Stella Dimoko HIV Flushed Out By Cancer Drug


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Friday, July 31, 2015

HIV Flushed Out By Cancer Drug

HIV can be flushed out of its hiding places in the body using a cancer drug, researchers show.

The cornerstone of treatment, anti-retroviral therapy, kills the virus in the bloodstream but leaves "HIV reservoirs" untouched.
The study, published in PLoS Pathogens, showed the drug was "highly potent" at reactivating hidden HIV.
Experts said the findings were interesting, but it was important to know if the drug was safe in patients.

- 'Kick and kill'

A strategy known as "kick and kill" is thought to be key to curing HIV - the kick would wake up the dormant HIV allowing the drugs to kill it.
The team at the UC Davis School of Medicine investigated PEP005 - one of the ingredients in a treatment to prevent cancer in sun-damaged skin.
They tested the drug in cells grown in the laboratory and in parts of the immune system taken from 13 people with HIV.

The report said "PEP005 is highly potent in reactivating latent HIV" and that the chemical represents "a new group of lead compounds for combating HIV".
One of the researchers, Dr Satya Dandekar, said: "We are excited to have identified an outstanding candidate for HIV reactivation and eradication that is already approved and is being used in patients.

"This molecule has great potential to advance into translational and clinical studies."
However, the drug has still not been tested in people who are HIV-positive.
Prof Sharon Lewin, from the University of Melbourne, said the results were "interesting" and marked an "important advance in finding new compounds that can activate latent HIV".

She told the BBC: "This study adds another family of drugs to test to potentially eliminate long-lived forms of HIV although much more work needs to be done to see if this works in patients.
"Although PEP005 is part of an FDA approved drug, it will first take some time to work out if it is safe to use in the setting of HIV."



  1. The fear of HIV is the beginning of wisdom..hmmm


  3. I hope this research will tune into reality, a cure for HIV will safe lots of life's.

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  4. Nawa o, God shld just help us in this country. I actually have a male colleague who believes HIV doesn't exist and he carries women like no tomorrow. I just shook my head the day he made that statement.
    The truth is we still have a lot of Nigerian men that gnansh without condom, believing in their chauvinistic ways that they can never get HIV,they carry clean girls, or it doesn't even exist, and some of them are young men o. Some would say they don't use condom's. It doesn't make sex enjoyable. Meanwhile they don't stay on one woman. The only thing they just think abt is perhaps pregnancy, and they will do withdrawal method.

  5. That's wonderful news. I hope they start clinical trials soon.

  6. And I so hate condom.
    Life is becoming good.
    Best news ever!!

  7. Yet to be tested on hiv positive persons....

  8. Yet to be tested on hiv positive persons....

  9. It is so. Then i will say thank God so that those living with HIV can be free from this deadly disease.

  10. Good news!!!

    I just hope politics doesn't come into play in its research

  11. Really wish Nigeria would invest on research.

  12. No energy to type my comment! Bye.

  13. Saw it in the today's paper post and I was startled.

  14. Good one, God please let it be safe

  15. What of doc Agbalaka nau? His own kills both spiritual and physical hiv, just bcoz e nor sabi chemistry. Let's avoid skin diving pls women especially, life is too sweet to be ruined by 2min of uhh! and ahh!

  16. Wow... nice
    HIV will end one day

  17. hmmm....interesting

  18. Wow my pastor Bro. Joshua Iginla released a prophecy last Sunday that very soon there will be a cure to one of the world's deadliest diseases. I pray it shall come to pass

  19. wow...this is great o. I really hope it works cos it's gonna save lotsa lives

  20. I pray it works

  21. Wonderful. This is good news.

  22. The most deadliest disease now us not HIV. I guess it will be between Malaria and Ebola.


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