Stella Dimoko Dr Freaks Journal - No Condition Is Permanent.


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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Dr Freaks Journal - No Condition Is Permanent.

 This story is a great lesson for the deep ones.......

Caveat Lector:

Please be informed that this piece (i) does not seek to mock the subject; (ii) the writer does not seek to feel like a "superstar". It is a great lesson for the deep ones.


I was at the time working in the law offices of a past President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) and had just taken delivery of a brand new car. Few days after, I drove into the Total filling station at Keffi junction, Ikoyi to refuel.

On getting to the filling station, I noticed that a certain guy was trying to catch (arrest) my attention. Ordinarily, I do not readily relate with "strangers" (my mum asked me not to play with strangers when I was young)

The "stranger" was seated at the "owner's corner" of a yellow cab and he initially had his hands wrapped around the neck of a lady who did not look like someone coming from an office at that time of the day (feel free to insinuate whatever comes to your mind here) but he swiftly disengaged his hand from that "unholy" spot (who even made me a Judge over Israel?) and jumped out of the vehicle. 

As he approached my direction, memories streamed back! Behold, he was an old friend -"ML"! He looked weather-beaten, but he was still "living the life!". One could tell that life had not treated him well. The meeting was short. I was rushing down to Ikorodu (my place of abode at the material time) and he was heading towards Victoria Island (his "place of abode". We shall come back to that shortly).

 We exchanged telephone numbers.

I had some friends in the car and they saw all that I did not see. They concluded that the lady I sighted in his vehicle was a practitioner of the "oldest trade" and that the guy was giving me a kind of guilty look. They could see guilt in his look, but I was only seeing an old friend, despite the bad memories.

Let me remind you that I went back to school, same University of Benin four years after graduation to study Law. At the time, my friend was already a big banker. He worked with UBA and four years later (by the time I was in 500 Level), he was already a Bank Manager or Assistant Bank Manager (I'm not so sure now) but he was already a big boy. He had an official car and personal cars. The first time I ran into him was at his first branch somewhere around Ugbowo.

 When I sighted him, I was so excited, approached him to exchange pleasantries but the moment he discovered that I was a mere undergraduate (200 Level), his attitude towards me changed and each time I visited his branch, he avoided me like a plague. At a point, I respected myself and stopped saying hi to him.

Four years later, a very dear Egbon who lectures at the Faculty of Law had just lost his dad and we had just returned from the village where we had been for the funeral rites. As we were drinking and gisting in his apartment, my old friend who was already a bank manager at the time walked in.

 I got up to shake hands with him, but he ignored me and walked up to Egbon  Well, it was a business visit, so I actually raised an excuse on his behalf. Unknown to me, Egbon saw the drama and he inquired from me after his departure. I told him my side of the story and that made him to change his mind about the transaction. He then tried to encourage me that it was not the end of life and that he was so certain that we were still going to meet in life someday. I moved on.

 This happened in December 2004.

Six years after, 30 minutes after our first meeting, I had received two calls and one text message from my old friend. The first call was to ask me to save his no.

 The text message had his account details. The second call was an instruction -send me money to pay for my cab now Ore. I remember sending him something without even asking questions. I think like two days after, my old friend called me again to share his catalogue of woes with me. 

He lost his job, he sold his cars, his wife left him, his wife took his children away and he had just got a job in Victoria Island, but his employer was yet to pay him his first salary so I was to sustain him till the end of the month. Let me state that he is not deserving of any assistance from me, humanly speaking, but hey no, we all pray to God everyday to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Innit? I still gave him the little I could afford.

Few days after, a colleague who had just completed her NYSC in the firm was travelling to the UK for her LL.M and being a karaoke lover, we had chosen a spot for her sendforth somewhere in Victoria Island. I think about six of us from my office and some other friends converged at the Bar for the aforementioned event.

 We all got there early and behold the security detail who ushered us into the karaoke bar turned out to be my old friend, the former bank manager. (Please note that I'm writing this piece with all sense of sensitivity and deference to all security details. I do not intend to denigrate the person of any professional here.)

 My old friend was not so happy seeing me around, having refused to disclose the nature of his "new job" to me the last time we spoke, remember? He did everything possible to be around me and each time he attempted to stay beyond what his employment permits, his supervisor would instruct him to relocate back to his duty post.

It was a very deep lesson for me. In life, no condition is permanent. Wherever God/nature has placed you, remember that it is for a reason and a season. You and I are not better than anyone out there. The only difference between you and those who are lowly placed is grace and or time and chance.

 Dear Lord, grant me the grace to remain humble all the days of my life. Amen.

Its Kunle


  1. Replies
    1. Wow!

      Thanks for this, a lesson indeed.

    2. Dear Lord, may I never have a better yesterday. Amen.

    3. Life...

      May lines continue to fall for me in pleasant places.

  2. First time reading...this is really good.

    Kudos πŸ’―

    1. Nice read. Indeed,change is the only permanent thing in life.

  3. It pays so much to be humble. Some people when they have made it or arrived, they see those struggling as beneath them.
    Imagine trying to say hello to a friend and he ignores you just cos he is above you at the moment.
    If anyone treats me in such a condescending manner cos he/she feels “I nor reach” and then the tables get turned, I will return the “favor” so you sef go see how e dey be for body.

