Stella Dimoko Infertility Beat Me But It Didn't Break Me!


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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Infertility Beat Me But It Didn't Break Me!

This sponsored post is an Initiative of Nordica Fertility Centre and once every week,you will read stories of women who have decided to tell their stories to encourage others who are going through what they went through.

Every woman can be a mother.....

''As a child, Bimpe’s dream had always been to marry her prince charming, have two or three children and live happily ever after. In a way, her dream came partially true. She found Dare, her prince charming at 27, and after a couple of years of dating, married him in a fairytale wedding complete with a Cinderella wedding dress for her, black tuxedo for him, church for both of them and for everyone, a reception hall that mimicked a castle. Then began the wait for the children she dreamt about.

The following month after the wedding, Bimpe waited for the supposed first day of her period to arrive, but nothing arrived. She waited another day, after all, she was often a couple of days late, so there was nothing to get excited about yet, or was there? Five days later, she was still waiting. No period.

After two more days of no period, Bimpe got really anxious. My period has never been this late. Am I pregnant? She wondered. She almost peed in her pants at the thought of such possibility. She had got married a virgin, and all thoughts of sex, pregnancy and babies were all still a bit new. Could I possibly become pregnant on the very first try? 

She kept wondering. But there were no answers.

When she broke the news to Dare, Bimpe didn’t say “I think I’m pregnant”. What she said was “I think I might be with child”. In her estimation, the word “child” had a lot more meaning than “pregnant” at this point in time. Dare was ecstatic. Wow, that’s absolutely fantastic! He yelled, but he wanted them to be sure. In fact they needed to be sure. A pregnancy test was inevitable. The next day, he drove Bimpe to the hospital.

She took the test and it was negative. She took it again the next morning and the morning after. Negative, both times. Maybe it was too soon, but her period was more than week late and that was abnormal. Bimpe took the pregnancy test five times and received five negative results, but no period arrived. She didn’t lose hope, and Dare also remained hopeful. Despite the multiple negative results, excitement built between them.

Even with no periods and no pregnancy to show, Bimpe tried to think rationally. If she was not having a period, then she just had to be pregnant she reasoned. The doctors didn’t help much. They didn’t confirm she was pregnant.
But that was the only time Bimpe could remember truly experiencing the happiness of thinking she was pregnant. Thinking there could be a baby growing inside her was like no other feeling she had in her entire life. She imagined telling people she and Dare were expecting and how excited and nervous it was making her. Bimpe started to look to the world differently, as only an expectant mother could.

Then, exactly 12 days after the expected date, her period arrived. She was devastated. The realization of not being pregnant after all was really hurting. The disappointment was much. She didn’t cry, but kept to herself and refused to talk about it. Not even with Dare. With time, thankfully, the pain gradually receded. The shock wore off and she looked forward to life as a normal, married woman. But no such luck. That experience was the start of a cycle of late periods, negative pregnancy tests and discouragement.

It was not too long thereafter before Bimpe realized that trying to conceive could be an emotional mixed bag of excitement, fear, anxiety and disappointment. Over the next four years, she and Dare tried everything they knew was naturally possible to make a baby, but no luck. There was no pregnancy and certainly no baby.

They went from pillar to post, from one fertility centre to the other, saw doctor after doctor, hoping for the miracle of conception all to no avail. For some time, during the search for the elusive pregnancy, Bimpe had noticed pain persistently in her lower abdomen particularly around the time of her period. It did not take long before confirmation that her problem was a severe case of endometriosis and it was the culprit of her endless months of infertility.

Hers was now a world of pain. Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease occurring when tissue lining the uterus is found on the outside of the uterus. It grows on ovaries, fallopian tubes, surface of the uterus, etc. the misplaced tissue develop into growths or implants and causes severe pain and infertility.
After the first laparoscopic surgery, Bimpe started medications to further reduce the size of the implants. What that meant was more pain. She despised needles and so chose the pill form. Her body only responded to medications the first month and then went into lockdown against the oral medication. With no other option, she started the injectable after medications. 

