Stella Dimoko How Nigeria’s Ex-Minister Of Petroleum Madueke Laundered Looted Money, Her Accomplices Revealed


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Monday, October 05, 2015

How Nigeria’s Ex-Minister Of Petroleum Madueke Laundered Looted Money, Her Accomplices Revealed

This is a Sahara Reporters Exclusive and one of the most investigative reports i have ever read in recent times.
Reading through has left me NUMB.

Investigations by SaharaReporters has revealed some of the ways in which former Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke, and her network of accomplices, family members, and shell companies sought to conceal and launder an astonishing amount of the former minister’s corruptly acquired wealth. The laundered funds are the focus of twin investigations by British and Nigerian anti-corruption agencies. 

                                   Diezani Alison-Madueke

Last Friday, the International Corruption Unit of the British National Crime Agency (NCA) arrested Mrs. Alison-Madueke and four other suspects in London.

SaharaReporters has exclusively obtained intelligence documents and briefing on financial information regarding Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s extensive acts of corruption and money laundering. Our investigation also involved interviews with several individuals in possession of highly sensitive information about the illicit flow of funds to the former minister’s front companies and individuals. 

An intelligence analyst with intimate knowledge of the embattled ex-minister’s family and business network told SaharaReporters that UK investigators were focusing on several real estate properties in the United Kingdom. The source added that “[Diezani Alison-Madueke] was most likely aware that the Crown Prosecution [in the UK] was investigating her properties going back as early as 2013.” 

SaharaReporters learned that British prosecutors decided to be low-key about their investigation of Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s suspicious ownership of real estate assets in the UK because the UK Foreign Office and security establishment did not want to unsettle UK-Nigerian ties by going after the former minister during the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan. 

Sources in the Nigerian government and law enforcement told SaharaReporters that the National Crime Agency (NCA), which arrested Mrs. Alison-Madueke and four other suspects last Friday, did so unilaterally and without the cooperation of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). However, once the EFCC read media reports about Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s arrest, their agents moved swiftly to search her residences in Abuja and elsewhere in Nigeria. 

The EFCC’s action led to media reports, now established to be misleading, that UK and Nigerian authorities were coordinating their investigations of the former minister. 

Mrs. Alison-Madueke was the most powerful minister in the Jonathan administration, and had long been linked to shady deals and policies in Nigeria’s oil sector. She fled Nigeria in May, days before the official end of her tenure as Minister of Petroleum and the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration. 

Earlier in May, SaharaReporters reported that Mrs. Alison-Madueke booked herself a seat on the same flight in which then President-elect Buhari was traveling to London, and made awkward attempts to strike up a conversation with Mr. Buhari. A source on the flight told SaharaReporters that Mr. Buhari quietly ignored the former minister during the flight. 
A Nigerian who met Mrs. Alison-Madueke in the UK said the former minister claimed she was receiving medical treatment. 

How Alison-Madueke Looted Nigeria As Oil Minister:
Two of our sources said that the former Petroleum Minister acquired an astonishing sum of looted funds through shady dealings that included theft of kerosene subsidy payments, manipulation of fuel subsidy payments, so-called swap deals in which she used a number of personal and corporate fronts to sell Nigerian crude oil that was meant to be refined and brought back for local consumption, fraudulent acquisition of marginal oil fields and allocation of other lucrative oil field to fronts. 

Our sources disclosed that Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s most daring fraudulent deals were her strategic partnership agreements with two respective companies officially owned by her most notorious fronts, Jide Omokore and Kola Aluko. The agreements were worth over $6 billion, according to one source. He added that another avenue of money laundering by the former minister was the controversial Malabu deal in which she, former Attorney General, Mohammed Adoke, and President Goodluck Jonathan may have pocketed close to $2 billion between them.

Our financial intelligence source said Mrs. Alison-Madueke was able to get away with her deals and schemes in the oil industry because she was “one of [former President] Jonathan’s money managers.” The same source pointed out that the Jonathan administration had designed the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) to give Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Alison-Madueke “sweeping discretionary powers to award contracts, licenses, and leases for the Nigerian petroleum industry.” 

Accomplices and Companies in Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s Orbit:
SaharaReporters learned that several key individuals helped the former minister to hide her loot. Two separate intelligence reports identified one Donald Chidi Amamgbo as a key figure in Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s money laundering activities. 

Mr. Omokore, Mr. Aluko and Walter Wagbatsoma were also named as close collaborators in the former minister’s suspicious web of financial activities.
Mr. Aluko, who went from near-anonymity to become a flashy, high-flying and yacht-owning “entrepreneur,” was identified as a “money-launderer” for Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Alison-Madueke. 

Our source claimed that Mr. Aluko recently bought several real estate properties in Los Angeles and New York ranging between $8 million and $23 million. Recently, rap mogul, Jay Z, and his wife, Beyoncé, spent their vacation on a $50 million yacht owned by Mr. Aluko. 
According to our source, Mr. Aluko’s flamboyant lifestyle led Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Alison-Madueke to decide to use more discreet fronts. Besides, the source added, Mr. Aluko also fell out with the former Petroleum Minister Diezani when he absconded with funds he was supposed to have laundered for her and the former president.

