Stella Dimoko New Movie 'Fatal Arrogance' Causes Stir Among The Shiites. + Memo Sent To Actor Pete Edochie


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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New Movie 'Fatal Arrogance' Causes Stir Among The Shiites. + Memo Sent To Actor Pete Edochie

The Islamic Movement in Nigeria, IMN, also known as Shiites, have attacked veteran Nollywood actor, Pete Edochie, over his role in a new movie, ‘Fatal Arrogance.’

In a statement signed by its Spokesman, Musa Ibrahim, and made available to DAILY POST on Tuesday, the IMN said it found Edochie’s explanation of his reason for participating in the movie “flawed and his excuses unimpressive, irrational, and at best absurd.”

The veteran actor had in a-12-minute video clip on his Facebook page, explained his role in the movie which the IMN believes was sponsored by the Nigerian army.

“Firstly, any serious artist worth the name must, first of all, undertake some kind of serious research to get the facts of any script brought to him right.

“This must be done through intense reading of the literature and interviews with scholars who are conversant with the facts. Pete Edochie did none of that.

“Had he been bold enough to cross-check, he would have realized that genocide took place in Zaria in 2015 where over a thousand Nigerian lives were wasted by the sponsors of the film.

“He would have come across the very many attempts by the perpetrators to hide these heinous crimes, firstly by the burial of their victims in mass graves, an internationally recognized crime against humanity as reported by Amnesty International.

“He would have realized that the matter is currently a subject of an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). He would have realized that the script before him is a continuation of that desperate attempt to distort facts.

“Had Pete Edochie cared to carry out a background check on the scripts given to him to act, he would have realized that the Islamic Movement in Nigeria has been victorious in all the over ten different cases it was in court against the government and perpetrators since that genocide. The government, with all its might and powers, has never proven any case of crime or terrorism against it, its leadership or members in any court of law.

“He would have come across the blunt truth stated by Honourable Justice Gabriel Kolawole, then of the Abuja Federal High Court that, ‘Invidious unobtrusive acts of intolerance by majority Muslims who follow the Sunni school of thought against the minority Muslims who follow the Shiah school of thought is an important factor escalating the current crisis leading to the continued detention of the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria and the continued incessant persecution of its members.’

“If Edochie has any character as he claims, he would not have accepted to act any role in a film that seems to change the narrative and distort history based on a book distorting facts! If he had any integrity, he would not have accepted to appear in a movie tarnishing the image of an oppressed personality like Sheikh Zakzaky and still think he did nothing wrong because the Sheikh was not mentioned by name.

“Edochie has thrown his professionalism to the winds as he chose to be paid to distort historical facts, yet claiming not to refer to anybody, when clearly the cast bears all the telltale signs of mischievous attempt, at not only demonizing IMN but also Islam as a whole. Peaceful protesters of the Movement are mischievously depicted as armed protesters, with guns and knives tasty for the blood of the innocent.

“Yet, Edochie would rather that we waited for him and his perpetrator sponsors to complete their denigration and manipulation before we complain, even as we have seen enough to convince us of their wicked intentions.

“Pete Edochie also claimed that his life was threatened without saying by whom in an attempt to give the Movement a bad name and to attract cheap sympathy from Nigerians.

“The petition written by the Islamic Movement in Nigeria to the Inspector General of Police and the Film’s Censors Board doesn’t threaten anyone’s life. Issuing of threats has never been in our character.

“Finally, the bottom line is that Pete Edochie should be honourable enough to accept that he allowed himself to be used to further vilify victims of one of the worst state-sponsored massacres of its citizens. He could still redeem his name as other actors in the ill-fated film are doing.”
from dailypost


  1. Please is Pete the only one in the movie? This one all the speech is all directed solely to him

    1. He acted as Shiites leader ( Elzakzaky) in the movie

    2. them want make we go watch am. yimu


    3. Them don start

      People that will never take things easy

    4. This film go make plenty money o. But they shouldn't hide the facts.

      The writer should direct his outburst to the producer(s) not on Mazi Pete.

    5. Mao Akuh, my thoughts too.

    6. these people need to rest. so stressful

  2. There's something about the movie... Some truths maybe!

    1. You're right. I will watch it...

    2. I was in Zaria 2015 and it was terrible. Your leader Alzazakay was one of the most dangerous and feared men Zaria. No Christian dared walk on his street then. You all tried to kill and even kill innocent students including me but I escaped. Thanks to Amaechi he sent an armed bus to pick us up. You all are violent blood thirsty demons own it with your chest.

