Stella Dimoko Thirty Things To Let Go Off Before 2014 Ends....


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Monday, December 08, 2014

Thirty Things To Let Go Off Before 2014 Ends....

......Since the year is coming to a close and the New Year is just around
the corner, which inspires many of us to refocus our energy and
attention on the right things (new year resolutions), I think it’s a
perfect time right now to start letting go of the wrong things.
Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, but rather learning to
start over in certain areas of your life. This is a challenge all of
us face.

So today, I challenge you to this:
Before the New Year…

1. Let Go Of Your Temper.

2. Let Go Of Petty Grudges. – Life is far too short to be spent
nursing bitterness and registering wrongs. If there’s someone in your
life who deserves another chance, give it to them.

3. Let Go Of The Idea That Everyone Has It Better Than You. – If the
grass looks greener on the other side… Stop staring. Stop comparing.
Stop complaining and START watering the grass you’re standing on.

4. Let Go Of Lingering False Beliefs.

5. Let Go Of Expired Ideals. – Growth is painful. Change is painful.
But in the end, nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you
do not belong.

6. Let Go Of Yesterday’s Tragedies.

7. Let Go Of Your Tendency To Avoid Problems.

8. Let Go Of Life’s Little Annoyances. – Don’t let dumb little things
break your happiness. Frustration and stress come from the way you
react, not the way things are. Adjust your attitude, and the
frustration and stress is gone.

9. Let Go Of Assuming Other People Are More “Normal” Than You. – The
only normal people you know are the ones you don’t know very well.

10. Let Go Acting Standoffish And Unapproachable. – We all need to
learn to be more human. Don’t avoid eye contact. Don’t hide behind
gadgets. Smile often. Ask about people’s stories. Listen.

11. Let Go Of The Idea That Some People Are Below You. – Even if
you’ve worked really hard to get to where you are in life, there’s no
such thing as a self- made person. Someone believed, encouraged, and
invested in you. Be grateful and be that someone for others too.

12. Let Go Of The Idea That You Are What You Physically Own. – You are
an incredible human being who’s entirely detached from what you have
physically acquired in this world. Remember to remain humble.
Ultimately, two things define you more than anything else: Your
patience when you have very little, and your attitude when you have
more than enough.

13. Let Go Of Wanting Stuff You Don’t Need.

14. Let Go Of Seeking Happiness From Outside Yourself. – In life, you
have to create your own sunshine. Happiness starts from within.

15. Let Go Of Wanting To Be Repaid Of Every Good Deed You Do.

16. Let Go Of All The Little White Lies And Charades. – How do you
build credibility? It’s not rocket science. Be honest. Follow through.
Honor your promises. Say sorry when you screw up. Be the type of
person you want to meet and spend time with. Be the type of person
whose actions, words and values always agree with each other.

17. Let Go Of Any Hypocrisy.

18. Let Go Of Putting Everyone Else’s Needs In Front Of Your Own. –
Give as much as you can every day, but don’t allow yourself to be
used. Listen to others closely, but don’t lose your own voice.

19. Let Go Of Fearing What Your Intuition Is Telling You To Do. – Fear
kills more dreams than failure ever will. So don’t let fear shut you
down; let it wake you up. Do one thing every day that scares you. The
more that you act on your intuition fearlessly, the more your
intuition will serve you. If you genuinely feel something, pay

20. Let Go Of Waiting For The Stars To Align. – Remember, you don’t
always need the perfect plan. Sometimes you just need to give it a
try, let go, and see what happens. Just do the best you can until you
know better. Once you know better, do better.

21. Let Go Of The Need To Get Everything Done At Once.

22. Let Go Of The “All Or Nothing” Mentality Regarding Success. –
Appreciate the grey area between the extremes of success and failure –
the journey, the process, the path – what you’re learning, how you’re
helping others learn too, and the growing process you allow yourself
to participate in. And above all, never let success get to your head
or failure get to your heart.

23. Let Go Of Criticizing Yourself. – Nobody is inspired by your
misery or self-deprecating comments. If you wish to inspire yourself
and others, be joyful. Have fun. Love yourself. Forgive yourself.
Accept yourself. Be unapologetically YOU.

24. Let Go Of Those Who Say You Aren’t Attractive Enough. – More women
worldwide are suffering from anorexia and bulimia than are fighting
breast cancer. There are similar statistics for men too. Love yourself
the way you are, because you are beautiful just the way you are.

25. Let Go Of Changing Just To Impress People. – Change because it
makes you a better person and leads you to a brighter future. Change
because you know it’s the right thing to do for YOU.

