to quit my job and play house. Fool! I wish God would kill him before the wedding. AMEN.
    2. There is someone else I love but he didn't have the eyes for me and now that a date has been set for that disaster of a wedding, he suddenly begins to show interest. GOD. I could see he was clearly shocked when I told him I was getting married. God, kill that Blind SOB and let me marry the one I love. Damn. I wish I could just disappear. If I didn't think suicide was a sin, I would so commit it. Lord. I am tired of pretending. So fucking tired of being strong. I just want to break down. God are you even listening? Why won't I ever have what I want? WHY? WHY? WHY?

    1. You are one lucky girl right still have a choice! my friend walk!!!!!!

    2. Pls you still have a choice not to go ahead with the wedding,pls call it off NOW before you kil an innocent man

    3. My dear,don't ever make the mistake of going into that marriage....

  72. I hate that I come from such home where my dad is as good as not there. My mom is not such a strong woman, I don tire sef.

    my contributions never seem to be enough, even with my little job. I take care of my self, my mom and my other siblings. E no easy

    I try to pretend like all is well cos complaining to friends will only make me their topic of discussion. I don tire

    Even with family pressure on me, I still have to share with my friend.

    I wish my parents had worked harder, cos now I look older than my age... I can't even think of dating or marriage cos I feel no guy can handle my family issues.

    Life tire me o

  73. I know I should be thankful to God and have no rants ( I trully am tbh, he's been so good to me) But mehhnn lol Life is hard please. Rants :
    I'm ranting because ive been single for a while, I meet guys bt they are just all so bloody stuipid, the good ones manage to slip away. I knw im young so nt really that deep, but it doesnt help when everyone around me is going on about it. "where is the guy? Why u hiding him? Why so picky?" I dont get am i supposed to go and pluck him from the sky?!!!!!!!! Lol im tired o.
    And it sucks because I love "love".Im extremely soppy, cry at weddings etc lol (I knw Im sad) And Im so ready to love and be loved back...sigh. #Okbye lol

  74. I won't rant. I just pray God hears my prayer,grant my desires and make me nd husby 'happy'.

    Lemme jst relax nd read rantsssss

  75. my governor is a Good person;obiano.but pleeeeeeeease but minimum wage to workers salary.our salary can not do in this present day n pleeeeeeease let us have our promotion when due.n pleeeeeease let those due for promotion for a long time be promoted n given all the be your fault our their governor but pleeeeeease do something. tanx

  76. Kelvin. Omo ake ni e oo,,, u dey craze no be small.. Ki ni ori ninu obe ti o fi wa iru si owo ? Dat thing dat u re checking is called Oja okunkun... It's just like a bottomless pit ... U can never see d thing wey u dey find o.. Obo na mystery .. It is d 8th wonder of the world. If u like carry shakabula ! You can't see jack.. Inugo ?

  77. and hubby, pls God grant me dat wanna be married nxt year with evalasting joy and happiness

  78. I just have to add my own rant right here now now!
    1. They said go to school! I went to school,they said make good result I made 2'1! Mathematics and Economics! Read ma ass out in school! Missed all d flexing n things becos I wan make good results and come out a cooked graduate and get a good job! For where!!! I have sent over 100k+ applications to different organisations looking for job! But e be like na spam my CV dey enter! No job! I am sad! I have written several test! Bt this crazy pipo will nt even tell u if u pass or not or ur status! Am young yh 22! Bt I hate wen people tell me tha am young I will get! Am I supposed to keep waiting for years before job click!!? Independence celebration no job for youths! Please remind me what we are celebrating so I can be sure am still a nigerian!
    2. I went for jumia job interview yesterday and as the stupid ladies were interviewing us and asked us to do some pronunciation of some words, the stupid ladies were taking selfies with their phones! Cn u imagine? 1 black Uche and d fair lady! May thunder fire them! People r looking at u wt hearts beating hoping to get job yet u were seated and snapping!?may amadioha strike u and d selfie turn to rat and bite u! Chai I have to rant!
    3. All the frenemies I have around me! I knw u all! May ur nyansh b opened! They will jus b smiling like dey like me! Bt I knw u do not! There is God ooo!
    4. Today is my mum bday and I cnt get her something really big! All becos am jobless! Imagine? I don't wanna be jobless! I want to worrrrk! I need a job!
    Now I can take a pause! Whew! Felt good ranting!

    1. Girl, I feel you.

    2. With this attitude?? Wow! Hope you know your employer might be here?? You gave details remember..please be careful dear

  79. Didn't want to rant initially but what the hell, here goes.
    It's upsetting that after all the job applications I've put in from the beginning of the year till now, I still don't have a job!
    It's really saddening that I have to wake up everyday and do the same old thing. Oh my goodness! This was NOT the plan! I graduated from school with a good 2.1 and this is still the story. Its either the vacancies are for engineering graduates or they need people with 100 years experience.
    This was really NOT the plan. I was meant to work in order to save up for my msc for heavens sake. But no! I'm still at home. I know I have what it takes. I'm told that all the time so what is the problem???
    Each day I hurry for check my incoming sms only to see that it's just someone trying to scam me because I submitted my CV somewhere or its just MTN telling me that I'm a lucky winner of something and that I should use my own airtime to claim my price? Oh, the humanity.
    I'm just quiet sometimes at home so nobody compares me to my neighbours daughter that is completing her fathers house.
    Was hoping yesterday to get a text saying something like "you've been hired at ***** and you are to resume work on Thursday 2nd of October" but no, I didn't get that.
    Today I felt as if I woke up on the top of my head and I've just been inside my room feeling sorry for myself. Argh!
    Lord please me merciful unto me, all this is becoming too much for me. I know I shouldn't be ungrateful for the things You've done for me in the past but I'm in dire need of a miracle. *sigh*

  80. No ranting! Just praises. Thank God for my loving hubby, siblings and my in laws . I Love God scatter

  81. am getting fatter and relationship at 26...not even a bf...jobless...eating habit nothing to b desired...from 85pds to so helpless...I want to die

  82. I refuse to rant this month cos i know that my miracle is on the way, i will get a job soon and i will be able to support myself in school. On second thought i'm going to rant about all the bvs cussing out the senders of recharge card just bcos they didn't load any and forgetting to pray for them/ wish them well una no work their money for them so stop cussing them.


