Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post..


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Saturday, May 01, 2021

Boredom Eliminating Post..



  1. Replies
    1. I did, and it's rewarding

    2. Yes I did once, until I found out the guy had erectile dysfunction and was trying to hide it and lure me into marriage, since then, I threw the good girl out the window. Happy married now though.

    3. I will if you are doing the same.

      Don't sentence me to congi and be fucking around or wanking. If I catch you πŸ€”

    4. Yes, but we will do some checking and letting to avoid the story that tinkle.

      Maka ndi utah.😎😎😎

    5. I did and no regrets

  2. Yes, as long as my partner isn't doing stuff behind me.

    We both must be completely honest and truthful with each other.

  3. Yep but not in this time and age anymore

    1. Then just say NO

    2. Me and my wife didn't have sex while we were dating...... We courted for a year and four months.

      Well there was no penetration. But some smooching , rubbing etc to release tension.

      How I managed to endure that era is a story for another day. Cause most of my previous relationships were very sexual in nature

      Also I wasn't knacking anyone else by the side. My eyes and heart were for her only. wasn't easy ,....One night after we did some hanging out,...on coming home tipsy ,I almost chook. But still last minute we cancelled it.

      After that we got married sharp Sharp.... I could not have continued with that conji for another month.

      My surmise is that,. "No sex"relationships are easy for people who are virgins.

      .For others who have been very sexually active in the past, it is difficult. But with Gods grace one can bear it. At least I managed it. Lol

      On 2 the Next.

  4. Ngwanu.
    Singles should answer.

    Anyway that was the terms and conditions we wanted to follow but the chemistry became too hot and we did "touching body" in musician Justice Martin's Voice.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

      Odiro easy cha cha

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. I had a no sex relationship with my husband. Dated for 3 years married for 8 years, we are each other first.

    1. This is lovely. Congrats.

      This is when I support waiting for marriage, when it is not something solely for the woman to practice, but both the woman and the man are reserving themselves for each other.

    2. Please how do you know if a man is a virgin?

  6. Sure but don't come close, especially my ovulation time. Is hard to control myself.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. During ovulation my horniness level is through the roof!!! Almost as if my body wants me to conceive by fire by force lol

      That’s a very good clause I would also add because my body can disappoint during that risky period lol

  7. My spirit is saying yes, my flesh is saying no.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

  8. I tested what is coming to pay the fee, not only did I test, I tasted it too and it’s tasty and trusted!!!

    1. Congrats Aproko..

      Saw your comment yesterday night and now thisπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

      Happy for you;you go invite us abi??


  9. 🀐🀐🀐🀐🀐

  10. Yes oh, I did and the marriage did not last 2months,my husband tin was like biro cover and he even had the guts to be pounding me like a pro.
    To cut story short, I divorce the guy.
    I gbench well when dating and married to my dream man.

  11. I need to test before marriage. My then fiance his globa was too big and it always gives me a tear during penetration because I'm super tight, sex with is always pains and tears. He didn't know it the reason I checked out of the relationship. My hubby now, his gbola is moderate I enjoy it with him.

  12. Nope!!!
    I must do the do oh, so I can know if he is capable of satisfying me,not a novice who wouldn't know how to please a woman πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
    I don't want a 30 seconds man with flaccid penis or a huge veiny penis wey go scatter my kini πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄

  13. Nope.
    I've experienced what an unpleasant pussy can do to a genuine relationship, I cant take that chance. They say life is short, but a bad sex makes it unbearably shorter.

    1. You don't mean it... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. E go hard! But it can be done .

    1. It can be done with Wendy baby 😏

  15. Infact that has been my verdict since 1900, I'm proudly team no sex before marriage, I don suffer heartbreak tire because of this table, but one thing I'm certain is that my own will find me someday 😒

    1. Me too
      I just know my own will come at the right time

      Stella don't swallow my comment o

  16. That was exactly how it happened

    In Christiandom no room for dating, straight to courtship

    So my husband and I courted for 6months and got married

    Meanwhile 3months into the courtship we did the intro...

