Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.


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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative.

If letting go isnt easy,holding on is worse!



Hi Stella,
 I met this girl 2 years ago through my Kid sister. Initially,we planned to date for 2 years then get married.All through the dating period ,we had issues, there were too many guys around her and she lies a lot. Last year,She cheated on me with a guy she calls her friend and totally ignored me for  the 2 months the guy was around, she came back to beg me after the guy left, I forgave her because I loved her and our relationship continued but I became suspicious and over protective of her. 

In one of my snooping on her phone, I discovered she was still in touch with her ex,I warned her to stop  and this led to yet more issues. 
  On one occasion, she lied to me about a number that called her, I looked up the number on true caller and discovered it was the same ex I warned her about. The guy sent me 2 sms and  called me later asking who I was because he noticed I looked him up on true caller, I apologised to him saying it was a mistake. He went on to tell my girlfriend,who now confronted me saying I called the guy and threatened him to leave her alone.

 I told her the truth of what happened and that I neither called nor threatened the guy. I thought the matter had ended, only for her to bring it up again last week and even said the guy sent her a record of our voice conversation. This got me mad and angry and got me wondering why the guy had to lie and why my girl chose to believe him over me. I decided to add the guy on whatsapp and we got chatting. He told me stuff about my girl, he poured his heart out to me and I told him stuff too, I told him about my anger with my girl and that I give her everything and don't know what else to do. 

I believed we were chatting as mature men but this guy copied my part of the chat and sent to my girl. She got angry and said she wanted a break up, I felt messed up and pleaded with her cus I love her very much, our families are aware of our relationship. She eventually said she would need a conviction from me that I have changed and I promised her I will. We began talking well and got back together.

    During the sallah holidays, I went to see my dad to discuss plans for our introduction in December. You can imagine my surprise when my girl told me she's no longer interested because she's not feeling me anymore. I begged her , crying like a child, promised her heaven and earth , yet she won't change her mind. I feel she never loved me because if she did, she would accept me. I always forgave her because I love her. 

  I feel used and dumped. How do I continue to live with this pain? I can't eat, I can't sleep, couldn't  even go to church. I have to take a casual leave from work. How can I begin to love someone else again? I NEED ADVISE
  Please help me beg her because she reads your blog, she introduced me to it. 


Hmmm,since she reads this blog and will read this,i would prefer to hear from her first before i beg or advise you cos you practically painted her black and still want us to help you beg her?
Why would you want someone as terrible as you describe to be your wife?

Babe,please if you read this and know it is you and want to explain to us what happened before we beg you,please send in your narrative,you have a right of response honey!

*sit down look mode activated*


  1. I will read comments.

    *******LONG LIVE SDK & SDKERS*******

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Exactly the story is not complete. If she is that bad, why do you still want to marry her? So many girls take guys for granted and vice versa. I just wish one of my friend Chioma can sit down and talk sense into you, she'll make you see that one person is not your whole world. You lived before you met her, you have learnt and you'll definitely live without her. You hear?

    3. Poster first and foremost, you have been bitten by the lying bug. You obviously made the call to the guy yourself. Abi my fellow truecaller users, how can you know if and when someone looks up your contact?
      Number 2, I wish your ex girlfriend well cos you are obviously not matured enough for marriage.

    4. I never knew guys do fall in love this much ooo
      MOVE ON!!!!

    5. Abeg if all the guy said is true na you are so in a relationship with yourself. She doesn't love u. She has all this exes surrounding her means she does not want to keep all her eggs in one basket. She loves u but not in love with u. And u over love her. You sound too possessive too. Just free her. Try no matter how hard. Don't choke her. She ain't feeling ya again. Okbye

    6. But were you planning to do anything else?

    7. Brotherly,
      Please leave this girl alone. Move on. If all you wrote here is true, I can't fathom why you want to be with someone who lies to you, cheats on you, has no respect for you.
      Yet you have convinced yourself that you're the one who is in the wrong? You're begging her for what?
      Please she's done you a big favour. Let her go. The phrase 'do not settle' applies to guys too.

    8. Sm peeps just dont have love for themselves. Ahe has been cheating non stop, believe her side guys stories than youra, she has said she doesnt want to marry u, yet u want us to beg her? Seems u just want her by force but u need to understand things have to be mutual.

      This makes me remember 1 babe that i was sooo into, (i still am sef), d babe is just perfect 4 me, u cant see us together and note think we r dating. In fact some of my friends still dont believe we arnt dating but truth is we arnt. She says shea nt ready or rather she doesnt want it...she doesnt ridicule me or stuffs like that, infact she is super sweet to me but yet, i still know i deserve better.
      So oga, if she does all that to you u shldnt want us to beg her abi are u ugly, impotent, poor, mannerless, etc? That shes d only 1 that will accept u? If nt just let go, its hard but u will survive.

    9. Im not sure why this guy reminds me of our dear Tony whatshislastname.

    10. @ Eastwestern, he could be saying the truth cos when ever anyone looks me up on True caller, I get an alert mail saying who just did.

    11. Poster you remind me of my ex. After all the "akaje" that I did with him and how much I maltreated him he kept coming back. I gave him all the signs but he refused to see. I wasn't romantically attracted to him. I just couldn't end it because I felt guilty about how much he had sacrificed for me. But one day I picked up the courage and ended it, all his begging and crying fell on deaf ears and today I am happily someone else's wife. The truth is that she doesn't love you and all the love you're showering her gets her more irritated. Let go and let God! Your own will come.

    12. Maram East Western shows u r not a true true caller user! You can always find out who looked u up on true caller. They usually sendamail to ur mailbox

    13. N guy this. Post is really Embarassing....Eish! Get over her r u so desperate

    14. Sorry o bt this is me saying authoritatively that the guy in question is a broke ass

    15. What did Jackson do again?

    16. oga.. its a pity, u need to grow up, u need to man-up and most of all u need to give urself some sense real quick.. what u even feel for the said girl cannot be love.. its just one of those teenage infatuation... because nobody loves a known poison.. from ur narrative the girl in question is ur poison.. so u cannot possibly love her... she cheated on u repeatedly and u kept begging her.. O'boy grow up and stop falling hands.. u sounds like someone who hasn't really dated before.. see it will do u a lot of good if u walk out of the relationship now.. u hear

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. poster- MAN UP
      This post is so embarrassing! Where is ur self esteem? This isn't love! WALK AWAY N FORGET HER! There are many beautiful souls out there that would appreciate and love you

    2. Pele dear. God would send you a helper soon. But don't start rejecting job offers solely on the salary. Accept what you can and gather experience.