26. Let Go Of Needing Everyone To Like You. – Everyone doesn’t need to
like you, and some people won’t no matter what you do. Try not to take
the things these people say about you personally. What they think and
say is a reflection of them, not you.

27. Let Go Of All Negative Influences. Period.

28. Let Go Of Thinking That Giving Up The Wrong Things (And
Relationships) Means Failure.

29. Let Go Of The Idea That It’s Too Late To Start Over And Get It Right.

30. Let Go Of Putting Things Off For One More Day. – Stop
procrastinating. Stop wishing for it and start working for it. Do
what you have to do today so you can do what you truly want to do, and
be where you truly want to be, tomorrow.

"Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, but rather learning to
start over in certain areas of your life". This is a challenge all of
us face- EVEN ME. If you’re struggling with any of the points above,
there is a clear path to the new beginning you seek. Your present
habits are simply broken and need to be mended. When you trust a
broken set of habits every day, it’s only a matter of time before you
feel broken too.

Compliments Of The Season.

Compiled by Innocent Igwe (K2I)


  1. Nice one. Thnks you innocent for this.

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    1. Let go of wanting stuff I don't need


    2. so u mean i shud give my ex anoder chance????

    3. Aunt Stella, my temper keeps me sane in this insane world so I refuse No. 1....I'm holding unto my temper like biscuit bone.
      I will work on No. 8, 13 and 30. Thanks for uplifting people b4 even I was born!

    4. Alloy you practically and technically and honestly live on blogs. Dunno if my comment is good or bad. Ha! More grease to your elbow

    5. @ Galore lol same thing I said to myself...

    6. Great write up. Some are do~able.Noted.


  2. i will let this things go before 2014 ends ,God help me.

    1. Let Go Of Your Temper.

    2. Let Go Of Petty Grudges. – Life is far too short to be spent
    nursing bitterness and registering wrongs. If there’s someone in your
    life who deserves another chance, give it to them.

    7. Let Go Of Your Tendency To Avoid Problems.

    8. Let Go Of Life’s Little Annoyances. – Don’t let dumb little things
    break your happiness. Frustration and stress come from the way you
    react, not the way things are. Adjust your attitude, and the
    frustration and stress is gone

    countdown to my birthday december 12

  3. No 11 though..
    Hmmm... gradually gradually 2014 is coming to an end, I can remember this period on SDK last year, it was fun, where's Mrs Zulu though? I haven't seen her much since then.
    Aside the 30 things mentioned im going to let go of being too sensitive to issues.. it's not healthy, I read meaning into things, analyze, weigh and dissect till it drives me crazy especially if I can't communicate my thoughts.
    That been said, I don't know hw to keep a grudge but 2 SDKers made me feel bad, 1 was supposed to give me something on her own accord I've reminded Sotay im feeling like a beggar, the other I wanted to give what she asked for on my bday I've reminded Sotay im sounding stupid, it's not too cool to ignore people unless perhaps they didn't actually get to read my msgs. It's all good. Now that I've said it out I feel so much better.
    2015 will be great.

    1. This is nice
      Albeit I'm not 'a new year resolution' kinda person, don't get me wrong. I tend to go back to those things I let go. Will give it a shot.

    2. Hahaha Nuvi dear no vex. So long you are alive there is hope. May be when she see my comment she will fulfil her promise. No need to beg. Enjoy your time on this blog.

    3. I'm right here Nuvi, you should have mentioned my name now. What happened? Maybe Stella can forward the message I sent to her to you, where I complained I hadn't received your message but was getting hers. She asked me to put up a request for your attention in the IHN. Or maybe you can go back to some threads where I kept asking that u display your own contact instead, and perhaps it would be easier if I contacted u since u complained u sent me msgs and I didn't get them.
      Why did I have to explain myself to u Nuvi? Because it was I who requested your details out of no compulsion to do so when u ranted u would have a not so exciting bday because of school.

      Did u force me? Did I ask to be recognized? Why haven't I done what Stella asked I do? Go figure. I left it when u didn't respond because small time they'll say "attention seeker". At my age see what I'm having to do, proving myself to a total stranger because she thinks someone raised her hopes high and dashed it. What an awkward feeling. SMH.

      Then u subjected yourself to making this subliminal post and a standby rabbie rouser is super excited that sisi eko is involved in a social "scam' and she hurriedly shows up to mark register and display her ambiguous solidarity. Asserting that her interference would make a difference.. Oh what a sad pity. SMH!

      Nuvi I have no obligation towards u darling. And God sees the sincerest part of my heart that I wanted to ( perhaps still want to) reach out to u for your belated birthday. But for this comment and jumping into conclusion, therefore making a disrepute of my unsolicited gesture towards you, I hereby withdraw whatever it is I had wanted to do or give to u dear. U gat none to lose.

