Stella Dimoko Saturday Spontaneous Post....


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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Spontaneous Post....

#saturday #toodazedforlonghashtags #bambinosstilldozing #shoppingonmymind #hubbykisses #youonmymind #shoutouttoallformerblogboos #foodie #everyminuteineverydaycounts #showgoeson #ihopespdoesnotdraftitselfagain..#gbagaun

Good Morning oh...
Una sorry about yesterday Spontaneous post,I been post the thing finish,I no sabi say,e enter inside draft............I quickly went to get me a cup of Latte Machiatto and was shocked to see comments asking for SP.........................When I saw my PA's call,I knew it had gone into draft...una no 'fes'' oh...

My Bambinos are over working me with cooking and attending to their needs but at the end of the day,they come to me and tell me how much they love me,bath me with Kisses and make me feel good.....and then they ask me ''Mama do we have your mumu button'' and when i say yes,you need to see them blush...hehehehehhehe

I taught the Bambinos pidgin so hearing them speak it back to me is really funny because of how they pronounce it....hehehehe.
How many Languages can your kids speak?Mine are German and speak 100 percent their German Language but can speak perfect English,A Little isoko,a little Yoruba,a little igbo,some pidgin....

Who dey attend wedding today?
When is sallah proper?You guys have a long weekend as per Monday and Tuesday are free days...


Kisses to yall


  1. Been a while I met sp as e dry hot.

    God bless us everyone.

    These past days have been very trying and tasking, emotionally and physically. I'm still here tho, still on my feet. This too shall pass is what is holding me down.

    Lemme catch up.

  2. Stella your bambinos are surely fun to be with,they really got your mumu button.
    Up and Thankful

  3. Good morning bvs.
    It's going to be a long weekend but some of us still have to work😴

  4. This week drained me that I went to bed before 9pm, couldn’t even keep my eyes opened. Nothing planned for the long break but I intend to rest as much as I can. Adulting is hard and I’m off to a work event this A.M.

  5. Good morning BVs...
    I have an issue I want to confront but I need the right answers on how to go about it. It's money issue and I know how sensitive issues like this can be. I want to bring it up bcos it has gone on for too long and I'm no longer comfortable, still I do not want to seem entitled.

    I work for my lover (We're both unmarried pls. This isn't about someone's husband). He heads an organization, so I work in one of the departments.
    The issue is that, I practically live from pay check to pay check, even when I'm financially down (broke), I patiently wait to be paid.
    I watch my man give people money. Even when his friends come around or he goes to see them, he foots every bill with extra toppings. When they visit with their girlfriend, he gives the girl good money when leaving. Not just his friends, other people too that come to ask for money. He is not a stingy person.

    I hardly ask. I find it difficult to, but when I'm at my wits end and subtly chip it in (like make funny faces and say "baby I'm so broke"), he says "don't worry, you'll soon be paid".
    At this point, I start to wonder that if I have to wait till I am paid, what differentiates me as your woman. After all, you pay other members of staff too.
    I wonder if it hasn't occurred to him to at least give me monthly allowance.
    I get by (feeding, transport, bodycare, wardrobe) only from my salary which isn't so much by the way and before it's month end, I'm back to square one.

    These thought has been on my mind for some time and I don't like how it's making me feel. I want to confront him without sounding entitled.
    Pls advise me.

    1. Once you confront anyone you are not married to with such issues, you are acting entitled. Understand that nothing entitles you to your boyfriend’s money, however, from his behavior towards you, you can make a decision on the kind of husband material he is.
      I would suggest you actively search for another job, so your earnings are detached from him. I also suggest you look for ways to make your salary stretch and ways you can make other income.
      If your guy gives others money and skips you, it’s may be because of see-finish syndrome, it could even be that he takes your monthly salary as money he is giving you monthly simply because you work for him.
      Personally, I love to keep my place of work/school very far from my love life - could never date my colleague or classmate.
      Pls don’t ask him again, he doesn’t want to give you, I mean, look at the response he gave you! Please don’t trade your dignity for a mess of porridge, have self respect and let that come through in all you do.

    2. Once you confront anyone you are not married to with such issues, you are acting entitled. Understand that nothing entitles you to your boyfriend’s money, however, from his behavior towards you, you can make a decision on the kind of husband material he is.
      I would suggest you actively search for another job, so your earnings are detached from him. I also suggest you look for ways to make your salary stretch and ways you can make other income.
      If your guy gives others money and skips you, it’s may be because of see-finish syndrome, it could even be that he takes your monthly salary as money he is giving you monthly simply because you work for him.
      Personally, I love to keep my place of work/school very far from my love life - could never date my colleague or classmate.
      Pls don’t ask him again, he doesn’t want to give you, I mean, look at the response he gave you! Please don’t trade your dignity for a mess of porridge, have self respect and let that come through in all you do.