Mr. Aluko’s Atlantic Energy, formerly known as Atlantic Energy Drilling Concept Limited (AEDCNL), was one of the major corporate entities used to stash away the former minister’s looted funds. Mr. Aluko established the company in Zug, Switzerland, along with Nigerian national Temidayo Adeoye Okusame and British national Oscar Seda Mbeche.

In July 2015, SaharaReporters had published an investigative report that revealed connections between Mrs. Alison-Madueke, Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), and Atlantic Energy. This website reported, “on July 19, 2010, Atlantic Energy Drilling Concept Limited (AEDCNL) was incorporated as a portfolio company,” adding that this was barely three months after Mrs. Alison-Madueke assumed office as the Minister of Petroleum Resources. 

The report continued: “Atlantic Energy, even without prior record of successful experience in the oil and gas sector, announced that it had entered into a Strategic Alliance Agreement (SAA) with the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) in April 2011. That was exactly six months before AEDCNL was legally born.”

One oil industry expert told SaharaReporters that there was widespread shock when Mrs. Alison-Madueke awarded an unknown company like Atlantic Energy a strategic agreement with the NPDC “without following any process as stipulated in the government procurement laws and policy.” The stated that oil industry operators knew that the deal between Atlantic Energy and the NPDC “was an unholy arrangement” between the former minister, top NPDC officials, Kola Aluko and Jide Omokore. He identified Mr. Omokore as a “controversial business mogul” and political financier.

According to a report published by the Natural Resource Governance Institute, Atlantic Energy had entered into strategic alliance deals with the NPDC for at least five oil blocks or oil mining leases. 

Walter Wagbatsoma, also listed as a “money manager” for the former Petroleum Minister, runs several companies that investigators found to be entangled in Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s financial activities. An intelligence report discussing Mr. Wagbatsoma’s business dealings found that “he holds a private plane, said to be bought by [Mrs. Alison-Madueke], probably in 2011, in trust for the Petroleum Minister.” 

However, Mr. Wagbatsoma is associated with a shadowy energy company named Ontario Oil and Gas, which trades Nigerian crude on international markets and whose directors are currently facing money-laundering trial in Nigerian courts. According to the Berne Declaration, an independent watchdog organization, Ontario Oil and Gas continues to export Nigerian crude despite accusations by the Nigerian government that the company misappropriated more than 4.2 billion naira—and arrests of the firm’s executives by the EFCC. 

According to the company’s own website, it exports at least 2 million barrels of crude oil a month.
The Natural Resource Governance Institute reported that Ontario Oil and Gas, along with another company, Aiteo, saw “their shares of the Nigerian crude and products markets grow rapidly under the Jonathan government,” despite their very limited experience. The report also noted: “Ontario relied on a few foreign traders to take its [petroleum] allocation to market.”
Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s third accomplice, who was described as such in two separate intelligence reports leaked to SaharaReporters, is Donald Chidi Amamgbo. Mr. Amamgbo reportedly studied law at Howard University in Washington, DC at the same time Mrs. Alison-Madueke was studying there as a student of architecture. It is believed that they met each other in DC. 

According to biographical information available in intelligence reports, in January 2012 Mr. Amamgbo was suspended from practicing law in California, where he relocated, for one year. However, his main focus seemed to have already turned to managing three companies under his ownership, specifically Tidax Energy, Mezcor SA, and Lynear SA.
Tradax, Mezcor, and Lynear are all based out of Geneva, Switzerland and all three are connected to a Portuguese national, Daniel Roy Joanes, and an American national, Richard Levinson. The Natural Resources Governance Institute characterized Tridax as an example of suspicious conduct because the firm’s “corporate structures stretch outside Nigeria.” The report found that Mr. Amamgbo owned 49% of Tridax with the remaining 51% of the ownership belonging to Tridax Oil domiciled in Switzerland. Further tracing the corporate structure of Tridax, it was revealed that 100% of it is owned by a sister company based in Malta, with 99% of that company owned by Calpenergy Fund in Gibraltar, with 67% of it owned in turn by Daniel Roy Joanes, with the remaining 33% owned by Turicum Private Bank also located in Gibraltar. This kind of circuitous ownership arrangement often typifies an attempt by a corporate entity’s real owners to hide their identities. 

SaharaReporters obtained an intelligence report that stated, “Mezcor SA is clearly the lead company of the three run by Amamgbo.” Mr. Amamgbo also owns 49% of Mezcor, with the remaining 51% owned by Mr. Joanes and Mr. Levinson. Mr. Joanes, who previously worked as an asset manager for Clariden Leu, later worked for Bank Hapoalim. He also owns NFS Partners, which is co-located in the same office as Mezcor in Geneva.
Mr. Levinson is described in one report as having “a scandalous past” and has the dubious distinction of owning one of the first companies to be suspended by the US government for fraudulent activity during reconstruction after the Iraq War in 2003. According to the Wall Street Journal, “a [US] federal jury in Alexandria, VA found that Custer Battles [owned by Levinson] defrauded the US government of $3 million by filing faked invoices.”

