Stella Dimoko Man's World Versus Woman's World - Jeremiah Ogbodo's Friday Rant...


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Friday, March 20, 2015

Man's World Versus Woman's World - Jeremiah Ogbodo's Friday Rant...

Swanky Signature Boss Jeremiah Ogbodo posted something that caught my fancy,I hope it catches yours....

What do you think of his rant?


  1. Replies
    1. We live in a different society, where men and women are almost not treated equal. That's our society!!! That the west want their women to have equal rights with men doesn't make there ideology superior to ours. Come to even think of it are women really equal to men in developed countries? I don't think so! All they do is put a law that makes it seem so but in the actual sense it doesn't really amount to anything.
      If truly women need to be protected, then we must actually give our rights away to some extent to be protected. All I am saying is that people both men and women be treated fairly and just and given whatever each deserve.

    2. Please if u read every thing... Kindly break it down here.... *yawns*

  2. I dont like commenting if am not first, second or 3rd.

    Stella Sugar... Mrs Kork

    1. I over-agree mehn, have always thought of it too that women are just more pressurized than men... This men need to learn to respect women as well

  3. Lemme go and read now...brb

  4. How does swanky treat his own gf,I will like to know.

    1. Does he have a girlfriend?


    2. Struggling for feminist endorsement


  5. Nice one Swanky.. *pats swanky's back*

    1. Lol let it be onli hs bak u ar parting oh

  6. I million kisses for you swanky!
    Preach on brother!
    Men are too egocentric.

  7. I ain't thinking actually
    No matter this rants...some one else will still come up with dos and don't s and long essay meant for women to study on how to please their man....
    So by and large it still appears to be a man's world anyway

  8. Word word word!!!! seems like a reply to Richard's post on LIB on the Married and Single women letters. Nice one Jeremiah! u just spoke realistically!

    1. Word! I was just saying today how these dysfunctional guys werent raised well by there moms. God help me,i will raise my boys to protect and respect their sister. That way they would transfer the traits to gfs,wives,colleagues etc Please moms we should ignore the guys who treat us badly cos their moms failed. Lets raise our boys differently from how our moms raised them. Lets raise our sons to be kings!

  9. Well said. Teach them don't tell them.

  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    A man that doesnt respect a woman is indirectly telling his mum FUCK YU..... Nice write up dude no doubt.....

  11. Omg!!
    Amen brother!

    If only every man will know this... the world will just be awesome!
    Mothers have a lot of work to do!
    No son or brother of mine ga awu efulefu!

    1. Every man can't and shouldn't know this. It ain't realistic! If women need protection then, they must be ready to act like civilians while men become their soldiers. What I am against is pressurizing women into marriage.

    2. D era of women been treated as slaves is past n gone. Bcos she has weeker muscles does not been she has lesser wisdom.pple like u will want a woman 2 bow down n worship u. Don't 4get u are not a God but jst a fellow human like us. If dere's eva a nxt life I wud wish u b a lady n a vry slim one wit tiny

  12. Rant? Wise words from a man who knows the true value of women in a world that is fast neglecting the virtues of womanhood. Spot on Swanky!!

  13. How many women have u jilted, answe my question, stop forming good guy abeg ya all the same.

  14. Stella, what happened to our rant session.

    everybody don dey rant. Notice me man too is ranting. send him to our rant session where he can open his bigger mouth

    1. oh no *covers face on your behalf* that all?

  15. 100 percent true. Even God called woman a helper not a toy or slave. He brought d rib he used in created a woman by d rib, which we all know comes from d side of d man, it means equality. Women re to be submissive not abused. De should be treated with love as God commanded men to love dia wives. So I support d writer 110percent. Kudos dear, ur mum must be proud.

  16. God bless you jerry for this any man who doesn't respect a woman is doomed


  18. This his bow leg no get rival

  19. Abeg make he go rest!
    Just trying to grab the attention of those nollywood bitches and whores... market no dey.
    Horrible stylist. Can't even style himself to save his career. Imagine d shit he's putting on
    Next pls!

    1. Where have you been?? You went on exile??

    2. HATER ALERT .

    3. But why are you this hurt. I mean who broke your heart and made you this bitter. Who ever made you like this should be flogged and if it's just you 'hating', you better stop it and focus on being a good person or else you would just kill whatever good is left in your sorry life.

    4. U are a fool Lepa. . Ur comment is not d issue at hand.. its ur type dat rape and abuse women if u are a man..

    5. @anon 14:46, your mother is a fool! May your fingers wither. Omo Iran Kiran.
      And if this is jeremiah, may amadioha destroy your dick. I know you visit this blog

  20. Jeeeeezzzzz, I think I jst fell 4 dis guy! So dere are still reasonable guys on dis planet? #word

  21. He was really raised by d best hands. Damn!

  22. Our society has a lot to play on how women are treated.

  23. I loveeeee this. God bless you Jerry. Thanks for saying it as it is. Its good to have a fellow woman in ones squad in times of need.....On point.

    1. Fellow woman ke?

      **checks again**

      Isn't the Jerry a dude??