    3. Lwkmd.....hahahaha. ntooooorrrrr good for u is all I can say to u. I guess now u know how ladies feel wen the reverse is d case. Shior

  3. Replies
    1. Get back here this minute.

    2. This life is really unfair, I'm here searching for a guy that would love me and feel a Lil jealous when it feels like I'm not paying attention and then some other girl is pushing love away. JESUS please visit me. You see my heart. #singletoStupor

  4. Replies
    1. I'm sorry but I don't believe you one bit. I guess you're trying to paint yourself a saint and her a villain.
      Why are you so obsessed with her? Be honest with yourself . Is there something wrong with you? Are you a midget? Poor? A 1 minute man? Are you horrible in bed ? Do you have a non-existent dick? Are you clingy, needy and obsessive ? Do you have a penchant for drama? Do you enjoy being emasculated? Do you enjoy being hurt?

      If all your answers are NO, I suggest you go form a hormonal profile test because it seems your testosterone level is critically low and your estrogen level is sky rocketing!

      Man up!

      I can't wait for a rejoinder because I refuse to believe that someone could be this pathetic.

  5. Replies
    1. I am female but Stella I cannot stand your reply to the poster. If it were the other way round you would be quick to give advice to the female and help her verbally brutalize the man. There's 90% chance the poster is being honest because I was exactly that girl to a guy once. He kept chasing me and all I did was bring him down, embarrassed him and cheated repeatedly with impunity. The difference is, the ex i was cheating on him with dealt me a blow that made me understand how bad I had been treating my boyfriend.... I have treated him as the gentleman he truly his with respect and love since then. So, yes stella, there are mean women and men too can be victims.

    2. 90% chance? Lmao!! How did you come about that percentage abeg? Stella was right to question why he's still asking people to beg her after listing all those negative things about her. Do you realize there wasn't a single positive thing mentioned about the girl? They've always had issues, she cheats, lies a lot, too many guys etc. Yet he's dying to marry her. Does that add up to you? Abeg, the guy never talk true. Even you yourself, commenter 19:47 never talk true. You could be a guy for all we know. Na so una always dey do. Story!...... Just Saying

  6. Poster did your mother abandon you? What sort of desperation and low self esteem is this?

    She is cheating on you instead of moving on you are snooping chatting with her boyfriend, crying and begging.

    Abeg go and get some self esteem this is too irritating

    1. Did his mother abandon him? Seriously..

  7. Hahahaha

    This wan na better igbele kokomiyo them don cook give you. No hope broad, they have submitted your name to the appropriate quarters.

    Even if you see your friend on top of her, you will still beg her. You remind me of one guy I used to know.

    Sorry bro, accept Jesus today because you will soon die.


    1. Looool say it again @ money makes...

      His mumu button has been activated! Even though I'm a girl I hate seeing men who are emotionally controlled by their men. Poster grow a set of balls and break off the relationship cos it won't go anywhere. You'll always be emasculated physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially! Na wa for some girly men oo

    2. Hahahah he should move on, it's not easy but he has to.

    3. Looool.. aswear.. reminds me of some1 I knw too. Nigga proposed and babe said No.. keeps sponsoring her on trips to see her ex and he wld still beg her.. I dnt jst understand. .

    4. Lol @ Appropriate headquarters. Na wah oo

    5. Lmao!!! Money you're very stupid I swear lol

    6. Bwhahahhahahahahahaha


      Laugh don kill me die oooo

  8. From what I just read u really act like a baby and so insecure, snooping and calling ur gf ex, even chatting, hmmmm.... who does that? Man up pls, don't cry over spilled milk if all what u said is really what happened then she didn't love u and it would be so wrong u beg her into the marriage cos u would keep begging her in the marriage, do u want to be a beggar? Use ur tongue and count ur teeth and pls move on.

  9. I like it when girls deal with guys, u be mumu, love is not by force, if she doesn't want you plz take a long walk or participate in the next S&M, alot of aunty gwegwe here, send ur phone number and girls will contact you sharp sharp, this is d disadvantage of having 1 girl friend.

  10. All I need ryt now is hot preekkkk

    1. Olosho. Attention seeker.
      Liar! No be u talk say u lesbo b4?

  11. Poster...u sound like..i don't know sef.
    Can u swear u haven't cheated on her?
    I don't blame girls who don't keep their eggs in one basket cos some guys these days ain't worth it. U sound insecure n jealous, be a man n stop whining, if she doesn't want u again, then SHIFT.

    1. I can swear he hasn't cheated on her even once. I know y.

  12. Wow!!..,
    I love this narrative...
    I need to meet that your girlfriend to give her a big hug...
    I like when girls dump men!...
    Poster,the truth is that you are the side nigga....
    Another thing is that you don't have MONEY!!...
    If you make money,no girl will treat you like shit and dump you anyhow...
    Move on!and stop crying fowl like my 4 years old baby...

    1. You are begging a girl 2 love you in these of two many anuty gwemz
      Nawa oooh

    2. That is y girls like u are hoes and bitches and u end up marrying a man that treats u like a slave cos he has money .... Most Nigerian girls like u are slow thinkers

    3. Sexiest mother of the blog disappears and Linda resurfaces. We were right afterall.

    4. @queen.U always say it the way it is.
      The guy is a poor man. He should forget about marriage for now. And make money first.

    5. Anon 17:06 aka Poster; Just shut up.
      Go and make money first. See as u dey beg a girl like a mumu make she marry u.

  13. Biko let her go, you would find some1 else.

  14. Hmmm

    It's possible the guy is telling the truth.
    Some women, in this world of unfaithful and conniving men, won't know a good man,even if he falls on top of her head.

    That being said, if your story is exactly how you sent it in here, please move on with your life, cos she's not worth it at all.
    I'm guessing she prefers her ex.

    Don't love stupidly next time, abeg.

    Won't be bad to read a rejoinder though.


