Stella Dimoko Redeemed Pastor’s Wife Siju Iluyomade Is The Queen Of Style And Fashion


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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Redeemed Pastor’s Wife Siju Iluyomade Is The Queen Of Style And Fashion

Many a rich, privileged woman totter into vogue but it takes a profound, perceptive lady to mirror the breadth and depth of burgeoning trends to the world. Siju Iluyomade, wife of the Senior Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Idowu Olusola Iluyomade, is a rich, privileged woman.

 She is profound and perceptive too, thus she dictates and sets the pace in her social circuit. Siju symbolises the incontestable affirmation of charm and élan as acceptable traits in a virtuous woman.

Been a Christian, according to Siju, should not sentence anyone to the dungeons of bleakness and aesthetic barrenness. Siju glamourises her trendiness and love for high fashion as much as her love for God.

 She lives her life like a queen, always dressed in Christian Louboutin, LV, Gucci, Zagliani, Hermes and Marc Jacobs products. For her, Christianity has evolved beyond conservative dress. Among other pastors’ wives in Nigeria, she reigns as the queen of style and fashion.

Although she is a pastor’s wife, she remains the essence of glamour, elegance and unrestrained aura. City of David, arguably one of the richest RCCG parishes in Nigeria, is filled with elegant women who appear in church in elegant and immaculate dresses.

But they mostly pale into insignificance compared to the flamboyance of their pastor’s wife. Her pretty face looks more like a work of art. She drives the best of cars and wears the most expensive of accessories. Heads turn each Sunday when she steps into church in appreciation of her beauty, while some ladies are simply green with envy. 

Her jewelry twinkle with carats of diamonds and gem stones and cause the hearts of many to overflow with longing.

From This Day

*Beautiful woman!


  1. Such a woman of style. Go mama.

    1. President of the vain and shallow minded. Make up makes her look pretty and is a pity that a Pastor wife that should be a role model and preach against superficiality and excesses is the Queen of vain. SMH

    2. One expected a Pastor or the wife to be a little modest with opposing their poor parishioners. Very poor taste on her part for a Pastor wife looking like a masquerade and the poster child for worldly stuff. She makes the members feel and look like a failure looking at her expensive high end dressing and wondering why cant they be superficial like her

  2. Replies
    1. Hahahahahaha

      Scrolling down to see KamiKaze's,Shantelle's and Lipstickalley's comments🤣🤣🤣

      Fine woman by the way!👌
      See glitter mehn!👌

  3. I like fashionable pastor's wife
    Just like my pastor's wife

  4. Very pretty woman, pastor work pay o.

    1. At Adadi Sorry but nothing pretty about her in my opinion except that she looks like Casper the ghost

  5. Heads turn in church?

    Women green with envy?

    Jewelry twinkles with carats of diamonds and gem stones?

    Causes the heart of many to over flow with longing?

    I am speechless, which is very rare in my case.

    God came out just once in the entire write up.


    1. NNE blame the writer,she wants people to start insulting this woman
      This woman have been fashionable from the word go!

    2. My sister you said it all. If I were her I would be very insulted. What does this portray her as? Is she only about her makeup and jewelry. I would hate to be perceived that way, especially as a pastors wife. I would hope my life would speak of the goodness of God. I would hope to be written up for the wonderful works of charity I do that make people see Christ at work. I would hope to be remembered for something more than my jewels and makeup and clothes. God help her as she tries to redefine herself. Maybe God is trying to tell her something.
      Madame, if people are perceiving you this way, even if it's not the truth, then you have some serious soul searching to do.
      God bless

    3. Exactly what I was thinking. Well, let me separate the pastor and his wife from the writer of the article. They may not have been on the same page.

    4. That was the writer's intention my darling 😂 but ain't nothing wrong if she's working for her money and still does charity

    5. @ Pepperoni, the writer should separate the Lady and all her affluence being mentioned away from the Church and God.

      Imagine saying the church women are green with envy and how heads turn, that's a distraction if i may add.

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      One down! 2 more to go!😂

  6. What does d hubby do again?
    Not surprised anyweiz. Enjoy o queen. Shes very pretty by d way.

    1. He is a lawyer and owns a law firm where he practices with the wife.

  7. My Pastor's wife... but what's the point of this article?? E get as e be abeg... I even thought it was about promoting her humanitarian works( she has a lot going on), and how she encouraging women to be better.