  17. On it already. Not easy, it comes with this peace of mind I can't explain

    Finding someone that's ready to go that part with me is hard. But I'm not moved. It gives me so much peace, and that's all that matters. He will find me when it's time

    1. You see that peace gangan is the koko

      Like you won't feeling guilty when you want to have a fellowship with your creator

  18. My own question is why did God create sexual desires nd we are not allowed to have sex till we are married, so what do we do with the urge?? Don’t say then go and marry cos to be married u need funds nd some many things to put in place, why was the urge created??? Nd before u come with plenty bible verses, bible ws written by man to regulate us

    1. The God who created desire also created self control. Sex is good, but should only be within the confines of marriage. We were created with desire for food, because food is good but if we don't control our appetite we become gluttons. Sugar is sweet but we know what too much of it can cause. Self control my dear, and he provides the grace.

  19. Replies
    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 my babe!

  20. Replies
    1. Baby girl you had to say it twice 🀣🀣🀣

  21. Yes I mean that’s already part of my own T and Cs.

    But can I guarantee that kissing, making out and “small romance” would not be involved??? We leave that question for another day. 🚢🏾‍♀️🚢🏾‍♀️🚢🏾‍♀️

  22. This question came too late.

    Over to the singles to answer 🚢🚢🚢🚢

  23. I regret insisting on a no sex relationship with my husband before we got married.fews years into the marriage I discovered he is a weirdo with very odd character.He is a traditional title holder and he likes to put on his red chieftaincy fez cap when we are making out.The other day I was on all fours and my instinct asked me to turn back only to see him wearing my wig.Not forgetting the day he put on my gele while we were intimate and I had to yank it off his head by force. I have complained severally and I am tired.

    1. It was not due to your no-sex before marriage rule ma'am. Your hubby is a traditionalist. It's either you didn't ask valid questions before marriage, you weren't observant or he deceived you. Either ways, it wasn't due to the no-sex rule πŸ‘Œ

    2. Hahahahaha,this must make it to funny comments o,what did I just readπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    3. Nwoke mmadu even tie geleπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….One day he will tie wrapper with your shoesπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    4. So why did you marry him; money?
      These characters manifest during courtship, if you had any.
      It is not only in the bedroom that it does.

    5. You probably married a cultist.
      If you are not strong in Christ; fasting, prayer, bible studies,
      these man might begin to sacrifice your kids or even you. That is the one that should give you the
      greater concern. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    6. Sorry oh, is the traditional cap and wig a fetish or something? Nothing wey I no go read for SDK blog.

    7. Nothing wey I no go read for SDK blog, this is my first time of hearing this

    8. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You say? 😲😲😲😲

    9. Well it seems to me that your hubby is a cross-dresser and role player in lovemaking. You didn't complain that he doesn't love you or that you ain't enjoying the sex itself. If you are soooo bothered, discuss it with him and go for therapy with him. Be open minded with your spouse at times............

  24. This is standard for people like us. I'll make sure it's standard for my unborn kids too. Stay pure till marriage πŸ‘Œ

    I'm outtie

    1. How will u make sure nwokem? Biko, don't scare d kids before they even start coming e

    2. Pwetie, an apple doesn't fall far from its tree πŸ‘Œ

  25. My husband and I had a three years no sex relationship till we got married.
    We've had over a dozen years of marriage and we've be blessed in it.
    We server Jesus and that is the key. If you do not have the Word of God in you,
    you can't have the fear of God and you won't discipline your bodies. You will
    as a matter of rule indulge in premarital sex or fornication. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    1. Dozen years? As in 12 X infinity?