  24. Gbam. A man needs a woman and a woman needs a man. The pressure to marry no be here abeg, it's more on the women cos of our biological clock. Truly, every king needs a queen.

    1. Like d idiot at my workplace that was wishing n praying id b married by November ass hole got his own personal wahala too shit

  25. Make sense, but that's not what I see in the media today. I still cant figure out why women are portrayed as whores in musical videos, as a bunch of items to be acquired to flaunt success. Babes and booze, baby mamas, cheap and shallow lovers etc.

    Gone are the days when women and the power of motherhood was portrayed with so much vigour.

    Whether we like it or not, the media especially musical vidoes shape the way womanhood is portrayed and appreciated. The painful thing is when you still see women supporting and applauding these artistes who debase their image.

    And then I wonder, these girls who allow themselves to be used to portray womanhood as whoring, bum-shaking, money-loving numskulls, do they come from homes?

    Growing up, we used to sit and watch music videos and performances on TV with our parents (Christy Essien, Sunny Ade, Ebenezer obey, Chris Okotie, Felix Liberty, Stella Monye DZK etc). The love and the message were real.

    But today, just imaging my embarrassment when I put on a cable music channel with the kids around. Tell me about censorship.

    Women, rise up. Defend your image. Say no stupid baseless portrayal of womanhood. Fight it. Let our artistes get more creative and respectful of your gender.

    These generation is gone. It rest with us to teach our sons to respect women and our daughters to hold virtue in great esteem.

    You cant protect what you dont respect or value.

    May God help us.

    1. U are so right dear.. its annoying dat in every music video women are seen naked and shaking their break and butt... women if d men refused 2 respect u pls respect ur selves. .

    2. D'arc Ed, but even with the music videos, a lot of other countries and societies still treat their women with regard and dignity. Let's look at America for example, you can't say Nigeria produces more videos of scantily-clad females dancing up and down and frolicking in them more than American music videos but their society still regards women's rights, their laws support and protect women. It's a societal issue, not a media issue. For example, if a man beats his woman in America, he has the law to face even if the woman decides not to press charges (in some states); but in nigeria, they will say it's a private family issue or that she must have done something bad etc. If a man impregnates a woman and tries to abscond, his paycheck would be ducked for child-support, we all know how many single mothers are out there in Nigeria without any help while the men who impregnated them still run around with different women and no one calls them to order, instead, other rich men around will be propositioning them to have sex with them if they want them to help/drop some money; and the list goes on and on. That is the society we live in in Nigeria! Sorry to be comparing America to Nigeria because one is way older and more developed than the other but I had to use it because of the music video reference and we might never get close to their level if we keep hiding behind different excuses instead of facing the real issues at hand and tackling them appropriately.............. Just Me

    3. I quite agree with you anon 15:03 on the other issues you raised. They have to be looked into too.

      I simply harped more on the music/media issue because of the enormous power it wields in moulding the world view of the younger generation even when what is being portrayed is make believe.

      It affects a lot of things. A young boy sees all that a$$ bouncing around an artiste smoking, drinking and throwing dollars around women and may just conclude that is all success and women is all about. He hits the street and his perception of women and true love is jaundiced especially if he has no credible role model to sanitize his mind. You need to hear the young ones talk and see how much of channel O is in their system.

      Media is a powerful too of societal indoctrination.

      Women should not support art that portray them as airheads and cheap pawns for men's pleasure. 17 scantily clad, ass-bouncing curvy women around a fully dressed artistic pimp is the height of disrespect for women no matter the amount of women right laws in that society. It programs infidelity into the male folks. It programs our ladies to throw away their values and self esteem.

      WHat damage to the female psyche can be worse than that?

      Imagine if woman frown on such portrayals in music videos and demand more respect from the artistes.

      Must everything be about "touching her body" when she is not your wife, wine that waist and shake what your mama gave ya, shorty, in da club and all that crap etc when she's not a whore. I wonder who would love their daughters, sisters or wives to be empowered that way.

    4. D'arc Ed, I understand where you're coming from and agree with your reasoning but there are more things that need to be tackled before the media and music videos can be reined in. There are definitely worse damages a female psyche can suffer. We first need to start raising our children right to respect one another(both boys and girls). Our society needs to start treating women like they are real human beings then the music videos etc can follow suit. I've seen brutalized Nigerian women's pictures online but hardly see that if the men that harmed them. I've seen a woman with a bloody face and two missing fingers that her husband cut off. I've heard of men saying to their wives in anger "I will kill you and nothing will come if it!" I've read stories of men who actually beat their wives to death and are still walking free today, one even attended her burial with his new girlfriend (true story). I've heard of a mother and her devastated 14yr old daughter running to the police station with girl still in tears because their neighbour just raped her only for the police officers to ask her what she was doing there, they said she had no case and they should just go home. When is the society going to start protecting these kinds of women? Knocked up women or abandoned wives and widows with kids to take care of and the only option being dangled in front of their face by is "back for ground, money for hand". Can't the government pass laws to protect them to start with? We all know our lawmakers are capable of passing new bills because they not so long ago passed an anti gay bill. Can't they focus that kind of effort on protecting women? Women are seen and treated like objects and property instead of fellow human beings with feelings and this is in the core of our society, music videos and the media didn't create this; it's been long time coming. If the society starts dealing effectively with these murderers, rapists and abusers while protecting our daughters and women, then the entertainment industry will start adjusting, not the other way around. If murders and rapists go scotfree, men who merely verbally and emotional abuse women will think they are saints because at least, they're not using their hands. Yet, any form of abuse and oppression is wrong. Blogs and newspapers should start posting photos of "confirmed and proven" abusers and their victims instead of just the victims, I'm sure the hands of angry citizens will reach them if the hands of the law is slow. This will for starters make abusive men think twice before harming women when they consider possible jungle justice as a result of their pictures out there. Then our government should start passing bills and enforcing laws with the protection of women and children in mind because there's too much happening out there to even start listing. We need to start bringing these issues to the forefront and exposing things so the government can take things seriously because it is eating away at the society like a cancer. And most importantly, we all need to call a spade a spade and focus on the issues at hand rather than diverting attention and focusing on paltry issues like music videos. That can be fixed and regulated after handling the pressing issues.

