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Tuesday, December 07, 2021


 Hailings From a cold Country!!!


The winner of face of in house news competition is EKAETTE with 68votes

Participants and their votes
WINNIE - 36 votes
EKAETTE - 68 votes
HEARTY - 25 votes

Congrats to the three, please send me mail as soon as you see this.
You can start sending in your Christmas themed face of in house news photos for the next competition to be posted on Christmas day.... 
Remember its a touch of red with your favourite Christmas quote...



Hey guys!
I hope everyone is OK? 
BV Pinky please send me your account deets.....

 I am off soon to buy bitter kola and tomtom...... Does bitter kola have any side effects? I hope not cos I am buying 10 euros worth of the thing to chew....

Any memo for me?



Communication without talking. 

My mom had different looks for different situations, failure to understand or mix up the looks will earn you better beating. She had the side eyes she gives when someone offers us food and despite the fact that she is smiling and asking you to collect it, the glint in her eyes is saying “ collect it and die".

I understood my mom’s side eyes faster than my siblings; it took them longer and more beating to pick it up. My own was overdo sef. I could predict the look before it was given. Na me con dey look my mama sef before she look me.

I have started giving my kids the look. As small as they are, I choose to start early, I need to continue the long lasting tradition where you are saying one thing and your eyes and body posture is saying something else to your kids, even my husband is starting to get the hang of it. 

Right now my children don’t understand yet, they are still small but I know it’s a matter of time.

Hmmm those eyes from Mothers!!!..... I do it now to my Bambinos ad they have learnt to do it back to me, it is so funny.... They always ask if all Nigerian mamas do it like this and i say i dont know......



Gbolahan, Hmmm, a terrible drunkard.

He would drink from morning to night, he cared about nothing except himself, married but no child. His wife threatened him severally that she would leave.

One mid night, in his usual manner, he drank to stupor, missed his way home, roamed to the express road and came about an accident scene. Two men dead. In his alcoholic state, he tried to help the victims but fell asleep at the spot.

Following morning, he was woken by the sound of wailings and sirens. People were everywhere, including the Police.

He was arrested and taken to the station, they kept asking him why he stole from the victims, it was then he remembered he could have pocketed some valuables from the scene in his inebriated state, he tried to explain himself that things were not the way they seem it but all his plea fell on deaf ears. 

After all was said and done, he was sentenced to 10years imprisonment, but he served 7 instead. After he got out, he went home straight but his wife was gone, In fact, he barely found his way home, no one from the street recognized him, of course the feeling was mutual, he recognized no one as well.

 His old house had been deserted, he wept like a child, additionally, he also lost the use of his male organ while he was in prison. All manner of cruelty goes on in that hellhole. From that time, he took it upon himself to go from one place to another sensitizing people and discouraging drinkers.

 He learnt his lesson the hard way, the very hard way.

Does he not have family members? so he was abandoned in Jail for 7 years? His wife left just like that? Why would they send him to jail? How did they know he stole anything from the victims? He could have been one of the victim himself!

And then he got ten years? oh please!



Strange Things Happens

On Sunday morning, I left Lagos for Ondo state and I got there late in the night and just went straight inside one of the rooms in our family house and I slept off just like that, without even having a bath....

At about 7am, I heard people shouting outside because my family house is right behind the King's palace and take note, we have 8 kings in my small village. I quickly rushed out of bed to see what was going on.

There is this man who was brought to the palace, he was accused of using people's spirit as farmers/labourers in his farm. When he uses you, then you will feel so weak the next day and getting up the next morning will be problem due to pain.(He uses them mostly at night when they have all slept physically).
 I begin to ask for information on how he gets people for such act.

I heard that, whenever you go to his farm land to steal(either male or female).. Once you eat out of what you stole from on his farmland, automatically you have been captured. From that same day, whenever you sleep at night, your spirit will move to the farmland and work for 3hours.

 This will continue for days except he is ready to let you go. Anyone who finds himself in this situation will only notice that, each time he or she sleeps off, they will find themselves on a farmland working(like weeding or making ridges) by the time they wake up in the morning,they are tired and body aches.