    1. The writer wants to cause commotion so they'll start abusing this woman

  8. Why won't her jewelries twinkle when their impoverished congregation will bring tithe. Hmmmn

    1. Do you live in Lagos, have you attended City of David before? Impoverished congregation you say? Pele dear

  9. I love Pastor Siju.
    Class personified.

  10. I'm just too weak to type,lest I sin. She's beautiful

  11. What is the essence of this article though.......

  12. This write up will give people too much to talk about but I dont know the aim of it. What I can think is that you cannot serve God in poverty. God is a God of riches

  13. Beauty is vain. When she dies, her Gucci,Marc products etc will not open the gates of heaven. Enjoy. .... And before Y'all come for me I'm not insinuating she's bound for hell.

    1. Exactly God's own. So ultimately, everything is vanity, both rags and finery. They both mean nothing. Absolutely nothing.

    2. Lmao! God's own thank you. Poverty is no consolation or ticket to heaven

  14. Confutionist of a writer

  15. This woman that looks like and behaves like a marine spirit.

  16. From the write up, she is painted as a very vain wife of a pastor whose presence in the congregation of God will cause so many to loose concentration from the word of God and nurture the sin of envy, lust etc in their hearts.

    1. Gbam gbammer gbammest! I pity the masses abeg!

    2. "Religion is the opium of the masses"karl Marx. Some of u would say touch not my annoited. Which annoited abeg. Africans!

  17. This is throwing her in the lions den o,how can she let them write about her this way?now people will say all sorts.....
    She's so pretty!!

  18. This writer is a trouble maker. All this writeup about a pastor and God came up only once? No mention of her spiritual life, lives that she has touched, the impact she has made amongst Christians? Is she all about fashion, latest cars and designer wears and nothing else? "Her jewelry twinkle with carats of diamonds and gem stones and cause the hearts of many to overflow with longing" Wonderful!
    I can't breath abeg.

  19. She sure is pretty and elegance

  20. What rubbish has this day written?

  21. Once you are a professional, earn good income and attend a Redeemed Church, they make you a Pastor. Lol... When I look at most of the Pastors in Redeemed, I can't help but shake my head at the "body of Christ".

  22. What did i just read, i give up, Religion is the greatest bane of our she causes people to sin, "green with envy" as opposed to winning souls for Christ, dressed in diamonds and gems,is she the queen of Babylon the Bible talked about?, because reading that article gave me one eerie feeling.

  23. What am I to do with this information?
    What exactly is the essence of this write up?
    This writer is trying to stir up something that's not nice.

  24. Truly she has a foundation that do a yearly outreach were ao many women are treated free of charge for all manner of ailments and they are fed with both physical and food and spiritual food (Gods word)

  25. But wait a minute I love her dressing but in my branch of Redeem Church in Kaduna in town ooo. Workers are seriously bullied for their dressing so please I just dey ask are there different standards for different parishes?. Some will say tiny earing, no makeup, your skirt must be below the knee I mean below, not fitting, and some I can't remember now.

  26. ' Siju glamourises her trendiness and love for high fashion as much as her love for God.'

    This statement is WRONG on all levels. This whole article is a mess.


    I'm sure Pastor Siju didn't okay this.

  27. I love Pastor Siju because she is extremely deep in the Word of God. I can't blame her for being stylish. It's being her thing from childhood. If God loves her that way, her hubby is crazy about her, her children call her blessed, then who cares? I use to judge her before until I sat under one of her ministrations, and then I realized she is not vain one bit. In fact, I say it all the time, her teachings and revelations are deeper than that of her husband. Irrespective of how many times a sermon has been preached, her revelations are deep. And in Church, she is very kind. Always laughing. The only problem I have is with those aunties that follow her around. They over shield her as if... Even if you write her, they will not deliver it. They are annoying.

  28. This is where people's tithes go to. And they will say do no not criticize men of God.Masses of sheep

  29. This is where tithes go to. Pentecostal churches have turned Christianity to something else. Even pastor and pastor's wife dey do slay king and queen

  30. The writer of this article did no justice to this woman. I used to be offended by her dressing and glamour until i sat under her ministration and realized i had misjudged her. She is a woman of God, she is very grounded and deep as a Christian. She has a project called 'Arise Women' I have seen what she does through that platform, for women and children, I have seen how she has touched and changed lives one village at a time. For those who are condemning her appearance, I'd say...get to know her well and you will have a change of heart.

  31. I knew her way before she was a pastor's wife. She always had a passion for fashion. I've never seen her shabby and yes, I've slept in the same house with her at times when she visits. She is a lively fun loving person, but most of all she's a giver and has a heart of gold. She will give to anyone in need. She likes her fashion, so what? She can afford it, her husband can afford it waaaay before he was a pastor. They travelled the world enjoying the fruits of their hard labor as professionals and business owners. Why should they dim their lights so that others won't talk? No way, keep shining bright like a diamond pastor Siju.


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