    1. Still on still, the ex will still dump her .... That's life

  15. U can't force love, n If u do, u can't force her to reciprocate ur love back. Believe me begging a gal to love u or take u back is d greatest mistake any man can do. If a gal loves u, u will know, even a blind person will know. From ur narrative, she doesn't love u so move on n work on ur self esteem bc u lack it big time. Get ur confidence back, n check urself well maybe dia is something u aren't doing right. Work on urself, if it's meant to be, it will surely be.

  16. Na was oooo hummmm Mr man please move on.

  17. Babe if you are reading this blog ,please consider this man ,this kind of man that sees beyond your imperfections and still crave you ,girls is better to marry a man that loves you and as time pass you will love him than marry a man you love and remain a slave .

    1. As time pass u wont love him oo.. ts better to marry a guy that loves you more dan u love him.. make una sha love..

    2. @booty; so u want her to keep gbenshing outside after they marry.

  18. She must have given you the forbidden fruit in a way no one else has ever done, that's why you are acting like an abandoned wet puppy. Grow up n move on

  19. Some guys can mumu for Africa.

    Your girl doesn't deserve you, and you are too soft for her. See how she is playing you like football. So guys still be like this for this hard naija?
    I no get words for u.......

    Leave the bitch alone nigga.....

  20. R.Kelly #iCantSleep. Lolz. Sleep neva catch U neither hungry don blow U...

    On a serious note Gee, I feel ur pains.
    Yoruba people dey say 'if love disappoint U, na still love to straighten am".

    E no easy Bro, but Time heals all wound.

    U gatz look for someone else eida as a fling or serious somt. Whichever way, U gatz get ur mind occupied again.

    Purge urself...

    Her thought wud come once in a while but it won't be killin as it is now.

  21. Poster if what you narrated up there is true then move on already cuz she doesn't love you

  22. Good to know babes are dealing on men the hard way. Mr. man seems you dont have money at all. why all the begging and crying. Na your type of men will love women with all their minds because they dont have shishi for ynash.

    anyway just leave the foolish girl and move forward. you might see your type that needs love and not money

  23. Ehen for a change in a long while we get t read chronicles frm guys who r hurting lyk shud not b about ladies all d time. Abeg am really longing f a bobo wey go dey beg me wen I threaten to leave him n even cry f me......kikikikikiki ds life sef. And ds poster"s babe fit no even fine. Anyways make I sit down f my dollar crested rug read comments..

  24. Are there still men like this? Hmmm, I refuse to believe it. Well, babe, reply and say ur own part ofthe story o.

  25. Poster,
    U are begging a girl to marry u?
    Are you a man at all?
    Are you this lazy?

  26. Are you physically challenged?? An imbecile?? Cos I don't iunderstand why you still want her back after she'd played you. She broke your heart time and time again, and you still want her!! Guy, you need deliverance.

  27. If she's as bad as u claim she is, why u desperate to wife her?

  28. I can't believe this narrative is coming from a male! A girl has done all this and you're still wanting to press on with the relationship?

    Really I don't understand why people at times choose not to read the writing on the wall!

  29. Heartbreak is all part of life's lessons. Your girl has had it with u and I dont blame her if u are that senseless as to go gossip about her with her side guy. She may be d devil here, but u too need some growing up to do. I see no reason why u ld wish to marry a serial liar and cheat as u've labeled her. Move on!

  30. The joy on my face seeing a guy heartbroken.
    So it pains you guys too? Heheheheehe chai. When you go about using girls and dumping them, then karma strikes when the one you finally love dumps you like used tissue

  31. No be small thing oh. Clean ur tears oh.

  32. Is she the only girl in the world? Is she Rihanna? Why are you begging a girl to love you? Please she doesn't deserve you if all you have said is true. Love is best when it is reciprocal.
    Mbok let me face my work.

  33. Let her go nau,na by force? A lady u are not married to is already cheating on u.Do u think she will change if u marry her? She does not want u.

  34. I can't believe a man send this narrative. Mr, are you broke? because it's only broke ass nigga that sabi mumu love like this. Forget this your babe already if what you told us is the truth. She knows you love her that's why she is taking you for granted, abeg free her. How long will you continue to share your babe with another guy?
    My advise for you is to concentrate on the betterment of your life and you will see gals calling or better still marry me, the introduction can still hold by December if you want am totally free.

  35. You seem controlling. How will you be warning her about who she can talk to and who she can't? There are 3 sides to this story sha, his side, her side and the truth that only God knows.....


    1. Sometimes, I just feel like certain pple just wanna be in the news & give us something to worry about!

      If what this nigga just typed is true, his case is a straight forward ish. This shouldn't even make it to the Chronicles!

      This is a waste of time, energy & resources young man....same as ur relationSHIT!!!

      Ghanaman signing out!!!

  36. And
    No one should advise anybody to marry anyone. People should only marry whom they are comfortable with. So that no one will blame you when the centre can no longer hold.

  37. Lol, ok thank God its a man cryin out dis tym, issorai,

  38. I'm in this situation.. my bf nd I dated for 2years although distance relationship....everything was moving fine for a year nd more...he flaunts me on social media nd suddenly dis year..d communication starting breaking..we only chat on watsapp hardly calls...I'm dis person dat got depressed easily, he totally ignores me wen he is angry with something, d romance was not there nd I started envying my friends relationships..dats where d probs started on dat situation I started getting attention from other guys nd I fell bc0s I felt neglected nd lonely..weN he came into d country he pressurized me to know my bodycount nd I told him...I have had sex with 6guys..he flared up slapped nd hit me in d car, embarrassed me on d road called me names, I was humble nd admitted to my wrong after everything he came back wen he noticed I have depression problem, promised to be by me..after dat period he became flirtatious wen we chat nd only tell me he loves me wen he is horny..i had dat feeling he will leave nd he is trying to get d best out of me..we still managed to one month again...I became d guy in d relationship, call him was trying to fix his broken heart, he just told me oneday dat we should part ways dat he has forgiven me but wenrver he remembers my bodycount he feels bitter...I have been apologetic I love him so much, he never tried to understand I néed lot of attention, I'm feeling so guilty, hopeless nd feel I can't stand to see him with another girl nd if I can't fall in love again.. I just noticed I love him more cos I have given him a second chance bfre nd he could not.. I changed my number cos of can I move on..i have learnt a lot

    1. You are a big mumu I swear.

    2. How can u tell ur bf ur body count
      That's where u fucked up big time
      Don't worry U'll get over him soon
      Just give it a little time

    3. I wonder how you can come and tell this kind of story with your real name and face. I hope you have received sense now

    4. Big hugs. Pele dear. You CAN and would move on. You just need time to heal. And moving on doesn't necessarily mean onto another relationship. Learn to know yourself, explore things that make you happy and most of all, learn to get the happiness that comes from within. Nobody can love You like you do. Do not seek happiness from another human, you would be very disappointed.
      Lesson you should learn from this, Never ever disclose your bodycount to your other half, bf or husband. If they pressure you too much you can say 1. Anything more than 1 is always a problem.

