Stella Dimoko Woman Commits Suicide ‘Because She Was Unmarried And Had No Children’ At 30


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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Woman Commits Suicide ‘Because She Was Unmarried And Had No Children’ At 30

A ‘fantastic’ woman took her own life because she struggled with the fact shewas unmarried and had no children by the age of 30, an inquest heard.
Hospital administrator Rachel Gow, 29, of Haslingden, Lancashire, thought she was not where she should be in life and felt other members of her family were ‘doing better than her’.

Fearing her boyfriend Anton Tsvarev, 30 would leave her, Miss Gow sent him a text message wishing him ‘all the best for the future’ before taking her own life at her home.

Mr Tsvarev who had been visiting a friend later found Miss Gow but she died despite attempts by him to revive her.
An inquest was told Miss Gow was an ‘outgoing, adventurous and loving’ young woman

But Miss Gow’s problems began in 2011 after her mother Connie a primary school teacher died from cancer aged 66 in 2011.

A statement heard in court read: ‘Following the death of her mother Rachel had a period of independence. She met Anton and they were both extremely happy. He moved in. They had lots in common. She did have three breakups before her relationship with Anton and her greatest wish was to settle down, start a relationship and get married.

‘But she could not overcome her previous sadness and felt Anton would leave her. She was looking forward to turning 30, planning trips to Italy with Anton and going to go Vegas for her birthday, she was saving money every month. But the relationship became unstable and they tried to make it work.’

Miss Gow, who was due to celebrate her 30th birthday in January this year, went to see a psychologist in September 2014.
Mr Tsvarev added: ‘There had been nothing significant at the time except the anniversary of her mother’s death also along with her 30th birthday and mine. These were all things that troubled her. She felt she was not where she should be in life.’

He said she felt that she should be married with children and that her siblings were doing better than her and added: ‘This was something she struggled with. Rachel had spoken to me about the fact she had researched suicide techniques.

‘I was not sure how serious she was about it because she always said things in the heat of the moment.’
On the morning of her death in November last year she had taken a disliking to a text message she saw on her boyfriend’s phone.
Coroner Richard Taylor said: ‘We have a girl who is severely troubles by a number of aspects of her life. As I understand it she was having a slightly more positive year because of new employment. But she clearly had difficulties and at some stage she purchased the items with which she took her own life.
‘It appears from her actions she did that with intent to end her life.’ culled



  1. Replies
    1. I'm going to be 36 this year.. Well educated, mannered, pretty , no Bf yet, but I believe in the God of sudden turn around

    2. @Anonymous 12:5, Jesus

  2. Just because she is not married with kids? She should av gotten pregnant na. Must she marry b4 having kids? Nawa for all these blondes self. Let her rest in peace or pieces na she sabi. Inferiority complex. God forbid dt I will be dt stupid.

  3. Ndi ocha na nzuzu.. I thought most of them dnt bother about gerin married? Well... sad.
    RIP beautiful one.

  4. And a lady just got married @ d age of 40.

  5. Depression a thing that eats deep into ones soul.
    So 30 is being old? Means alot of our Unmarried ladies for don die na as they clock 30.

  6. Na wa o!

    What "I must marry" will cause is pregnant and nursing a baby.

  7. Chai! Depression is a bad tin o. May her soul rest in peace

  8. When there is life,there is hope!!!!!

  9. Na wa ooo! Oyinbo peeps and werey!!! To think that she's just 30! #cantdeal!

  10. Stella you won't understand, to be moneyless is far better than to be manless as a woman

    1. You wanna google suicide techniques too??

      Crazy,crazy people.
      You need God!

    2. It is well with your state of mind, anony.

    3. If you need a man to make you complete then you do not know what GOD created you for, only GOD completes a person, dilligently search for HIM and you will surely find him

  11. O dear! Thats what depression can cause. Being alive should be enough reason to continue to hope. She shouldnt have ended it that way.

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  12. n see hw pretty she was. wen wld peo realise dt der r peo dt hv it worse dan dey do, n r still surviving happily?

    Bad Breath

    I thought of starting up a conversation with Mr Potbelly! He wasn’t a young attractive woman but at least he’d be a much needed distraction from the turbulence of the flight. “Juice sir,? Came the voice of a very pretty female flight attendant. I looked up at her. She had a smile that was like sun light and she had a very nice body. She was pushing one of those weirdly nice looking inflight food trays.
    I saw her and wished she were the passenger seated next to me.She was really pretty (sigh).

