Stella Dimoko Nigerian Lecturer Found Dead In His Office...


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Monday, April 19, 2021

Nigerian Lecturer Found Dead In His Office...

The Management of Auchi Polytechnic has summoned an emergency meeting over the death of Dr. Shola Eshiobo, the Dean of students’ affairs of the institution.

A Senior Staff of the institution hinted that Dr. Eshiobo was on Sunday morning found dead in his office barely 24 hours after he left home for work.

A source familiar with the incident quoted Eshiobo’s widow as saying that: “he left home on Saturday afternoon that he was going to the office to attend to some official matter. He normally goes to the office when he has so much in his hands to do.

“At about 9 pm when he was not yet back home, the wife started calling his line but there was no response and the call was not returned. She tried until late, still no response.

“Early on Sunday morning, she raised the alarm and told people around that the husband went to the office on Saturday but did not return.
They went to the office, they saw his vehicle at the car park but when they got to his office, they saw him dead in his office.”

The spokesman of Auchi Polytechnic, Mr. Mustapha Oshiobugie, confirmed the incident and described it as unfortunate.

He assured that an autopsy would be conducted on the deceased to ascertain the cause of his death.

He said “We heard about the unfortunate incident this morning (Sunday) and we quickly contacted the CSO on the development and the body has been taken to the morgue.

”We cannot say much for now but I believe a post mortem will reveal cause of death.”

The Dean’s death has thrown the Polytechnic Community in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State into mourning.
from dailypost


  1. This is really sad. I hope the cause of his death will be unraveled

  2. Most of these university staff always put their hands in diabolical or occultic stuff.

  3. What a sad news πŸ˜₯πŸ˜žπŸ˜’πŸ˜”πŸ˜ͺ I pray that the good lord will console his wife and children πŸ™

  4. Chai! He's been chopped. Let the battle for the dean's seat begin


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