    5. I stopped after 'body count'.. biko what is d ish wt ds body count fin.. is dere a meter dere.. abi does ur body count change who you are... u were able to find love with 6guys and u think u can't find a 7th.. 6 sef never too much.. u wld find a guy dt wld love u nonetheless. . Walk abeg..

    6. Thanks guys I feel better on the road of recovery

    7. Big big mumu.... Never never never x 100 be pressured to confess any body count..... Do u know how many women he has slept with? Your relationship is long distance and u confessing body count? End the relationship for your own good.... He will never truly forgive cos from what u even described here he doesn't love you..... Receive sense, boldness and wisdom to end this relationship now before u wake up and find out its 2020....lmao.... Not easy but no human is indispensable.....big hug babes

    8. Dunno why we ladies r so stupid n pathetic sometimes, babe don't get me wrong sleeping with 6 different guys is 100% silly but telling him about it n still expect him to stay is like the most foolish thing I've heard recently. Men r selfish, the wanna err n do all sort but expect their women to be a saint n if really u wanted to cheat u should have kept it all to urself if u love him. Well hope u have learnt ur lesson I guess next time u might decide to cheat with just one or two men n even if u decide to go back to ur norm n sleep with 20 different guys pls keep it to urself cos no man wanna share their woman with the public. (Not judging u tho cos u r an adult). Sha hope u used condon during ur fuckery!

  39. Totally agree with Stella on this one o, there's always 3 sides to a story..his side, her side and the truth so let's wait for her to respond before begging.

  40. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    The k-leg in this narrative z just too much,as i was reading up dis post,what kept ringing in my head is two unserious persons who's tryna play smart and don't even know what they want in the rship they find themeslves,either way,my advice to you is to let go and if the rship z destined to be,fate will bring y'al together,the rship you described up there is a triangular one which ought not to be,its unhealhty to soul poster!!,,i dislike unnecessary dramas in rship jawe...
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  41. THELMA ENEMUWE said...
    The k-leg in this narrative z just too much,as i was reading up dis post,what kept ringing in my head is two unserious persons who's tryna play smart and don't even know what they want in the rship they find themeslves,either way,my advice to you is to let go and if the rship z destined to be,fate will bring y'al together,the rship you described up there is a triangular one which ought not to be,its unhealhty to soul poster!!,,i dislike unnecessary dramas in rship jawe...
    *faithful BV enemuwe thelma*

  42. Please I would like to hear from the girl first before advising you and concluding.
    Men has dealt with women since 1902, and I know there is no smoke without fire! You must have done several things to her, and finally pushed her to the edge.., they say when a woman's fed up, there's nothing you can do about it!!!

  43. Na broke guy be this,d guy got no money. U too weak,throw the girl away.

  44. With all these you still want her to be your wife then something is wrong

  45. Na broke guy be this,d guy got no money. U too weak,throw the girl away.

  46. Don't like men that cry. Move on and work on your self-esteem. That's why you can't move on despite her cheating.

    1. God created men with tear ducts too so go figure...

  47. Send in your reply since you are a Bv,but if this guy is telling the truth,I want to assure you that that other guy will dump you

  48. The way love dey always shark some people baffles me alot.what love do you still have for a girl that treated you ds bad? Guy it's better you cry out of this relationship than cry in a marriage (I know your type of man,i know you can cry very well for your lover) but bros I hope you are not the choking type?

    And to the lady real men are scarce. Marry a man that loves you more than the way you love him.i just hope your other guy is not a player.

    Waiting for your response tomorrow and if you like paint the guy black wella just because you don't love him anymore

  49. Mscheeeew, abeg make we hear word for this poster jare! A girl treats you like trash like this and you're crying, can't sleep and still want her back? As per beta person wey you be na abi? Gerrarahere mehn!!! Are you not man? Unless there's something you're not telling us, you better forget about her. If you keep begging her and swallowing all her shit, she'll keep treating you this way.I nukwa love. When there are so many girls out there? My friend pick up anyone of them and enjoy your life biko.

  50. Oniya laje eyi to por nue.... I pray you don't regret babe

    Many single bv's are here praying to God to find them a Man and you at your end is doing shakara with the guy's proposal. Goodluck

  51. @poster one;lemme ask you this before your lady sends in her reply..

    1)why do you think begging her to marry you would be the best for both of you?? If finally she agrees to marry you;will you continue begging her this way to remain with you in marriage and not cheat?? Owkay what if she now cheats??

    2)who told you that falling in love completely and not reserving A part of "YOU" for yourself is the best thing that can happen to A man??

    3)Were the two of you born same day that you are giving yourself sleepless night?? And cant eat,sleep or even go to church?

    Lastly, Havn't you learnt from A certain BV Here that you are suppose to marry A lady who loves God more than she loves you;so that you wont be scared that she would cheat on you? At least even if she has to do so;it would be with her God?

    All the best to you sha as you make your choices..but my advice to you is this;LOVE IS SUPPOSE TO BE GIVEN OUT FREELY AND SHOULD NEVER BE BEGGED FOR...



    1. Highly philosophical questions u asked dear..... bet u re a co philosopher. It takes great minds to ask such questions

  52. Yes let's wait and hear the 2 sides of the story...

  53. True, you painted her black, yet you want her back. I know love is crazy. But the story sounds very one sided.

  54. P1move on with your life please

  55. can you want a girl you just described? or may be you are just exaggerating about her.One thing is for sure, The Relationship was full of Drama. What could make a girl defend an Ex against The current Lover... I can't comprehend this at all

  56. stella, you are a feminist regarding your reply on your red ink. This just confirms it. am sorry but it is the truth.