There were no tangible results. The only option left was another laparoscopic surgery.
As the weeks turned into months and the months became years, her endometriosis got worse and her pain magnified. Her life became a blur of pain and she was barely able to live through each day. Eventually, it got to a point conservative surgery was no longer effective, and radical surgery was suggested by the experts.

One doctor told her point blank that total hysterectomy was the way to go. He said removal of her uterus and cervix as well as both ovaries was the potentially best treatment. Hysterectomy is typically considered a last resort, especially for women still in their reproductive years. It is a permanent form of sterilization. 

No woman can get pregnant after a hysterectomy.

Bimpe was incredulous. Well, she understand having to lose her uterus, but why her tubes and ovaries as well? Doctors explained further. The oestrogen produced by her ovaries could still stimulate any remaining endometriosis and cause pain to persist.
A second opinion was no different. All of her options and the possible outcomes were down to one.

She got more and more downcast and depressed.

Bimpe was heartbroken and felt really bad because just like her, Dare her husband, wanted so desperately to be a parent, but she was dragging him down with her “problem”. In the realization that she was at fault and wasn’t enabling him live his dream, Bimpe sat him down one day and told him to leave her.

"Dare, I cannot bear children, please leave me, I beg you. Find someone that can bear children". But Dare would not yield. He took her in his arms and looked into her eyes. I don’t care if we can’t have children. I love you and I want a life with you. That made her love him even more, but she had never felt so hopeless and helpless. 

Dare had been nothing but supportive, understanding and loving. He was the perfect husband. She knew what she had to do, if he wasn’t going to leave her, she was going to leave him. She had no other option.

After months of struggling, pain and heartache, Bimpe learned her endometriosis had completely taken over her reproductive organs. Doctors couldn’t save her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. They needed to perform that total hysterectomy. It was the final goodbye to her dream of someday being a mother of her own naturally conceived children.

On the day of the surgery, Bimpe walked into the hospital with her head high. She put on a brave face even though, deep down, she was very much afraid and sad. The tears welled up, but she fought them back and stubbornly refused to cry. The last time she shed a few tears was when she had to take what was to be her last ever pregnancy test. Her armour was thick, but deep down, under the fake smiles and reassurances, she was just a little girl, huddled in the corner crying over her broken dream of seeing her husband’s eyes shining back at her through their miracle was almost too much to bear.

It took Bimpe weeks, months and years to recover. It’s been three years since she had the hysterectomy and she still has bad days. One point to note is that she managed to learn to overcome her sorrow by channeling her mothering tendencies to nieces and nephews and other children around and the help of a support group she joined.

By learning to nurture other dreams she has been unable to realize or afford if she and Dare had children, she attempts to make the best of every day despite the loss she will forever feel in the recesses of her heart.

To the women struggling with infertility, Bimpe has an important message. Her thoughts are with you. She wants you to know that there will be days you think
the world is fighting against you and that everyone else except you can get pregnant. There will be days you think the pain and loss will never lift and it will choke and break you. Please don't succumb. Have bad days. Sob in the corner and grieve. It is okay. We are only human and can only bear so much. But don't let your sorrow live and fester in your heart and soul. Don't let it weigh you down because you deserve happiness, in whatever form it may be. Believe in you, believe in miracles and always believe something better is out there waiting.

She hopes every woman that wants to be a mother finds her happy ending. No story should end like her's, but she's okay. She wakes up each day excited about life and look for blessings around every corner. She is still patiently waiting for a miracle in any form. Her infertility beat her down, but by no means did it break her. She is and will always remain, a mother in her heart.

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  1. Replies
    1. Too long I didn't read. *tired*

    2. I cannot imagine the pain of infertility - I cannot imagine the tortute, despondency, frustration and depression. May God grant evey woman who genuinely seek the fruit of the womb their desire, amen

    3. Wats wonderful? Dis mony maker imbecile wt a capital I.i can't see dat u are jst an attention seeking idiot.

  2. touching


    1. God please meet everyone looking for the fruit of the womb!

  3. Either you wait on God or if you are in a hurry, go and do an ivf. Many dont want to go through that path because of the money involved. I pray for many who are in the waiting room that God's time is the best.