US authorities later discovered that Mr. Levinson’s companies billed the American government $10 million for work estimated to actually cost only $4 million. In a curious corporate sleight of hand, Mr. Levinson sold Custer Battles to Danubia Global Inc., a company based in Bucharest, Romania, for one dollar. It turned out that he owned Danubia as well. 

One intelligence investigation found that Mr. Levinson “acts as a director of the five companies [in which] Daniel Roy Joanes is also a director.”
According to another investigation, Tridax is a beneficiary of one of “38 contracts for 1,179,000 barrels per day crude lifting awarded by the [Nigerian] Federal Government last year.” The NNPC, which awards these contracts, also awarded a contract to Mezcor SA and two companies it worked with—India Oil Company and Fujairah Refinery.

These companies’ ties to Mrs. Alison-Madueke extend beyond questionable crude oil lifting contracts and her relationship with Mr. Donald Chidi Amamgbo. Investigators showed SaharaReporters documents that established that Timi John Agama, the former Petroleum Minister’s younger brother, has a financial stake and is a part owner of both Mezcor and Tridax.

The Madueke-Agama Family Business Network:
SaharaReporters has learned, from profiles of Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s sons, brothers, and nephews, that the family’s core businesses are suspiciously located at a single address: Unit 8, Quebec Buildings, Manchester M3 7DU in the United Kingdom. The main business is listed as Hadley Petroleum Solutions Ltd. But other corporate entities registered at the same location include Ryan and Bell Solutions Ltd., Callserv Ltd., Parrot Mobile Ltd., Mail Express Ltd., and Stone International Ltd.

All these companies are associated with close members of Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s family, including nephews Abu Fari, Abiye Agama, Somze Agama, and her son, Ugonna Madueke. According to one intelligence report, “key in the Diezani Alison-Madueke family business structure is her elder brother, Doye, who is a Pentecostal Archbishop based in Manchester, UK. SaharaReporters learned that in addition to his business activities with the Madueke-Agama family, Bishop Agama presides over the Apostolic Pastoral Congress located in Manchester, UK.

Before becoming part of the clergy in 1994, Mr. Doye Agama worked as a telecommunications consultant to the oil industry, central and local government and the emergency services.
Investigators told SaharaReporters that Mrs. Alison- Madueke owns a number of properties in the United Kingdom and the United States, under a variety of names, often those of her family. One property, located in London at 22 Parkwood, St. Edmunds Terrace, St John's Wood, London, NW8 7QQ is registered in the name of her mother, Beatrice Agama. Her younger brother, Timi John Agama, has a property registered under his name at 67, Wades Hill, Winchmore Hill, London, N21 1AU. 

The former minister’s elder brother, Bishop Agama, has a property located at 27 Tavistock Square, Holburn, London, WC1H 9HH registered to his name.
Winihin Ayuli-Jemide, a younger sister to Mrs. Alison-Madueke, is active in organizing a series of conferences ostensibly to empower African women. Her seminars are called the Winihin Jemide Series. Curiously, her conferences and seminars are often held in cities like London and Vienna where her elder sister, Mrs. Alison-Madueke, is suspected to have business interests. The former minister was often invited to speak at the conferences. 

In the United States, the former Petroleum Minister owns three properties that are registered under her maiden name, Diezani K. Agama. They include a posh apartment located at 1220 West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland, with the zip code of 20910. Her son, Ugonna Madueke, has at least three properties registered in his name, two in Virginia and one in Maryland. The former minister’s son’s properties in Virginia are located at 11711 Scooter Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030, and 4227 Summit Manor Ct, Fairfax, VA 22033. His property in Maryland is at 13116 Silver Maple Ct, Bowie, MD 20715.

The former minister’s husband, Admiral Alison Amaechina Madueke, was Nigeria’s former Chief of Naval Staff. On retiring, Mr. Madueke went into the maritime services business, serving as the chairman or director of numerous companies, including Radam Maritime Services Ltd. 


  1. Replies
    1. O boy, this woman is in deep trouble. See billions everywhere.

    2. See them calling billion dollars anyhow

      God, where is thy face I need job Asap +dont forget to punish that woman

    3. Hmnnnnn! All I can say is wowwWww! This is indeed a very detailed investigative report!! I have always been a very strong fan of Jonathan. I still love him but I can't help crying while reading this.
      Is there a spirit responsible for all these looting? How can good people enter the govt and all of a sudden they just loot endlessly and mercilessly?
      I have just taken a good look at diezani and she typically doesn't look like someone that can commit all these senseless loot! Look at the kids on d streets, look at our hospitals, look at our roads, just look around us! Suffering,abject poverty, penury with no end! I just can't hold back the tears! I can't hold it back! You send our money to developed countries where our citizens are treated like slaves!
      What pushed these people into all these? These are people that God has blessed already, that no matter what, they will always be above average, why why all these sensless wicked act?
      I wish I culd ask Diezani, a woman, I am angry! May you suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer, may you see your loved ones suffer, may every single person that has looted this country Suffer without a means to the end!!!!!!!
      This is very sad! I can't even eat!

