Stella Dimoko Actress Toyin Abraham Recounts How She Almost Gave Up Career And Fame Due To Depression


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Monday, January 17, 2022

Actress Toyin Abraham Recounts How She Almost Gave Up Career And Fame Due To Depression

Actress Toyin Abraham shared her story with Media Personality, Chude Jideonwo on how depression almost cost her everything.....

Toyin had earlier taken to her Instagram page to reflect on those “very dark times” in her life, where she almost gave up her fame and career because of what she was going through.

In the interview #WithChude, she explained the importance of mental health.

 “It was not easy. My manager had to get a counsellor from America to talk to me. I knew I needed therapy, but sometimes you lie to yourself even when you know that you need something.

“I lived in denial, but I knew I was depressed. I would often sit down and be sad for no reason. I would get scared even when people were around me. I would get scared when people called me for something good.

“I was not happy, and I lost weight even though I was well fed. I was very skinny. I would cry to my manager on the phone as I was always sad. I was depressed. The event happened within the past three years.”

From PMnews


  1. Replies
    1. After her broken marriage,then that idiot came along, then we all found out he wasn't what he claimed to be, then he threatened to kill her,then d enemies laughed out so loud, threw shades left right and centre, then she did whatever and her life changed.
      It's not about what u r going Tru now, it's how u pull through it, pple see her rejoice and praise her husband endlessly,it's because of her past,it was indeed alot.
      Toyin🙏keep staying strong

  2. Depression is not a good thing.

  3. People curse this toyin sha..thin leg, thin hands, gf to a thief.. im very happy she dusted herself and rose above all the insults and names . This life, be successful o, cos its only success that can shut the mouth of the enemies.

    1. Meanwhile, you repeated all the insults, is that really necessary?. Smh

    2. I love how she rebranded

    3. There was this particular birthday of hers she was celebrating. Toke makinwa was celebrating her and the words she wrote were so touching. The words was to someone who had chosen to dust herself up and go on again. One who had overcome despite it all. I was touched.

    4. Anon 12:56 take it easy ah ha!!? Na wa oh

  4. Depression is really, I thank God for the gift of life

  5. No one knows what the next person is going through till he or she opens up to you.Thank God for you Toyin

  6. Thank God for coming through for you. Not easy

  7. Thank a God for your life

  8. This happens to me just stay and be sad I will cut off from friends and anything even if they call me I don't pick calls or reply.Some of them left and I lived in my lonely world even though I have a caring husband.

    Why are things hard for certain pple despite their fasting and prayers.things always comes late for me I don't know why dats why I started staying on my own cos it will feel like I m left out. Married now and ttcing wooo I m tired joor.

    1. Pls don't be tired, it's a journey and it will end soon in praises. I understand how you feel but our God is bigger than any of our problems. It is well with us.

  9. This life sha...e just get as e be.problem here and there..where ur on stop na there another person own start.
    Toyin is a very strong lady, how she was able to pull through was amazing. The insult and humiliation was something else.but look at her today,glowing with a caring husband and a child.God please remember me too.


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