      After all I am not the one feeding u and I am nothing in your life so u wouldn't be missing a damn thing. It's just one of those things. If Stella permits I would love to paste my several communications about u here.

      I however leave you with this, attitude is everything. Don't ever jump to conclusion especially if u aren't sure whom you are dealing with ok? I remain loyal. Now the parasite has been given the free way to jubilate...where's the party at? Might just join in.

      Have a good one dear Nuvi. All the best!

    4. I dey laugh o *in OBJs voice* in the spirit of christmas and this post i will not insult or throw shade at anyone till the season is over. Na you use your hand call yourself internet abi social scam. How can you want to reach out to at the same time withdrawing from fulfilling your promise, all because the lady said her piece. You typed all this to even dampen her morale. Am sorry Sisi Eko if i hurt your feelings, please fulfill your promise to her and apologise for this unsolicited epistle. I sheath my sword henceforth but any inglorious comment from you.....

    5. Ah! My dear Sisi, ejor sister, no vex for Nuvi now, you hear?
      I think there was a mix up somewhere. I'm sure I have seen your comments telling Nuvi you didn't get her mail that she should re-send and I also know I saw hers in another post saying she has sent you another mail but if you didn't still receive it, you should please click on her profile and get her details on how to contact her. I guess you didn't see it.
      I guess you both missed the comments reaching out to reach other.
      Please this shouldn't be an issue ok.
      No need to sound harsh. I admire you a lot on this blog.

      Nuvi, please don't take this to heart biko. I know how emotionally sensitive you can be but please forget this ok.
      It's now clear there was a mix up.
      Let it go dear.

      While trying to catch up on the old posts I missed last week when I was away, I also noticed your comment to another BV asking for her email so you can send "the card". I also noticed you were ignored and I said to myself that this must be killing you.
      Please don't take this to heart inugo? It seems she didn't see it from what I observed.
      Such happens you know. It's not everyone that comes back to read comments and replies.
      Cheers dearies.

    6. Or else what? Who is this one? What is she excited about? *confused* Nuvi is the reason I addressed ur predicament at all. So don't get it twisted. Sheath which sword? With whom? ME? You should know where to find your ilks now, c'mon. But If u stop following my comment bumper to bumper on this blog then you are a double standard COWARD! The person I responded to hasn't even reverted, but u got here before her. LOL! Leave season out of it, you won't insult anybody? Did your insult amount to anything before? Duhh! Anyhow my comment here was for the knock yourself out. If you get any response after this time out, be rest assured that it wouldn't be from ME! Chao! 

    7. @genny babe i also saw the comment only once after nuvi complained she has not gotten a response from her. Even Stella chastised Nuvi for dropping her gmail address. There is no mix up here sisi eko has been avoiding posts Nuvi comments on. If she indeed wants to fulfill her promise nothing Nuvi says will deter her and there a ways to communicate to effect her promise. Ass for you sisi eko i got no hate words for you. Merry Christmas.

    8. Genny the funny thing is that I asked like 4 times and stopped. That was when I took the asking to Stella privately because I assumed that she didn't want to make her mail public. I never even saw the one asking to click her name sef.. u have never clicked anyone's name here so I wouldn't know. Meanwhile I thought she would get through by Stella so I just chilled. Abi will I force her? God knows am not angry o, for what na? I just had to clear the misconception u know. Even as Stella refused to post my mail that Nuvi put on the thread that day for confirmation, I did it myself. There's no issue here all Genny, well at least not from me. I'm straight as a ruler so worry not dear. Ta Ta

    9. Genny send card ke? Not me o. Or u mean Nuvi?

    10. The funny thing is that as much as I run my mouth like tap water on this blog, abi na hand, there are some posts I don't open. I swear I had gone past this particular post severally before I say make I even enter see wetin dey here. And if this her comment wasn't in the first few I would have missed it too. Not unless the gist sweet I won't read the thread to the end. Which is why most times I comment as soon as I read the post at the top and I get off. So I don't understand this ish again. I didn't say anything to subdue her morale at all, she said her mind and I said mine. So instigating issues won't work. Meanwhile shebi the girl was minding her business before oversabi carry me comment for her post. Ehn ehn so we learn everyday.

    11. Sisi eko pay up and stop this nonsense before I expose you.
      posing on a faceless blog,yiu must pay up.where is chucks felix?shameless lots. Promise and fail.