    4. Greediness in the higher oda.
      Chaiii!! Only u madam..
      Enough money everywhere.

    5. Hmmmm, my fellow Nigerians let us begin to thank God for rescue Nigeria from this wicked people hand.

    6. I read it all and it's just not fair how one person can steal this much without any iota of guilt in them. The evil that men do live with them.

    7. Trust British investigators to open up her entire yansh ans being. She's definitely in a whole lot of trouble, stealing with reckless abandon.

      Click my name for all your celebration cakes and cupcakes, cheers

    8. FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. I'm speechless.

    10. These guys need to be executed. Straight up

    11. Issorai. Please promptly gather all aforementioned properties and send their ownership docs to naija govt sharp sharp. Then cage her bitchass!!!!!

    12. Despite the fact that
      she is from my state,
      I don't support evil
      Let her pay for her sins
      Wicked woman.
      Nobody has ever said
      any nice thing about her.

    13. Too long. I knew she was in soup after that her race at the airport. Lol

    14. Speechless! To tink she is a woman??

    15. Make sahara reporters leave this woman alone,no one dey pour water in his mouth, wey no go leak am. Hhpocrite Nigerians. What of other past Nigerian leaders? Leave this innocent thief alone. After all, na her own bucket she fills from the God given oil wells. The well still remain. Babangida fetched, Obasanjo fetched, Shagari fetched, Abacha xetched, Abdulsalam fetched, Yar Adua fetched and why would Jonathan not fdtch his own and our little thief?

    16. @ Edith Adeniyi, u qualify this with "innocent"?! Speechless!!!

    17. Edith based on your logic no one should ever be held responsible for their actions. If you get robbed no one should be blamed because robbers abound. If you are raped then thank your rapists because it's nothing new right?

    18. @Edith, it's people like you we should fear. When has stealing become 'innocent'??. Abeg park well if you don't have anything to say. Looking at the full amount she stile aren't you at least ashamed on her behalf. Yes in every government people dey chop nor mean say you go chop like sey rapture dey your yansh. If you are choping and still doing the work well., do you think people will come after you. Who tell you sey Cameron nor dey chop? I dey this country and I see how progress is meant to be. Nigeria will never change until those like you are wrapped inside a sack and thrown to the sharks. I still dey talk am any leader that is against growth and development should be fed to the lions and I mean leader from the smallest to the biggest both in church and society. Make we do werin Russia do their own people. Nor be we run make UK borrow sense fast fast

  2. Gosh!

    So so disgraceful!

    Just negodu incredible figures.
    Lord, please don't let this woman and her accomplices wrangle out of this.

    Thieving 'leaders'.
    Thank God GEJ lost the elections.
    Quiet schemer.
    I hope diplomatic immunity won't cover him,if he's found guilty.

    Lmao @quietly ignored her.


    1. Itiboribo... don't go and blame your parents for not making money.

      Sahara reporters hav alwz been APC's lying machinery, right frm d pre-election days. And I can see they're not tired of propaganda yet.

      Nigerians are being fooled by Buhari and co... its like Diezani carried all Nigeria's money wit her. Maybe dts why buhari has not taken any developmental strides, nothing at all to improve d economy. Everything is going frm bad to worse, nd he's busy chasing shadows. I shake my head in shame for you people that he's deceiving. Old man dt knew he has nothing to offer, yet won't go and rest. Now he's confused on wat to do wt the seat, nd d only thn he knows best is witch-hunting, revenge, tribalism and jailing people partially. Na God go punish am

    2. Shiiii is damn too long joor, plus how this woman carry get this kind heart

    3. Shiiii is damn too long joor, plus how this woman carry get this kind heart

    4. I read that part out to DH and we were just like Chai, Buhari too sef take style wicked o.

    5. My question to the British Government. If Goodluck Jonathan had won the election, would you have arrested Diezani?

    6. I feel sad reading your comments. Nora is actually questioning the first attempt at accountability where this criminal is concerned. Smh

  3. They should do the needful with her........
    They should make her vomit all the money and send her 2 jail n stop all this long long stories.
    Action or I don't believe it!!!!!!

    1. I have dis ill feeling dis case will die off silently same way buhari quietly ignored her.

    2. Mc jkcyno this case ain't dying one bit. The money involved is just toooooooooo much.
      This is worse than the greed of Napoleon in Animal farm.
      Haba!!! When dem do finish sha, I'm very sure she will try not to go down alone. She'll take Jonathan along with her.
      I guess that's why this government hasn't gone after him directly.
      When Buhari was travelling, they thought he was playing abi?
      If either one of these thieves were sensible, they should have quietly turned over 80 percent of their loot in cash and assets to the government in a plea bargain, but dem bin dey do odeshi.
      You know how many people would have been gainfully employed if these monies were judiciously spent in our economy instead of on her already obese children?
      Only God can forgive these evil people.

    3. A woman involved? It wont die off. She will be the scape goat. They will disgrace her the way they disgraced Cecilia Ibru.

    4. Never ever!!!! No one will allow this case be swept under any dirty rug. Ahn, never. If they become too quiet in the course of investigation I would personally petition the federal government for another prob. Lol. Seriously, I think they closed up on her when she stayed too long in the UK after the swearing in. This woman is just wicked. Dayum

    5. And none of these people funnelled any of the stolen funds back to the people they stole from. Kola Aluko for example is renowned for his uncharitable nature. Even a single borehole in his village e no fit do.

