Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...

Oh Dear!!!


Hi Stella, Good day….please I urgently need your advice and that of fellow blog visitors.

My two brothers and I stay with my uncle and his family. My uncles oldest child (a boy) is thirteen going on fourteen.

For about two/three months, though not on a daily basis, I am most times woken from sleep by a feeling of someone touching me. When I open my eyes asking who is it, I will find my uncles son in the room saying he wants to get collect something from my brother who is hare the bed with and sleeps beside me.

Initially I suspected nothing until at different occasions, like when he is passing beside me, he would make sure his public region brushes against my body. Then I knew something was up.

The next I felt someone touch in my sleep, I woke up and found him there, angrily I asked him what he was looking for and he came up with one flimsy excuse of wanting to collect his phone from my brother, I gave him a stern warning, told him to never touch me whether intentional or accidentally, whenever he wants to take anything from my brother. He denied touching me saying his hands must have brushed against my body in the process of him stretching to reach my brother on the other side of the bed.

So I made a mental note from that day not to react when I feel someone touch me until I can catch the person in the act.

Stella this morning I felt someone enter the room( the room has no door) I acted like I was sleeping, indeed it was my lil cousin. I am approximately 10 years older than he is and he is in SS2.

I didn’t move…he tapped my hand, I still didn’t move. Then he quietly brought out his penis, placed it on my palm (I was lying in a way that one of my hand stretched out half-way clenched) after placing it on my palm, he tried folding my hand round it and started thrusting back and forth. This is a child of thirteen whom the mother always vouches for as being shy and reserved and can do no wrong.

He continued in this manner for 30 seconds or a minute before he tried withdrawing his penis and I held on to it and stood up asking what he was doing.

HE still lied that he was trying to call my brother…..i got up from the bed, took outside the room and told him I had been awake for about 20 minute before he entered the room and was aware of all he had done. His body was covered with sweat and I spoke to him gently telling him the implication of all he had done. I asked if he does the same to his sister who he shares a bed with alongside his junior brother and he said no.

I told him it should never repeat its self or else I will beat the demon out of him and report to his father(my uncle) who he is really scared of.

But the issue now is, did I do the right thing by not reporting to his parents and do you think this might get out of hand because if he is doing the same to girls in his school or his sister, I would feel responsible for not curtailing it when I could. And again, my uncle and his wife are of the notion that his kids can do no wrong.

I told my brother about it this morning and he said the same thing that my uncle might not believe and even if he does he would put the blame on me saying I sometimes wear pant and bra in my room which is really small and has no door and is in view of the kids.

What do I do Stella? Yes I plan to move out of the house soon but my savings is not enough to rent a place yet? How do I go about this? Do I still go ahead and tell his parents after warning him about his actions?

Am at work and thinking if I should tell them when I get home tonight……..please advise me.

And Parents please watch your kids, children of this generation are becoming something else….

*Deep sigh*
They will not believe you and it might spoil things and you and your siblings will be thrown out...
Interview his sister and see if he is already active with him like a hawk at night.
Only tell when you are about to move out.
this is so horrible..his mind is already messed up.


  1. Good you did not tell but please msy God help you to move out fast. I am super sure he is abusing his siblings.

    1. Why not set him up? Record or something to show his parent?

    2. I honestly feel you should tell them, but let them know that it's not because of you, Cus you can handle him, but because he may bring shame on his family doing it outside or even to his sister, so they should take note

    3. The best thing is to set him up, but before you do that, make sure you are well off, like have your own house and can ensure that your siblings can also live with you. Watch his sisters like a hawk and instruct your siblings to band together with his own siblings to prevent stories any incident. If possible try to record him and sleep with the lights on. Make sure you have irrefutable evidence before you blow the whistle and seeing that the parents are in denial, it’s good to involve other family members as witnesses when you present your case. Don’t leave it as it is, he will keep pushing boundaries and if you don’t do anything to curtail it, it will get out of control and by then you may not be able to contain it. It’s not something to brush off. Young men must be educated as well as the women in cases of sex and consent.

    4. There is no need setting him up, straight up tell the parents. I wonder why people here are saying don't tell, are you guys kidding me?

      Instead of you guys to deal with issues you only push and wish it away? Please tell the parents.

      If your kid is doing this, would you like it to be kept secret from you? Do you wait for him to rape someone outside before you act?

      Please don't be selfish and do the right thing. 8701

    5. Poster let hus younger sis start sleeping in your room

  2. Oh dear. Spoilt boy who might be watching blue films with friends in school or watch all these films in the tv that shows sex all the time. The one that is worst self is this telemundo that they will show them having sex and once all these kids watch, things dont go well.

    when you held him by his prick you would have raised your voice loudly but instead you did it gently. This type of people dont need gentility. Just a pity that boys of nowadays are something else.

