Stella Dimoko Oscar Pistorius' Early Release Blocked By Minister


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Friday, August 21, 2015

Oscar Pistorius' Early Release Blocked By Minister

South Africa's justice minister has blocked the early release of athlete Oscar Pistorius from prison on Friday - Today!

He said the decision by the parole board to free the athlete after serving 10 months of his five-year sentence was premature and without legal basis.

It could now take months for the board to review its decision, legal sources told the BBC.

Pistorius was convicted of manslaughter last year after shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.The Olympic athlete insists he mistook her for an intruder.

He was due to be transferred from prison to house arrest on Friday, when he was expected to stay at his uncle's three-storey mansion in the capital, Pretoria.
Under South African law, Pistorius is eligible for release under "correctional supervision", having served a sixth of his sentence.
One of his relatives, who did not want to be named, told Reuters news agency they were "shocked and disappointed" at the news.

In a statement, South Africa's Justice Minister Michael Masutha said the decision to free the athlete was taken prematurely.
"One sixth of a five year sentence is 10 months and at the time the decision was made Mr Pistorius had served only over six months of his sentence," the statement said

Thursday would have been Ms Steenkamp's 32nd birthday.
Her parents held a small ceremony for her close friends and supporters in her hometown of Port Elizabeth, throwing roses into the sea in her memory.

Pistorius' girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp was a lawyer, model and TV star

The decision by Mr Masutha to put Oscar Pistorius' early release on hold has come as a complete shock, not just to the Pistorius family but to many people who follow legal issues here.
According to the prison department, the double amputee was going to be released on Friday because this is South African law - all offenders convicted under the same law as Pistorius can be considered for correctional supervision once they have served at least one-sixth of their sentence.

In other words it was not the prison's independent view to release the Paralympian but part of South African legal procedure.
Many believe that this will merely cause a slight delay to his early release.
But the intervention by Mr Masutha, who is a lawyer, could have implications for many other cases which are less prominent.
The decision was taken after a petition to the minister by the Progressive Women's Movement of South Africa, which includes the African National Congress Women's League, part of the governing party. It had described the athlete's early release as "outrageous" and "an insult" to victims of abuse.
It seems as though his last-minute intervention was the result of this political pressure.

This week, prosecutors filed court papers calling for the athlete's conviction to be converted to murder, which carries a minimum sentence of 15 years. His defence team has a month to file its response.
During sentencing, Judge Thokozile Masipa said the state had failed to prove Pistorius' intent to kill when he fired. 


  1. Very good.
    He is a killer.
    He should remain there. So he won't kill another person

    1. Ladies if you are in an abusive relationship you better carry your tiny legs and run because one day your case might just be like this. You are wonderfully made and shouldn't stay with any man that abuses you whether physically or emotionally. Love isn't hurtful and don't stay because you feel nobody can love you better because the day he kills you that's all.

  2. Thank you lord for today...thank you because it's Friday...may ur name be exalted forever!🙏. Sorry Mr Pistorius....mon dupe Temi😊

  3. Thank you lord for today...thank you because it's Friday...may ur name be exalted forever!🙏. Sorry Mr Pistorius....mon dupe Temi😊

  4. House arrest in a mansion for killing another human?

  5. What nonsense early release is that? As if the person he killed isn't human.
    I am in full support that his conviction be converted to murder.
    I just wish I had the power to make him spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars.
    Continue to rest in peace pretty Reeva.

  6. He should remain there.

  7. It would have been a real injustice for him to be released only serving ten months into a five year term . That's not even a third of his sentence. He killed that woman end of any sub story of Ithot it was an intruder.

  8. They can sentence him for life but the dead is dead.. in d end he will still be released and who knows what next..

  9. Let him rot in there!
    10 months out of 5 years for taking a life?
    House arrest in a mansion for killing that pretty lady?
    I'm so glad their bribery ain't working down there.
    All those pepple ' shocked and disappointed' at the decision.....Devil punish u lot!

  10. Is too early if u ask me, how do dey want the girls family to feel? Besides I never believed his innocent.

  11. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    This is always on net i swear..... I hope he recovered frm all this drama though...

  12. Thank God for this. So the minister get sense small.

  13. May the Supreme court in SA turn the conviction to Murder because he's a bloody killer.
    I still believed he killed her, it may not be premeditated at first but when he mistakenly fired the first shot and hit her, that's when I think he decided to keep her mouth shut forever.
    Using an emotional shock to get away with murder. You killed someone then do the full term.
    No peace for the wicked!

    Signed: Lolashow

  14. If his staying in Jail for 100 years will bring her back alive, then he should be locked up. We all want Justice but Reeva is dead. Nothing can bring her back

  15. Let justice prevail that's all.

  16. See what having an abusive boyfriend caused Reeva. I'm so upset on her family's behalf.


  17. If it's black South African
    They will give him life in prison

  18. Stay there abeg before you kill another.

    These guys #aintsmiling

  19. See the beautiful girl he wasted.

    It's good as they didn't release him. He's dangerous.


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