    If you desperately want children why dont you buy children's clothes and use it as a point of contact in your prayer to God and then start buying things for children, love children no matter how dirty they are and you will be surprised how it will happens. God looks into the hear of women ooo.

    1. What if the uterus was removed along with the Ovaries and Fallopian tube? Then the IVF is impossible.

      But I have heard testimonies of women with no womb carrying their children...our God does whatever He pleases. Infact this is 'too small a case' for Him. I pray He breaks the natural laws for Bimpe's sake.
      Nma's Blog 

  4. Wow!
    So much pain and sadness.
    God please reach out to Bimpe and other women looking unto you for miracle babies.

  5. OMG!!!!!!

    This broke me completely ...

  6. I almost cried reading this article, don't know what to say.

  7. Oh God! I thought the article will ve a happy ending, I hope Bible finds d courage to adopt. I ve some frnds who are TTC, each time I want to update about my kids, I just remember them and I decide not to. I hope everyone finds a happy ending

  8. wow...this made me teary. i feeel so sorry for her.

    God is still in that business of performing wonders and miracles, i have heard cases of women who have undergone hysterectomy and miraculously got pregnant. It seem impossible medically but God can! my prayers are with you Bimpe, do not give up. You will smile again, God will cause His face to shine on you, He will give you brand new uterus and fallopian tubes. He will replace every missing organ in your body and perfect your marriage. Stay Blessed!

    1. Shut up u religious charlatan. U are the problem in Nigeria. Repeat after me A WOMAN WITHOUT A UTERUS CANNOT CARRY A BABY.

      Dr ABC

  9. God is still in the business of performing miracles...
    Children are his heritage...Therefore anyone waiting on God will smile.

  10. This reminds me of myself, got married in 2010 for a whole year NOTHING, exactly 1 year later in 2011 I took in without even knowing plus I was having periods. I was up north at the time and meningitis was on its peak then, well I decided to go get a vaccine after 3 days I started bleeding profusely ba finally only to get to the hospital and told I just lost a pregnancy! It took me another 2 years to get pregnant again in 2013 I carried for about 4 months and out of nowhere one day while eating dinner it just dropped , I almost lost my senses. It was unbelievable but I kept trying , sex was just to make babies and love making extinct in my marriage! I decided to do an ivf since the I laws were on my case , withdrew all my savings Till the last kobo and paid for the ivf without a dime for my hubby instead he was cheating on me left right and centre. I confronted him he apologized and promised to stop but for where. Well it's 5 years now and not a single child I did another ivf which I paid by selling off all my gold and some jewellery my grandma willed over to me, sold a plot of land which is an inheritance from my father but it failed again!
    Where is God????? I cry myself to sleep and cry when I attend bday parties and naming ceremonies or even christening! Am such a party pooper this days bcos I end up crying all the time people around begin to cry too, some know why and others don't even have an idea. My Mother in law has told me point black that she will get her son a fruitful wife!!!!! What do I do commit suicide ???? His family is totally against adoption too! At this point I feel like it's time to leave the marriage again I think I should try to have a child and then leave , at least by then I ll have a child of my own!!!!
    All the money spent and all the pain plus the psychological torture........... Hmmmmmn
    Heavenly Father send down a savior , am in total depression! Madam F

    1. I literally had tears rolling down my eyes reading your story, oh God. only God can provide you with peace and comfort. Just trust in him you will have your child in his time.

    2. My dear. .
      I'm not married but I'm currently praying for God's restoration of my health. ..
      I reject premature ovarian failure in my life..God says dry bones shall rise again
      I reject my body shutting down before her time...
      I'm trusting God and believing him that when I finally get married I would birth children. .He said none shall be barren in the land. ..and I key into that I think you should too.

