Stella Dimoko Who Will Save Some Nigerians From Intellectual Laziness...?


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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Who Will Save Some Nigerians From Intellectual Laziness...?

Since President Muhammadu Buhari met with the Archbishop of Canterbury in London on Wednesday, and spoke on the likely impact of gunmen trained by former Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, on the killings by herdsmen in Nigeria, some people have virtually flown off the handle, ululating as if wailing was going out of fashion.

They twisted the meaning of Mr President's words (yes, some people twist everything, even the words of God; 2 Peter:3, 15,16). 

They claimed he was blaming Gaddafi, long dead, for the killings in Nigeria.But let's see the vacuousness and intellectual laziness in the twist they have given what President Buhari said, out of sheer malice and evil hearts. Sadly, even a Senator was involved in the sickening display of poisonous heart. That's what you get when small minds get into high places.Here's what Mr President told Archbishop Justin Welby:"The problem is even older than us. It has always been there, but now made worse by the influx of armed gunmen from the Sahel region into different parts of the West African sub-region. 

These gunmen were trained and armed by Muammar Gadaffi of Libya. When he was killed, the gunmen escaped with their arms. We encountered some of them fighting with Boko Haram. Herdsmen that we used to know carried only sticks and maybe a cutlass to clear the way, but these ones now carry sophisticated weapons. The problem is not religious, but sociological and economic. But we are working on solutions."

"The problem is even older than us," said President Buhari. If anybody is not challenged with simple understanding of English language, does this mean pre-Gaddafi? The former Libyan leader was born in 1942, and killed in October 2011, making him 69 years old at the time of his death. So, did he cause clashes between farmers and herdsmen, which the President said was older than most living Nigerians? Only rabidly mischievous minds can conceive such.
"It has always been there, but now made worse..." If you say something has been exacerbated by a factor, does it mean such factor is the cause? Simply illogical.

The President talked about the influx of militia trained, armed and used by Gaddafi, who now dispersed into different countries, including possibly Nigeria, after the Libyan strongman's death. Are some people claiming ignorance of such development, despite it being global knowledge? So deep must be the ignorance of such people. Simple research will show them the Libyan influence on proliferation of small arms all over Africa, after Gaddafi's death.

The President then talked about the herdsmen we used to know, who carried just sticks, and at worst a cutlass, saying those armed with sophisticated weapons were unknown to this clime. Is that not true?

If herdsmen have suddenly turned murderous in a country, it calls for all sorts of interrogation, including intellectual, as to what may have gone wrong. The causes could be multifarious. And solutions must be jointly proffered. 

A President has sensitive security reports available to him. President Buhari gave another vista from which the herdsmen/farmers clashes could be considered, but rather than be reflective and do critical interrogation, the wailers engaged in their pastime: they began to wail, including senators and people who should naturally be level headed and examine issues dispassionately. Very sorry.
"But we are working on solutions," President Buhari told the cleric. They ignored that. It holds no meaning for them. They are interested in problems, not solutions. Problems serve their pernicious interests more. Pity!

That is what hatred does to the heart. It stunts the mind and poisons the soul. Such heart plays petty partisan and divisive politics with every matter. It is what President Buhari at that meeting called "irresponsible politics." And as we head for general elections next year, much more of it would be seen, except such people reform, and put on their thinking caps.

The tendency now is to twist and slant every word from President Buhari in the negative, all in a bid to demean, de-market, and demonize him, and make him unattractive to the electorate. But those who do it are to be pitied. Sensible Nigerians know what the President is doing for the country, and would queue behind him at the polls next year. At the end of it all, the detractors would be holding the short ends of the stick, and looking small, forlorn and disconsolate. Where would they then hide their faces?

By Femi Adesina


  1. We are patiently waiting for next year, i just pray we the people have the last laugh, cause really enough is enough.

    1. I know it will be stooge Femi Adesina, continue

  2. You are paid to support the president no matter the situation so please let's have some peace.

  3. I thought someone with fumctional brain wrote this...

    Where is Reuben Abati?

  4. Poli-tricks 101

    Diversion of focus from foolani herders to Libyan masquerades to dead Ghadafi
    The more you look, the nothing you see
    This is the tactic of a cornered poli-trickster when "erection" is approaching
    If he blames his foolani kinsmen, they will turn against him at the polls
    If he absolves them, his risked the ire of the southerners and middle belt folks
    at the receiving end.
    So he has to use "diversionary poli-tricks" -works like magic to the brain wiped
    Niger area dwellers.

    1. E b like say you be prof for this course oh! This your analysis make sense.

  5. Buhari shud just go . 4 years is enough for him . Haba na.

  6. So why has he not proscribed then as terrorists? How many of them have been arrested and prosecuted? He knows they are foreigners and foreigners are killing your citizens and you have not down anything as the CinC of the country? Do why did you tell the governor and indigenes of Benue state to live peaceably with their killers?
    Mr. Femi Adesina your defence is weak.

  7. I was boiling while reading this, till I got to the end and then I understood.

  8. Does Adesina want to take over Mr Abati’s job? Cool down bros, without rigging lets see if your baba will go back to aso rock.

  9. All some do is complain about this government as if they will do any better if given the opportunity.

  10. This sycophant is a big disgrace to the Yoruba race. Because of what he will eat and drink see how he is fighting tooth and nail to present lies as truth. Propping up a clearly incapable President as a messiah.


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