    1. See ur mouth! Did u want her to say something that might come out later being wrong? U better mind what u say he is not in support of any if u read her comment well!!!

  57. I used to be like dat but I stopped bcoz I almost lost a diamond while looking for stones. If she hasn't come to d realization dat u are a dioamond forget bout the bitch.

  58. Chronicles.. even if we haven't heard from her own part with this we can tell the guy truly loves her. Plz babe think well before u quit the relationship so u won't end up regretting.

  59. haba guy, why are you making the mistake small boys of the age of 18 and 19 make. The babe is treating you like this cos she knows you are stupid in love with her. I am very sure the girl adores her ex because he doesnt care about her in any way. My bro, forget her for two months and the table will turn. I tried it and it worked.

    1. We are forgetting something here in d pix, i.e (d other stupid baby ex) who he added n was copying n pasteing their chats. They re both baby adults jor pls who does dat? Very childish n again it will serve as a lesson not to gossip with any ex or ex's of ur spouse biko wats wrong wit u guys.
      Make unaa grow up jor

  60. How old did you say you were???
    If not for the fact that I have 4 boys I for give you hot slap this afternoon!!!!
    I am so pissed I don't have the right words for you yet!!!!
    when hunger mama you you go find food chop!!!
    you no dey ask your fellow guys how dem dey take love girls of nowadays???
    wait im coming back!!!!

  61. How old did you say you were???
    If not for the fact that I have 4 boys I for give you hot slap this afternoon!!!!
    I am so pissed I don't have the right words for you yet!!!!
    when hunger mama you you go find food chop!!!
    you no dey ask your fellow guys how dem dey take love girls of nowadays???
    wait im coming back!!!!

  62. How old did you say you were???
    If not for the fact that I have 4 boys I for give you hot slap this afternoon!!!!
    I am so pissed I don't have the right words for you yet!!!!
    when hunger mama you you go find food chop!!!
    you no dey ask your fellow guys how dem dey take love girls of nowadays???
    wait im coming back!!!!

  63. Guy,you don't deserve that whore as a gf let alone wifying her.....
    To me,she did you a favour which you will appreciate later in life.
    Move on jawe cause there are many fishes in the ocean.

  64. Poster, I'll respond based on what you have typed out.
    You are heart broken and even though it may seem your world has come crashing....This is the time you need to stand up and rise exponentially just so the damage wouldn't exceed its current state.
    Truth is, we can't control or force a straying horse to drink water, even if we succeed in getting it to the stream....acknowledge what your eyes have seen and face the reality staring at you.

    Gradually get her off your mind, go visit your pals @ your freetime to avoid those sad thoughts creeping in and live your heart to accepting new friends and never let that experience deter you from loving again.

    Life is a pack of experiences, some make us while some break us....The decision to select what we make out of any experience lies in our hearts and brains..It's only safe for this experience to prepare you to be a better man for that wife God is sending your way and when she comes; cherish, love and infact channel all this emotions her way and build a happy home devoid of cheating and all the allegations/drama we read up there. Like we all know, not all relationships lead to marriage......Let her go and both of you might just be happy in the future without eachother. Cheers

    Li-yon Vls.

  65. Poster, you go to church? Good; did you have intercourse with this girl all through this period; seems like from your story? Why the hypocrisy. Forget about this "cheat on me thing" when you have not paid a girl's bride price and both of you are having sex; you are CHEATING ON YOURSELVES AND GOD WHO CLEARLY DEFINED THE RULES. YOU CAN'T COME TO EQUITY WITH SOILED HANDS. CLEAN YOUR HANDS BY REPENTANCE AND HAVE THE PEACE THAT ONLY God gives.

  66. My guy , how old are you? you sound like a teenager. leave that girl alone and plan your life. Heaven is real, Hell is real. siddon there dey find gal. gaan win souls for CHRIST, GOD will bless you with a virtuous woman, and not the liar your running after.

  67. Sm peeps just dont have love for themselves. Ahe has been cheating non stop, believe her side guys stories than youra, she has said she doesnt want to marry u, yet u want us to beg her? Seems u just want her by force but u need to understand things have to be mutual.

    This makes me remember 1 babe that i was sooo into, (i still am sef), d babe is just perfect 4 me, u cant see us together and note think we r dating. In fact some of my friends still dont believe we arnt dating but truth is we arnt. She says shea nt ready or rather she doesnt want it...she doesnt ridicule me or stuffs like that, infact she is super sweet to me but yet, i still know i deserve better.
    So oga, if she does all that to you u shldnt want us to beg her abi are u ugly, impotent, poor, mannerless, etc? That shes d only 1 that will accept u? If nt just let go, its hard but u will survive.

  68. Bros if all you wrote about your babe is true, ABEGI just forget her and move on. Why you de cry? You will only hurt for a while, please dry your tears. The hussle must continue

  69. Guy are you for real? Or is this some movie script? How can you be wasting your time on a woman who doesn't give a fuck about you?
    Is only broke dudes who behave like this, perhaps you are one mtcheww . just negodu dude is still saying my girl my girl .

    1. Even broke dudes now have pride. Lots of women in this world, bro. Try look for girls to chat with, you'll end up liking one even if you don't date her. She will make ur pain subside. I DON'T CHASE 'EM, I REPLACE 'EM!!!

  70. Anty Stella ,wat of in situations where there is no love in the marriage even after 4yrs of trying to make it work. My married brother is inlove with a girl n hes ready to do anitin just to be with her for the rest of his life. His marriage was like a family hook up kinda marriage. Please wat will u say about this,thanks

    1. I will say tueh to you and your brother!
      His marriage is a "family hook up thing" Does it make it lesser than a marriage?

      Tell him to face his wife!

  71. Stewie Gilligan Griffin6 October 2015 at 15:53

    Stella be prepared to be bombarded with contact information of women that will wanna hook up with this Poster.

    Poster, if you're telling the truth then your story is really sad. See it as a sign that your girlfriend is not your God ordained wife. Cry, nurse your heartbreak and move on. Pray for your soulmate to come your way. I wish you the best.

  72. My good part says : Awwwww, darling, you are so in love, its so cute to see a guy gush over a girl like this. So sweet. Babe, if you are reading this, he loves you so much, take him back and straighten your ways.

