Stella Dimoko CCT Chairman Umar Sues The Nigerian Senate, AGF And Assaulted Victim And Demands Investigations Be Halted.


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Monday, July 19, 2021

CCT Chairman Umar Sues The Nigerian Senate, AGF And Assaulted Victim And Demands Investigations Be Halted.

The Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, Mr. Danladi Yakubu Umar who was alleged to have assaulted one Clement Sargwak in March 2021, has dragged the victim and the Senate panel investigating the matter to court.

Others joined in the suit as contained in the originating summons dated July 13, 2021 are the Senate President, Dr. Ahmad Lawan, the chairman and members of the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions as well as the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, SAN.

Umar, in the suit with file no. FHC/ABJ/ CS/671/2021 is challenging the Senate’s constitutional power to conduct an investigation and the purpose for which it is exercisable.

Specifically, the embattled CCT chairman is asking the court to interpret the constitutional powers granted the Senate or House Committees on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions, whether it covers public assaults which as averred by his attorneys, are part of the constitutional functions of the Police and the courts of law.

Copies of the originating summons listed him as the plaintiff while the Senate, its President, the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions and the Attorney General of the Federation as defendants.

In the originating summons made available to journalists on Saturday in Abuja by the chairman of the Senate committee, Senator Ayo Akinyelure, the CCT chairman is seeking court interpretation of the powers of the four defendants to investigate the case of assault in question.

Umar went further through his Attorneys to ask the Senate to discontinue the investigative hearing as the alleged assaultee (Clement Sargwak) has been sued.

The CCT chairman had as widely reported in print and electronic media physically assaulted Sagwak at the Bannex Plaza in Wuse 2, Abuja on March 29, 2021.

In seeking redress, the assaultee filed a petition against Umar to the Senate which it gave its Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions to investigate.

Though the embattled CCT chairman had on invitation, appeared before the committee once, he shunned several other invitations thereafter.

He informed the committee through his attorneys during last Tuesday’s sitting by members, that he was already in court against the investigation, which the committee kicked against and ordered him to appear before it unfailingly on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, or risk issuance of an arrest warrant on him.

But after receiving the originating summons slammed on the committee and suit filed against Sargwak by Umar, Senator Akinyelure cried out to journalists on how the hunted is turning to be the hunter.

from dailypost


  1. Watch this man speak and you understand it means to promote mediocrity in the name of tribe, region and religion. You even wonder if he studied law and passed law school.

    1. Fascinating viewing

      Intelligence cannot be fabricated, nepotism incapable of even showcasing the bright minds
      Charlatans everywhere

  2. In a system that works,this over bleached man should have been sacked or he resigns honorably after the show of shame. But that will never happen because his brother is at the top.

  3. Chairman of the code of conduct that cant even conduct himself. He shouldn't be on that seat. You ought to be sued but no, you want to oppress and silence him by sueing him after clearly assaulting him on that video. Rubbish! Na buhari I blame.

  4. I wonder what the law says as regards the procedure involved in removing this man from office.


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