Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


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Monday, September 20, 2021

Boredom Eliminating Post



  1. I miss being a child with no bills or worries

  2. Being carefree.

    Not worrying about life in general.

  3. I miss the lack of bills and responsibilities.

    Twins Squared

    1. I tell you, but then we were eager to grow up and become madam

  4. Frankids amusement park.I miss festac as a whole sha.That place is another Lagos inside Lagos.

    1. I tell you.
      Festac na full package.
      I was away for over 13 years from d hood. Just came back. The roads need repair but in all, I still love the hood.

  5. My carefree and playful nature,I font have to worry about where the next meal is coming from,or think of how to pay bills, I just dey jump up and down without any wahala

  6. My care freeness without thinking about what someone Will say

  7. There is one girl I missed. She always brought snacks extra for us. But last I heard she relocated to Cameroon to continue her education. Her mum is a Cameroonian. I missed her gap tooth smiles too

  8. My childhood friends,now everyone has mixed with different people,growth has happened friendship can never be the same again.

  9. My primary school friends and secondary school life. I also miss my teenage department back then in church,they really changed our lives for the better.

  10. I miss my Dad 💙💙

    I miss my innocence and how our house used to be full with my elder siblings and we go to farm to eat corn and roasted yam,then we'll be gisting trekking back home cos my Dad doesn't like carrying us so we don't dirty his car 😂😂😂😂

  11. i miss not having responsibilities. sleep, eat and enjoy life without a worry.

  12. I miss decency; when women used to dress without their breasts and buttocks outside.
    I miss when women used to look natural; not going under the cutlass or sewing buttocks
    Those times when your auntie will hug you and her body is warm and supple, not the kinds that
    wear Nepa pole climbing belts called what? 😰😰😰
    I miss those sincere gospel campaigns at dusk, where gospel songs will reverberate and alter
    calls are made for genuine soul repentance and not to syphon monies from gullible folks 😢😢😢
    I miss those times...I did not need to weave any baskets of shame 🧺🧺 for anybody
    I only had to tell people that Jesus loves them enough to die for their sins😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

    1. Nice one Nkata sharer, nice one.

    2. Honestly speaking..I strongly miss those days women wore decent clothes. These days I hardly raise my head while walking in the streets. Breasts and buttocks are glaringly displayed at every corner. It is pathetically shameful. May God save these 21st century morally depraved women. Cheers to the disciplined and decent ones.

  13. My carefree and calm nature,life of no worries.

  14. I miss those times when there were no social media and people were not this mad.
    People, especially couples will genuinely settle their differences in a civilized manner
    and not washing dirty, rotten underpants to the embarrassment of the sane minds..
    The good 90s and before that.

    1. Look at the vile words a so called born again is using. So much for being a Christian. Sad!

  15. I sincerely missed the days when menstruation hadn't started. When i could eat all the goodies without fear of period killing me. Now, to take a bottle of soft drink or munch on my favorite snack, na wahala.

  16. Being carefree,without a worry or care in the world.Not paying bills or being responsible for anyone.

  17. I missed my matanal grandma's yam with garden egg sauce, her different kinds of native soup, her jollof rice prepared with ogiri Igbo and dry fish, she no dey use Maggi or spices and her foods always comes out very delicious. Grandma may your soul and that of grandpa rest in perfect peace amen

  18. I miss my childhood memories, old music and home videos, innocent me.....

  19. I see this indomie generation missing alot of outdoor recreation, their phones have defined fun to them, I see them lacking flexibility and blood clot if they dont make time for the gym or outside activities.

    1. Times are bad now dear prophet.
      You cannot leave your kids to roam about or play outside like in our days. Kidnappers and paedophiles everywhere.

    2. The environment is not as safe as it used to be in the past,we are in evil and perilous times so it’s not easy to leave ur kids to roam about as it used to be then.thats one of the reasons why parents prefer their children stay indoors at least they can see and monitor them.

  20. I miss my childhood.Free food,free everything.Now bills want to finish person.It is well.

  21. I miss my childhood neighbors. I hope they are all fine wherever they are.

  22. I missed my virginity, I hate how I lost it and I've been so unhappy about it all this while

    1. Learn to forgive urself and move on,no manner of regret can bring it back,it’s all in the past now,just live a decent life and be sexually pure.dont let ur past affect ur future.cheers!