  4. See her eye like kill and dry rat. I hope say dem no go free dis woman after this long epistle.... She is a certified professional experienced crook. Madam Patricia and Stella oduah na junior apprentice where she de.

    1. They are in JSS1 while she is a professor already.
      Lol @ Kill and dry rat

    2. We also need to ask Diezani what she laced her toto with
      Oga Jona no fit make fem even when he knew her atrocities
      Am sure he is scared if he questioned her she won't allow him access to her honey pot he enjoyed so much
      Toto na Bastand oooh

      But wait oooh!
      I pity her husband!
      Oga u re not a man oooh
      Right under ur nose?
      All those pple gbensing ur wife?
      She is worse than ashawo sef!

    3. Stella it is called investigative journalism..not dis lazy journalism alias blogging alias copy and paste dat people do dese days.

  5. Too long but I read and skipped some anywaz 99days for the thief and one day for the owner

    1. My question to the British Government. If Goodluck Jonathan had won the election, would you have arrested Diezani?

    2. Nora, I'm sure that they would have arrested her in the UK like they did now, regardless. The only thing is that the GEJ administration would have tried to kill the case by not granting the UK the necessary info to sustain a money laundering indictment. As it is now, the Nigerian govt are the co prosecutors as far as her case in the UK. As it now, although inter-wound, it would be tried as two separate cases in the respective countries.

  6. Lost interest after all I was seeing was 'them say them say'. Stella, biko explain aw this is d most investigative report you have ever seen.

    Even u will do better than this, no proof of anything. For all I know, an idiot with Sahara reporters could have sat down in his room and composed this.

    Sahara reporters have been know to report lies, twist truths and be biased so I will take this with a pinch of salt.

    Thot they said she would be in court today, will only take d verdict of d court and not what one biased reporter sat in front of his computer to type.

    1. propaganda.

    2. Please tuck it in.....i mean ur mouth

    3. All this your vehement support of this woman, I hope at least she threw a million dollars your way, if not loooooool!

    4. Ewuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

    5. Idiot, I am not supporting the woman, I just need news from reliable sources

    6. Gerrahia Anu ohia. Mgbeke feeling funky.

    7. All newspapers have websites ma. Who is stopping you fro. Going to what you call reliable source. IDIOT!

    8. Eka joy, you illiterate. This blog is not for people like you who wait for only sex stories to read. You can't even read to save your life.
      What right do you have to comment when you lack reading skills?

  7. This is what is called through investigative journalism.
    Well done SR.

    1. Iti mpataka, iti akwu. U dnt kno the meanin of thorough. What evidence or facts were presented there? Everything is concocted and fabricated. Olodo rabata... jobless man dt won't go and make money

    2. Anonymous, so in ur heart of heart, tell me honestly, you think that the judicial system in the UK would initiate an arrest with no iota of tangible evidence to prosecute? Even after they started their investigation since 2012??? Na question I ask o. If we had to agree that our own system is hopelessly screwed.. so with the kind of publicity this case is given, u think its still a matter of mere speculation????? Wao.wao wao

    3. Lol @Sisi Eko,no need answering the silly idiot. I have learnt to ignore most of them that troll under my comment. After seeing their birthday pictures here, you ask yourself are they same people that attack others under anonymous. Na sdk comment section join us together. No need replying people that one can't even employ as househelp. Best one can do is ignore them and allow them to continue with their ignorant show of shame.

  8. Not one charity organization to her name
    Well, what can I say
    Chop alone and die alone
    Nigeria will be better

  9. Too long someone should summarize.

    1. Olodo...go back to school so you can read meaningful posts and not only ihn and chronicles..durrrhhh!!!!!

    2. Here's a summary: she's a heartless thief and now she's breathing thru her anus.

    3. Speechless! Speechless!! That's how this makes me feel

    4. Olodo. Nwa na amaghi akwukwo

    5. Lolzzzz@ Nwa na amaghi akwukwo.Una no kiii person for this blog one day. E bi like sey na so so igbo writers full this blog.

      @ Nwa amaka, just negodu gi.
      If to say na gbenshing them discuss inside now,U go first everybody read am finish.

  10. Hmmmm I tot she said she didn't steal money b4?ok let's wait n see even though I don't trust Sahara reporters n dia lies.

  11. It's getting interesting by the day.

  12. Highly informative... too much money spreading everywhere... hmmmm yet unemployment look us in the face everyday while they create jobs and influence for foreigners....they will not go unpunished. And I thank GOD it's not in Nigeria this trial is taking place

    1. My follow Nigerians can u imagine??????? I am speechless. God oh I thank u for rescue Nigerians from this wicked people hand oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm

    2. This really infuriates me. I work damn hard to make a living and whenever I see or hear about Nigerians suffering it truly breaks my heart and I feel so guilty that God has blessed me so when I see people like this I don't get how cold and wicked they can be.

  13. Look how they tuned NNPC into their family business ! I hope they confiscate all the assets she acquired with criminal proceeds. Rubbish!