  83. make una tke am easy o!

    if you are getting depressed, seek help.

    if you are turning from size 6 to size 20, do the needful-gym/exercise

    if you are pressured into marrying who you don't love...hmnnnn....prolly you should get out or try to love him!

    if you don't have money to buy the range you promised your father, let him understand that things worked out only in your imagination and failed to in reality... but the time will come and you will eventually.

    if your hubby aint horny for you, keep raping him. its your right.

    if you are worried your veejay is too small and scared of the big day, start now with a dildo.

    if you are worried you are still single, remember the grass is not always greener at the other side.

    take it easy peeps.

    *am so lazy today. wonder why. hmnn...

  84. Abena so because we are women a man should talk 1 and we should keep quiet? Y do u people think men should be allowed to get away with anything while the woman endures? That is not Gods way of is meant to love his wife but u Africans have taken it upside down....the woman must always keep quite and tolerate anything the man does......

  85. Am so ranting about the stupidity of we Africans who think when a woman cheats she should be driven from the home or relationship but when a man cheats wifey or girlfriend should forgive......even the so called stupid women who call them selves Christians think it makes them holy to crucify the wife........whoever cheats can be forgiven, men where not created superior to women.....they are the head of the home but God has not made them mini gods......women are not meant to take all the trash in marriage......if your wife cheats God expects you to forgive likewise if the man cheats.....stop making men think it's their God given right to cheat.....he gave u all the capacity for self control and discipline like the women so stop expecting the woman to tolerate all u do whole u want to kill her for her own sins.......all u women who say kill her to a cheating wife you are all idiots, hypocrites and very stupid.....stop the victim mentality, men are not superior to you...

  86. I am so pissed off with the new Ebola case! I am listening to the morning news as I type and wonder why do blacks get in the news for all the wrong reasons!

  87. ok m so angry dat dis boko haramists are stil killing scores...may God in heaven baptize dem wt fire and coal...may acid rain fall in dia tents only..

    i want to rant abt one useless blogger dat hides behind d cross to perpetrate evil...she trolls blogs jst to tell ppl hw dey shud bware of madam stells..she lies too mch...i wana also beg ha to enable comments so dat ppl lyk me cn say hw we feel abt her.i knw she reads dis blog so she cn c it..........JENNY

  88. Am so ranting about the stupidity of we Africans who think when a woman cheats she should be driven from the home or relationship but when a man cheats wifey or girlfriend should forgive......even the so called stupid women who call them selves Christians think it makes them holy to crucify the wife........whoever cheats can be forgiven, men where not created superior to women.....they are the head of the home but God has not made them mini gods......women are not meant to take all the trash in marriage......if your wife cheats God expects you to forgive likewise if the man cheats.....stop making men think it's their God given right to cheat.....he gave u all the capacity for self control and discipline like the women so stop expecting the woman to tolerate all u do whole u want to kill her for her own sins.......all u women who say kill her to a cheating wife you are all idiots, hypocrites and very stupid.....stop the victim mentality, men are not superior to you...

  89. @anony 2.15 its well with u o I wantd to rant buh afta readg ur comment I cudnt.gosh stingy man... u r in o.

  90. Dear Stealla;I hope my letter meets u well. please am going to drop this letter in the ranting section;but please let it have a separate heading in your blog because I know many people read news and gists in your blog.I pray that through this medium; my life n the lives of other workers will be changed.I am a government worker in anambra state.Stella I am grateful for the job;but what will a salary less than 40thousand do for a married person with kids to cater for. A graduate n a holder of masters degree in this present Nigeria.please am begging our dear governor; Obiano to increase our salary n put minimum wage.Let us have our promotion when due and all those due for promotion for a long time;let them be promoted and let them be given the arrears of the promotion increase. Our governor started well and has proven to have our interest at heart.We beg that he puts this into consideration. Thank you Stella and lots of love to you.

  91. Why do celebrity marriage crash??? God pls intervene........ Celebrity and Marriage my next movie

  92. widey-im, Your perf is intact. come collect.

    Alloy, pepper is fine and around, just busy with work. (so I heard her say in her comment)

    all the missing BVs-jagba and all... make una come back o!

    Linds the aproko boss, I sight ya. how are my cute boys?

    Nwuye General, seems the general be taking your time these days. small small o, ds kain weda de bring belle o.

    S to D K the one and only blognalist... twale!

  93. Anon 11;38
    Sory about ur weight issue
    I was in ur shoes
    I used to be size 8 until I started havin kids and I ballooned to 18,
    I used slimming fiber drugs and I went from 18 to 22,
    Gradually I started with cutting down on all pastries and sweets
    I eat my normal food but small quantity
    Lots or vegetables and fruits
    And today even though they say u can't keep off weight in ur 40s
    Am in my 40s, am size 10
    Highest I fluctuate between size 10-12
    Eat half quantity of what u eat now
    No in between meals
    No food after 7pm but fruits or veggie
    Cut down on sweets
    Take a walk
    Do normal things u can continue with
    Ur weight will reduce gradually
    And ur tummy will also get use to the small intake with time
    Be determine and u will be fine
    Gud luck
    If I can do it then u can


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