Stella Dimoko Prophet TB Joshua Encourages Nigerians And Says There Is Nothing Wrong With Taking COVID 19 Vaccine


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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Prophet TB Joshua Encourages Nigerians And Says There Is Nothing Wrong With Taking COVID 19 Vaccine

Whilst other men of God are quiet and others building different conspiracy theories concerning the covid 19 vaccines,prophet TB Joshua has given the covid 19 vaccine the thumbs up and has spoken up for the first time on the vaccine, a subject which has been the source of much controversy and conspiracy, especially within Evangelical Christian circles. 

“Concerning the ongoing situation in the world, I have received thousands of emails on the COVID-19 vaccine,” the cleric stated in a special message broadcast on his Christian channel on Emmanuel TV. 

“No doubt, there are many conspiracy theories surrounding this vaccine. However, my belief is that our governments are only trying to look for a way out of this very challenging situation, although there may be bad faith in certain quarters,” he acknowledged. 

“Many people have complained of some negative reactions but this is always the case with vaccines of this nature. I remember I used to have such reactions whenever I took chloroquine,” he continued, citing his personal experiences. 

“That does not mean chloroquine is bad. It works positively for many. At this time, our governments need our support and our cooperation – because the world is in a dilemma,” he concluded in his customary parabolic fashion.

by Ihechukwu Njoku


  1. Corona is so real and highly UNDERREPORTED in Nigeria.we booked for patients for surgery,result came out and 3 were hazard allowance as a doctor is still 5thousand a month with no PPE! Corona dey naija ooo

    1. I do feel bad for you guys. Wish l could even ship some N95 masks to you all. Please stay safe.

    2. Oh dear!!!
      Please try protect yourself the best way you can.

  2. I, hubby and all my coworkers took the vaccine. We have taken both doses. Nobody reacted at my job.

  3. Sir please dont anger me. Yes corona is real. I had it and recovered, but I still won't take shit.

    1. Nobody is forcing you to take it so calm down!

  4. No oooo, they shouldn't take it, Pastor Chris says it is a nano chip, and that it will change their DNA... Brainless condpiracists... KMT

  5. My brother in law (my sister's hubby) has taken his second shot on Tuesday,and he didn't react to it same with his co workers.

    Nice one TB Joshua.

  6. TB Joshua, this your advice get as ebi, becos we know Corona is real. 🙄🙄🙄

  7. We should all stay safe please

  8. This man said unequivocally last year that coronavirus would go the same way it came by June 2020. The virus is still around snuffing life out of people.

  9. Coming from a man that went into the bush last year with his media crew to pray against Covid!Nigeria my country

  10. As men of God,why can't they( past Chris & TB JOSH) speak one voice? A
    bi no be the same holy spirit deh minister to them again?


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