    My bad part says : Which kain mumu love be this? I no suppose judge from one side but as i be bipolar, don't blame me for my actions... Babe don turn borehole finish, you dey beg her, you sure say you well so? Move on Nigga stop being a sissy!. Babe, the grass is greener on the other side shey? Your eyes go soon clear.

  73. Why do I think you are not saying the truth totally? A girl treats you like this and you still want to marry her?

  74. When a girl is in love with a guy she's gonna do anything to protect his happiness, y will she be communicating with her ex? What for? If she really loved u she will stay away from oda guys, from ur narrative I also observed dt she doesn't have respect for you, please let her go if ur narrative is true.

  75. This is the first time I'm seeing a complainant bring a complaint and he is told officially to wait till a rejoinder comes first because only one side has been heard. Why? Oh I forgot, a guy is complaining against a gal and all the guys gals have complained against had been painted as angels yet they were brought to the public domain for demolition. So for me I ask my self what sort of marriage would I have if we first scatter each other in public's before we begin. She has the four aces, sign the agreement to remain a good boy, spend your money and marry her so that when the come comes you subsequently send a more elaborate chronicle sometime after the marriage so that we know who is who, which is which, which is whose and why and advice you accordingly.

    1. Woman use SDK blog to console themselves that they have a say, meanwhile out there, they are Nobody! Let them continue to dream as their power all ends Here on SDK blog.

  76. Yeh Stella I have to agree with you . Something doesn't add up.
    But anyway as world people .. It's my duty to judge.
    Ur such a softie poster , it's a welcome deviation From the hard hearted fools called MEN
    Okay so u want my unadulterated advice - if u can follow it to the latter - the chic is yours . I wouldn't even comment about the fact that u Wana begin marriage rites with a girl that's two-timing you (as you said) . We are allowed to make bad mistakes in our lives , if not : how would we learn


    Ignore her completely . Absence most times makes the heart grow fonder . Let her be ... Choose several rebound chics and bang them. Your too soft , no excitement or mystery in you- and ladies are attracted to that . Become unpredictable , start hanging out with others, smarten up .. Expand ur horizon (all this while pls do not contact her ) once she sees that ur no longer wrapped around her pinkie finger ... The table begins to turn and she starts to desire you genuinely .

    But as a softie I know u won't listen to world people ... You would keep begging her ... And she would keep humiliating you . And she would never change .

  77. Kork please post comments na haba...

  78. Dude this story isn't complete,complete it,and resend.

    1. And what is incomplete about the story, emjay

  79. Guy, why not let d bae be since she has told u she's not interested again in situationship cuz d truth of d matter is dt "NO AMOUNT" of begging will stop her 4rm cheating wt her EX. Its not easy 2 move on after breaking up wt d bae u love, but, look beyond d love ishii u'r quoting now and save urself 4rm future doom, heartbreak and eventual divorce. #2Cent


  80. Guys are always the first to paint a lady, and still look for who will help them woo the same lady back to themselves. Nawah oooo, you say egusi no be soup, yet you keep ordering for it each time you enter the restaurant. Mek una try change small.



    1. Say with me, "Good riddance to bad rubbish"

      As your punishment go and write " I would not type in caps lock, its known as shouting " on the blackboard 200 times.





  84. Poster I can't say anything til I hear from the girl.

  85. @Belle s I salute you.
    The chronicle of penile dragging yesterday pissed me so much. An uncle of mine now in his mid 70s today, practically died but miraculously was revived in the hospital because his wife constantly pulled his penis each time they had a quarrel. That quarells BTW had nothing to do with affairs. He became the butt of jokes from nurses in the hospital he was always teken to and curiously he would embrace his wife after treatment even when the while family unanimously said she should go. The last episode that drove him into coma made him after recovery to drive her away. This happened over 30yrs ago. Nearly 15yrs down the road, when the first daughter had her siutor now her husband, she called a family meetn and said that she won't allow her husband to be then to come and do marriage rites unless her father agrees to bring her mother back.. The woman was allowed to return but today the man is still suffering the effect of the penile pulling while the woman jeeps gallivanting from one daughters house to another in the name of imugwo of children she was no where near while and contributed nothing physical and financially towards their training

  86. I like seeing a man heartbroken abeg..

    1. Like ur Father, Brother(s) and Son(s)? Yes, me too

  87. I swear to God Poster, if you were my child, I'll be wondering if I ever dropped you on your head as a child. Like Stella said why would you want to be married to a woman that treat you like shit. Believe me, if all you said is true; she did you a favor and you will survive it if for nothing else than for your to live a better live with somebody that loves and appreciates you. I better not hear this foolishness from my sons.

  88. This is a serious case... The gal obviously doesn't love you. Please never force yourself on someone. Why settle for less than you deserve?

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  89. Well done babe.. Am proud of u. I always feel happy wen a guy is been dumped by a girl.. Sorry dude u happen to be hrt broken but I think karma is payin u back for d other girls u ve broken deir hrt.. Thunder fire u dere. Cry me a river boy. If u like kill urself she has moved in and I expect u to move on too. Ewu chibok.

  90. "Why would you want someone as terrible as you describe to be your wife"
    Gbam!! Stell's, that question covers it all. Except the guy don chop otumokpo.
    The girl will definitely have another version.

  91. make we hear word abeg you simply forgave her cos you are a broke ass nigga

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Let her go if you truly love her. When you meet the right one for you, you will not need to beg or struggle to win her.
    It hurts but you will be fine just give it time.

  94. Mr loverman.hehe
    I am surprised that a man can whine and wail abt a woman in dis time and age?guy,u no try!
    Someone that has been cheating on u,has not added any value to ur life well except why are u crying?Btw wat makes u feel there are no other women with Better prospects than her?even SandM,will give u a good woman#mtceew
    Pls be a man and stop being a sissy!i won't even pet u,cos u should have a heart like a man!
    Go and make real good money,u will marry the most beautiful gal in town if u want!go and hustle.

    1. Exactly!
      It's as good as seeing a hole or pit ahead & still walking into it wit ur own foot.
      It is obvious that the lady ferls nothing for him. Hr shld stop wasting his time.

  95. Hi dear, I cnt say I know how u feel cos v never fallen in love b4 but I know u r blessed for God to show u all dese signs so why do u want to thread on a dangerous path...You want to make ur life miserable by urself. Let go, d pain is only for a while...For a girl to be dat loose, she's nt d marriage type! A word is enuf!!!