A young girl who stole from the said man's farmland was complaining about body aches for almost 2months which has led to serious sickness and no doctor was able to find out what was happening until she was taken to this ONISEGUN(herbalist) and what caused her problem was revealed. Then the parents went directly to the man's house and that was how the case was brought to the king's palace.

 This issue made him confess . 

He said, he had never employed anyone to help him on the farmland for almost 6years now and he himself has never for once done anything with his hand, the people who come stealing his farm produce have been the one working. He said, at times he will release them after 3weeks and some after 4months, depending on what they stole.

The king apologized to the people and begged them not to arrest him, instead, he was sent out of the village and his farmland has been taken over, also, the king ordered people to go to his store house and give any produce they meet in there to all widows in the village.

Stealing is bad but this devilish attitude this man had is worse..He was beaten badly because so many people had died due to this midnight stress he gave to anyone who stole his produce.

WOW... so such things happen? Please if anyone who reads this has been going to farm in their dreams, now you know why!



I am BV Adaoluchi, I want to do small giveaway by gifting Oven dried fish to three BVs residing in ilorin. The first Three BVs that call will get it. My number is 08060682095.


Thank you Dear!



  1. Good afternoon everyone!
    IHN is here!

    It's a hard life out there, you work as if you wanna drop, but we thank God for HIS mercies.

    1. Good afternoon blog Family.
      Congratulations BV Ekatte.

    2. Yea, thank God for his mercies. It is well.

    3. Congratulations Bv Ekatte.

      The eye sign is inbuilt, you start from where your mother stopped 😁.

      Pinky tale, real.
      I have read a thread on Twitter about Kogi people using dead people spirit in farmlands. How a boy caught his father in the Act while he was suffering their dead mother's spirit to do farm many people wrote their experience on the thread.. Things are happening seriously.

    4. Amen to the sign out meme. Congratulations Ekaette. Well deserved

    5. O.F are you for real?
      So these gists and the Anambra one below explains why some people feel tired without doing baby tedious work and some get sick and doctors would not know what is wrong them

  2. Divine Health Confessions!!

    I do not live by blood. I live by the Word of God. As the Word is incorruptible, so am I. My body is unbreakable. The Word of God grows in my spirit, producing wellness for my body, keeping every part of my body alive and in perfect shape. 

  3. 😊 congratulations BV Ekaette.

  4. good afternoon blogfam.

  5. Good afternoon,lovelies..πŸ₯°πŸ˜

    What's popping wherever you are at? Is Christmas in the air and the jingle bells sounding already?? I basically am curious..

    Who has watched OWN's "One Fine Christmas" on YouTube?? I just watched it and i must confess that i absolutely loved the ending part..Holiday movies got me from this moment onwards...

    Congrats to BV Ekaette...


  6. Butter kola is very good. Mostly for men.

    If your husband is a 30secs man, let him chew 2 of it in the afternoon before night when you want to Glenshee.

    He will ride like a horse.. bitter kola is tested n trusted..

    1. Ola kolanut reduces the quality of sperm e.g the mobility.
      Reason hausa men who chew it alot marry four wives and birth 7 kids in total.

    2. 16:48
      He said Bitter kola(Orogbo)not kolanut(obi).They are two different things.

  7. I am selling Xmas πŸ goats for 4k.if u are coming,come in d night, because my neighbors don't like my progress πŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ€£


    Good afternoon blogfamsπŸ’‹πŸ’žπŸ’šπŸ’•πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ˜

    Happy birthday Bv BaltikaπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸΎπŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆ

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Congratulations Ekaette

    2. Lolzz at come in the night🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♀️

  8. Congrats Ekaette, Stella bitter kola will make you not to sleep well as it causes insomnia

    1. I think its kola nut that causes insomnia,that was what I used to read back then in school,if I chew just eat one kolanut around 8pm,I will not sleep till around 5am and that is after I must have gone to toilet.

  9. That sign out is true
    But may God deliver anyone who repents of idolizing any human.
    When you have a "sugar daddy" and
    he "foots your bill" and you

  10. Thank you blog fam for the prayers and goodwill messages earlier today on my birthday. May celebration never depart from your families and households. Thank you and God bless.

