Stella Dimoko Media Personality Toke Makinwa Says A Successful Marriage Is Luck


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Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Media Personality Toke Makinwa Says A Successful Marriage Is Luck

 Media gal Toke Makinwa dissected why most marriages are successful in this post...

Please ignore the photo and read the post you hear? LOL


  1. That picture is everything while marriages do not work.
    Display of breasts and marriage are like water and oil, they don't mix.

    1. Shift!😒

    2. Anon 14:36, take this brutal slap joor. Mycheeew

  2. Replies
    1. Say wetin happen?
      You keep your breasts outside your chest to get married?

    2. I will actually disagree.
      A man may choose to love and marry you regardless of many things but when it comes to marriage it takes work.

      Luck will not even help you in marriage, it takes willing partners, someone willing to be faithful, hardworking, good communicator, patience a whole lot of work.

      No matter how rich, wise, strong, handsome etc you will still face trails in marriage now luck won't keep you guys, you guys will decide that no matter what you will stay and work it out.

      Marriage won't Work if you don't put in the WORK.

    3. In summary.... Avoiding Responsibility by summing it all on 'Luck' is also part of the problem. Marriage, like everything in the universe operates on Principles. Luck has Nothing to do with it.

    4. Push up 💯%👌

    5. It has nothing to do with luck. You have to work out your marriage so it becomes a success..

  3. Where one cannot find love/marriage;
    1. Mediums
    2. Dibias
    3. Witch doctor's house
    4. spiritualist's house
    5. Witches coven
    6. Yahoo, yahoo's house

    1. 14:40 no shout am, dey go say u no WOKE

    2. 🤣🤣🤣@14;40 and 19:47.

  4. There is a book where the recipe to a successful marriage and life is written,
    it is called The Bible.

    1. Why your comments come full everywhere naw baby girl? 😂😂😂

      Well, i love reading your comments.

    2. Leave the BIBLE.O All the top men of God that are divorced today wetin them dey read????

    3. @Bbjac
      For your eyes, they are "men of God"
      How about in God's eyes? Read Matt. 7:21

    4. @Chisom
      Abeg, give that girl these to cover her chest and head

    5. Lol, no not my Tokestarr, she doesn't deserve those baskets.

    6. My dear Anon 14:41, I guess I you right?🤗
      Apparently, Toke has never "met" Jehovah & has never heard of that book!

    7. @ BBJAC, did you just say leave bible? If you leave bible, wetin you gain nah? Bible is the life manual you.

    8. My dear Sparkle many are serving God whole heartedly and still dont have succesful marriages. What will u say abt men of God with broken marriages. Dont they know the bible inside out.

    9. Some people think they are wiser than their Creator.


    10. People of other faiths and no faith also have successful and long marriages. Some of your faith have successful and long marriages. Before the Abrahamic faiths, people were married and enjoyed it. Relax. Not everything is Bible.

    11. @22:01
      There is a difference between "success" and "good success" Joshua 1:8
      Don't lose your soul over nothing.

    12. CHISOM... haha. You and this your basket of shame sharing friend. The comedy no be here.

      From anony 22:01
      Be reminded that some are Muslims, Sabatharians or Atheists.

      It's not all about the Bible.
      This is why I don't open Chronicles, the litter and arguments scare me shitless.

      Na wa!

    13. Momma ehh, that anonymous is a big time case, she's funny ehh. I'd be reading her comments and be laughing uncontrollably.

  5. BITCHandSLUT.com7 April 2021 at 14:44


    That photo is 🔥🔥🔥

  6. Don't be fooled there is actually recipe for a fruitful marriage... Marriage is not a place where anything goes , your actions have consequences.. btw who is toke to talk on this matter .. not her .

  7. Nope... It take love, commitment and sacrifice

  8. For the first time,I absolutely agree with Toke. What will work will work. You can't keep a man that doesn't want to be kept.
    Everybody should work on themselves and 80% of the problems would be solved in marriage. 20% chance that it can still scatter even after working on yourselves.