    3. As long as he fucks you, you shouldnt be ashamed or uncomfy to ask when ure in need....

    4. Start using sense to collect money from him, do you cook for him? If yes begin pad the shopping items. I hope you sha buy him presents? Not just to be collecting

    5. Have u ever thought of the possibility that u might be the office chick while d main squeeze is somewhere?...

    6. Have you seen a man in love?????.
      They go head over heels.
      They want to please you.
      He does not love you,
      He is just using you to while away time.
      He wants you to know your place hence that reply.
      Look for another job and walk away

    7. Please dear look for another job else where. He's just using you dear.

    8. @Tenth, u are absolutely right. I am tired of men that claim to love u but won't even give u a kobo,claiming u are paid and stuff. There is no love without giving, simple. @op, pls dump him and never go back, better date the gateman that really loves u than the arsehole.

    9. I understand how you feel poster. Like someone earlier advised, start looking for a job elsewhere. The guy is not it at all. Get work elsewhere and begin to detach from him.

    10. Have you seen a man in love? They go over and beyond for the one their heart beats for. Make no mistake

  6. Good morning everyone. I saw a comment asking about bitter kola, yes bitter kola is somehow spiritual. Is anti poison. If you have it in your bag no evil will come near you. And if snake is always seen around your compound, just throw some of it in some corners of your house, they will run away. Again if you feel witches and wizards are pursuing you at night, throw some cocoyam around the house they will run away. Hope this helps.

    1. I know that of Bitter Kolas but i do not know that of Cocoyam

    2. Blessed is not true,
      My mom once had 7 in her bag and her money was magically taken from her on her way to ekpoma.
      Only Jesus can save!.
      Nothing more...

    3. Blessed is not true,
      My mom once had 7 in her bag and her money was magically taken from her on her way to ekpoma.
      Only Jesus can save!.
      Nothing more...

    4. @Chike I no be herbalist, but its working. @Tenth it might be a case of when power jam power, the lesser power bows

  7. Johnny Drille's 'Wait for me' is my greatest obsession right now.

    Perfect karaoke song. Been on repeat since I woke up. I think I'm in love

    1. You are in love Eka, to love and be loved is an awesome feeling. 😍.

      Stella, your Bambinos tales makes me smile.

    2. Johnny drille and Chike be blowing my mind.

  8. I need a job in this town Lord help me, it's barely a week and I'm almost going crazy out of boredom.

  9. one thing is our actors and actresses engage in money rituals another thing is i don't want to believe they use human sacrifice(s)

  10. I want to travel today or the Salah. I think Salah is on Sunday.

    Beautiful morning to everyone out there.
    I left my former job cos I got a better better, when I tendered my resignation letter to my office everyone was shouting why nah, I have already made up my mind to leave the job and start the new job. I refused to tell them that I got another job, my friends in my former office as blocked me on social media and they no longer pick my calls. I stopped posting pictures to avoid any one finding out my present position. So in life if you cannot contribute into fiends life they delete you and move ahead. Lord thank you for teaching me new things everyday.

    1. They blocked you, why? This is how people will be burning their bridges. They sound to me like they are jealous of you. When someone leaves it's good you wish them well, you never know where you might need their help or vice versa. First rule of business no bridge is useless or worth being burnt

    2. So they are your 'friends' but you could not open up and tell them about your new job.
      What a 'friend' indeed.
      Maybe they found out what their friend was hiding and decided to set you free na.
      Only you can be coding your good news to yourself by yourself.
      Abi na.

    3. Both your comment and the lesson you think it teaches don't make sense

    4. Your former colleagues are petty with some sprinkling of envy.

    5. excited courtesy
      you are not different from them, judging from your story.

    6. Thank you Chike. Have you wondered how they’d have felt when they found out you were leaving because you got a better place? What if you all used to gist about your poor packages and hopes for a better place only for you to blindside them by making your moves codedly by yourself.

  11. I will be spending my day with my side boo. Laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, sweet love making, cuddling. He doesn't even know I'm married. Let me enjoy it while it lasts.

    1. I dont get, you are doing ur wifey duties to another man in his house? Shey if Ceaser comes for u naw, u wld start barking

    2. He will blackmail you when he finds out. What happened to your husband,is he a horse band? Ajuju ajuo

    3. Why drag an innocent man into your snare! The fornication is bad enough, but now, you make him do it with someone’s wife?! You should let him decide if he wants to roll like that, this is so unfair.

    4. you see your life???
      ndi osacha egbu.
      when belle enter now you will shoot it out or pin it on your innocent husband.
      onye uta, arrow shooter. continue, inugo

    5. You’re only damaging yourself.
      He is innocent.
      May your husband find a sweet side chic that will give you sleepless nights.

    6. Chike teflon!!!!

      did you forget to anonymous as ANG?

      Ajuju ajuoooo

    7. So you are married and fornicating may God have mercy. Can't you respect God's union, no fear at all. Nonsense ingredients

    8. @Anon.12:45
      I think Chike was just funnily trying to imitate ANG. One thing I know for sure is that Chike does not have that depth of knowledge of God's Word.

