Stella Dimoko Word For Today -Coping with uncertainty!


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Friday, May 19, 2017

Word For Today -Coping with uncertainty!

Can you imagine, driving to a place you've never been before, at night? 

The pressure of not being sure if you're on the right path to your destination creates a level of uncertainty! And, the pressure of not being able to see beyond the projection of your headlight also makes driving stressful!
Rom 8:22-3(Bible reference )!

That is the way life is! In life, we're all going on a road we've never gone before! From childhood, you transform into adolescence, and just when you're trying to figure how to live as an adolescent, life takes you into a new phase called adulthood, a stage you have never been before! You have never been your age before, and with every new age comes new challenge!

Inspite of the nuptial euphoria that floods a newly married couple, it still remains uncertain what the next five years of their marriage will be.

When we lose a loved one, it sometimes acts as as constant reminder that life is but as vapour, and that There are things we don't have control over!

Arguably, 60% of the times, uncertainty is the rationale behind worries and uneasiness.

The reason your problem looks big to you is because rather than bringing God into your situation, you are facing it alone. The more you worship God, the lesser you worry about uncertainties.

The truth is, you cannot truly worship and worry at the same time.

When the writer wrote "Come magnify the Lord with me.....", he did not mean that your praise makes God bigger than He already is, he simply meant that your praise makes your vision about God bigger. The bigger your vision about God, the smaller you problem becomes(no matter the situation)! With God on your side, Every problem is like a fence without foundation(Romans 8:31)!

The devil tries to make you focus on the height of the fence thereby distracting you from the reality that the fence is baseless.

The solution to all uncertainties is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is here to help you in times of confusion(uncertain times). But the Holy Spirit will not help you when you claim to know everything.

For the Holy Spirit to take charge and guide you according to all truth, you have to yield to His leading!

The beginning of wisdom is understanding your limitations and acknowledging that you don't and cannot know everything.

If you can open your heart to the reality that you are not as smart as you think you are, that you don't know everything like you act like you know, and you wholeheartedly invite the Holy Spirit to take over you affairs, LIFE WILL BECOME EASIER for you.

by Amos Dede


  1. Replies
    1. magdalene Of Africa19 May 2017 at 12:33

      Lovely piece Amos. Greater Grace.

    2. I love you Amos. I don't miss any of your articles. Remain blessed

  2. Replies
    1. I love this. Thanks Amos. God bless you.

  3. I think this piece is for me. I've been so broken since last night. You get married its an issue, you don't get married its an issue. You get pregnant wahala, you don't, wahala. I lost a dear friend yesterday. She died 5 months after child birth, due to post pregnancy complications. Doctors were flown in from India and USA yet she still died. She has been in and out of coma since January, pre-eclampsia, life support, and HPB....
    This one is just too much for me. Her marriage is exactly a year and a month....
    Is that baby a source of joy or sorrow...
    Sometimes its just too difficult not to ask God why...
    My Uta mbakara... Those smiles are gone forever... At 29. Chaiii

    1. Sorry about that... it is well

    2. Sorry about your friends demised, is so sad and painful, but want can we say, may her soul RIP

    3. It is well bro...

    4. You will be fine dear.. God is with you.

    5. You will be fine dear. God is with you.

    6. Esosa Adewunmi19 May 2017 at 14:30

      OMG.. Take heart Laeffizy. It is well.

  4. Sorry for your loss @ laeffizy, we humans always try to make sense of it all, I still do when am stressed,worried or bothered about something,I start calculating and planing, losing sleep and not eating well and then it hits me and I sing this song from Joshua an animation xtian movie" God knows better than I, he knows the way, I have let go my need to know why cos he knows better than I". It always helps in calming me...

  5. Lord take the lead in everything that concerns me. I ask in Jesus name amen.

  6. This is me right now I am so depressed at the moment and things have totally gone very tough for
    God I don't know all,direct me and lead me to the right place

    1. Get The Grind On19 May 2017 at 10:56

      Atleast you have done the first step, inviting God to take control... you will be fine.

  7. Dear Holy Spirit I am limited in Knowledge. Please guide me wholly. Should I go or stay? Let your will be made known to me. In Jesus name....Amen.

  8. Thanks bv Amos. God bless you.Tayan Taylor it is well, same here with me, but with Jesus on my side I would be fine, so will you.

  9. Thank you Amos this was meant for me. Lord direct and order my steps in Jesus name

  10. God bless you for this Amos

  11. Thanks Amos. This one is for my sister.

    1. Realest piece right here men. Thanks Stella

  12. Thanks for this Amos

    I thank you Lord

  13. Thank you amos, I am lifted.

  14. Wow. Nice nice nice.

  15. Am glad i opened this post 📪

  16. This is beautiful. Thank you for this meal.

  17. AnnerBaner'sFan19 May 2017 at 14:31

    I like that one @Ubaka. Nice meal

  18. This is so for me right now.
    Am glad am encouraged once again. God bless u for this,Amos.

  19. I am blessed

  20. Thanks Amos. May God replenish you a thousand fold.

  21. Wow. I am so blessed reading this.

  22. Jagaban of Ibadan19 May 2017 at 18:49

    We all need God and courage to engage the future. Thanks writer. #GreatJob

  23. I really needed this. Thank you.

  24. Holy spirit have your way in my life.
    Thanks bv Amos

  25. Thanks boss. Nice article.

  26. Wow. Was good I saw this. Thank you Stella.


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