    1. Toke wasn’t articulate in this post but I get her point and I agree with her.
      As humans, we are only responsible for ourselves. We can’t make people do right by us. That’s all on them. Just as people can’t get us to do right by them. It’s all on us.
      So, you can be so faithful, submissive and supportive yet your husband would cheat get bored and decide I wouldn’t do again. And vice versa.
      So, if it all works out fine for you’re fortunate to love and be loved in return.

    2. What will WORK won't WORK if you don't put in the WORK...

      Even when you want to become a musician don't you put in the work?
      You can't just have a bad character or put nothing and be expecting a miracle

    3. @BlueBubble.... It's this individual mindset that is the problem. The Bible said the 2 become 1... that's a really deep statement that kinda flies over most people's heads, but something our parents kinda understood. It stops being about you once you're married but the 'union'and the future (kids). If you don't put in the Work, it won't work!

    4. Don't mind them.
      Let them show me what they achieved by LUCK and I will show them what I achieved by hard WORK.

      People think theh are wiser than God.

    5. *they* are...

  9. It’s not luck. Marriage is plainly ‘friendship’. Marry your friend. Be friends before you both decides to date and marry. While friends, you study each other, committed friends tend to stay longer together. When there is commitment, which embodies respect, regard, affection, sacrifice, and you both decides to be together, nothing can divide you when you starts dating or marriage. Because when you fell out in marriage, that bond both of you had as friends will repair the marriage, but if there was no friendship bond, marriage will not stand the rest of time. Can you now be lucky to have a good friend? You choose who you want to be friends with, if they accept to be friends back, should I say, lucky you? No, until your friend exhibits those character traits listed above and you meet him or her half way before you now know, he/she is a good friend. Are both of you lucky sacrificing a lot to keep the friendship that transits to marriage going? No, but both of you are deliberate enough to keep the friendship going, committed to each other and decides to stay together. Luck is like wishing for something but don’t want to deliberately work towards having it. I want to be lucky today or I want to deliberately work towards something

    1. Do people seek out their foe to marry?
      Most married couple already think they are best friends.
      Even best friends can fall out and friendships can end.

    2. Perxian, you are being
      deliberately obtuse.

      You know people get married without developing friendship. For some, it's just the physical attraction, chemistry, wealth or pedigree.

  10. She's absolutely right...Some of us just want to be happy after experiencing bad marriage.

  11. Nahhhh...she said luck....I will say it "God's favour"

    1. Yeah...its not luck,but God's favor.

    2. Exactly. And readiness to obey His commandments. It's all for our own good ultimately.

  12. How can we ignore the picture when the picture keep on dripping in our faces 🤔😐😒🙄😑😫

  13. I think it's kinda true, my ex husband dealt with me so badly that I wondered where I went wrong. He takes my money without using it for the house, beat me up during pregnancy when I wouldn't allow him sell my personal car, meanwhile I bought two cars for him, he said so many evil lies against me to his ppl. Tho, they largely ignored him cos they know him but when he started using wat we discussed abt his ppl and turned it sore on my side, they just started keeping malice wit me. He kept on disgracing me everywhere, borrowing money from my side of the family and not paying, stealing my money, selling my stuff etc. I went to the police on him and he left the house till date.
    He later got another lady who lied abt everything abt herself and it was a public shame then, the lady dragged him upandan, had so much lovers,sold his stuffs and got pregnant for another man, he doesn't have any kids from the woman apart from the one she got from another man and it was quite a scandal bcos the man came to claim the kids and a DNA showed the man to be the father. Guess what, he remained in the marriage bcos he didn't want to be seen as the bad person that lost a second marriage
    I was gobsmacked cos he has never ever asked of me and the kids till today. But he is still with the woman, if it isn't luck, then wat is it?
    Stella, pls dnt post if am not on Anon mode mbok.