  14. In other words Diezani almost single handedly ruined Nigeria's economy. I hope they are able to gather enough evidence to ensure she is brought to justice.
    I also blame religious leaders who could not tell them the truth simply because of what they gained from the regime.

    1. Shut your stupid mouth...fool, what has religious leaders got to do with it? Do they have any evidence to call someone a thief? If u are a Christian which church do u attend that they don't condemn corruption? How many times have you obeyed your pastor about not fornicating or committing adultery? Idiot everything they blame religious religious leader can force anyone, they can only preach and you choose to obey.....

    2. Anon what stranger means is that religious leaders do not speak the truth about corruption and those who perpetrate it. These people mentioned go to church. Their priests or pastors should call them out by their names which we know that they can't do because of their love and dependence on the world.

  15. The greed of this woman and her accomplices is just plain sickening. How could all these useless crooked people go to sleep at night. While nigerian children and her citizens weep for food and shelter? Please all I want to see is all thieves go to prison. Pronto!!!!!

  16. Kai! I read the thing finish,na look I dey.see properties upandan! Too much money.let the guilty never go unpunished .

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    The fear of sahara reporters is the beginning of wisdom i swear..... Niceone frm them though no doubt....

  18. Terrible greed!!!

  19. Any news from Sahara reporters is 30percent true

  20. Its painful that our dear country Nigeria is heading to a recession because of evil and wicked people like Dieziani and Gej. The painful part is the most she will get is a few years in jail and seizing of some assets/funds, she will still have a lot of money because the money she stole, we can't begin to imagine and i am sure not up to half will be gotten back.She and Gej have sent us years back with their greedy and wicked ways and to think this wicked people wanted to rule for another 4 years. All i can say is God save Nigeria

  21. Also whoever advised them to launder money through U.K is a learner. pay professionals to help you launder money, mba. Let me give a little money laundering 101:
    Always use the united states especially nevada and delaware because of its financial secrecy. Then move the money to Puerto Rico then to Switzerland then back to a country in south america and out again to Kenya (also because its a tax haven) then finally back to the likes of Cayman islands, Swiss banks.
    The reason for these movements is because of situations like this. If they were to conduct an investigation it would take years(decades) and millions of dollars to execute. Once the veil is lifted, it is soon discovered that the directors are corporate entities resident in another continent or country. This can also be refered to as the merry go round; ))
    All in all crime does not pay.

    1. Very well said!

    2. So true. If you buy a top value property in the UK paying cash and with a Nigerian name they start watching you. Fact.

    3. So true. If you buy a top value property in the UK paying cash and with a Nigerian name they start watching you. Fact.

  22. This is embarrassing to her family. I guess that's why she's a woman, not smart like her fellows...

  23. Why do most Igbo people find it hard to believe that this woman, the last dispensation, and the figure heads clamoring for Biafra represent no atom of good for the populace? Just an innocent question. And by the way, I'm not anti-Igbo, and I hail from an igboid ethnic group.

  24. Why do most Igbo people find it hard to believe that this woman, the last dispensation, and the figure heads clamoring for Biafra represent no atom of good for the populace? Just an innocent question. And by the way, I'm not anti-Igbo and I hail from an igboid ethnic group.

  25. Her husband and husband's family no dey her book??? She no give those ones anything? Na only family alone. Dem go laugh her tire for husband family side ooh.



  28. All I saw myself doing as I read dis was that PEJ video with her hands on her head screaming "Diariz God o"


    1. Hehehehehe@ TGW
      Chai!!! Chai!!!! Another robery!
      U re simply asking a pot to call a kettle black, sweetie!
      Birds of a feather...........

  29. I don't buy this the beautiful ones are not yet born...witch hunt

  30. What a shame, she mustn't go Scott free

  31. How will reading this long epistle change my life? I jump and pass biko

  32. After reading all these acclaimed facts, I hope justice with take its full course..........but some peeps have no fear of God sha. #sipsvodka

  33. Oh boy, am having headache already,just thinking that one person could have the heart to rip your own country this type of money makes me weep for the greed of human being,only given an oprtunity to serve and they want to finish the country, lord have mercy the rich keep getting richer judgement day is here thank God is Not Nigeria.

  34. Oh boy, am having headache already,just thinking that one person could have the heart to rip your own country this type of money makes me weep for the greed of human being,only given an oprtunity to serve and they want to finish the country, lord have mercy,no wonder the rich keep getting richer judgement day is here thank God is Not Nigeria.

  35. I know some Voltrons will still come and say SR is lying.

    1. Eg EKa the ikorodu raving lunatic
      aka miss beggy beggy that claims to work from home.

  36. is this for real?

  37. Hmmmmmmmmmm

    Please she's not the only corrupt ex minister....

  38. Na waaa! What a man can do...

  39. Calling this woman a criminal is a disservice to all criminals. Her stealing is beyond

  40. A lot of the details are true. I know some people who are friends with this family & confirm that the stories are true!