  4. Hmmm..24th of dis month is my birthday, new age,new journey n new blessing for me.#sipsMoetnChandon#

    1. i have 2 let go of bein 2 emotional,

    2. Ur crossed my mind briefly wen I was sipping moet wit my friend (a bv) @ a party yesterday *smiles*

    3. Sipping Moët. Lol haha.
      Brut or Rosé ?

    4. Moydot, hope u will finally give out dat car you promised on ur birthday.

    5. @my mrs,my bv friend aka 'mrs bb' drank half a bottle of brut while I went for rose(after 3 bottles of gulder)...n u know wat happened in d traffic *blame it on d aaaaaalcohol* n d light-skinned thighs I was seeing everytime I turned my neck

  5. Thk u Stella for d golden advice.

  6. Nice one Innocent.
    A million likes.

    1. I love u dis woman,wey ur meeting ppl dem?? Iyawo General ati iphie dearie gbo gbo gbo!

    2. LMAO @ meeting people them.
      I'm actually imagining the scenario.
      With Iphie as the secretary while TGW or BlogLord as the chairlady and assistant and me the....eemmm,Time keeper, hahahaha!

      Love you too Aduralere.

  7. Stella thank you for posting this life changing note u 2much I swear

  8. Nice one. Thnks you innocent for this.

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  9. I let go of everything in Jesus Name

  10. Lovely write up. Compliments blog family!

  11. I let go off my temper,my pride and my ego. If only "ed dreamz" will let go of his foolishness*sigh*

    1. Lol! At the rate the two of you are going, you'll soon adopt him.

  12. Gbamest
    Let go of it all
    Sme of this things re the reason most ppl aint successful

  13. Writer you seem to be in our heads and hearts, well that only makes you human!!I have to let go, hiding behind gadget, petty grudges, temper....God will help us!!We struggle towards perfection!

  14. Tnx 4 dis write up. I have so many tins enlisted in dis write-up dat I have to let go. By Gods grace, I'll overcome

  15. We can't do it on our own, with God on our side and with the help of his grace, we go conquer our shortcomings.

  16. Fanx fr ds post

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  17. I love dis more. Nobody was born for anybody to like. 26. Let Go Of Needing Everyone To Like You. – Everyone doesn’t need to
    like you, and some people won’t no matter what you do. Try not to take
    the things these people say about you personally. What they think and
    say is a reflection of them, not you.

  18. Nice write up

  19. It's not possible to let go all the tins u listed here, but I will try.

  20. Let go abi? If i hear! After he abandon me with one pikin making me nd d boy almost tryna sleep wit men as work wey i dey do nor pay nko?i hear oh!

    1. Enough of your rants joor.
      Everybody has got their issues too.

    2. Desire you are an idiot

  21. Let it gooooo*in frozen's voice

  22. I have to let go of many things including hot tempted

    1. Really?tempted?*sigh*guess av seen it all

  23. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I will put that in mind then.....

  24. I am only extremely guilty of 30.... if you leave me I would postpone

    Totful SD... thanks for sharing

  25. I'm so inspired, i've been struggling with #18 ,buy it time to let go

  26. I'm so inspired, i've been struggling with #18 ,but it's time to let go

  27. Wonderfully nice write up!
    So right but easier said than done
    Not easy at all letting go
    No1 use to be my huge problem but am able to keep it under control!

    No one can make u unhappy unless u allow it!
    Thanx a lot SDK and K21

  28. Hmmmm.... Deep!

  29. Am gonna bookmark this page and make time to read it at least once a day, God! am inspired! thank you so much innocent for compiling and thank you too stella for posting. God bless us all. compliments of the season everyone.

  30. I need to let go of something..... I dated a guy years ago...he was my first at everything. although i'd had sex before, i never knew passion until him. i remember how I begged him to let me slide when he was coming after me, but he just wouldnt let me be. he chased me months un-end till i gave in. It was exciting...We broke up 2years later cos of my sturbborness, and he wouldnt pick my calls. I was a maniac, as i called endlessly...Months later, we saw again, and we made love... And it's been that way for almost 7yrs. ..break....see, shag. .break.....i left Nigeria and somehow he found his way to me....We made mad love again....when I think I am finally rid of him, he finds me....It seems he likes to convince himself he still has my body, and I don't know why I always give in...He even told me he almost married a girl, but she cheated on him and so wedding was off...why would he tell me that? I acted like i was cool with it, and teased him, but i was crying inside....Sometimes I think he loves me, other times I am clueless. I'm not so young anymore, and although I've never really gone on my knees to ask for a husband, cos I have other priorities, I do wish to have my own husband someday soon. How do I let go of this aboki? He is in my veins....I ache for him every time. ..I was celibate for months, and gladly gave in to him....I need to let go....I've prayed, I've fasted, cos I wanna forget....I don't even mind seeing a therapist that will rid me of his thoughts...That's one thing I have to let go of!!!!....sad much! God help me!