    Please help the sister too by asking her questions, let her be your friend, confidant because if you look well she cant tell the mother anything.

    May God Almighty provide for you to get a place of your own Amen

    1. raise which voice? will u house her when shes kicked out?

    2. Tell the parents immediately and damn the consequences. I have experienced a similar case in my house with 2 people very close to me and the girl too was older. Told the parents the next day and it turns out the boy was molesting the younger cousin. as in physical penetration oh. she was 6 then he was 13. worse your uncle will say you leave the house God will provide another. Blow the alarm now before it gets messier. keeping quiet is for selfish interest. cause in the case am talking about the boy tried it on the house help as well but she did not talk becuase she wanted to protect him and safe her job.

    3. Poster, trust me you have to do more than talking to him. How about the following strategy:
      Tell your uncle that your cousin needs his own room. He is 13, he is probably too old to share a room with his lil sister anyway. This opens another threat of privacy and what he’d do with it. So suggest that his dad spends more time with him, tell him you have been talking to him and it’s tome you think he teaches his son about sex and the consequences of same as he is already attracted to girls and speaks about girls to you, tell him that his son doesn’t feel free to talk to him about issues and you don’t want it to affect him in the future that even though he talks to you, you think he needs his father in the most fatherly way possible.
      If your uncle doesn’t read between the lines then he is the worlds worst dad in my opinion. The issue is that these chewing gum dads around believe kids should fear them not respect them. So in looking for fear they totally neglect the development of the child. By now, he should be able to discuss how puberty is making him feel with his dad same way girls talk to Mum about menstruation. Point is, dad needs to sit up. Not only work and money. Moral and physical development too

  3. Am just taken-aback by the boy's action, it's so disheartening to read this about a boy of 13.I pray God will arrest his heart and put him through.

    As for u Aunty, you have done the right thing for not reporting this issue and also, don't try to say anything.

    But I will support the notion of you, watching him closely and also, once in a while, sit him down and talk senses into him, do this with love.

    Again, if you are the type that loves to put on something sexy, or u are among those who believe in putting on bra when indoor, remember, kids of this generation react to sensitive things easily. Pls stop. U can only do that when u stay alone.

    Love u all

    Mc pinky

  4. Naa wA oooo.
    What is this world turning into...GOD,Pls help me train my children. ..I cant do it alone.

  5. Hmmmmm.
    Try cover up properly. Avoid wearing pant and bra. The heat will not kill u.
    Find a way to tell his parents at d appropriate time, in the best possible way.
    I wished u screamed that night for everyone to gather & see his penis out.
    In your bid to protect your interest, look out for theirs too

  6. You have to tell. If he rapes his sister you never and I mean nver forgive yourself

    1. I dont comment always but this is very personal to me. Poster please tell your uncle calmly. Plead with him to take thigs easy before you tell him and say it just as it is. See ehn don't ruin this boy and his victims future. I am talking from experience. This happened a few years back in my house. Thank God my house help spoke up immediately she noticed. She was awake to observe the act. If not I wonder what would have happened to all involved by now. For a 13 year old to come to you not once not twice but severally and deny it shows how deep his gone in the act. If you ask the sister now she might deny it and gang up against you. By thinking about your accomodation issues shows you are selfish. My question is this. If the table turns and it happened to your own children in future God forbid will you forgive those who kept quiet? Answer this question honestly and do as you will wish yourself. Good luck.

  7. Hnmmmm! Pls do not tell his parent, since talked to him, just watch him closely till you are ready to move out.

    1. All of you saying watch him closely, how will she watch him please?? Is it when she's deep asleep and he tries this with his sibling? All because she didn't go ahead to report him so his parents can instill fear in the boy??

      My dear, report to his family. Whether they believe you or not, it's up to them. You will never forgive yourself if you find out this boy rapes hia sister and you did nothing about it

  8. The things that happen these days and stories we hear. That was how a boy of 8 was caught by his grandmom who came for omugwo inserting his dick in a little girl of 3's privates.

    1. Report ooo. This is serious, but not too late to be nipped in the bud.

  9. How can this be erased from his mind? This is what lead to incest if not properly handled. He needs sex education and closer watch. God please help and grant the parents the wisdom to tackle it.