    1. Happy birthday dear. Live long and prosper.

    2. Happy birthday Baltika. May this year bring you all you desire in Jesus name amen.

    3. Happy birthday, I wish you new opportunities, new testimony, new miracle, new success and long life in Jesus name amen

    4. Happy birthday to you Balkita.....

      Beautiful Soul

    5. Happy birthday Baltika,I wish u long life and success in good health.

    6. Grateful, really grateful. Thank you lovely people.

    7. Happy Birthday Adunola

    8. Happy birthday and have a blessed one

  11. congratulations BV Ekaette

  12. Ladies don't you just hate it when a guy you aren't attracted to or even dating starts calling you sweet names? Sexy, love, dear, pretty; abeg I no want.
    My Male colleague is always saying "sandy sexy" "Good morning sexy" "How was your weekend sexy" with his harmattan lips and pepetual runny nose, jeez it annoys me, today I just had to suck it up and tell him to please remove the sexy and leave only Sandra. I hope I didn't hit any nerve Sha, abeg I no want, make I chop my spag and hope for peace between us.

    1. I hate it so much. You were even polite sef

    2. Lol.. the way una dey use men shine/make una self feel good for this blog ehn? Anyways... 🍻

    3. Sandy sexyπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    4. Someone calling you sexy in the work place? And why the endearment in a work place anyway. Are you working in a club?
      Tell him to remove the buggers in his nose and invest in petroleum jelly for his lips and a handkerchief for his nose.
      Razz Nigerian men feeling fly.

    5. 🀣🀣🀣🀣 only you is sexy

    6. 14:39πŸ˜€ I'm laughing oo, calm down my sister.

      14:32 gerrout jor.

      Shooter & Dreza, it can be annoying.

      Arike & radiant πŸ˜€ laugh well o

    7. I don't know why some colleagues don't respect boundaries. Working in the same environment with someone doesn't mean you can silly.
      Why not you warn him that you don't like such.

  13. Seems it's all Nigerian mothers that do that eye-communication thing😁😁😁 and if you don't gerrit, you re in trouble.

    Getting into Christmas mood😍😍😍 Happy harmattan πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  14. Good afternoon my people❤
    Today I followed my mother In-law to her poultry farm ,then to her shop where she sells chicken feeds and eggs in wholesale.
    She said to me "Because of my presence today, she made lots of sells. So happy she's happy.
    Congrats Bv Ekaette

  15. Sunny 🌞 day lovelies πŸ’‹

    I'm grateful for the gift of life.

  16. Congratulations bv Ekaette, you are beautiful.
    Pinky that story is strange

    1. Motherhood column, that eye communication is important. I am teaching my kids. If someone offers them biscuits or money in my presence, they look straight in my eyes to see a yes or a noπŸ˜‚

  17. Hiyaaaa. Congrats Ekaette. Kudos Adaoluchi. πŸ‘πŸ‘. Most African mothers use their eyes to talk o.πŸ˜„ I even do that to my nephews, when I take them out, and they understand. Signout meme.... stay safe my darlings. Stay blessed. 😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Holla Lovie πŸ’“πŸ’ how's your day going?

      Congratulations EkaetteπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ₯³

      God bless and increase you @AdaoluchiπŸ™πŸ™ more sales

    2. Amen πŸ™
      Thanks@Paris Savannah
      I appreciate πŸ™

    3. Thanks so much BV CandyπŸ™

    4. Shooter, I guess she is.
      Paris baibay, I'm doing ok. And you? You're most welcome, Adaoluchi. God bless your kind heart.

  18. Congratulations Ekaete

    Nazareth ink...this life na wahala..I could remember when I started drinking for the first time, it was hell..I was so drunk that I slept off on the soak away.. the next day I woke up,I was so ashamed of myself..since then, I have being very careful and I don't go beyond my normal bottle that's if I want to take alcohol..Now,,my alcohol intake is once a while.