    5. I totally agree with you concerning the gravity of abuse against women. The issues you pointed is really on a different level and perspective from what I was discussing. They were not meant to be compared. I see your point and agree that laws and their implementation should be put in place to protect women.
      We all have our jobs cut out for us as far as protecting the female folks is concerned, parents on the home from, religious leaders, educators at all levels, legislators and government in general. I agree with you.

  26. I'm officially your number one fan Jerry. Going to follow him on IG right now. Love him for this.

  27. This has been our societial major issue but I personally have issue wt women 2 woman. Why would a woman b the one who fight ha fellow woman? In family settings,its either the mother in law is d main 'ish or d sister in laws. It pains me so much bcos women are powerful,our inflential,maternal insinct can be unstoppable,and why can't we use it well to uplife rada than destroy? I'm nt after equality n feminist school of though bcos,nobody has d right to define my values,my self worth 4me,its my personal work n I owe no body responsiblity to dat but what I don't feel com4table abt is.... When family issues comes up,eg,my cousin's husband sleeps out most nights,leave ha home alone,she will complain n cry to ha husband,he will sleep off while listening to ha (how painful) he comes back home so late n all crabs... She got angry n want to be heard cos she got tired complaing,she left d house to ha friends house 4a nite just to no if she wuld b missed or b looked 4! The day she decided to come back,she was beaten blue n black by ha husband,she called ha mother in law to tell ha,she got d shocker of ha life! The woman said,why wuld u ever leave d house in d 1st place? A woman! A mother? An experienced woman in d world of men dat treat women like sh**t! How dare ha say dat? What abt ha own emotions? What abt ha sleepless nites? She expected d mother to decipline ha son n talk sense to him. Yes,i believe in d school of thought dat says dat every woman shuld submit to their husband n respect him,respect n submission are strength not weakness but pls,how abt love! Men were comanded to love their wives as christ love d church,love covers multitudes of sins,love wuld listen,love won't see u cry at nite n won't care,little little attention over looked usually cause d major problem in marriage n mothers,women,sister in laws,cousin in laws all of dem who understood d huge emotion woman has, are same that wuld go back n fight d woman! We gave birth to these guys,we raised them,we nurtured them,we thought them what's wrong n what's right,we can as well train dem the values of undasnding n respecting a woman. Teach both girls n boys the positive power of self love dat dos nt depend on anybodies expections. This is one reason I don't believe in culture,pple make this culture to suit dem. I believe in LOVE,the most powerful weapon to fight with n win all d time! Culture hurts but love heals. Women,let's empower ourselves,devil nos our power in unity,that's why he is fighting us against one another! In unity we stand,in seperation we fall. Let me go back to my gist,afterall today na friday. M out!

  28. This isn't a rant at all...tthese are true words to the last take note....Stella u must enjoy me

  29. I just fell in love with this guy, had to google him because I don't really know who he is although I've heard his name here and there. If anyone is going to rant, this is the type of rant they should be engaging in; especially in a society like Nigeria. He hit the nail right bang on the head! He was either raised right and well or he's just a forward thinker with a good heart or both......... Just Me

  30. Swanky, I hope you practice what you preach

  31. Word.
    Flesh and blood has not revealed this to him,but the Holy Spirit.

  32. In fact I am now ur biggest fan Jerry.. u have said it all.. let us teach d next generation to worship woman.. Women especially mothers are super women.. thumbs up man!

  33. Nice, maybe if we keep saying it the ladies would learn about their value and self worth. Nice i see some words from chimamanda's speech in there.
    If it was Stella, dey would cry plagiarism...hehehe

  34. Well said.
    Shows that you were raised by phenomenal parents. A Billion kudos to you...

  35. #thumbsup Jerry...

  36. I am sure dis guy is tryn to impress a lady he's trying to get btw her legs. Well, I will wait for the part two when he don chop the thing wey he wan chop or better still when suspect the babe doing runs. HahHaaha

  37. He's gay so he's in tune with his feminine side.


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