    1. Lmfao. I just love that second woman he married ojere! Bitch is serving him his chilly and cold Karma in the most deserving way. She showed him pepper to the extent of him not having a mouth to speak, a hand to beat and a leg to walk away. Woman tied him perpetually in that hellish marriage or whatever they're both practicing. He thought he was wicked, but then he met a beautiful evil who schooled him, made him shut up and sit down. E shock am.

    2. GOOD WOMEN like u should be with good and lucky guys na.. But life is no fair

    3. When you marry a man that has no fear of God, so so trouble trouble, trouble 🤷

    4. I hope you have moved on and are healed and open to love again. I don't know why you expect a man that treated you so badly should be asking of you in particular. You obviously are not taking legal moves for him to be responsible for his children which suggests to me that if you his guy shows up tomorrow, your arms will be open, which is unfortunate. Realize what God has saved you from and move on.

      In your future relationships, be selfish enough to take yourself seriously, secure your assets and those of your children look for a man that has a track record of being responsible. I wish you the best.

    5. Anon 15:27 so you STILL THINK your ex-husband's second wife is LUCKY to have him? 😲😲😲

      Is that one a "loving LUCKY marriage"?

      You want a man that dealt terribly with you to ask after you and his children? What good would come from that?
      Know this. You ARE LUCKY to have lost him.

  14. I hope she realizes that side chics are also part of what contribute to the breakdown of marriages.

  15. You can't have a successful marriage without the God factor in it.

    Don't try to be equal with a man, no man no matter how broke he is will ever love that.

    1. Really?

      How about people that don't believe in God?🤷

      She made a whole lot of sense, some people are just very unlucky in love even when they do the most.

    2. They are not unlucky in marriage. They simply CHOOSE the wrong partner with all the RED FLAGS🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 flying over their heads.

  16. Good marriage is by GOD'S GRACE FAVOUR AND LUCK.

  17. I partly agree,let's not throw the part where you BOTH ARE DELIBERATE ABOUT YOUR GOALS AND HAPPINESS!

  18. I agree with her, not even marriage but life in general. There is a percentage of life that is based on luck. Yes some call it favour, but even in that favour, some are luckier than others, because we never really earn mercy or blessings, it's unmerited. Esau and Jacob were born, Jacob was destined to be blessed.. na luck. David was chosen among his brothers to be King. Mary was chosen to be the mother of God. Even Saul..he wasn't the only one killing Christians but lucky him that Jesus appeared to him and changed his life. Lucky were those 12 disciples to be chosen among many. The man that was sick for 38years.. lucky that Jesus chose him among other blessed people to be healed on that day, at that time. Lucky, that thief on the cross. The talents we were born with, lucky to have them. Even our ability to be Christians is cos we were born to Christian parents or received grace to know him, which as I said, is unmerited.

    Yes the bible provides a life manual, but everyone's cross differs, and some have heavier crosses than others. It doesn't make them less christian than others. Some do get lucky in marriage and that is fact. Some made wise decisions and that is fact too. But what about those that got really unlucky? Spousal death, unforseen circumstances, spousal sickness and so on? Some will live long, some will die at birth and so on. Some crosses the Lord may not remove but his grace will be sufficient. And that is our hope.

    1. My dear no one can say this better. Luck plays a very great role in each of our lives.

    2. That part of the Bible that say the race is not to the swift...but time and chance...explains life. Life has been set in motion, prayer or no prayer, good and bad things happen to one. Life is luck simple.

    3. NiB God looks at the heart. He sees the end of the matter from the beginning. He gave man freewill.

      Jacob was not chosen over Esau because of luck. Esau "chose" to despise the RIGHT OF FIRST BORN as a GROWN MAN...knowing the legacy/inheritance of Abraham as the father of faith/nations (Salvation from the Jewish Heritage).
      Jacob was a deceiver but he "chose" to seek God to change his life deceitful life.