    1. Alcohol have been disgracing humans since time immemorial.

  19. Its IHN again
    Good day dear Stella and blog visitors
    Congrats bv Ekaetta on your win.
    @ Anon who posted yesterday on IHN that he/she has never won a giveaway and feels hated or something, pls don't feel that way. The Bible says it's blessed to give than to receive, some of us hasn't won giveaway here, not even data here but it doesn't stop us from commenting or praying to be blessed to do the little giveaway that we can. So pls change your mindset and remain blessed.
    @bv pinky, I have heard similar stories like this, people needs to desist from stealing.
    Any other gist from me?πŸ€” None for now
    Oya E-hugs everyone 😘😘😘

    1. Dis mata don end yestaday but you still table am today so you go take style let us know say, “us”(you) never win anything hia. Isorait. Nor wori ya head, ehn, you go win somtin wen ya time reach. You nor say papa God time nor be man or blog time.

    2. You are not calling out any anon. You just want to complain about not being selected. Entitled bunch

  20. Network be doing me what you know how to do
    Congrats to bv pinky and Ekaete
    Una good after noon

  21. Good afternoon everyone.
    Congratulations Ekaette.

  22. Good afternoon beautiful people 😘
    Congratulations to you bv Ekatte
    Have a lovely day fam ❤️

  23. Good afternoon everyone. So yea, the day turned out hot as expected. Sensing you some heat, Stella.

    Enjoy your dayπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  24. Social media had given lots of uncouth people leverage to bring their stupidity to the universal stage.. Most young people respond to other people's post with so much condensing attitude that you begin to imagine how they react in the physical world..

    I always treat such rude people with silence. I ignore you and move on. I treat them as I will treat my children because I can't absorb a mad personality..

    Most of you on this blog are so Rude and fast in dishing insult.. You want to correct, you do it with respect and maturity..

    Martin A man grew up right in our eyes on this blog and we have seen that he took his parents training to the world.. You attract what you project, ghetto display won't get you any good recommendations..

    Keep your personality level headed, people that matters dey this blog.

    1. What is this one saying?

    2. πŸ€”πŸ€” who make you vex ma'am. Ozugozie no vex again

    3. You are imagining how they are in the physical world? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Some of them will tell you the way they behave online, they are not like that outside. which I think is true to some extent. Because why would a sane person be like that outside when it is not that you don't have sense or you don't like yourself?
      Go ahead and be like that outside Nah let's see if your 32 will still be complete.

      But the truth is, Just as they are really rude ones we also have so many polite ones both male and female you can help but admit have really good home training. Martins is just one of them. Sadly when the mannerless ones engage in conversation with the polite ones they will say he is pretending because they themselves have tried being polite for a few seconds but they could not survive it and had to go back to their default setting.

    4. 14.44 it's in response to what an anon said to her on a different post. It was very rude and unnecessary. Prestige don't vex abeg, not everyone has home training.

    5. All those that were laughing at the anon's rude comment are no different from the anon. Hypocrites.

    6. Were you referring to that insult? Don't let it get to you. When people are rude on here and talk anyhow especially with their IDs I just laugh. If you were firstly attacked then you have no fault but when you leave your space and go about perching under another person's comment just to insult them all in the name of being blunt then you should be ashamed of yourself.
      I think the rude ones feel they are already made in their mediocrity and don't need any help in whichever form it may come or they feel they can't get mind-blowing assistance from random strangers online so why be nice? forgetting that where your own connection or money stops is where another person's own actually starts from and your destiny helped may not even be someone you know or have come across.

    7. Just look at you going anonymous to support yourself.You really need Jesus. Something is definitely wrong with you. On top give away,you are insulting people. Except Stella fall for this sham,you Won't see shishi. Oriranu oshi,entitled lots we have here starting from you. You can come back and reply in anonymous mode and your co- travelers in the same WhatsApp group should also join in this show of shame. Na only you suffer gum body, yeye thing.

    8. 17.12 some are frustrated and just looking for an outlet for that frustration. While for some, they simply lack home training and have refused to teach themselves as well. Either way, it's wrong and people need to start taking them on, don't just ignore them.

    9. Martins's behaviour here shows he is from a good home. Dude is too mature for nonsense.

  25. Good afternoon people. Hope the day has been going on well. Wonders shall never end@ Pinky's story. Wickedness all over. Both the thief and the owner of the farm are all wicked.
    Congratulations BV Ekaette and other contestants.

