Stella Dimoko Actress Mercy Aigbe's Says She Is Off Soon To Widows Conference And ISH Went Down On Her SM Handle


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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Actress Mercy Aigbe's Says She Is Off Soon To Widows Conference And ISH Went Down On Her SM Handle

New Advocate for Widows Mercy Aigbe took to her SM handle to announce that she would be in Benin soon for a widows programme.
She was Immediately called out 


  1. Good for her, thank God I'm not following any of them

    *Larry was here*

    1. I don't see anything wrong with her being their ambassador

    2. Mercy aigbe that loves money more than anything will do free advocacy, yinmu. Stella she was paid to be the face of their NGO, just like when MTN signs you to be their ambassador.the pictures are on her IG sef. Mercy aigbe doesn't do anything for free.

    3. Slay mama, slay on ...

    4. Oh boi, see comments bt d auntie sha jus de joke initially bt mercy took it overboard probably due to her present state bt I think the lady trolling her is sound and hav good sence of humour

  2. I also do not get how she was made a widows ambassador

    Can I as a single girl be made an ambassador for married women?
    Shit is confusing..

    1. Talk once without curse word

    2. That's naija for you. An example is that Ghanian actress that got a naija noble award. Msthew

    3. Chi thank you. Advocate and ambassador is not the same thing. Advocate means you're speaking up for something without expecting any form of reimbursement.Ambassador means to be paid to represent a brand. Mercy is not a widow advocate but was paid to be the brand ambassador of the organization. Stella take note.

    4. Just to add that Mercy was quite rude. The other person was just stating the obvious and was polite about it too. God give us wisdom.

    5. Advocate or Ambassador. Call it what you like, she has no business advocating or 'ambassadoring' for Widows.

    6. You guys never cease to amaze me. I must be a widow for me to be an ambassador For widows ?? What if her mum was a widow? A friend or an aunt? What ig she can relate to what widows go through? Stop making a mountain out of a molehill.
      Nothing wrong with her being an ambassador for widows, broaden your horizon people!!

  3. Replies
    1. Make una free mercy o! For mercy mind,she already sees herself as a widow o!dats y she ws not bothered wen de called her to tk up d widow ambassadorial aPpointment!she sees herself dat she's free as a bird!mercy dat tin wey u de look for outside ur marriage,may u find it o!shebi d tin de totori u now? U go soon know hw far!just watch out!na sit down look we go de do!

    2. See nonsense comments up and down. This is what happens when you spend 4 years in university and only read your lecturers handout. You are unable to read wide, conduct research and come to intelligent conclusions.

      Even with internet all they know is joro, Instagram and bloggers website.
      'Only a widow should be attending a widows conference or be mad an ambassador for widows'.

      Nigeria is finished.

    3. Lol. That lady is in my fitness group...steady run🙌🏼 team no excuse👌🏽
      She gave it to Mercy hot sha, i feel it's only a widow that can fit in perfectly well for that task.

    4. Intelligent Anon, if you are as intelligent as you appear to be, you would understand that the current situation Mercy Aigbe is in makes her advocating or 'ambassadoring' for Widows come off as bogus.
      Read within the context of a situation. That's why the same words used in different contexts have different meanings.

    5. So because are marriage is going through hiccups, she should reject the offer? Or you think she is doing it free?

    6. That not right as long as it's for a good cause then it okay.I remember when my mum as a pastor's wife years back started her widow empowerment program fellow pastors wife stayed away;one particular pastor scolded his wife badly when she tried to show support.The irony of life is that;that pastor is late now and his wife is now a widow.My mum and dad are still alive and doing the widow empowerment program.
      Lesson here is you don't have to walk in someone's show to be kind and show empathy. Life is hard be kind.

  4. Lol

    Na WA

    Na @Desmond Elliot make you be widow ambassador bah?

    I don't get... That post should be for someone that has lost her husband... .They are in more better position to speak on being a widow

    Well.. What ever makes you happy @Mercy


  5. Social Media?? Lol. Some times, people rush to attack even without understanding the post. Understanding & comprehension is a problem for many. Because I don't get the reason for the back and forth reply. It's a simple something. Simple as ABC

  6. Blame the organisations who dish out ambassadorial position to just anyone.

  7. Seriously!!! That follower of hers makes a lot of sense. I love mercy but I feel this ambassador thing isn't right.

  8. Seriously those that made her an ambassador for widows, I don't know what they were thinking, and she accepting such..... I don't know. It is well.