      Jesus gave a parable in Matthew 21 about a Father that told his first son to go work in his vineyard, he agreed but didn't not go. The father told the second son, he said no, but later went. So, who obeyed their Father?

      David was chosen by God because in that shepherd outpost, his heart sought God and clung to Him.
      Saul was chosen because he was honestly zealous for Judaism not knowing Christ has been set forth be Saviour of both Jews and Gentiles.
      The 12 disciples were not arbitrarily chosen by Jesus Christ. Numbers are very key to God, Jews and Christianity. From creation in Genesis to Revelation. Remember there are 12 Tribes of Israel.

      So much more..... Please, find out

      Nothing is ever by luck. ✌️

    4. Anon 22:43, 👌 you are very right. There’s nothing like luck, just seek God’s favor, that’s all. Seek the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness and all other things will be added unto you!

    5. NIB.

      David was chosen amongst his brothers because of 1)his heart. The Bible stated this.2) He had the skill, valour and the fearless mind of a warrior. His everyday living examplified the life of a fighter/warrior. He saved a lamb from a lion singlehandedly. He was always in the bush 'protecting and defending' his father's animals from ferocious animals as opposed to his 'fine refined brothers' who stayed far away from the jungle. Why should a last born out of the other older sons be the only one left to stay in the jungle with ferocious animals? Because he was a valiant man. That rare quality was what was needed to lead the people of isreal. Example was when he fought Goliath and he decided to fight Ten thousands of philistines to marry saul's daughter. His brothers we're angry at his 'impulsiveness' (because his courage showed their own inadequacies) but God saw his faith in him and his bravery. His brothers lacked those two qualities and God saw through them despite the fact that they were older and finer. It wasn't luck for david. Remember during his reign he always went to war and fought many battles till he was old with his relentless faith in God he always showed he was victorious.

      Saul was chosen above all other persecutors like him because 1)he was extra-ordinary and his zeal compared to other persecutors was second to none. The Bible even made it known he made it his day job to be going from one place to the other looking for Christians to kill. He took that as his mission on earth. Remember he was the one who kept stephen's cloth while stephen was stoned to death. So he has crossed path with God countless times before and God saw his usefulness and decided to arrest him. Even the day he was arrested by God he was on another deadly mission. His zeal was the main attraction. The Bible said he led a "violent and brutal persecution even going from house to house to drag people out. He was in a class of his own.(Acts 8, 1-3).

      Mary was not lucky. Jesus came from the lineage of Abraham, David et al. That was why he was called the son of David. Same with Joseph, he was a direct descendant of Abraham from 14 generations to another. It just has to be Mary his wife to birth Jesus and no other woman, else it changes the lineage of Jesus. Do not forget even Mary herself also came from the descendant of levites one of the 12 tribes of isreal who was a direct descendant of Abraham.

      It wasn't luck with those people you mentioned up there.

      Why was it that thief? His faith! why not another thief? The same answer, FAITH!!
      Who knows, that thief must have heard about Jesus and believed in him being the son of God prior to the day he was nailed with him. I doubt his belief only came alive at that point he encountered him at the 'cross'. God looked at his heart and saw his belief before the crucifixion. I doubt it was coincidental and remember there were two thieves with disparity in faith. God made that scenario happen along with the death of Jesus to show us the level of Christ's undying forgiveness and love for those who believed.

      There are some people who time and chances happens for but for some people it's not luck. God saw something in them. It could be a bad quality that would be useful when turned around for Good to touch the lives of others. Pharaoh being pharaoh wasn't luck God created him specifically for that purpose. Even John the baptist who was Elijah.

    6. Some children died at birth, some were born with deformities.

      Anon 22:43, Was it also by choice?

    7. I usually agree with NIB, but on this one No. Anon 7.06 has explained it all.

    8. I believe in favour/luck but the truth is that if you don't consciously choose some paths and actions in life, you won't achieve anything despite luck being on your side. Samson was so blessed and anointed and was a judge in Israel but because he lacked discipline, all the anointing died prematurely with him. In conclusion, keep working hard and making the right choices while praying for favour.

