Stella Dimoko Actress Stephnora Okere Reveals Movie Producer Held A Knife Her Neck


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Actress Stephnora Okere Reveals Movie Producer Held A Knife Her Neck

Nollywood Actress, Steph Nora Okere, has revealed how a foremost producer in the movie industry once held knife to her neck and told her to strip.

When asked if she has ever experienced sexual harassment before in Nollywood, Okere, who is one of the first actresses in the Nigerian movies space, told BroadwayTV that she has indeed been harassed by a producer.

According to Okere, “Yes I had. And that is one of the things that made me to set up my NGO. If I say didn’t then I will be lying. Maybe over the years I held it back.

“Yes I tried not to talk about it because my family said ‘let it go, let it pass.’ I was harassed by a foremost producer who actually put a knife to my neck and asked me to strip. It’s a story for another day. I went through that and actually left Nollywood at the point because when that happened my family said that was enough for acting.

“My family never supported me having acting as a full time job but when I started doing well and they started seeing me on TV, they started loving it until the producer guy did what he did and they said ‘that was enough of acting.
So I stopped Nollywwod for two whole years. I stopped going for auditions and started applying for bank jobs."

*Why shield him?why not call his name and shame him?Harvey Weinstein was shamed and he was bigger!!!


  1. What did he need her nudes for?
    For blackmail? Cos she didn't say he raped her, he asked her to strip for what? He took pictures?

    1. You think she will speak out if she was raped?

  2. This her pix is old pix. She is old and wrinkled now

  3. @Stella
    Why she won't do it is because she was actually raped at knife-point!
    The average Nigerian lady is thinking about "marriageability" and saying that "them don chop am by force" will drastically reduce the value of "her market", especially the stories that follows it. It is a huge shame that the raped is ashamed whereas the rapist is free and have a sense of achievement in Nigeria.
    Good to talk about Havey but did you not post about the actress who is quitting acting for activism like this? How many Nigerian actresses will dare try that; how many NIgerian actresses will build hospitals for street kids like Madonna did? They will copy every negative thing from the "whites" but never the wholesome ones.

  4. Hope it is not what I am thinking ooo. If a producer drew a knife, then he did it. He raped her. If a man gets to the point of drawing a knife, then drawing the penis is a small matter.

    1. It is actually after the rape that he probably drew the knife for nude pictures. That's his "insurance" against being exposed. And mind you that we are talking about movie people here. There was probably a camera rolling and the man would have threatened to produce a sex-tape if she dared talk. He could have easily done that while obscuring his face in it.

      The die hard "amebo" journalist that I know in Stella will get to the root and "fruit" of this matter. Stay tuned -maybe you will be served a "rumor has it" dish!

    2. Spot on @ 17;18... U nailed it! But Steph loves BAD BOYS.... Pple that hit her b4 fucking her! She is into that kind of sick thing. I hope is not Aquila Njama o. Cos both of u did kurukere b4 u went to Jim iyke , same with Rita D

  5. Nora say his name or forever remain silent... Which kind half story be this?

    1. Like seriously!!! Why putting out d story in d first place since she couldnt mention d so called producer??? Mscheeeew

  6. Mention is name o Nora
    Infact anywhere u see him start a fight with him. Harass him.

  7. The idiot deserve to be embarrassed. Though, I understand why Nora is still shielding his identity. She probably doesn't have evidence. It will be her word against his and a lot of people won't believe her.
    I hope she shame him soon because he must have done it to a lot ladies and should be stopped.

  8. She shouldn't have put up ⤴ this story when she can't mention his name

  9. Stella, it is wickedness to not mention his name. You know how many girls must have experienced this from same person Unless u lie .

  10. Who ask you, since you cannot mention his name it means you are not telling us the truth.

  11. @Stella, please 'ti were, ti were bo' by doing a story on him so that people can guess next week. Normal story ni ooo! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘€πŸƒπŸΎ


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