  10. Too much porn destroying this iNdomie generation, its alarming how fast theyre catching up with adult jokes & acts. Dont use ur "erotic hands" to spoil things for urself my dear, pikin wey don spoil don spoil... lemme not even lie, when i was like 14-15, that early puberty stage that most young boys would try to understand their bodies & a head filled with lots of questions like " where do babies come from? "why do girls pee seated?" and "why do i get erect in the morning?? I was so tempted to xperiment with our househelp at the time, cus she was the closest "Lab specimen" to me, yet i shared same bed with my elder n younger sister oh, it was a huge turn off to me at that age to even see their dried undies, not to talk of touching them for pleasure, so i seriously doubt he would try it with his sister, xcept hes a perv, which i doubt... if he did with his sis, he wouldnt need you.
    Just sleep with one eye open and a closed fist, close mouth too oh, b4 u give person unconscious BJ.

  11. I think the boy should be reported to the parents. This is so disheartening. These children learn a lot of horrible things especially in this day & age of smartphones & internet.

  12. stellakoko, have said it all. Do not tell them since they believe the boy can do no wrong. Source for money and move out. You can disclose it only when you are ready to vacate that house or tell them now and face the music of receiving the blames

  13. And stop wearing bra and pant alone in a family house.

  14. This is really a dicey situation. If the relationship you have with any of his parent is cordial and it won't lead to you and your siblings being kicked out, I'll advice you tell one of them and they can take it from there. It doesn't matter their reaction, just to free your conscience that you did something about it and you'll also be saving that boy from himself.
    That boy needs to be spoken to before it gets out of hand. His hormones are raging and he's lost on what to do. I really hope he has not started molesting little girls.

    The sooner parents realize that teaching their kids sex education is nothing to be ashamed of, the better for their kids. If they don't hear it from you, they'll definitely hear it outside and for the sake of the child I pray it's not the wrong info that will be heard.

  15. You are mistaken to think that this "thirteen year old boy" cannot rape you.
    Watch what you eat and drink.
    If he was able to tape your hands, he will definitely drug your meals
    and RAPE YOU!
    Alternatively, he might organize his gangs to do it and laugh at the corner.
    Possibly they'd film it and use it to keep you in check in case you dare think
    to inform his dad.

    1. E never reach like that, calm downm

    2. Anon 5.22 it's like u watch movies too much

    3. @Anonymous 15:52 and Sherikoko
      What made you think that this boy who had the effrontery
      to bring out his penis and insert in "taped hands" of his
      older cousin will not drug what she eats or drinks and "play
      with her body?"
      First he graduated from "touching" to doing the above, won't
      drugging and raping a further graduation? Don't be too naive.

  16. Hmmmm I just hope he isn't abusing the sister.
    Don't like this idea of a boy of 13 sharing bed with siblings.
    It will be better if you and the girl shared room and all the boys in another room.
    It is a very dicey situation. For all you care the parents Will say it's you and your siblings that taught him these things or influenced him.
    Just make sure that baby girl is safe,ask her questions to make sure she isn't being abused and use style to tell the mother. Don't necessarily mention the brother. Just ask if anyone touches her in ways they shouldn't.
    Above all save and get your own place. Biko how can a girl of 23 not have a door in the room for her privacy.

  17. Little boys of this generation

  18. Why would a 14yrs old boy share bed with his sister? It's No No. The parents should get a bunk bed for them. I think you should tell the parents because he must have been doing it to his sister before attempting it on you. Please save his siblings.

    1. Even bunk bed. Since they have extra room, the female sibling should be staying with her whole her brother stays with the boy. That's how it should be. Now I'm here hoping he isn't molesting his sister at night. Who is to say he doesn't raise the sisters clothes at night and finger her or do more?? This is sad

    2. No don't let that boy stay with your brother. He might start touching your brother or have more access to teach him rubbish


  20. Ehh,how scary can the world be?the fact that he knows you are a relative and way older and he could still have the audacity to do this is ALARMING,it means he can't help himself.I doubt that not telling his parents and what u said to him can help him now o!!
    Please watch him so u can help him early!!

  21. Teens being slammed with hormones and denied adequate sex education can make some pretty bad talk to him or get your brother to , make him trust you completely and the leverage you have by not telling the parents gives you an edge to hold the reins , find out how much he knows about sex. He will probably know more than you’d like him to, but be prepared to listen without judgement. Teenage boys — and even young adults — often view sexual conquest as a status symbol. This is something they’ve seen in the media and heard from their friends. As an adult, you need to let him know that this is not true, and that he can be cool and still be a virgin.
    Sexism and objectification of women is unfortunately a normal part of society, and something that teenagers absorb from the media. Let him know that women are not trophies and that he needs to respect girls and women, including any current or future partners....please go to bed fully clothed and take the sister on a stroll or give her an ice cream treat or something And bring it up in a casual conversation.

  22. This is seriously serious. We once had a relative's 15/16yr old son live with us, most times his hands are in his boxers esp while sleeping., while watching TV or pressing his phone. I preached & scolded him whenever I catch him playing wt his joystick. God have mercy!

