Stella Dimoko Actress Chiege Alisigwe Shares Selah Post...


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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Actress Chiege Alisigwe Shares Selah Post...

Your Favourite Nollywood actress Chiege says it is better to build your own table than to share one with toxic people....WORD!!!


  1. Replies
    1. I watched her in a ROK movie Never Alone just days ago. Very naturally beautiful woman, pictures don't do her justice.

  2. Nice one. But who has this table shaking?

  3. Replies
    1. She is still very much in the acting game o...

  4. Omg! It's been more than a decade since I heard of her. Pretty lady

  5. Ohh how I loved her acting. Does she acts?

  6. This is so true! Mr Ex-Hubs (well he is ex to me) took me to welfare saying i didnt allow him access to his kids, because i simply asked that i go where the kids go!. Well it isnt my fault but since he started behaving like one who dances to his mother's tune so bad that he has been to our base twice this year, but can't come to his own house to even see the kids. He thought i would beg this time around, but i told him point blank please file, you said you are no longer interested, so file. and he was asked why havent you filed, he started stammering....

    I was just smiling, yes i shed some tears because he told some lies but facing him that day, i realised i was stronger than i thought and would shield my kids from him and his narcisstic mum who only want to counter-parent. they cant face me but want me to send my kids. Sorry, wait till they are older and spritually sound or come home to greet them. I remember those time even the mum will be telling me do i know what its like to take care of kids alone and i will just be crying, if only they know they taught me i had to build my own table and stand strong. It hasnt been easy but i will rather be alone with my kids hugss and kissesssssss than be in an environment where love is no longer served or was used in covering the real dish of deceit and use!

    Not to mention that God has been faithful ooo. Even me i know i have been tried spiritually but God has been faithful and i have loads of support from family and few friends that have been praying for me and check up on me constantly!

    1. God is your strength Ma

    2. God will help you to raise godly kids in this ungodly world.

    3. Hmm
      I wish you the best in all your endeavour .
      I cannot imagine how hard it was for you to make a tough decision.
      But I know your good work would yield good fruits.

  7. This post sounds familiar,chiege has really aged oo, oh wow


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