Stella Dimoko Wordless Post


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Monday, February 22, 2021

Wordless Post



  1. So many messages on one picture. Thank you bro. God bless you. The blood of the innocent will forever haunt all those involved in the Lekki massacre.

  2. I'm very sure by now he must have been receiving strange calls due to this fashion statement.
    A country that leaves important things to be chasing shadows.
    Who made the 20/10/2020 order?

  3. Bovi made a statement in pictorial form that speaks louder than words.
    We wont forget.

  4. Shitting on the flag of the country publicly. The country that made you!!! The country Bovi has made hundreds of millions from!

    Manipulating the emotions of youths to win back a fast depleting fan base. Keep shitting on your country for gains Bovi, the day of reckoning will come for all of you.

    Has bovi visited any of the victims of LekkiLies? Can he name those that were allegedly killed?

    To the Nigerian Youths on social media celebrating this and hailing Bovi for this madness, you may not know what you are doing, but let me assure you, you are being weaponized against your own country to implode it and those pulling your strings have their vested interests. But those who love this country will resist you at every turn and call you out. And oh, these things you are doing to the image of your country has ripple effects and na all of us go suffer am.

    I'm outtie

    1. Why not add copied? Plagiarism is an offence punishable by the law.

    2. You are an enabler of evil, injustice and I believe you are being paid to goes from blog to blog doing this and providence will judge you at the appointed time evil soul that's what you are.

    3. 😂 Y'all anonymouses are being triggered unnessarily and it be nice you shift joor..

    4. 14:23, copied you say? What the hell is wrong with you ???

    5. Eesah e choke u! Ntooooooooooooo

  5. This doesnt change anything, the country will still be fucked up.
    Why you no come out protest? Clout chaser.

  6. So Emotional. But bovi looks a little bit Alibaba. (old kind of)

  7. So many upspoken words...Nice on Bovi


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