  26. Good day everyone. Hope you’re all doing well. It feels good to be back in on your feet after so much ups and downs.

    I’ll be starting my volleyball training for an end of the year competition coming up this weekend here in Confluence stadium, Lokoja. I pray my team wins thisπŸ™πŸ€— I love Christmas seasons and all the merriment that comes with itπŸ’ƒ

    1. Wishing you and your team all the best

    2. I love volleyball!
      And I'm terrible at itπŸ™„. Made my platoon lost in camp during Nysc smh
      All the best.

    3. Thanks Black SlimzyπŸ€—

      @Fidel, hope they didn’t blame you much and make you feel so bad for the lossπŸ˜‚

  27. Nawa ooo,how wicked can people be?
    Instead of melting out punishment immediately to those who steal from you,he chose to use their spirit,such evil act.

    Congratulations pinky!

    @motherhood,its almost a general thing with mothers, every look with its meaningπŸ˜€.

    1. *meting out punishment
      But totally get your point.

  28. Congratulations to Ekaette and Pinky.
    NAZIRITES INK. This your story dey somehow but who am l to doubt it. Weldone to all the column writers in this blog. More grace.

  29. Congratulations to the winner of the foihnc
    Ondo is a powerful place, pinky weldone. Someone was asking you about a part of Ondo state on SP this morning.
    Motherhood poster, I'm teaching my child how to know those 'eyes' 😁

    1. I believe Pinky's story cos a man was caught in my village who was using people like that. The difference was that you just had to offend him by ommision or commission and gbam, you are working at his farm at nyt. Africa and wickedness are five and six!

  30. Wow. Congratulations BV ekaette and all the winners. You're all winners. Wow. You see theside eye I understood my mum's own quickly especially when you're offered food and putting your mouth in their conversation's. Serves the man who uses people to work on his farm land. That's wicked. Thank the king for using wisdom to deal with such case. Cold afternoon everyone. Have a blast day

  31. Congrats bv ekaette. Ive screen shot this your style, im definately sewing it.

  32. Congratulations Ekatte🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ‘Œ

  33. Congrats Ekaette.
    My daughter is gradually getting the eye code,though sometimes she get confusedπŸ˜€
    My mum that time will say 'Gba lowo won" and in the actual sense you dare not collect it🀣,African mother's and their training method, you must understand by force.
    Good afternoon everyoneπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Who is going to Shiloh??

  34. Congratulations Ekaette

    Something happened yesterday which I learnt from.Was going to do early perfume oil delivery and I make sure to always have at least two 3ml bottles in my bag.So I entered a keke and a man sat beside me and complimented my smell.Told him I smell what I sell,opened my bag and gave him a 3ml bottle and my business card.

    This morning,I got a call from him that I should bring enough to his office.Omo,that was how I sold 6dozens and others promised next week.

    Just a bottle gift gave way to sales.
    Mr stanley,God bless you.

    1. congrats and more sales,you will go far.. dats how i contacted a perf oil seller frm the ad post and she was so rude i just warned her nd blocked her as she was typing wonder they dnt make sales...see as perfume oils full her house cos of her nasty attitude...ceeoma whatever u better change ur rude ways yeye woman.

    2. God bless your hussle
      More sales fall on you.

    3. Great! That is why they say you need to sell to yourself before you can sell to another person...Happy sales

    4. You see, effective marketing! Congrats on your sale.

    5. Wow.
      God bless your hustle .

    6. It is always good to give,I gave my daughther's teacher a dress last year,she was so happy that she told everyone around her,the next day the proprietress called me and make some enquires,I told her presently I'm not selling but I can get nice dress for her,she gave me money to get 3 nice dresses each for herself and her 2 daughters,since then she calls me anytime she need any dress.

    7. Oh that's nice. More sales to you

    8. Arike,thats the spirit behind giving✌

      Thanks Blog Fam,not stopping soonπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    9. Giving is a great gesture. Kudos.
      I'm thinking of playing santa to Ibadan bvs by giving them packs of ijebu ponmoπŸ™ˆ

  35. Congrats Ekaette. You got the beautiful smile. Punky congrats. That story might be true because a lot of people are too demonic and doing sacrifices.