  26. I did this and dated my current husband for a year before we got married, however, I wouldn’t advise it. I discovered on our wedding night that he has erectile dysfunction and try as we may, we were unable to seal the deal, given that I was a virgin on wedding night and all his efforts caused me more pain than necessary, it was quite a nightmarish experience that I do not wish upon my worst enemy because all my anticipation was dashed. Fast forward to today, he takes Cialis whenever we are about to do the do and this has been like this for the past 15 years. Young ladies, test drive the car so that you don’t cry on your wedding night like I did and do not feel shame about exploring your sexuality because men have no problem doing it. Just advice from a wise woman who wants women to be their best selves at all times, women are actually more sexual than men but society has programmed a lot of us hate our sexuality, I regret not exploring more but I’m glad that things have improved sexually in our relationship and he (my husband) is doing his best to keep up with me and was willing to go to the doctor who diagnosed him with ED and has been taking the prescribed medication religiously. Women, make sure to tell young ladies the truth about what goes on in your bedroom so we do not lead them astray and also teach the boys to stop masturbating excessively because it causes problems for their partners in the future. Women wake up!

  27. Stella i accepted a no sex relationship with my spirikoko fiance, after our wedding last year come and see broda in action, i still wonder how he leart how to gbensh in different styles,he wants to kill me with sex and his gbola na "propeller", if you see him kabashing and speaking in tongue you will never believe that he can gbensh like a porn star,
    If i slept with him before marriage i would have"Japa" and look for someone with average size of d**k instead of enduring sex with him, there is no way i can quit because of it (shame no go allow me to tell my family and friends that i left my marriage because of big p***s), i just pray that i will get used to it.

    My advice is to test before marriage to avoid stories Biko.

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Again, yours too is about size and not the no-sex rule. Why didn't you ask him to describe how it looks to you or tell you his size, or at worse, show you? Being religious doesn't stop you from asking these questions. Being sprikoko shouldn't stop you from discussing about sex before marriage. It should be on the front burner

    3. EESAH talk is cheap, how can we be in a room alone with him and he will just bring out his gbola to show me and put it back,

      We discussed about the size and he said that it is average size not knowing that his definition of average is a big gbola,we discussed almost everything about sex.

  28. When l was still innocent YES, but after l tried the fruit of life, it's a big NO !
    So back in the day when l was still innocent(early University days)l was a love runner for my big sis friend and her then boyfriend, that lived in my city and coincidently his house was like 6 stops away from my house.
    Then the guy started complaining to me,that my friend was wasting his time.
    So being on the guy's side, l queried my friend as to why she was dragging....hmmmn!
    Just because she knew l was still a novice, she couldn't bring the words out to tell me the truth, she repeatedly told me l wouldn't understand, but l was hell-bent,on getting the truth.
    Then she talked "l don't want to cheat on my husband " not satisfied l said how ? lol! she backed me with her head down and said "Ikenna is too small for me" novice me didn't still get it, and l asked small how ?
    Then she said his .......was too small for her, lol! that was super new for me like 😳
    I was so angry with her, just because she collected too many gifts from him, then she said he was the one forcing the gifts on her......

    1. Greedy girl, collecting gifts even when she knew she didn't want the relationship. I hate such character.

  29. I did

    No regrets πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  30. Yes

    The most Complex B

  31. Yes yes yes

    The most Complex B

  32. Sincerely I'm very sincere about this Stella because before I buy car I no go test am ni ?

    1. Comparing a human being with a car is not fair

  33. Yes, dated my husband for 8 n half years and we waited

    1. Truth is everyone can wait

      Rebelliousness drives those who don't want to!

      Make we dey fear GOD

  34. Yes, premarital sex is a no no for me. Sex should only be enjoyed in marriage. Benefits are numerous.

  35. i go over test. The current girl i am dating. her thing no dey give me joy at all. i can only keep a no sex rule with a virgin but any other person. i must check o

  36. Yeah, sure. My husband and did it but our courtship was short, just a few months as guyman could not wait again. He quickly married me to start gbenshing. It's been over 10years of marriage with kids and we still dey gbensh like we just met.

  37. I did it and I thank God for His grace. It's not by power or might but the fear of God, the desire to protect our relationship with God and of course the help of the Holyspirit made it possible.

    You can too


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