Stella Dimoko Read And Be Encouraged


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Friday, October 03, 2014

Read And Be Encouraged

I hope these words minister to someone out there and makes you realise that whatever you are passing through that is causing you pain is not permanent!

Have a great Friday yo all....Kisses!



  1. Hmmmm...thank you Stella. Happy weekend start.

  2. l have resigned to faith and not to fate knowing that GOD's time is the best.sighs.

  3. BLESSON! Now that's a good one

  4. Thanks for this. You are a hope lifter.

    thank u Stella, I just learnt something from this post.

  6. Interesting,,am soooo encouraged...Lovely weekend to Stellacoco & All Bvs...One love

  7. Interesting,,am soooo encouraged...Lovely weekend to Stellacoco & All Bvs...One love

    A man can only love you great when he LOVES GOD GREATER!!!
    hear it!!!!
    meditate on it day and night!!!!

  9. Nice words of encouragement

    On a side note...I am just tired of hearing and reading this "life is too short" supposedly encouraging memes.
    It is becoming ridiculous.

    Life is too short...if you are unhappy, divorce your first wife or second or deserve to be happy.
    Life is too short...snatch your best friend's man, he couid be your Mr right.
    Life is too short if your boss corrects you at work, slap him and deserve to be happy.

    It absolutely makes no sense.

    Life is very long...take your time, work on yourselves, fall in love, work on your relationship, forgive the people that hurt you, set your goals, dream big. Most importantly give your life to christ and watch him make your long life an exciting one.

    Life is very long so you will realise that sex is not food.

    Memo to something meaningful with your lives. invent iphone 8, find the cure for cancer, volunteer in an orphanage. Set up a reading club. Set up a dance studio.

    Shout out to her Sexcellence the generals wife...ife bala aba abago...obago.


  10. And sometimes we loose valuable things because of our 'ego'.

  11. Many healing words up here.

  12. Nice one Stella.
    Some of them reflected my feelings and I have saved them to use as dp, hehehe!
    Thanks dearest SDK.
    Happy weekend everyone.

  13. Thanks Stella, I'm a new BV, about a week old. I read last Friday's post it was really inspiring, dis isn't any less, God bless u as u continue to inspire pple like me. Glow247

  14. Thanks stellz

  15. 😀🌹🎀💝💐🌺🌸Morning Tea. The Word For Today
    Friday October 3, 2014.
    ‘All our busy rushing ends in nothing.’ Psalms 39:6 NLT

    If there aren’t enough hours in your day to get everything done, chances are you can relate to David’s lament: ‘All our busy rushing ends in nothing.’ Mark Roberts writes, ‘It’s hard to think of a more relevant insight for our time…we’re seeing our nest eggs dry up and our economic hopes dashed…We feel as if we’ve been rushing about “[like] moving shadows” (Psalms 39:6 NLT), without substance.’ To maximise your time, Mary M. Byers says: ‘Make lists: what do you want to accomplish this week? List work-related tasks on one side and home-related on the other. That way you won’t have to struggle to remember everything. Consult your schedule first: understanding your current workload is essential to maintaining realistic goals. Are you booked solid, or is this a more relaxed week? If it’s the latter, you can tackle more than you could during times when you’re constantly on-the-go. Prioritise: highlight what has to be done this week, and put everything else on a secondary list. Focus on your highest priority and work on the rest as time permits. Delegate: is there a colleague who can assist at work? The same applies to home-based activities; let your kids pitch in. It’ll help you, and instil a sense of pride and responsibility in them. Identify extenuating circumstances: are you running yourself ragged caring for a loved one, or doing double duty while your spouse is away? At particularly challenging times, give yourself permission to let some things slide without feeling guilty that you’re not accomplishing as much as usual. Learn to let go: the longer something is on your list, the less important it’s likely to be.’

    Soul Food Reading : 1 Cor 12-14, Lk 24: 25-35, Ps 68: 19-35, Prov 25: 17-20. Courtesy Grace So Amazing Foundation🌷🎀🌹🌺.

  16. ALL TO ME MAKE SENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TANX STELLA.

  17. Thanks Mama Stels, nice one! You are such a spirit lifter. BTW: A young friend of mine is seeing a married man, not jst a married man,a young man at that. The man shld be in his early 40,his wife mid 30. I'm 31 married with 2 kids. My friend is 27.. I've actually talked my friend out of the relationship. But I got to know that, she's still collecting money from this same man,and she's already engaged and pregnant for her young fiancé.. T'con***

  18. Thanks Stella,your messages just made my day better

  19. Tank u stella, I tink I realli need the no.2 and 4 pix rite now cos of wot am passin tru.
    Hapi weekend Stella

  20. Yeah am a new BV too; and I find ur blog facsinating

  21. Thanks stella,really really feeling low,nothing seem to be working for me right now,it's been one disappointment after another,but am beliving God for divine upliftment

  22. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Niceone stella no doubt....

  23. Thanks Stella, I really need an upliftment.


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