    Poster, whatever you do, apply wisdom.

  23. I think the parents need to know. Don't say it like you are reporting him because you are offended but tell them like you are concerned about him and his sisters. Maybe they can think of changing the sleeping arrangements, like having the girls in one room while the boys sleep in the other. He might be doing it to his sister and she may not be able to talk about for some reasons, your coming out to talk about yours may give her the boldness to reveal hers.

    The boy needs help, please don't keep quiet.

  24. Stella Maris baby21 February 2018 at 15:59

    He needs Sex Education.
    He needs to be monitored regularly.

    Stop wearing bra and pants only at home since you are leaving with your uncle and his family.

    Report to his parents when you get your own house before then always monitored him and check on the sisters too.

    God fix it for him.
    Too bad.

  25. I like as you take catch am! Yeye pikin. See small mess wey wan smell pass perfume oh. Idiorikoriwa! This money dey yab oh. Abeg when you move out tell the parents. Do right by God and tell them. So that tommorow if it happens you won't feel any guilt.

    And you sef no dey wear pant and bra you hear? I know family is family so you tend to believe it's nothing serious. But pikin for house don dey spoil just close shop and bounce asap.

    Why the room no get door? Your uncle sef! Me I grew up in a house that always had relatives/guests but everyone's door must have key and we don't share bathroom. That way there's no accidental sighting of nyash.

    P.S: Even though my uncle told me that some people were gbenshing codedly behind popsys back and he couldn't talk back then 🤣🤣 awon church members. He called one church sister I would have sworn married as a virgin but he said he won't tell me the guys name 🤣🤣🤣 I'm even suspecting him sef 🙄 Meanwhile my dad would swear they were all saints and he did a fantastic job of keeping his house sane and sin-free and raising righteous children of God *yimu*

  26. Oh no..but that boy needs help fast..what of his sister?his he doing the same to them or even worst..

  27. You need to tell his parents before it snowballs into something else. It's all about the way to tell them. Tell your uncle you want to talk with him preferably away from home like your church or somewhere away from home. First thank him for all he has done and been doing for you and your siblings. Then ask him that is it right for you to see harm come to him and be quiet about it? Is it proper to see his things spoiling and not try and repair it? Is it also right for you to be want him to enjoy the fruit of his Labour. Then tell him that what you are about to talk him is for him to make quick amends and be calm. Then tell him to promise you not to beat, disgrace or turn a blind eye to what you are about to tell him. Then narrate all that happened. Also tell him to tell his wife and all of you should now observed, watch and monitor him well. They will also see signs and hopefully catch him red handed. And the need to act fast because of his sister and others in the house.

  28. this is a complex situation. if the boy's are the traditional type of parents, pls sister save yourself the stress because it will fall back on you. but you know what? have a conversation with the boy about the whole situation with your phone recording the conversation and his confession just for back - up in case he goes to say something against u out of fear that u might tell his parents. Counsel him and let him know that what he did was wrong: 1. you are his cousin 2. find out where he learnt about sex 3. give him some sex education and let him know that the time is not ripe for him to indulge in sex 4. tell him about Christ and how he frowns at sexual immorality.

  29. Anon is it until the boy shook his thing for her bumbum before she will raise her voice. If she had done that, it wont degenerate to that.

    Anyway aunty, you caused it by wearing pant and bra without any dress in that house. How do you expect the 14 year old not to move body?

  30. Please you need to talk to his sister subtly so she can open up to you. This is very very important cos he may be abusing her as well.

  31. Pls stell his mind is not messed up. He’s 13 and that’s the age of inquisitiveness. All his hormones are raging. He needs guidance. It is good u spoke to him. I beg poster talk to his sister and make sure u find out what he’s been doing with her. Do not tell ur uncle as they will find a way to blame u. Kindly suggest that u and the sister stay together while all the boys stay together. It is well

    1. This is more than inquisitiveness. Stella is not far from it. Something has messed up his senses, that he can't control himself. He is now a danger. He was either exposed to something or abused or both. He needs help drastically or he will soon put himself and his family to shame and wreck someone's life.

  32. I will advise you tell the it with love talking from experience

  33. Tell the parents. You are a working woman. You can't be playing FBI trying to discover if he's molesting his sister. When do you have the time? The sister might not even confide in you due to fear or her own warped idea of sex/molestation. Keeping quiet is protecting him and putting others at risk. Ring the alarm. He needs help. If the parents are foolish enough to ignore your report/concerns then whatever happens in the future will be partly their fault.

  34. You have tell the parent but with evidence, if you keep quiet and he feels he is doing the right thing without nobody to correct him.

  35. Please tell his parents with evidence, one of the days u want to counsel him record your conversation and refer back to this incident that happen so they can believe u more.


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