    Anyway,I was still staring at her when the Mr Potbelly spoke into the side of my face. “She’s talking to you” His voice was deeply husky (bear like even), but the foul stench and strangely hot radio-active breath that followed was unbelievable
    Tears filled my eyes instantly as if a small canister of tear gas had been unleashed. I felt the temperature on the side of my face rise like a bad fever. His breath smelled like seasoned urine from an alcholic. I didn’t bother looking in his direction (for fear he would open his mouth again). continue reading

  13. Yeye dey smell
    Oya go to hell fire nah, satan will be your husband and the blazing fire your boyfriend msheww

  14. congrats to her. rubbish

  15. wow! is all i can say .
    @30 , like really ?
    i hope u find peace now

  16. Depression at work!
    When people suffer from this kind of depression,even when they have someone about to marry them,they still live in constant fear and denial..very sad. RIP pretty one!

  17. Omg
    See what societal pressure can cause
    But she went too far.
    Y take ur life @30 wen here,people are still believing Good 4 a hubby @40

  18. Its not easy... The things we go thru in life. God help us, im getting to that point right now. No job, no money, no shelter, jumping from one house to another. Just when I was down this post came in, perhaps God is trying to tell me something. Dont give up my child. There is light at d end of the tunnel.

    Stella u just saved a life with this post. God bless u

  19. Rachel.... nothing do you. You go marry for heaven.

    it is well,

  20. So sad I am sure this young lady was having serious issues but seriously she did need to kill herself. I am above thirty single still searching for mr right but I know God time is d best.

    Sdk thanks for all u do pls post my comment

  21. What kind of useless self pity will make someone to commit suicide? Jesus have mercy. May her soul rest in peace sha.

  22. She dey crase!

    I for don die since na!

    Plenty people woulda been dead and gone!

  23. Wow though! Self administered pressure.
    She could easily be a Nigerian girl

  24. Why?
    She shouldn't have. There is always light @ the end of the tuNnel.

  25. height of frustration. na wa .

  26. what a pathetic story.we should never let things weigh us condition is permanent.everything that has a beginning; also has an end.when the going gets tough; only the strong and toughest people pull through.never you give up on every dark tunnel; lies sunshine at the end of the same tunnel.believe in life and tomorrow. believe that the one yet to come is the greatest. suicide should never be an option out of any problem. every problem has a solution.

  27. Suicide is not the best solution to problem biko

  28. Wow soo sad. God have mercy I know what loneliness can do to a person. RIP beautiful soul

  29. Steeewwwpeeed guurrrl!

    Suicide is so dumb. People who indulge are so selfish.

    I blame society for brainwashing women into thinking marriage is the be all and end all.

    I keep telling my nieces...the two most important things to make in life: MONEY AND HEAVEN.

    Biko swerve with that marriage pressure bullshit.

    1. Hmmmm before you know it cruel people will call them aunty gwegwegwe as if they are God

  30. BLOG ANALYSER: Deep pyschological issues

  31. Is marriage an achievement? And who says 30 is the standard age limit to have attained marital status? We really need to challenge our thought processes to undo the wrong stereotypes that society has fed us. What a loss

  32. Gosh!i thought these white people had sense.

  33. May God rest her soul but suicide is never a solution

  34. I guess even if she had gotten married and had children,something else would have made her feel dissatisfied because it's like,she had an emptiness that never goes away.
    A sad way to end it all,may God rest her soul!

  35. This is what happens when you have a low self esteem and u feel u are in a competition with others, RIP to the dead. sorry, but I don't feel any pity for her

  36. Fine girl just go and waste her life for nothing, is marriage the only last thing she can die for? Abeg RIP.

  37. I might not understand taking Your own life but I understand being desperate for something and scared shitless it might not happen.

    Baby mattaz driving me coocoo... Lord help me.

  38. So her own don end just like that ? RIP.

    Marriage ni children ko

  39. The devil has finally succeeded in deceiving this lady that theres nothing to live for. Too bad for her.

  40. Kai nawa ooo...dat wasn't d best option nau...inferiority complex @ work!!! Her own don end b dat na

  41. See real selfishness! This girl was so unkind to the people who loved her. How could she throw her life away like this? Truly, a life lived without Jesus is full of crises and pain. This is what comes from not believing there is a God who is larger than any circumstances and has promised to deliver all who call on his name. This godlessness is rampant abroad where people trust only in human ability and resources and doubt the existence of the most high.

    When she found herself feeling unhappy for so long she should have sought help. Sad thing is, one cant even pray she should rest in peace; ppl who commit suicide enter into an eternity of damnation. See jumping from frying pan to unquenchable fire.

    People please, if you experience deep sadness or hopelessness over any issue, pray O! Pray alone and find friends who will pray with you. Also make sure you seek about it to someone. There are many professional counsellors around these days. Olorun maje a ri aburu o!


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