    1. Do you know success attracts envy and jealous?
      You have to be humble and also watch those you associate yourself with at the moment not that you are pride.

  4. Nice piece,no one knows tomorrow and never look down on anyone.

  5. Very very deep. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hmmm...this is a deep lesson.

  7. Nice one Kunle, indeed no condition is permanent it's only by His grace.

  8. This is a great lesson o. May God help me to be humble o.

  9. Worth reading. This is deep. People need to learn to be humble.

  10. Wow, very educating.
    I am in the situation right now, a very good friend of my that we grew up together just because fortune smiles at her, she has been avoiding me, even when I called her she will not pick my call. Naso I dey my dey ooooo
    No condition is permanent and the only constant thing in life is change.

    1. Take no notice of her too. No calls, nothing. If you view her watsap status, stop it. Learn to give them back what they dish you. Life is sweet o πŸ€“
      Live your life and be cool with yourself and people around you.
      Keep striving and I’m sure you’ll get there soon.

    2. My dear, don't call again. Hang on, God will surprise you, ok. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  11. Change is the only constant thing in life.

  12. Wow,thanks for this!

  13. Great read, great lesson

  14. "Let me state that he is not deserving of any assistance from me, humanly speaking, but hey no, we all pray to God everyday to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Innit? I still gave him the little I could afford".....

    You helped him out of sympathy not that he deserved it.
    I had tried following this line,it is not working for me,reason being that those that needed such help are very toxic and cruel,I'm not familiar with such people not that I'm perfect.
    Imagine you are in situation whereby the stranger you planned to bring down is the one you are crying for help.
    Not that you will help them they appreciate it rather they abuse it and leave you in regrets.

    No condition is permanent ,we should be careful of our actions towards one another.

    1. That but about toxicity and cruelty is so true.

      I cared for a poor family through one member of the family who I employed.

      I did way too much I picked hospital bills and school fees.

      I was repaid with vacuum cleaner levels of theft.

      I will help from a distance once in a while without involving myself with the next person I employ.

      The toxicity and cruelty gave me premium heartbreak.

      Be wise and do not expect kindness in return when you help

  15. No condition is permanent.

  16. No condition is permanent. Stay humble

  17. Interesting read. This thing call "Life" no one understands it. Nice one

  18. Positive energy always wins. Sometimes, e go make you resemble mumu, but with time, you win!

  19. Another lesson. See how he lost a good business opportunity because of the way he snubbed his friend. Hmmmm.

  20. Nice piece, a great lesson indeed
    Thanks for sharing

  21. Initially I ignored this column,but I have come to love it and a must read... Your writing skill is top-notch...

    1. There is moral lessons in his writings, I love it.

    2. Same here.
      The egbon is a very skillful writer.
      More grace

    3. I don't miss this column for anything

      Pretty Patience

  22. That's life, sometimes they keep excelling and u might still be 'beneath' them. It still doesn't matter, what matters is ur own hustles and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
    Ppl hardly mistreat me, it's my own close friends and familys that do and I just overlook and continue my struggles. Man no die, man no rotten.

  23. Great lesson. Too much sense in this column. Thanks for sharing sir

  24. No condition is permanent in life.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Very deep lesson, thanks for sharing

  26. This is deep. Humility is a virtue. Someone had told me that he was almost certain I can never have up to 10m naira in my account to run my business ideas. Very correct. He looked down on me to the point that I terminated our partnership agreement. That was about some months ago. I took the feedback and am working on changing his narrative about my financial status. When people look down on you, keep working on yourself. Someday, you will look back and be proud of how far you have gone...

    1. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    2. Anon 18.00 ignore the person that said that to you because man is not God.

      We'll celebrate your success on SDK blog soonest because God is in the business of during miracles

  27. It pays to be humble. The fact one is down today, doesn't mean it won't change. Nice write up. πŸ‘πŸ‘

  28. My comment did not make it. Oh well it's Kunle again. Interesting turn of events. Should we say it's Karma...


  29. Is that not the law of karma we were talking about?

    1. Tor! I'm wondering o, the way people are oohing and ahhing as if they have just discovered the Gospel.

  30. Hmmm may God help me to be humble at all times.

  31. Humility is indeed a virtue, a friend of mine told her colleague about me if we could mingle I was open to meeting him of course. We chatted a while and exchanged pictures I noticed that this person had pride but I didn't want to conclude,I later got to find out that he was working closely with His state governor.
    It was funny to me because irrespective of where you are or what you do; my value system is not based on certain material things. I was just being me since I believed he had a different perspective to life which he is ok with.
    In December I went for a vacation with my girls since we couldn't travel out of the country. That's how guy man saw pictures and started forming familiarity abi friendship.
    I went to my site on a weekend, I saw just the workers I then asked for their Oga thats my manager. One of the bricklayers was now telling me that he would have asked me to leave the site oh, just that I'm his colour that's why he is even letting me walk around. I just told him not to be angry. Oga no vex Sir.

  32. May God help us to remain humble on our journey and when we get to our destination.

  33. Humility is a virtue that each & everyone of us should practice.

    Thanks Kunle


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