      @the most healthy and fruitful young lady

    3. Am so teary right now,but darling this simply means your miracle is very near.
      I have one suggestion tho,pls if u can save up again,try implanting on a young surrogate(someone that has carried a child b4) then carry God along every step of the way.
      I ve had a patient with similar story,just that money wasn't an issue in her case.
      When her IVF failed twice,she took up 2 diff proven surrogates,she has good eggs so,d 2 surrogates were implanted after treatment. 2 eggs each n 2 eggs for her(third IVF).
      We all prayed n believed so much DT at least one of d surrogates ll take.
      On the faithful day for PT test,d surrogates came n both tested negative...I immediately broke down .
      The woman came later in the day n almost fainted by d looks on our faces.
      After plenty crying n consoling,we did her test for formality sake n there it was. 2 super bright lines💃💃
      We used all d diff kits to confirm n everything came out positive.
      She has since given birth to 2 healthy boys.
      Keep faith my sister. God does not abandon his own.

    4. Come to my church, Global success will testify

    5. NO she will NOT engage a surrogate. God in heaven will answer her.

      Madame let me tell u something, touch ur tummy as u read this nonsense I'm typing... and in faith say along with me...

      This stomach will yield fruit, I will conceive and bear forth my own Samuel. Are You no longer the God of Hannah and Elizabeth? Have u denounced Your throne as the God of Sarah? Rather than be impatient by bringing forth Ismael, Oh Lord I choose to WAIT on You... The GOD of Heaven and Earth, give ME my Issac!!!

      Please return with your testimony this time next year. Go and start buying your baby stuff.

    6. Dear poster, I am very sorry about all you have been through but I think God is trying to tell you something by delaying you conceiving. Try working on your relationship with your husband first, take a break if needed but please stop spending all your life savings on having children with a man who thinks it's your job only to prepare and plan for a child. Adding a child to the mixss up you just gave us a glimpse of will only make things more difficult. God direct your step.

    7. Very emotional and heartbreaking...i wish u God's favor and happiness...

  11. I actually cried while reading this article
    May God meet us all at the points of our various needs

  12. I thot something medically miraculous was gonna happen.

  13. Omg! I totally looked forward to the happy ending..
    Nothing is too big for God!
    I really hope and pray God remembers her and surprises her beyond what she could ever imagine..

  14. This is heart breaking, I kept waiting for the line that will say and she did this and was able to conceive. I can understand the pain she is goin through. I got married just a few months ago and my husband n decided not to have kids yet because we cannot to afford to feed or cloth a child, as it is we are struggling to feed ourselves, and family members have been asking questions non stop, you walk into the church and every1 stares at your tummy waiting to see a baby bump, and friends are there to mount their own pressure by ringing d qtn in ur ears continously,its frustrating. So I can imagine one that is goin thru ds for years, the pain the pressure and all that. Never loose faith, the God of Sarah n Hanna is there and wil always be, in his time he will meet you and other women in this situation at point of your needs.

    1. My dear, please do not cave into pressure. You and your husband have made the best decision putting off kids till you are stable financially. God will perform his wonders soonest in our lives IJN. I'm also in the same shoes as you except that I already have a daughter and hubby n I are putting off having other kids for now till we can afford one. Every1 keeps asking when number 2 is coming. I always tell them at God's own time

  15. Hmmm. All I can imagine is the pain she went thru and is still going thru. This life

  16. Was touched reading this. I still believe so much in God and His miracles. Lord please remember Bimpe and everyone looking unto you for kids. It is well.

  17. Madam F... God will definitely put a smile on your face. Let me tell what what happened to my brother's wife.

    She too had a miscarraige when she newly got married in 2009, two times and i had to ask them to come to my Apostle and see him. They called him and he prayed for them.
    She carried again and this time the miscarraige wanted to come, they called him, he asked them to come to his house. He prayed for them and asked them to sow a seed to God that it will never happen anymore. The husband who is tighthand had to rush and sow the seed. they never had any miscarraige. they have 3 children now.

