Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Friday, May 14, 2021

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



Dear bvs please I need your advice now.
I met a guy on the internet. He claims to be in another country, I'm not freaked by that, I just wanted to love and be loved, and I fell head over heels. Communication between us was great.

Fast forward to now.... I have realized he is a fraudster. This is what he does for a living and I was just another client. He hasn't gotten anything out of me but I promised him the money and he is expecting it. 

He doesn't know that I have uncovered his tricks. What should I do now? Just ignore him and let him die of anxiety and in expectancy of this money or tell him all that I have found out and publish his photos on the group I met him, to warn other ladies.

*Now that you know, promise him more sef and deal with him by making him wait and try to get enough info and photos to have him nailed....



My fellow bvs, please I want to know if I'm just being paranoid.. I believe my husband talks too much, like I'm currently pregnant And he has told virtually everyone, I refused to tell him my due date before he goes to broadcast as well.. Like is this even normal? 

Won't you wait till your wife delivers before turning otimkpo?

I'm not to comfortable with his attitude or do you guys think I'm overreacting?

*He must have been like this from the start, he didnt just start so why are you complaining now?


  1. @Posternumber1,get him nailed with all of them evidences that you have got by putting him all put there for people to so know and be aware of his shady deals
    @Posternumber2,he's your husband and you have gotta manage him like that

    1. Poster 2,relax. He is excited and telling even the devil himself will not destroy God's gift to you for He does not need anybody's permission to bless you. God forbid you even loose it, don't ever give the devil or wicked people credit for it. You are fine. Rejoice with him and be happy you have a man beside you who is excited to have a baby with you. Many women are not that lucky.

  2. Lousy men are a major turn off
    Immature ones too

    Lazy ones no be am

    Poster 2

    Anything you don't gbogbo aiye to hear don't tell him

    Speak in general not specifics

  3. Dear poster 1, pls do as Stella said, promise him more and make him wait foolishly, onye oshi

    Poster 2, talkative men is really a turn off for me cos I love my privacy

    1. Poster1, I agree with Stella and this comment. Promise him more cash and let him die of anticipation while you gather as much evidences as you can. He needs to be exposed.

      Poster 2, express yourself to your husband. Don't die in silence. Let him know you don't like that undue exposure.

  4. For the scammer, do exactly as the Red Pen says, he's a big goat

    For the pregnant wife, I think you're blessed to have a husband and partner who is clearly excited to be a father. Pregnancy cannot and should not be hidden, especially if it's not high risk, he's allowed to be excited by your blessing. Hiding pregnancy and denying it is actually the abnormal behavior here

    1. Blessed bawo?? Please don't say that

    2. Well friend , pregnancy can be hidden or kept away for personal reasons .. she has right to want it hush hush or loud . You also have to understand not everyone likes the attention and that’s okay . I’d advise she have a word with her husband ASAP

      I personally don’t like the attention,I wore bigger clothings and hide my baby as well as my due date till baby popped up .

    3. Poster 2, there is no where in your write up I read that you asked your husband to keep it hush. Just as Stella said, did you not know the husband you got married to can't keep his mouth shut? His talking obviously didn't start now that you are pregnant.

  5. Poster 2, I believe it's the excitement that is making him tell people. You have to find a way to convince him to stop.

    I'm not particularly sure it's right to hold out on information concerning the birth of his child such as ur due date from him.

    Is it not even written on ur ultrasound reports or you don't show him those as well

    1. He may not notice the numbers on the ultrasound though not everyone understands it . I think it’s a good idea she’s not telling me the due date because doesn’t exactly mean baby will be come that day’s could be on/before/after due date 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. Poster 2, you're ok, he is a sanguine, so keep all important and private information from him please. i had some one like that and that was what helped me.

  7. @Poster1, happy for you and move on
    @Poster2, talk to him and if he doesn't change, endure

  8. Poster 2 - Maybe it’s just me but your husband might just be really excited about you guys expecting. You are overreacting, yes.
    Just tell him it makes you a tad uncomfortable instead of coming here to call him a talkative.

    1. Really loves your advice.......God bless you for your understanding!!!

    2. My sentiments already. He is just excited. Don't judge your husband in isolation based on a single event except he is always like this, disclosing every family matter with everyone all the time.

    3. Perxy you see why I am in love with you?

    4. Saphire Baibay 💛💛.

  9. Poster 1, dont waste your time and energy on the fraudster. Let him know you are aware of his tricks.
    Poster 2 please be careful what you tell your husband since he can't keep his mouth shut.

  10. Poster 1_disgrace the fool,poster 2 your husband is only excited about the news abeg free fit tell am another biggie just chilax safe delivery in advance

  11. Dealing with a talkative spouse is the worst thing ever,before you knw it,you will start being secretive over nothing and everything.

  12. Poster 1, I think you should just give him an excuse (like maybe something financially tasking came up) and cut off from him gradually. Don't put yourself in a risky situation. If he founds out you were the one who exposed him you might get into trouble with him.
    Poster 2, why not just discuss this with him instead of letting it eat you up.