    1. Really think small. Do you know the names of their members. If she didn't say she was going for conf would you have heard about it. Hian

  9. LMAO 😁
    Ambassador for widows? O.k Na?

  10. hahahahaha very wonderful. Na dem sabi. But why make her Ambassador for widows that means they are implying that her own will soon happen. Na wa.

    Am sure it is for the money and fame

  11. I love the lady's replies. mercy is just incorrigible. whatever paddles her canoe.

    1. Mercy was a bit over the top with her replies

  12. 😒🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

  13. Then Desmond Elliot and 2face are wrong choices to be ambassadors for widows then if we toe the line of the critics

    1. Advocates & ambassador are two different things, you can't be an advocate for group without being in their position, but being an ambassador means representive, that's so wrong for mercy wishing the father of her kids death, how can she be an ambassador for widows when she is not one, she can only be an advocate which is what I understand by her explanation, but due to trend of brand ambassadorship reigning for Nigerian celebrities everyone want to be an ambassador, mercy grab ur dictionary read difference btw ambassador & advocate.

  14. TBH, wetin she wan tell widows?

    If you're an ambassador, you should be able to give exàmple with your personal experience.

  15. Mercy irritate me I swear down!
    Who does she tink she is ??

    1. You are more irritating than mercy I swear up...

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. Women empowerment above all.

    Let's learn to stick up for our widowed, married and single sisters. You don't have to be one to advocate for fairness and equality, especially when you could very become a victim should the tradition and rules be allowed to stand

    1. Finally, the comment I was hoping to see so I don't have to type. You get sense!

      Sherry's Daughter

    2. In certain contexts, you have to be in the shoes of the persons you are advocating for. For instance, can a child/person born with a silver spoon effectively preach the importance of hardwork as a tool for success to poor, malnourished children/persons? The message can only be truly passed on by another child/person who has been through the dregs of life and comes out successful eventually.

    3. World people, God bless you.

    4. Honestly people are just being stupid and u fools want to tell me it's everything you passsionately talk about or defend is what u have experienced in life? Wear your thinking caps

    5. General Zod, ambassadors for rape victim or domestic violence, do you think they all have one or two experience? Before they were giving such?? Most of them have never been raped or been in a violent relationship.

      Same thing goes to those who are ambassadors for the girl child education. It doesn't mean they were not trained as girls or they struggled to train their self. It doesn't mean they were once in their shoes. It's what it is. Like Stephanie okereke who's always talking about vvf and bringing awareness to it in the north, I think shes also an ambassador for that. You and I know that she didn't suffer thay or even married early.

  17. I think anybody can stand as a rep for orphans and widows. I dont see anything wrong being an ambassador for any of them tbough.

  18. Pepper them gang
    Anything for show and cash

  19. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂@Aunty people... Though belemastowe made sense mbok

  20. Angelina Jolie was made a UN ambassador for refugees and internally displaced persons.......The last time I checked she was not a refugee herself.

    1. That's because she has her own foundation that takes care of refugees, she adopted and is a mother to refugees herself so she can relate. Angelina has always told up for people in such cases that's why she was made an ambassador but you can use someone who has no knowledge of being such, hasn't taken care of any widow, or doesn't own a foundation covering that to represent it. Totally wrong

    2. Anon, Angelina was the person that contacted the UN after she visisted Cambodia where she shot a movie. Stop sounding like she was chilling in LA and UN came to knock on her door and asked her to be an ambassador. Do you even know how she adopted her kids? Do you think they brought them to America?

    3. Idiot push up, do u know mercy or what she has ever done for widows? Do u know if her mum was or is a widow? We know nothing about mercy.s experience with widowhood so u all quit talking's so irritating when people think they have a right to criticize all someone does...mercy is a celebrity and can be a brand ambassador for any worthy cause..stop being utterly myopic

  21. Angelina Jolie was made a UN ambassador for refugees and internally displaced persons.......The last time I checked she was not a refugee herself.

    1. Don't ever compare Angelina to Mercy. Angelina is a selfless advocate, humanitarian, Un special envoy,goodwill ambassador and a giver. Do you know how much she donates to refugees? You're comparing her to Mercy that they paid to be an ambassador so they can have publicity .