    9. Oh wow so many responses and different views. I see all your points, and applaud you for debating civilly. I agree to most, so my final verdict is: your circumstances at birth could put you at an advantage, what you do with that is up to you. You will also meet favorable situations in life, or opportunities or sheer goodluck, what you do with that is up to you. So work is absolutely necessary, while we pray and hope for blessings. And while some will bear crosses are heavier than others that seem unfair, just rest in hope that the promise of eternal life is greater than any earthly blessing. Shalom!

    10. Both NIB and 22:43 have a point.
      Using myself as an example, I had luck for many years and didn't use it well because I relied on my beauty and brains ONLY. Yet, have watched some people with less luck, beauty or brains, seize smaller opportunities and now they are doing better than me. I often imagine how my life would have been if I seized some opportunities i got and not just felt my looks and skills were enough. I'm not doing badly but I know I should be better.Ppl hated me because of how easy certain things happened for me and many hung around me to seize opportunities I didn't seize and they did. So now, I take my spiritual life very seriously. Because I know that life is beyond beauty, brains and luck. There are special skills that only God can teach you to apply and I don't want to miss new opportunities coming my way.there are also kairos and chronos moments that God can show you to take advantage of- a person, a certification, a timebound application. Since I started getting spiritual, I seize opportunities along better and I more conscious of how to enter into things and hold them.this i didn't know for years.
      My take is, whatever you do, know that life is fickle. Luck oh, discipline oh, intentionality oh... just know that there is more to everything than meets the eye.

  19. The Bible is the right manual, however when the both parties ought to know the one who's inspiration birthed the written bible AND DECIDE TO OBEY HIM TOTALLY, then I believe marriages will be better.

    Being a pastor or not is not a guarantee to a successful marriage.

  20. I think I see her point..
    this thing wey una call marriage dey complicated.

    Anyone with a working marriage should know it is the goodness and mercy of God.

    Whatever good you are doing that you think is making yours can find someone who did much more and still the marriage still failed

  21. End time role model. Such a devlish marine spirit girl leading young girls to hell

  22. Toke, I couldn't agree less. Truly Life is Luck, Some are luckier than the other and if you fall in that category, Thank God. Life is truly unfair but in all things, our hope is on Christ whose plans for us is of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. I got married at 24+ and the first daughter so you can understand how disciplined I was. Got a job after Nysc, I was everything a good woman should be to a man, I was there in downtime, I paid all bills from rent to everything you can ever imagine but this man never appreciated anything. I got beaten and slept in my neighbors house for 3days while pregnant with our second child on several occasions. I kept praying and telling God to help me because I do not deserve this and this was the last thing I expected from marriage but I kept moving. it became severe that my life was threatened and On that fateful day he tried to kill me, God came through for me and I vowed never to stay in this marriage anymore. I asked him out of my house and my siblings helped pushed him out with his clothes as that was the only thing he had in the house and I am happy today, Raising my kids in the way of God, Peace of Mind and it has been 2years and 3months and not even for a day as he asked about the kids.
    Now, my kid sis who was a big time Babe, she does not give a hoot, from one relationship to the other, she lived freely, even me advising her then did not have the best marriage but today my is that was jumping from one Bobo to the other is Blessed with the best of a man that I am proud to call a BIL, even with my sis PCOS issues, He said he trust God with her, came down married her and took her to the States. God has blessed her with 3 Beautiful kids and I am forever a proud Aunt. So if you got yourself a good marriage or rship, Count yourself lucky because the good girls most times do not have it working for them but you see the Runs babe end with the Perfect MaN, IRONY OF LIFE.

    1. You are so right. Ive been in a loveless marriage to a divorcee. Treats me shabilly,and cheats with inpunity yet am the bread winner. Im planning my way out of his house. Very useless human being and complete ingrate.

