Stella Dimoko The Adventures Of Oko Ashawo The Uber Driver - 99


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Friday, October 22, 2021

The Adventures Of Oko Ashawo The Uber Driver - 99

The spate of insecurity is on the rise daily in Nigeria and it takes the grace of God to go out and do my Job and return home safely these days...

On my way back home from work at about 11:30pm two nights ago, I had an encounter that left me shaking and made me have a rethink about working late.

 There is more money to be made at nights, I don’t think it is worth the risk anymore.

I had just dropped off someone at Ago Palace Way and on my way home, I took the overhead bridge at Cele Bus Stop that leads to Oshodi expressway. I didn’t know that there was construction going on at the other end of the access road until I got to the barrier. As I tried to make a U-turn, some armed robbers with sticks and cutlasses pounced on my car. 

One of them hit the side glass on the driver’s side with a stick in an attempt to break it while another one with a cutlass raised was trying to force open one of the doors. Thankfully, my central lock was on. 

I drove very fast away from them while still attempting to make a U-turn.

My legs shook and my heart was beat really fast while doing these moves. At a point, instead of putting the gear in reverse, I put it on Park and I kept wondering why the car was not moving as I revved. Another error I made again was putting it on drive instead of reverse and I hit the front bumper on an obstacle. I watched how they rushed towards me again and I prayed to God to save me.

How I was able to quickly make that U-turn and escape from there is still a mystery to me. When I got to a safe place, I inspected the car and found that my front bumper had almost completely pulled out. I removed it and put it at the back seat so that it does not fall off . 

As I drove home, I became more alert and made up my mind to hit any obstacle that looked like an armed robber.

When I closed my eyes to sleep that night, I saw flashes of the cutlass raised in that attempt to break the window of my car. It’s been very traumatic for me and I pray never to experience such a thing again. I thank God for his deliverance always, and do not take it for granted.

*Ah Oko Ashawo jam thief? Thank God nothing happened to you.... You cannot stop working at night cos of this nah.. just work around somewhere that has lights and chooe a closing time...

Pele oh...


  1. So sorry for your experience. But you of all persons should have a work time. The times we are in now, are not friendly.

    Work night, not late night and within areas close by.

    1. I'm so sorry about this. The level of insecurity is becoming very alarming. We all need to be vigilant

    2. Most hailing app drivers have stopped driving at night. Although there is less traffic and so more money to be made, the insecurity is too much and the money isn't worth your life. Make as much as you can during the day and go home before it's dark.

  2. Hsce a closing time n know the areas to work at night with good lights

  3. God's Masterpiece22 October 2021 at 13:30

    Thank God you were not hurt,this reminds me of the time my husband was doing Uber,madam Stella the wahala no be here oo,there was a time he was been trailed by police because the of the passenger he carried,thank God he was not incriminated.
    Though he never encountered any thief we had to agree that he should stop late night work.

  4. That part of the road down to Ijesha is their den every night,some months ago I was attacked and they had a gun with them. We thank God for life.

  5. Sorry ,I pray it never happens to you again. Because the work you are doing is a honest work.

  6. May God continue to protect you and those hustling for a better life.The streets are not smiling these days,from one bad story to another.

  7. Horrible experience, sorry oo

  8. Oko Ashawo thank God for you...That area is very notorious...Cele-Okota Link bridge leading to Ijesha na notorious place...Nightlife is gradually dying in Lagos...If no be thieves today, na some unscrupulous elements that wear police uniform will do their own robbery by collecting money from you...

  9. So sorry for this experience, may God continue to protect you.

  10. Thank God for your safety. Please be careful.

  11. Oko Ashawo, you should count yourself very lucky. My sister and her husband were attacked at Mile 2 in traffic. In their own case, they just broke the side glasses on the driver and passenger sides simultaneously. My brother in-law went into shock and he hit the vehicle next to him.
    It was very traumatic for them and they had to relocate.

  12. Oko Ashawo, thank God for your life.

  13. Night waka ain't worth it for anybody irrespective of what one does, especially as we approach the end of the year ...

    God was indeed with you...that how they robbed the Abuja kaduna new train two days back, even destroyed the train tracks...omo na only Miracle this country need


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