Stella Dimoko Nigeria's Former Presidential Candidate Kingsley Moghalu Says Buhari Led Govt Cannot Protect Nigerians


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Monday, November 30, 2020

Nigeria's Former Presidential Candidate Kingsley Moghalu Says Buhari Led Govt Cannot Protect Nigerians

Kingsley Moghalu,a former presidential candidate in the last general elections,  tweeted that President Muhammadu Buhari-led government is not capable of protecting Nigerians.

Moghalu said this on Sunday while reacting to the killing of 43 farmers by Boko Haram terrorists in Borno state.

He lamented about the state of insecurity and said the recent tragedy shows Nigeria is becoming a failed state under Buhari.

He tweeted

 “The barbaric beheading of 43 Nigerians in Zabarmari village in Borno State by Boko Haram is a national outrage and tragedy. It’s increasingly clear that

@NigeriaGov is unable to protect the lives of Nigerians. What does that mean? Our country is becoming a failed state.
“The real challenge we face: Can Nigeria survive until 2023 without a massive implosion? #NoSecurity #NoEconomy. What’s left? #Restructuring

Moghalu stressed that it is a national shame that the government is concerned about the End SARS protesters while terrorists have a field day.

“It is a travesty that a government that can’t protect the lives of its citizens spends all its energy attempting to suppress #EndSARS peaceful protesters, freezing their bank accounts and bringing spurious legal charges.

” Our government and our Central Bank call peaceful citizens financiers of terrorism” while the real terrorists are having a field day with Nigerian lives and no one apparently can stop them and their real financiers. It is a national shame,” 


  1. Its obvious na, even a blind man can sense it.

  2. That's so true as tomorrow is Tuesday.

  3. 'Can Nigeria survive until 2023 without a massive implosion? #NoSecurity #NoEconomy. What’s left? #Restructuring'

    I hope Mr Minister or special adviser of failed govt will not come out to call the above hate speech as usual.

  4. We told them, they didn't hear. They called us wailers, now they are asking him to resign 😂 🤣 🤣. Buhari is the worse thing to happen to any country

  5. Their coward soldiers are just laying about. Ordinary boko haram they can’t face, but call them to come and fight defenseless innocent citizens now, they will carry gun and start dancing operation crocodile. Of what use are they if they can’t fight to defend us?

  6. It is always very easy to criticise and condemn others. The illicit flow of small arms resulting from the defeat of Gaddafi and the war in Mali is our problem. Even if Kingsley was the president, the killings would still be an everyday thing. The Army, Air Force, Police and Civil defence were deployed to stop the killings. Unfortunately, some elements within the military and the Police force are colluding with Boko Haram and Bandits. I guess Kingsley want the president to carry guns and go to the war theatre to lead the Nigerian Army. This is impossible. The refusal of the president to change the service chiefs is the only problem l have with him. I guess he is afraid to change the service chief, his chief of army led the coup that overthrewy his military government in August 1985

    1. Alexander,why is it not so in other African countries?
      The level of insecurity in Nigeria just escalated with PMB's government and why it looks like some of us call him out because he told us he has the magic wand to nip it in the bud if elected.secondly his government non challant attitude and sympathy towards herders killings and the rehabilitation of these murderers says a lot!
      We might want to exonerate this government from the atrocities going on but their actions won't let it be.
      How do you tell me that the government didn't know how a huge sum of amount like the one we heard that was moved to or from Dubai for sponsorship of terrorism went without their knowledge.
      So for fear of what happened yesterday,he should keep those who are not performing so that we keep loosing innocent citizens,If Buhari were to be a civilised and sensitive man,he would have sacked both the security chiefs and himself too.

  7. The kind of sad news I read and hear about Nigeria everyday always make me speechless...

    I don't even know the words to use and express my anger for this zoo .

  8. God's protection will continually be upon His people


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