  41. Hiaaahh.
    Where is the investigate journalism?
    All na them say,them say .
    I was expecting a detailed report of the account numbers that the alleged loot is domiciled. I did not see anything close to it.
    It is the usual phrase used by lazy,sit down and gossip journalists; according to an intelligence source.
    What is stopping Sahara desert reporters from investigating. all the northerners and baba iyabo that ruled,destroyed and looted this country to the ground before Goodluck came to power?

    1. On a second thought, I think it is better to hook you up with EKa the okada rider who rode from Ikorodu to Maryland.

      You guys will make a good couple on a serious note, 2 degenerates.

    2. Are you not stupid? They shuld save landed properties inside account number? Go and Marry Eka joy and both of you find another blog to pollute!

    3. Some peeps are just so blinded by ethnic considerations and don't care if Nigeria collapses. Do you have children and younger ones and are you not concerned about their future at all, or even your own future?
      Where were you when OBJ was chasing and recovering Abacha's loot or were you too young at that time?
      May the Lord help us to make this country great, and may people like you think about the greatness of Nigeria and stop being ethnic bigots

    4. Some peeps are just so blinded by ethnic considerations and don't care if Nigeria collapses. Do you have children and younger ones and are you not concerned about their future at all, or even your own future?
      Where were you when OBJ was chasing and recovering Abacha's loot or were you too young at that time?
      May the Lord help us to make this country great, and may people like you think about the greatness of Nigeria and stop being ethnic bigots

  42. Witch hunt.

    Live Diezani alone

    1. Hahahahaha!
      Na really "Live Diezani alone"
      We have ooh! She is in better hands now!
      Those britico with their strictness
      I pity U madam!!
      Shoki aaaanh!!!!!!!!!!

  43. May God punish this woman in Jesus name. Just negodu

  44. Just imagine such. All our money gone. The Aluko guy should not be spared too

  45. Shocked!
    so a woman can do this.

  46. Madam Stella, please don't be numb.

    When I was telling you guys about that your president, you refused to post my comments.
    This is just the beginning, you all will see and hear more.
    Those people are THIEVES, I have seen it with my own eyes.

    But they will also get their punishment. This is because their poor choices cause me and many Nigerians a lot of pain and tears. Many lives were lost, innocent people killed, youths unemployed...begging for food while they sander millions.

    I felt the pain, Spirit is mad and is coming for them.

    Keep tune.

    PS ... Stella you like don't post my comment, na you sabi.

  47. Huhm!
    So that Jona na meander
    That's why I don't like quiet pple
    Thy re dangerous schemers

    Am waiting patiently with keen interest
    I need to see where this is heading
    Heartless bunch of animals
    Enjoying @ other pple's expense

    1. I think Jonathan is just one unfortunate person. They knew he had no experience and dey swooped down on him.
      Personally,he strikes me as a go jolly fellow but who was easily intimidated.and oh,I forgot his weakness too.if only he wasn't weak,he would have cried out for help.

  48. This is thorough. Sahara reporters cant be lying regarding this. See list of names of companies flaunted and all pointing to one individual. This woman really sank this country. Its shameful.

  49. Hmmm... Na wah o! They turned the petroleum sector to a family business. Laundering money anyhow. I hope all the looted money will be recovered.

  50. If the allegations are true, then I'm happy GEJ lost the election cos Nigeria would have been left penniless at d end of his tenure.

    1. It's a lie me write dis be u joor.lolz
      But seriously he would hv finished our money n then sell us and Nigeria to any country interested.


    2. My question to the British Government. If Goodluck Jonathan had won the election, would you have arrested Diezani?

    3. Lol @nora.. as u dey repeat this ur question.

    4. Nora, go to British embassy nau! Tf u keep posting your q?

    5. Good question Nora.
      I am thinking now...

  51. Sorry my people, it is called patronage. What u should be asking is if the said services were not rendered. After all, Malam Nadir El Ruffin got his head start from government patronage. Otedola also got started that way. Asiwaju's growing wealth is still being sustained by Lagos state patronage. The current de-camping to the ruling party is also for such. Why should those who benefited from the former government's patronage be hounded if it can be shown that it is all business deals between the government and companies? Every business wants government patronage. Let the law take its course. Ethical issues will arise if she is seen to be a share holder in those companies. The probe is welcome. Patronage is what made a lady without prior experience the richest black woman in the world. Patronage made some ex military men billionaires through this same oil industry. God bless Nigeria.


  53. Reading this post line by line and am wondering, what did Oyenusi,
    Anini, Shina Rambo etc do nau to deserve death?

  54. Gej is a bastard thief

    1. True bastard and it can never be well with him.

  55. Eka Joy displaying her stupidity since 1900BC. It isn't necessary to comment on every post. If your IQ can't assimilate certain post, it's not compulsory to comment. Supporting a rogue,that even someone in yaba left won't support.

  56. This woman is jes so cute abeg

  57. Wickedness, greed, Wickedness. Thunder fire satan

  58. What will Forbes say now, she has been honoured by them as African woman of the ........ Madam I salute your strategy of corruption.