  22. They knew mmshe is not a widow before they made her an ambassador or whatever for them. She could be of help through funds or awareness

  23. A proper widow should've been made a widows ambassador naaa. Na wa! What money would cause.

  24. Chi ooo,u wont kee me,ezigbote "can a single girl be made ambassador for married women"😁😁😁😁

  25. I have a huge problem with Nigeria government and organisations appointing the wrong people for wrong tasks. In as much celebrities are being appointed as ambassadors for their companies in Western world, it is being done based on the aspects of their expertise, a typical example is Usain Bolt been used by Virgin media to illustrate the fastness of their broad band, Mo Farah was used to market healthy food to show the importance of healthy food, which he demonstrated by running fast and Jessica Ennis was also used for similar advertisement. These three were mentioned out of numerous celebrities that are being used as ambassadors. Bless the lady that took her time to explain to Mercy Aigbe the importance of being chosen for right task. However, Mercy Aigbe should not be blamed as she was chosen by novice that do not understand ambassadorial position. If Nigeria organisations and government can learn from this prevalent mistakes, Nigeria will develop for best.

    1. Shut up, is mercy the only one going for the event? U don't know shit about that even. We only know about mercy cos she told us she was going....sanctimonious fool

    2. She is going as an ambassador, which should have some experience & expertise.

  26. The lady actually told her the truth.

  27. @Etsako Pearl,ur comments are always hateful.I have been observing u for a while.
    please watch it.
    @Mercy,I see nothing wrong in what u wrote and ur reply,the guy or lady just want use u shine.
    Be u an advocate or an ambassador just do ur thing.
    @Sdk,u re doing a wounderful job on ur blog.
    May God bless u and give u more wisdom.#Ftm

  28. @Etsako Pearl,ur comments are always hateful.I have been observing u for a while.
    please watch it.
    @Mercy,I see nothing wrong in what u wrote and ur reply,the guy or lady just want use u shine.
    Be u an advocate or an ambassador just do ur thing.
    @Sdk,u re doing a wounderful job on ur blog.
    May God bless u and give u more wisdom.#Ftm

  29. Mercy is rude,never really liked her

  30. Anyhow we look at it. Mercy is actually a widow because her husband's thinking faculty is dead. Or how do one rationalise his rant against the government. Saying the government is responsible for his marital breakdown just because a law which has been in existence which was to prevent him from commiting murder os enabled.
    A brain dead man is truly dead.

  31. Abegi let her rest, Nigerians and amebo plus wicked judgement.
    I dare any of you to turn down being a glo ambassador even if you don't use glo, even if you hate glo!
    I dare any of you to resign even if you hate your job.. naah, some of you work for 6 months without pay!
    I dare you to reject being say a twitter ambassador for a million dollars even if you don't have a twitter account.
    It's business, baby. Some of them represent brands they don't even use or care about. She's not an advocate, she's an ambassador. She's right, too many low IQs on IG.

    1. Only u get sense for here. I dont like mercy aigbe but for Godsakes the fan was disrespectful and was quick to type trash

    2. Two dullards

    3. Maybe she should accept being an ambassador for casket makers or cemeteries...oloshi

  32. @ Chinny, may u live long for making such an amazing comment.

  33. Wow! That person is an intelligent follower, mercy thot she could shut her up,not all followers leaks booth, mercy lost the argument. She should listen.

  34. Mercy was rude and when the other person didn't back down, but also brought out her claws, she decided to chill. Does being a celebrity give license to be rude? Can't we ever interact without insults? Lemme add my own to the plenty examples, can a non-Nigerian become an ambassador for Nigeria? The word "ambassador" is being misused/abused here

    1. Broomstick shut up. Does being a fan or follower mean you talk rubbish? Who told her mercy is not aware she is not a widow? Did she claim her husband was dead? Do u know the circumstance sorrounding the ambassadorship? Fools who think they have a right to judge..

  35. Do you have to have been a child labourer to be against child labour? Her mother may have been a widow and she saw what it was like for her, that would have given her some first hand experience. We have male doctors trained in the female reproductive system though they are not women we accept their knowledge. I do not see anything wrong with her being an ambassador for widows. The message is always more important than the messenger. End widow abuse!

  36. Mercy isn't rude. She is very sweet and nice. Haters leave her alone!

  37. I will not be an ambassador or advocate for widows when my husband is still very much alive and kicking (no offence). I'll help them legally and every other way I can, but won't go and be talking about something I haven't experienced. Only someone in that position can convince others or talk about it.

  38. Mercy is a drama @ attending widow's meeting........Lanre will soon reply her.....

  39. Her gown is all I see. I love it.

    Saving the picture for my seamstress.


  40. Mercy met it fire-for-fire and chickened out. She felt she had venom in her mouth but met a superior fire power.

  41. It's high time her ex too is made widowers' ambassador.


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