  23. Miss the good old days when life was so easy...🤦🏾‍♂

  24. I miss my childhood free nature and lack of worries. I would play, eat and sleep 😆
    I miss my childhood friends. We have all grown apart seldom saying 'Hi' to ourselves on social media 😭
    I miss my family, our full house at night and on weekends where we all will sit and eat and gist. Now, some are dead while the rest of us are scattered all over different locations. This life😭

  25. I miss my innocence.

    I miss my oldies Christian cassettes, I used to have cassettes for songs from Bob Fits, Ron Kenoly, Don Moen, Kirk Franklin, CeCe Winans, Fred Hammond, Yolanda Adams et al, listening to them direct from the cassette player feel heavenly.

    1. Awww! I miss those tapes too..just last week here I had to look for Ron Kenoly's video and watch..I think they were signed under integrity or hosanna label then or so,even this South African gospel Lionel Peterson..I still have Bob fitts songs on my phone till date

  26. Deborah I miss you🥺🥺

  27. Miss my childhood life time.. no worries

  28. I miss being by myself all alone in the house. Talking to myself and writing so much.

  29. I miss how u don't have to think about what to prepare(food) every single day

    Women are trying

  30. I miss my friend,Ifeyinnwa
    We attended block rosary together @Motj3er of Divine Grace BRC Coker lagos. Tried searching for her on Facebook all to no avail.

  31. I miss my childhood. Adult life is just too complicated biko.

  32. Oh God I miss my sister, aunt and grand parents

  33. Delicious meatpie, isiewu and gala my dad frequently came home with. I miss tasty-time black currant drink. I miss the fact that goods were generally more affordable. I miss buying sardine for forty or sixty naira. Nasco cornflakes was less than hundred naira. My favourite shortbread biscuits was also around forty or sixty naira too. I miss Mr Biggs cake of three flavours in one.

  34. I miss my lovely okin short cake biscuits, goody-goody... Now I feel like crying. I miss coaster biscuits with 6 sticks for five naira.

  35. I miss my childhood Christmas days😪😪
    How we'll walk many distance to visit family and friends, come back home to count our money and see who got the most.

    Fun days🤩

  36. I also miss my good friend Albright. I kept malice with her when she stole my childhood crush🤣, she was that beautiful. We later reconciled and I left the boy for her😂😂.
    We separated when her family moved from the compound, and I really miss her❤

  37. I miss our full house
    I miss my kid brother
    I miss my dad
    I miss some of my late friends.

    I miss my innocence 😢

  38. I miss Helen. She stays with her aunt at morcas. I miss her smile and how she pronounces her letter R.
    I remember the night we went to pay aunty Morili visit as she just put to bed without informing our parents. They panicked a lot and while they were on their way to church looking for us, we were coming and explain to them. My friend aunt didn't beat her, she only threatened her, but hey my mom tore me to pieces.
    I cried, I only visited her out of my innocence. Helen I don't even know your whereabout, here's hoping you are fine anywhere you are

  39. I miss a friend by name Queency she is from Adamawa State but came around to see her sister in Kaduna that year, she didn't stay long but our friendship was meaningful.

  40. I miss being bought Christmas clothes with bag and hat to match. I miss being dashed money by big uncles and panties who come visiting. I miss taking food to family and friends on Christmas day and having to eat to stupor without fear of fat or overweight 😭😭😭😭😭😭.

    I miss my dad always coming back home with goodies for us( dad is returned and can't afford that now, he is now our responsibilty).

    I miss laughing carelessly any and everywhere.

    I have won laughing competitions and gained enemies through my laughter😂😂😂😂.

    I miss my grandma telling me stories outside when the moon was bright and everywhere very cool & peaceful.

    I miss walking at night without fear or insecurity.

    I miss not having to worry about age, accomplishments or heights to be attained.

    I miss being taken care of by my parents.

  41. Nothing. My entire childhood was a nightmare.

  42. I miss my maternal grandma! I miss those days when i had zero worries *sigh*

  43. I miss stew made with machine blended pepper and not blender.That taste and flavor is second to none.

  44. I miss childhood Yuletide season...


  45. Missed playing with my younger siblings. Every evening na to dey pursue my younger brother to take his bath oo. The small boy go say him bath yesterday, so today, he no go take his bath. I missed those day.


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