  59. Wickedness, greed, Wickedness. Thunder fire satan

  60. @stranger. Rubbish. Did the people at FIFA not try that? America will fish you out if you try them. There's no hiding place

  61. Money maker may God punish you for that derogatory shit you just spewed, must everything be about bloody tribe. Are you a Nigerian at all? Have you seen the suffering of the masses, have you seen the hunger, the penury of some people. I almost weep when I see a child carrying groundnut not up to N1000 on his head in hot sun, risking his life inside traffic, hawking pure water of N500. I feel so bad seeing these things, especially kids. Nigerians are hardworking people, no matter the tribe. No matter where we are, under what condition, we are resilient people. Just give an average Nigerian, the capital, opportunity and safe environment to work, they will thrive. This criminal called Deizani has wrecked this country. And ur here talking baba ijebu instead of facing facts.
    Stella you need to stop enabling money makers derogatory comments on Yoruba people. Now he uses such terms as language people or baba Iyabo. You pretend not to see it and claim he's not referring to any tribe when we both know the truth. Stella I'm loosing respect for you, is it bcos he gives people N5k on this blog. I am a Yoruba lady engaged to an Igbo man, a lot of my sisters, cousins are married into calabar, urhobo, Akwa Ibom. I don't even see that thing called tribe until I started visiting this blog. While growing up I didn't see whether someone is Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, even while dating, I like is I like you. I don't see smone tribe and thank God I wasn't brought up like that'll . Money maker it's obvious you are not exposed, if you mixed with different nationalities as I have in the Uk, you no go notice tribe. The hate and criticism I read in his comments it's unfathomable. If you like keep enabling him to push traffic on ur blog or for entertainment, it is well.

    1. Hiaaah. World people. Na waah
      Wetin person no go see again for this world?
      All this long epistle bcos the money maker said it the way it is. Please ,
      The freedom of speech and expression is enshrined in our Constitution for a reason.

  62. My mouth is so damn opened agap. Chai.
    Speechless. What next?!

  63. Timi Agama the sex pest who dates only 16 and 18year olds despite being married. Timi at nearly 60 years old (although he looks young) was an absolute failure in the UK until his sister became a minister and he and the Local Content man stole Nigeria dry. Timi, Kirikiri is waiting for you Theif. I feel so sorry for all those small girls who sold themselves to you. Your daughter will suffer the same fate. Repent!

  64. Thank God we took the right decision to send them packing. Ha apayan in awon people yio, they've stolen what their tenth generations will need. Jona ole, Allison ole.

  65. Speechless!
    So many huge figures everywhere in the write up..

  66. Omg! See billions stashed away by just one individual. Ha! This is so unfair and ungodly. What a shame! I used to like this woman but this has ruined it. Tf?!

  67. this woman stole more money than Abacha did.. all i want to start hearing is that they have started seizing all those properties. aluko and omokare have to serve prison time too. this is wickedness and greed at its peak...jonathan the quiet devil too must get his fair share of judgement. they shouldnt forget to confiscate accounts of her family members especially her son... and im sure there are even more shady deals that we don't know about. God bless Nigeria because we must be great again

    1. Jonathan such a greedy man, the sad thing is Nigerians won't know half the things him and his Cohorts (Tunde Ayeni, Dieziani, Jide Omokore, Aluko and co) have done. It makes me weep for Nigeria.

  68. All I see is Cash money ego kudi naira hmmm never liked her and her boss ..

  69. Gej slow poison pej own will soon come out

  70. U! U!! U!!! U wanted Jonathan in again? U see ur life ba?! The future of ur 100th generation in Diezani's hands! Father! Restore unto us our lost possessions oooo!

  71. For those saying the story is fake, I live in switzerland and I know that Oscar guy. We have always been suspicious. So this is how he makes his money. Anyway, it makes sense. He is an auditor/finance guy so he will know where to hide money.

  72. All of u here commenting that u pity her or that they should leave her alone thunder fire your yansh! May God punish her and her entire family of hoodlums. God punish all of her supporters club as well. Reason y I say this is because millions of Nigerians have DIED in abject poverty because of people like the conscienceless mamiwater. How many times do we come on this blog or any other blog and read about people in need of money for surgery here or there until they die due to lack of funds. I pray that this is the beginning of Almighty God's transformation of this nation and we will be great. Those of u that will be future leaders of u go there and steal the Heavens will unleash it's wrath upon u and ur family IJN. Every thief stealing government money in that country are slowly sacrificing their families. They will now be posting pick of trips and lavish lifestyle! No fear of God! Choi! They've turned political appointment to financial breakthrough. One person is sitting on this much money and we don't have common 24 hrs light?!? The blood of every poverty induced death is on these people's hands! May God punish each and every single one of them! Bastards! I pray she gets locked up in a jail somewhere (with that her mother) working for $0.15 a day and becomes BIG LUCY's personal bitch in the cell for the rest of her life.

  73. Reading this is depressing emough. What is even more depressing is the sickening sentiments of commentators masquerading as benfits of the doubt or blatatant sympathy for the accused. I am not an avid reader of Sahara Reporters, but could they really have just made up all these??? And what chance has Nigeria got to attain a sain socirty we all want if apparently educated commentators here remain so sentimentally suspicious of this?
    I am v grateful for the comment by "Ghanaman". PLEASE would you kindly consider advising some of your leaders to come and colonise my dear country?


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