  96. To be honest, ladies dnt like guys without ego...she wanted u 2 man up which u neva did and she doesn't wnt to settle for a bitch!!! Let her GO!!!

  97. After reading comments on the 'EX' post yesterday, a few things struck me
    1. Over 95% of respondents were women. So does it mean that break up hurts women more than men even though it is 'I lose you, you lose me'
    2. Less tan 1% admitted that breakup was their fault
    3. So many girls stay with and have sex with men they feel nothing for till they get a better man or the man walks. Is it because they have to stay so that ppl would not think they are incapable of attracting men or is it for trade by batter things
    4. Just as some men mastyrbate about their exes and other women while living with their wives so also do some women masturbate about their exes and other men while living with their husbands but men are more capable of putting unto effect to their naunces because they believe they can get away with them one way or another and women are inhibited only for fear of opprobrium and loss of privillages
    5. Most women talked about only an ex whereas we know in practice that their body counts are way way down there. Is it because they lack the courage to come out naked to avoid men taking principled decisions?
    Just asking though!

    For my own reasons of breakup, please I'm not being raw or vulger, I just want to say the truth maybe someone may learn
    1st one.. In the east, she told me she was a virgin without me asking, so I pampered her to high heavens. After several months of trying to pass through the gate, I succeeded only to discover that the gate was fortified while the cooiund was a dual carriage way. Aniyed and disappointed, I threatened there and them to end it all so she confessed to have alumnised the entrance to her Jerusalem but I couldn't deal.
    2nd.. On nice pretty chick. I still wish to see her again. She was takes to another town by her elder brother.. In the east also
    Next.. One in the east , one in Lagos at different times, they were 20_21yr old walking about with boreholes, what could have. .mehn can't deal
    Next ..always fighting siblings and neighbours. Tried everything to change that attitude but discovered she is an unrepentant fighter.
    Next ..always shouting yeee yeeee loudly each and every time we screwed making me to always cover her mouth with one hand and support myself with the other(very stressful) during missionary. Couldn't do doggy with her because if I enter through the back, when shouting begins and I stretch to cover her mouth with my hand my tontoli will pull out, so frustrating... Can't cope.
    Now with my last bus stop. Can't leave her except she chooses to,can't marry another except she chooses another man or she chases me to the roofruo or desert ala nagging wife vide the bible

  98. Who is man to judge,i hardly give advice but wen I do knw fr sure it actually got to me. Ain't no expert neither am I perfect but based on wat u jst said! Hello,n u actually wanted to venture into d world of marital bliss, hmmmm my brother u ain't ready yet. Yes most men are babies infact of the highest degree sef but do u knw what she's up to while u can't sleep nor eat Whr u re? Bet u, she's wit d other guy, Dats if wat u claim to be is true oo. My word for u is to grow 'UP' live for those that re worth it cos if u end ur life cos of a woman millions of women will walk over ur grave my dear
    Signing out

  99. My dear poster, u don't beg someone to love u okay????? If u beg her to love u, then be ready to beg till u get old cos she will keep on cheating on u... marriage is not a joke oooo...

  100. Exactly the story is not complete. If she is that bad, why do you still want to marry her? So many girls take guys for granted and vice versa. I just wish one of my friend Chioma can sit down and talk sense into you, she'll make you see that one person is not your whole world. You lived before you met her, you have learnt and you'll definitely live without her. You hear?

  101. To say i am shocked at some response here will be an understatement. If the reverse was the case, and it was a lady who wrote in that chronicle about her bf, you lots would have lambasted the guy kwo? Now she is being hailed, while the guy is the foolish, mumu, broke ass and what have you? Jesus is truly Lord! Make God forgive all ye sentimental and judgmental mofos IJN!


  103. Look at Just negodu! That was how I left my Ex. He was too good behaving like a woman. Atimes I will purposely I annoy him to see his reaction for where he was just behaving like mumu with one kian smile begging me not to leave him this and that. The day I took a long walk he came to my office begging me to accept him back imagine that

  104. I'm not interested in advising anyone today... I'm only interested in calling out a girl by name Ada Okudo who stays in Lagos, fair in complexion and above all, a home breaker.

    Please if there's anyone that knows this lady, kindly advise her to stay away from married men and stop going around begging to get them paid to be in a relationship with her. I really wonder atyms how low some ladies can go to get anything.

    Dear Ada, I am sorry that you attempted to give my hubby 1m so he can date you and leave his sweet wife for you. All you do day and night is to send nude pictures of yourself. How then do you intend to settle down when all you do is either sleep with married men or send married men money to be in a relationship with you.

    Well, unfortunately for you, my hubby and his friends just make huge fun out of you. That you have no man coming to marry you after they've finished having you turns. Now, you want to buy your way in. Ain't you ashamed of yourself? Don't you have respect for marriage? or are you cursed?

    I promise you, just one more call from you to my hubby or a picture/message to my hubby I will expose you to the whole world. My hubby has deleted you from bbm, and the rest yet you still find your way to msg/call him. I am waiting for your call again then you will see me in action. Note, my hubby is with me on this 100%.

    Stella please publish this, I need to warn her seriously before I take my next step. She has refused to count her losses and move on. Relationship that ended since 2013, is now she resurfaced from the blues when she heard my hubby is now married. My hubby asked her are you not seeing the pics on facebook? she said she still doesn't believe it that he was part of the grooms men lol... How na? stupid girl who won't move on with her life. I'm really out for her she thinks I am other women that can't do anything. What rubbish!!

  105. I'm not interested in advising anyone today... I'm only interested in calling out a girl by name Ada Okudo who stays in Lagos, fair in complexion and above all, a home breaker.

    Please if there's anyone that knows this lady, kindly advise her to stay away from married men and stop going around begging to get them paid to be in a relationship with her. I really wonder atyms how low some ladies can go to get anything.

    Dear Ada, I am sorry that you attempted to give my hubby 1m so he can date you and leave his sweet wife for you. All you do day and night is to send nude pictures of yourself. How then do you intend to settle down when all you do is either sleep with married men or send married men money to be in a relationship with you.

    Well, unfortunately for you, my hubby and his friends just make huge fun out of you. That you have no man coming to marry you after they've finished having you turns. Now, you want to buy your way in. Ain't you ashamed of yourself? Don't you have respect for marriage? or are you cursed?