  3. Trouble dey sleep,yanga go wake am.Pete should have referred the movie script to the Hausawood.What would make one get involve in the North family issue?they'll settle and use your head at the end

    1. Felicity, my Igbo people will say
      Isi dike adi atò na mba.
      Iru dike na anyu mma nko.
      Agbakpo dike izu, agbayaria ya.
      They can not do anything to EBEKUODIKE .

    2. This is why the nation is still backward....

    3. Given the history and tribal tension, it's disappointing that an Igbo director will accept money to promote a propaganda for the Nigerian Army. This is why unadulterated history should be thought to kids. This is a fight between the sunni and shites and knowing that igbos are mostly not armed, radical, nor quick to retaliate, they should have stayed clear of this production. Let innocent igbos in the North not pay for this. Releasing a clip to further promote the movie is not a wise move either. How many people heard about the movie prior to his clip?

    4. Felicity are you a Yoruba? Ndi ujo...

      Some tribes hate being exposed, they love covering things up hence exposure is their weakness.
      US & others have films on what happened in Iraq, Afghan, etc We are growing but some set of region want setback always.

  4. This should be directed at the writers and makers of the movie na, not the actor. The producers are the ones to do the research, are you people normal at all?. Pete Edochie is only an interpreter, direct your disappearing to the right people. This sounds stupid abeg.

    1. I wonder why they are calling out Pete Edochie. He only did his job.

      Face the writers and producers.

  5. Always in their feelings and unnecessarily touchy. You people should leave Pete Edochie alone, senseless violent lots, awon alainironu.

    1. Very true, that's why there is no peace in any of their country always fighting.

    2. They are too sensitive. When Jesus was portrayed as gay in that mexican movie, nothing happened...

  6. Pete Edochie's duty is to interpret scripts/ roles given to him and he gets paid, so why channelling grievances towards the veteran actor?

  7. Replies
    1. Excuse you?

      He merely interpreted a role, these people are damn obnoxious, my goodness!

    2. Meaning? What are you saying? How can they fight the stone thrown at them, why not fight the person who threw the stone?

    3. 16:24 good question?

      Charity bino please come answer.
      When you get a good job or business deal, turn it down someone will get angry with you for accepting it and not with your employer/business partner for giving you the job/business. 🙄

  8. Ebekuodike anyi ma na ikari okwu ikotelu.
    Ana amakwanu GI aka.
    Ama aka ebido n'isi

  9. This should have been directed to the producer(s) not the actor. The man did no wrong if I'm asked.

  10. Pete Edochie should not have involved himself in this project. Everything about these people always end fatally.

    1. Castle nwa Windsor relax, onweghi ife ha ga eme.
      Ùsù enweghi ónù

    2. So says you. What plans do you have in place in case usu nwe onu?

    3. Anon, ùsù can NEVER nwee ónù.
      E no get as e wan be, iwotago?

  11. Pete shouldn't have collected such role..

    1. Afi collected naa. Their grievances should be directed to the Producers, Writers and even the board that approved the film

  12. Why did Pete accept this role, knowing fully well the tensions in the country? Why didn't the producers give the role to a northern actor?

    1. Because they’d probably condemn the northern actor to death.
      Na their way.
      There’s nothing wrong in pete accepting the role. It’s a “role”.

  13. Hmmmm maybe there's some atom of secret about the movie

    1. Secret or no secret, it was stupid for any Igbo to get involved in this project. The Nigerian Army will not come to their aid if anything starts. Go ask christians in Southern Kaduna. Why get involved in their ish for a bowl of porridge? When Buhari and El Rufai were paying homage to the same man so his followers will vote for him, did they call any Igbo? This is a Sunni and shite issue, they should have assembled Sunni actors and team to make the movie. If any violence starts, they will remember you are non Muslim, an infidel, and kafir.

  14. this right here is the reason we hae problems with your sect and how you practice your religion...if your story has not been told as you see it then rewrite yours..why attack the actors? dont you know the script writer and sponsors?.wicked people. the killings your own sect has pepetrated is what?

    1. Baby Oku, that's right. They should re-write their own story and petition the producers/film censors board.

      They should leave Pete Edochie alone. He only did his job. 🙄🙄🙄


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