    1. U wrote d problem...nd u wrote d solution.get a clue

    2. Stay away from that man! He is stealing your light sister....

    3. Mumu button things.. sorry sister

  31. abeg e!

    nice write up though....but! the world will be a boring place if we all let go of stuffs or habits and become miss goody too shoes or holy nweje or near perfect.

    I am a big culprit of The Need To Get Everything Done At Once and criticizing myself and some others listed. am I gonna let go?
    I really don't think so.

    you just wait! new year resolutions will soon start flooding in...'I will not cuss this year, I will not do ds, I will do dt',***story that touch** by 2nd week of January, everybody back to square one!

    kikikikiki..old habits die hard.
    live your life the way it makes you happy. that's all

    1. Bloggie, ori e pe bi ti Alajo Shomolu.

      My temper can boil yam, though. That's really one of my weaknesses.
      I'm still trying to find strength in it.

    2. 21 Is sooo
      Obsessive compulsive disorder!

  32. So true.

  33. No 1 - Temper (still a work in progress)
    No 10 - this is me right here
    No 13 - I will have to work on this
    No 18 - waoh - as much as I should this - I think it brings me more joy.... less than I used to nowadays anyways but can't completely.
    No 21 - well we shall see..

  34. I've tried to let go of my temper but it seems am not trying enough*sigh* I want to be a better person and i've come to realise that only myself and God can help me.

    1. Ashawo kobo kobo tell your mother to leave my father old divorcee like her that messes up and down the neighbourhood. You have bern warned.

  35. Stella awww as if you know am depressed,I have already become tired of struggling yet nothing to show for it. I wonder how my mum and baby will celebrate this xmas,upon all the struggle this year,I can't boast of a bag of rice,but I believe that God who gave us life had a purpose.

  36. I hope to let go of the areas that affect me in this write-up,step by step I'll get there.

  37. This is very true.especially hypocrisy among women.

    Miss flawless

  38. wow well written ..tanx 2d writer

  39. Hmmmmm lovely writeup, did a self check and realized I have nothing to let go. Lucky happy me.May God give everyone fighting a bad habit the grace to let go this 2014.

  40. awwww.....Nmasinachi. its all about the sex. I think he's the best you've got sexually.

    You've got to make a very disciplined decision to stop seeing him.

    Avoid any links back to him otherwise my dear, its gonna be veryyyyyy difficult moving on. bad as you getting involved with another dude but you end up comparing and most prolly finding the new dude not as capable as aboki.

    discipline your emotions sweetie. discipline your thoughts.

    1. Thank you very much!!! Thank you

    2. I used to be a strong woman, now I'm just...i dont even know what i am! that's the one place I fail....Thank you very much dear... Thank you.

  41. Thank u Stella... beautiful piece.

  42. Am letting go and letting God! Thanks stella

  43. Nice write-up,but it will be hard to let go of somethings,sometimes its not about being a strict person,its just who we are and old habit die hard.#my2kobo#

  44.'re finding it hard to move on coz ure still sleeping with him. It seems sexual attraction is mostly what is between you two; no real friendship. Why did you guys break up? If you still love him, have a convo with him where you explore getting back together and moving your relationship to the next level.
    Hwever, my feminine instinct tells me this guy is not genuine and is just using you and i'm sure yours tells you too. Even if he's not, he's definitely confused.
    The last time, he got engaged, one day you'll find out he is married and it'll all happen under your nose.
    Cut off all ties with him, stay off physical intimacy with any man, get down on your knees to God, confess your shortcomings and pray that He blesses you with a good man. Take control of your life. Goodluck

  45. If anyone is looking for husband, drop comment under this. I'm letting go o, halleluyah Jehovah bu Eze.

  46. awwwww...... Thank You..... Aunty Stella!! #GRACE#.... I LET GO!!!!

  47. @ sisi eko, To avoid further talk talk ,abeg send the present to me,
    So that Lovelace can let ur mata rest.
    Make i find trouble small ,@ love lace e be like say u just learn new English "sheath my sword". I don join am for my dictionary. heheheh...
    @Nuvi no vex u hear. Nsi happens.
    Abeg Aunty Stella of lyf, no put my comment for ur pot of soup o.
    Gurls are not smiling.

  48. My brother dey look for woman to marry ooo. JayEm are you available?

  49. Yes . Wonderful actor


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