    2. wow..may God compensate you

    3. BlaQ.

      Stop thinking that your first marriage is the end of it all. Doing so is like writing yourself off. Do you know how the remaining aspect of your life story has been beautifully crafted by God? Stop looking at 'the now' that's short-sightedness. It will only make you to feel gloomy. As long as you are still breathing you will bounce back with a greater comeback but you need to have faith. Do you know the next man you will marry? Your life story is not complete yet so I refuse to believe you did not have a happy ending in life despite your modesty. Yes, presently you do not have a happy ending with the father of your children but in life and in your next marriage? No. It is too early to conclude. Give yourself time and come back later in a few years to tell us about how every disappointment you had in the past was a blessing in disguise all along.
      This comment also applies to anon 21:18.

      Good girls can marry wrong or right, same with the one the world would term the bad girls.
      I have seen some who were in the latter categories whom I grew up with suffering and some of the good ones suffering too while some of the bad ones are enjoying and some of the good ones are enjoying too. So if you want to be good be good for God and yourself.

      What I noticed is that humans only look at the present to give a final verdict on the predicament of others. It is only God that knows the final destination of man irrespective of what their present situation looks like. We can only ask for his Grace at all times. As long as long as you haven't reached the finish line be hopeful and be humble.

  23. I totally get her. Some people try everything and it just doesn't work. That part she talked about both parties working on themselves is so true. Imagine working on yourself so much you end up with someone who has not put in the work and just cannot be bothered. May Gods grace be upon us.

    1. Your first line. They were likely trying everything with the wrong person. Some can frustrate others effort while some can make it look so simple and effortless. Amen to the prayer.

  24. it pix fyn she looks hot

  25. Marriage is a commitment to love an imperfect person unconditionally all the days of your life.Its hard work and like everything you sow you will reap ...sow effort love Patience you will reap it...been married 26 yrs my 2 pence...

  26. Her opinion though.

    My own is that,Once God gives my own,I will prove this her opinion wrong.
    I will do all my best that me and mine grow old together in love,laughter,peace and everlasting Joy.
    Through Christ who strengthens me.

    God hear my prayers.

  27. Remember God's word " He who finds a wife ,finds good thing and obtain peace and harmony "

    pray for your own.

  28. ISAIAH 45 v 19

    I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob's descendants, 'Seek me in vain.' I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right.

    MATTHEW 19 v 29
    29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wifeh or children or fields for the sake of My name will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.

    LOOK before you LEAP.

  29. For once, I totally agree with Toke. Marriage is luck. And God's mercy, grace and favour. I've seen seemingly perfect women married to monsters who treated them badly and seemingly terrible women married to very good men (and vice versa). You can only pray and hope you will marry the right person. Whatever happens, make yourself happy and leave it you can't cope anymore. It is not a do or die affair. It's good to endure in a marriage - to a reasonable extent. But if you can no longer cope, please leave and have peace of mind and happiness.

    1. Absolutely. I have a very good heart, if i do say so myself. When im into someone, i give my best but you would never believe how i was treated in marriage to the point that my mum asked if i begged this man to marry me. His pride/ego is through the roof ehn... he tells me straight up that i didnt file for him to come to the Country we reside in, but that we filed together. Lmao. Why didnt he go marry a random person with no papers then and file together if its that easy. It is well. May God who sees and knows all have mercy on each and everyone of us.

    2. It is well my sister. I feel you. I have 23 years experience with marriage and I have seen a lot in 23 years. My advise. Focus on God, your children (if you have) and your career - in that order. Generally speaking, find happinness whereever it is (and I don't mean cheat on your husband). If it gets too bad, plan your exit very carefully. Make sure you can survive on your own without his money and support. Fear of the unknown keeps a lot of women in bad marriages. God will continue to have mercy on us. Amen. Stay strong and focused.

    3. Check your attachment style.
      Read up on narcissism and codependence.
      Good people usually feed narcissists with supply and end up in toxic situations


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