  12. I just observed that anytime I go to Dunamis Glory Dome, my love life improves as in my ex husband looks out for me or my current guy becomes more serious. But if I stay home or goes to even another Dunamis branch, he kinda ignores me. I've not gone there in 3weeks and he has broken up with me. Is it some kind of deliverance or just chance. Anytime I keep going there, he is all over me and calls like 5times a day, he stays in the abroad. But if I don't go in only two weeks, he ignores me or we even break up. Once I'm back, he apologises. Honestly, I don't even know how to say this. I'm tired of it all. A popular moG once told me that I have a spiritual husband. My ex husband left while I was pregnant and couldn't pray as bfor or go to church. He was so wicked and mean that everyone begged me to leave him. He never asked of me or the baby again,only monitors me on social media when I go to Dunamis. My current guy fell in love whilst serious in church. I kid u guys not, I'm even stressed thinking about it. Does it mean I must be on prayer fasting 24hrs just to be married?

    1. While i think what is happening to you might just be coincindences,still there is nothing wrong in going to church and praying regularly. U can make it a habit

    2. Is a thing of the mind. Be focus, keep your faith alive and be prayerful. God will perfect everything for you.

  13. Please at what week does baby begin to form in the womb? I mean when do you see a fetal pole in the sac ?

  14. i watched the most gruesome video in my life yesterday...just imagine when someone is using matchet to butcher someone who is alive...cut of his 2 hands,were butchering his legs....the part that touched me was wwhen the guy screamed, i can still hear his voice in my head..jungle justice is wrong

    1. If you must watch these gruesome videos, please, please and please again, keep the gory details to your self for God's sake. We don't want to hear. I don't know why people keep doing this!

  15. Sallah is on Sunday and Monday.I plan on eating, sleeping and visiting the salon to make my hair. Good morning this morning.

  16. Good morning all. Lord please i need a federal job it is taking so so long to come.

  17. I don't know why it is so difficult to find people who know how to make short hair with weaves.
    It's an art.
    Pixie cuts/short hair with weaves are an art very few have mastered.
    Just packed my weave to one side jare...Let theme not turn my head to bowling ball.

  18. Good morning my people someone said TACHA slapped Joe two times yesterday evening out of provocation.😂😂
    Please is it true cos im worried haven't been able to see BBN been so busy!

  19. Please someone should help a sister with the banana receipe for conceiving Abeg.i didn’t pay attention when it was shared.please help me with the details and what to do.thanks

    1. 2 Bananas, 1 raw egg, 2 teaspoon baking soda (not baking powder),1 tin of evaporated (liquid) milk... put all inside a blender and blend well. Drink on an empty stomach a day after your period finishes. All the best.

  20. Goodmo
    Devil is very wicked!!...please fam i need your prayers.God please i need your favor don't let this happen to me please God!!!!

  21. Beautiful morning all.
    Stella your Bambinos are so funny and they can speak isoko, igbo and Yoruba wow😘

  22. How do I help my 3 year old daughter to stop sucking her was her thumb before now I helped her stop it....she switched to her lips...after much talk she stopped and now went over to her sucking tongue....I don't like it at all. Any way to make her stop
    And she doesn't LIKE FOOD at all at all.

    1. You can be rubbing Bitterleaf water in her tongue

    2. My second baby's story.but in mine it was when she was born.
      It also seems babies who suck don't eat.
      For me as lil as she was when I saw her do it,I remove her hand.
      She stopped except the sucking of tongue.
      At two if I see her,I give her a light spank.
      She stopped,
      Now she is 3 +.
      The new one is peeling her up lip,which I shout at her,I spank her few times though.
      She is working on stopping that tremendously,

  23. Goodmorning everyone 🎈🎈🎈

  24. Has any one here used the getfit waist belt that both cecee and Annie are sampling? I need to reduce the fat in my stomach to enhance my figure because of my small ass. I just gave birth to my fourth and last child . I work in a corporate firm and I want to start slaying cos that's what my husband wants. We are still both young. Surgery is a no no . Thanks

    1. Reduce carbs whilst using a waist corset. U go manage ya small yansh like dat.

    2. U said 4th kids and u are still young

    3. Lilly she may have started birthing Kids early. Not everyone started late.

  25. Good morning. This is me saying happy belated birthday to you Chikito. May you continue to grow from grace to grace. Good morning Stella, hope you are doing great. Shout out to you and Chikito, the two Angels God used to rewrite my story. I will forever be grateful. To all BVS God will continue to shower his blessings upon you all. Amen.


  26. Relax everything will sought out itself

  27. Good morning and happy weekend people. Stella, trust you are good and hello to bambinos.
    Olori Orente, yori yori, castle windsor, Mrs sharon aminu, bv deeza and others, hope you are all good.
    Miss your comments here.
    Every negative words spoken concerning us is destroyed in Jesus name.
    And God said.....
    I will make way where there seems to be no way.


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