    I promise you, just one more call from you to my hubby or a picture/message to my hubby I will expose you to the whole world. My hubby has deleted you from bbm, and the rest yet you still find your way to msg/call him. I am waiting for your call again then you will see me in action. Note, my hubby is with me on this 100%.

    Stella please publish this, I need to warn her seriously before I take my next step. She has refused to count her losses and move on. Relationship that ended since 2013, is now she resurfaced from the blues when she heard my hubby is now married. My hubby asked her are you not seeing the pics on facebook? she said she still doesn't believe it that he was part of the grooms men lol... How na? stupid girl who won't move on with her life. I'm really out for her she thinks I am other women that can't do anything. What rubbish!!

  106. I'm not interested in advising anyone today... I'm only interested in calling out a girl by name Ada Okudo who stays in Lagos, fair in complexion and above all, a home breaker.

    Please if there's anyone that knows this lady, kindly advise her to stay away from married men and stop going around begging to get them paid to be in a relationship with her. I really wonder atyms how low some ladies can go to get anything.

    Dear Ada, I am sorry that you attempted to give my hubby 1m so he can date you and leave his sweet wife for you. All you do day and night is to send nude pictures of yourself. How then do you intend to settle down when all you do is either sleep with married men or send married men money to be in a relationship with you.

    Well, unfortunately for you, my hubby and his friends just make huge fun out of you. That you have no man coming to marry you after they've finished having you turns. Now, you want to buy your way in. Ain't you ashamed of yourself? Don't you have respect for marriage? or are you cursed?

    I promise you, just one more call from you to my hubby or a picture/message to my hubby I will expose you to the whole world. My hubby has deleted you from bbm, and the rest yet you still find your way to msg/call him. I am waiting for your call again then you will see me in action. Note, my hubby is with me on this 100%.

    Stella please publish this, I need to warn her seriously before I take my next step. She has refused to count her losses and move on. Relationship that ended since 2013, is now she resurfaced from the blues when she heard my hubby is now married. My hubby asked her are you not seeing the pics on facebook? she said she still doesn't believe it that he was part of the grooms men lol... How na? stupid girl who won't move on with her life. I'm really out for her she thinks I am other women that can't do anything. What rubbish!!

  107. Dis is how God saves us from evil o but we would want to put our head by force. God is saving you from a cheat but u don't want to listen. Continue begging her o, ur eyes go soon clear. As for the hunger part, u never hungry well

  108. Lmao at chummy cho cho.

  109. Too many stupid biased bitches in this blog bro I ave put on curse on you if you go back to that girl something bad will happen to you so heed my advice leave that girl alone and man up go meet ur close friends to teach you how to be a man. Ur kind of love is for the white but n

  110. Dear Poster u r obviously a SIDE GUY..... Do u need a dimorkokusian meter to read it out to u. Mschew. Ds one u r crying fowl lyk; d so called babe might not end up with any of u. Kindly get a life.

  111. Insecurities r bishes. Please work on your self esteem. Receive God's love . Fast and pray and break all soul ties IJN amen.
    you attract what you got own up to your own ish which you have.

  112. My ex wanted to play this same crap with me 6yrs ago, the speed i used in moving on ehn, she tire for herself. My brother wake up and move on she is not yours, you will definitely find your own wife.Been married for 5yrs now to a wonderful woman that at times i feel i do not deserve her love because my own heat too much sef.I felt the way you feel now for a couple of days but when she gave me conditions for us to get back together i just felt insulted and told myself to man up and move on.Two months after the breakup she called but then it was already too late to even consider going back because i already found my wife. My brother your have to just move on oooo no time for nonsense.

  113. This guy and his story just brought back old memories for me.

    My akwa ibom Ex that treated me right and over pampered me... but I couldn't love him back irrespective of the fact that he adores me. I still feel bad till date for having treated him in such a manner. I didn't want to lead him on because I'm very tribalist and my mom too warned against not marrying any other tribe that is not our tribe.

    So is possible dear poster is like my ex who forgives and accepts back irrespective of what you've done to him. That guy is an angel. His only fault is that he nags me a lot jor. He wants to know everything about me and I am super secretive.

    I got married and didn't tell him. Thank God I didn't make a mistake in choosing my hubby as a life partner. I thought God will punish me the way I punished him. Atyms self na the guy dey cause him problem jor. I will tell him I don't want, yet he will be forcing me, crying and forming pathetic drama. Its all good now. I can only wish him the very best in life.

    Peaceful and Encouraging Wife

  114. The girl has seen you finish or else what will I call this one?

  115. Wao! I cudnt help but laugh when I saw that you decided to wash your dirty linen in public.
    You know I introduced her to this blog right??
    So you knew I was going to see this. Isorait.
    You came here to play victim. Weldone
    After you complained everything to me, I decided to give you an unbiased response/ advice after pointing out all your fault of which you accepted.
    You know wat??? You really need to go read over that boys reply. It will help you.
    BTW you just wait for her response.
    Am tired of always settling you guys of which most times you always at fault.

  116. Young man, u know what to 1 can tell/advice u on this one. It's obvious she doesn't love you. You pleading for her love will infuriate her, irritate her. try nd distract urself..., make new friends, hang out with friends ok. It's not the end of the world. If u ask me; be calm, God will bring some girl better to u. U will thank me later

  117. there is an esteem problem with this guy..eeyah..he probably has no money hence taking all insults

  118. LMAO!! If this girl is so terrible, why do you want to wife her?

    Why do I feel that you are a troublesome, over protective guy who wants to control her so much and you're beginning to choke her to a point of confusion?

    Why do I feel like you are one of those guys who let your emotions becloud your thinking and make a girl apologize for even the things she did not do, just so there can be peace?

    Why do I feel like you're just one of those dramatic insecure fellows? Who asked you to go and chat with her ex? How low!!!

  119. The bible says "love your neighbour as you love yourself". It didn't say more than you love yourself. You need to be in love with yourself first before you can love others. Good self-esteem helps alot in our daily encounter but unfortunately, many don't have it. How can someone treat you so badly and you still want to "die there"? Guy.....go and work on yourself first before thinking of being in a relationship. Plus i am sure the lady has her side of the story too.


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