    Now they now have a boy who came through divine sowing of the wife. Am sure God is not asleep in your case. If God can do it for my brother's wife, he can do it for you. if you want to contact me, you are free.

    1. Hello sis,please how can I contact you please

  18. And someone waited six years and could not bear it, he is out looking for a good Christian lady, who knows the word of God, 5'7 between the age of 25 to 30 and here is another man who is still standing by his wife despite the fact that her ovaries and uterus have been removed meaning scientifically she cannot concieve, God has blessed you with food man. Don't give up hope have faith in God, you will have your child in God's time, God doesn't need ovaries or womb,,he defies science trust that God and you will see.

  19. It is always the fault of Bimpe and never the fault of Dare.

    I have a question
    If a lady is supposedly "infertile" with her husband for some years, is it wise for her to codedly try another man's sperm regardless of if the fault is from her or from her husband? There are men with sharp shooting sperm.

    I ask because of the suffering and smiling mentality of married women in Nigeria who are unable to give birth for their husband.

    Usually the men marries another woman that bears children for him(at this point, he will not even verify if the kids are his or they belong to new wife's ex-boyfriend, he is just desperate to have kids) and still pretends he loves his first wife.

    Why cant women have that same option? Sometimes women are blinded by emotions and a false sense of loyalty to a selfish man. These men marry second wives and nothing happens to them, the world doesn't end so why cant a woman try somewhere else for her child.

    Please don't get me started with IVF, surrogacy, donor sperm. How many Nigerian men support their women all through their IVF journey? How many believe in Surrogacy in its real sense? Their interpretation of surrogacy is getting a side wife or side chic, shagging her and making her pregnant.

    My take, as painful as it is, women who are in dire need of kids but are unable to have kids should place their priorities right. If kids are more important, then try and consider looking outside your matrimonial home. Seek your happiness first. Check out viable sperm and stop the victim.

    You see how that dude IHN was looking for a surrogate mother and mentioned attractive physical attributes instead of inner attributes , does that look like he is really interested in surrogacy or he is looking for ideal second wife.

    People looking for a surrogate mother would look at attributes like, what is the level of her IQ? Does she have any genetic disease? Things that really count for the future of your children to come.

    I know love is suppose to be through good-times and bad times but does that really obtain these days? Women are mostly victims of infertility.

    This is my take,feel free to offer your opinion in a good manner.


  20. Jst like hanah,God will visit u, Av hope my sister.

  21. Miracle God is still in the business of showing mercy,He will give you good ending in Jesus Name.

  22. God locate all the women around the word praying for the fruit of the womb

  23. God please help the women. Please God kindly have mercy on all of us. Help us oh Lord, pls help us. IJN. Amen

  24. Send me a mail with my we can talk from there.

  25. Grant me my heart desire iJN

  26. May the God of Hannah meet us all at the point of our needs.

  27. God will intervene in your matter and everyone that desires to have children .Your story made me sad , I pray I will hear your story again v soon and rejoice with you in Jesus name Amen .

  28. I feel so sad,as I only waited for a year to get pregnant, for the several months I saw my period,I didn't know how I lived through it,it was just as if seeing your menses as it comes every month was a curse,I cried severally,these were time when you go to the market all the women you see have baby bumps except you,those were the time you get invited to numerous dedication ceremonies,it looks as if everyone except you is preg,and people see you as one who has offended God the most I was a virgin before I got pregnant,and when I waited for some months into my Marriage and no result I was restless,j tot it was abnormal so I sorted for solution both spiritually and medically cos I believed in God and held on to the word of God that said because you did not go to any other god,I will answer you,later I lost partial faith in God because people that didn't want babies got preg and aborted and those that got preg before marriage didn't have to go tru any pain,I felt cheated,but Gid answered me when I least expected,I didn't even know I was pregnant, I even bought pad thinking I would menstrate,now I know is not because I was worthy that made God answer me or even holy,but his grace.I always intercede for those seeking for the fruit of the womb because God is the God of all impossibilities.


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