    That was how I sent my sister one time to balogun market to get us somethings. She used one alabaru a lady and the lady was pregnant. She told her no since you are pregnant, the load will be too heavy, the Lady begged that she needs the money not knowing that once they carry load for you, you will be the person feeling all pains. My sister came back became sick... I had to drive home and picked her to go to church that God will take control. My bishop saw her condition and laughed, he just prayed and said every pain go back to the pit of hell because he knew what the alabaru did. So he refused to send it back to her because she was pregnant and told my sister not to use alabarus again. Majority of them have sold their souls to the devil, so I won't be surprised with what you said. It is well.

    Too many evils and it is not decteasing. It has gone beyond man's comprehension.

    That drunkard that lost his home, I feel sorry for him but good it has made him turn to a better person. I hope he goes about preaching about the ills of getting drunk.

    Love you all. See you. Hot afternoon but we thank God

    1. How can anyone in their right senses use a pregnant woman to carry load?
      As in how?

    2. 14:46 if you don't live in Lagos shut it.
      The begging from these women won't let you ignore them. Sometimes you decide to give three of four of them tips yet you bump into more pregnant alabarus dragging your nylon bags and putting them into their silver colored basins without your permission.

    3. They are plenty in idumota,you will wonder how they carry those heavy loads without getting tired and their leg is fast ehn.

    4. One would think they would use their jazz to better their lot so they won't be doing alabaru as a pregnant woman. Anon 14:46, say what you know, I have seen agile pregnant women doing menial jobs even better than those that haven't had children so it's no big deal but no need for the jazz and wickedness.

    5. 16:07 Does it make it right?
      15:01 Ypu must be incredibly DAFT to tell yourself to 'shut it'.
      Obviously one of the uselessly rude people that Official Prestige spoke about up there. House goat.

    6. 18.24 πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
      House goat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  36. I raise this my small bumbum for Akoko people, you see that story narrated by Pinky is just one of the many evil things happening in that part of Ondo state which my siblings that had travelled to the area told us about. I have also witnessed one in Lagos (story for another day).

    My daughter already understand some of the looks. But I remember when I first started with her, she will ask me, mommy why are you looking at me like that?😁

    Congratulations BV Ekaette.

  37. Congratulations Ekatte..

    Inside the mind of a woman... I like your column. My mom also had different eyes for different messages.
    You dare not miss it. Sometimes she will be the one to urge to take stuff from visitors/outsiders. But if you love yourself, you dare notπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  38. Good afternoon people 😍.

  39. It's a beautiful Tuesday. God is good and awesome.

    Congrats once again BV Pinky.
    Bv Ekaette, congrats

  40. Congratulations to UYAI EKAETTE.You are beautiful lady.


  41. Amen to the sign out memeπŸ™

    I see that among our politicians.

  42. Congratulations to UYAI EKAETTE.You are beautiful lady.


  43. Thanks Angel Koof for your benevolence. God reward you immensely.
    And for this platform, thank you Stella.

    Nkiru nwannem, I'm fine dear. Hope you're good too. Biko tα»₯ọ down.

    Bvs, kindly recommend a good quality lipgloss /lipstick for me. The Mary Kay lipstick I bought left a whitish mark on my lips while talking, I was horrified when I saw it cos I hate to see that on other ladies.
    I don't joke with my lips. Please make una help me.
    Good afternoon.

    1. Good afternoon my darling 😘
      Try mac, colur pop or lancome

  44. Good afternoon my people.

    @pinky story, I've heard of something like that before,that a particular town in kogi state use dead people as laborers on their farm,don't know how far its true. Plenty strange things dey happen for this world.

    Bv Tade, I pray we get to see your comment soon here, perfect healing is yours in Jesus name

  45. Good afternoon good people...
    Congratulations bv Ekatte

    It's a sunny day with a touch of harmattan in Kaduna today.

    Enjoy the rest of your day bvs.