  13. Poster1 just play along just as Jewelu said,infact scam am join.
    Poster2 I think ur hubby is just excited about the pregnancy and being a dad but if he's like that with everything just zip ur mouth,don't tell him what u don't want to hear outside.

    1. Poster 1, try and get some money out of him sef. This should make it pretty interesting

  14. Poster 1 block him everywhere.

    Poster 2 tell him it makes you uncomfortable. You have a right to feel the way you do. I understand too how excited he must feel but that doesn't mean announce to every tom, dick and harry. Just have a heart to heart talk.

  15. Dear Poster, hide your due date if your husband doesn't know how to talk oh, I know it might just be excitement of fatherhood but remember it is only you and your God in that delivery room when the time will come. My sister told her husband who told his "pastor" parents of her due date not knowing they were the real enemies, she spent 2 weeks in hospital after giving birth, pushed but also had to operated upon down there with several different complications I can't even type.

    She told them a wrong due date for the second child and they were waiting for her but she gave birth smoothly before the supposed time, come and see anger and bitterness towards her till today that they didn't succeed in snuffing life out of her enemy, many people will tell you there is nothing there and I sincerely pray for them that they don't ever encounter such high level of spiritual wickedness that some of us have encountered and overcome by God's grace.

    Some people disclose everything about themselves and don't experience any problems, that is true but if you are feeling uncomfortable with the way he talks, start filtering information you share with him, don't lie or make it seem like you are intentionally shutting him out, just apply wisdom in sharing things with him.

  16. poster one,play that scammer,make him pay if you can.
    poste 2,stop telling him things

  17. I think your hubby is excited. Mine did same for our second after trying for 4 years. I cautioned him because I'm a private person. He did same when I had our son last week,infact I was yet to birth placenta when I started receiving congratulatory calls and messages

  18. Why is pregnancy treated like a classified secret in Nigeria?

    1. Ques 1. Are you Nigerian? Ques 2. Do you live in Nigeria?

    2. My sister. The one that annoys me are those who hide their good news from their close single female friends. Like you and her will be chatting or calling each other everyday only for her to drop the news that she put to birth yesterday. Seriously, someone you gist with very often?

      Just advised a colleague not to be offended when her newly married friend treated her like that. This is someone who carried her friend's wedding for head. Even when she wanted to visit her, friend would be making excuses that she's not at home whereas it was a lie. Haba. Is it because she's single? Has she become the devil that wants to harm you?

      In my opinion, things like this makes one aware of how their friends really view them.

  19. Poster 1. Please leave that group. Block that guy. Most frausters are diabolical and heartless. Don't tell him anything to avoid stories that touch. He will meet his match soon.

    Poster 2. Your husband is happy.Maybe this is your first child. Please talk with him. let him know how you feel about his public announcement.

  20. Eya! BVs, please don’t judge a situation you have not been in.
    I am in exact same situation, only difference is my husband’s own is habitual.
    He tells EVERYTHING down to food we eat to his family.
    His family are the only enemies I know of...., long story.
    He even told me before I took in that his sister says we must give them details of my next pregnancy.
    To cut long story short, I am preggy and Oga has due date that is totally way off.
    Told him NHS says no visitors allowed during ultrasound due to Covid.
    When time comes I will pretend to go visit my sister in another city then go to the hospital and do my CS jeje and phone him to come.
    Delivery is a very spiritual albeit miraculous process.... a woman’s life is vulnerable at some point in the process.
    Na only you the woman and your God de involved at that process..... follow your instincts and pray hard Abeg.
    This is my 10th year with my information minister hubby and what has worked is keeping him out of any sensitive info and doing it peacefully.
    It is welll!

    1. You know what’s up. I am Anon 16:23, let those that have never encountered spiritual problems keep doing the way they like, we that have been fighting spiritual battles for years have learnt how to filter information. Anyone that is offended can hide their own information, no problem.

    2. God bless you Anon 20:04.
      Who no go no know! So the woman should risk her life because Hubby is excited? I just tire
      Not everything is to be joked with biko.
      Give him wrong due date if he can’t keep his mouth shut so you don’t worry about who he he’s told and who he hasn’t.
      Woke BVs, please go to the Bible and carefully read about the birth of Jesus, the stars and 3 wise men, una go understand better.

  21. Poster 2, my husband is like yours, in my own case i knew he talks too much but never knew he is the kind that gossips. It was a long distance relationship before we married. It when i was pregnant with my second child that I joined him infact all my pregnancy journey I was telling him everything. One day we visited a family as we were discussing he revealed everything including the date of delivery. When we came back I was furious his excuse was he didn't know when he said all. From then I started observing him then I found I am living with a talkative.
    What I do now is, anything I don't want outsiders to know i keep it to myself

  22. Poster one please don't be in a hurry to expose the lover biy but promise him more money and keep acting like you love him so much to make him fall mugu completely before you disgrace him

    Poster 3 is possible your husband is happy about the news. I am sure he was like this from day one but you never saw anything bad about it. Just talk to him and see how it goes.


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