  46. It's true, I went to a town in anambra state to see a friend many years ago, inside her compound was an old deserted house.i was wondering why they left the building there. So I asked my friend who owns it and why it was left in that state. She promised to tell me on our way out so her mother wouldn't hear her. She said it was her uncle's house who has been sent to exile. She said the man would ask labouers to work on his farm on agreed fee, afterwards he would pay the workers lesser that they agree on. If any worker decides to fight him ,he would cast a spell on them and their spirit will Labour for him for years till the person dies due to body pain, hunger and sickness. The evil uncle also uses young ladies and married women who refused to date him. He was caught because he tried to woo a particular woman whose husband was equally diabolic. The woman continued working for the man till her husband decided to find out why his wife's illness can't be diagnosed medically. He went searching for answers and the evil uncle was exposed. He was forced to liberate those he kept under bondage before he was beaten and sent out to die. Since them no one was able to go inside his house because of many fetishism items that were found. Many attempts have been made to burn down the house all to no avail.

  47. Good afternoon bvs
    How is your week going?
    May we all rejoice at the end of the month. Counting down to Christmas πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  48. Please guys, is soft 7 turmeric and honey soap a good one? If not please i need suggestions of good herbal soaps. Please i dont want anything lightening, i just want a good soap. I just got a bottle of liquid black soap for 5,000 and it is as watery as what i don't know. The only thing stopping me from throwing it away is the amount it cost. So please guys,'epp' me. Lol. Great day to all of us

  49. Congratulations Ekaette. I love your attire.
    Scary gist @pinky. I have heard these things happen.
    Nazirite, drinking to get drunk always has repercussions.

    I don't even know the benefit of the alcohol they drink, what good does it do to the body?

  50. Good afternoon. Wwt afternoon from the city of Port Harcourt.

  51. Hmmm that Pinky story is true! Fear Akoko people,they have jazzzz! I saw so many things I can't type during my mum's burial,I have travelled home on so many occasions,believe me,things are happening!

  52. Hello ihn 😘.
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Congrats bv Ekaette,u are beautiful and congrats to the other contestants..u all are beautiful.

    Motherhood poster,well done..u are doing well.

    Nazirate's ink,this ur story is touching o,see as alcohol destroyed his life.In his next life, he'll stay faaar away from alcohol or anything that looks like it.

    Bv Adaoluchi, God bless you more for reaching out and may ur business increase.

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️.

    1. Amen πŸ™ thanks BV Osundi
      I appreciate.

  53. Good afternoon beautiful people. Congratulations to you BV Ekaette

    Beautiful Soul

  54. Congratulations BV Ekaette. Your decent dressing won my heart and my vote 😁

    1. Exactly me was the decency for meπŸ‘Œ

  55. Congrats Bv Ekaette,those eyes,my kids will say,mummy did something get into your eyes?Na me shame come dey catch😁,that Pinky's story na nkan mbe o,Africa and evil are siamese twins,something similar happened in Oyo state in the 90's,this time,it was the spirit or would I say familiar spirit of young people who died mysteriously in the community.This life is deep.

  56. Una doh o.i branch this joint late today.
    Make una enjoy this hot afternoon in peace

  57. Congrats BV Ekaette

    Some people are desperately wicked but we are not ignorant.

    Mothers are the best. Parenting is not easy

  58. @treasure pls explain how honey and the other stuff can be used to heal hyperthyroidism.

  59. Ekaso gbogbo ile
    Congratulations Bv Ekaette
    Amen to the quote down there

  60. being awhile
    work has been so hectic these days

  61. Amen to that meme😍

    Hope we are all good
    Christmas is coming soon oh, I'm so excited 😁😁
    Merry Christmas in addy‼️

  62. Stella bitter cola causes low BP, i always have cough courtesy of asthma so i was taking bitter cola without caution. thank God for the doctor who pointed it out as the cause of my low Bp, so pls take it with caution

  63. Congratulations bv Ekaette and the other contestants πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    Lol indeed that mama eye is a great communicative toolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚....I think it mainly has it's hangs on black woman whether African or black AmericansπŸ‘ˆ

  64. From Ilorin city, I got my Oven dry fish (Giveaway) as promised from BV Adaoluchi this afternoon. Good bless you ma. From Mrs. Taiwo S. (Mandate Area)
    You guys


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