Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Monday, January 17, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



I am married with children, trying to get a divorce. I'm a Christian and I try to the best of my ability to be prayerful, even though I wasn't brought up that way (growing up, we rarely prayed together). I resolved to raise my kids differently. Yeah I know, assistant 'Jesuses' please miss me with the Christian and divorce talk. 

Thank you!

In my quest for knowledge about my roots(my parents will never tell me nothing) and a guide to finding myself, I followed my brother to see a psychic...

After I had mentioned my name and he made some chants, he asked me if I have ever spoken any ill word to a wealthy man. I responded in the negative, while adding that I can't remember any of such event.

He did some chantings and called a name of the supposed person and said she's the person I reincarnated - my "Chi".

I digress...

Back in the days, people were named according to the market day they were born; we have "Eke", "Nkwo", "Orie", and "Afor" market days. So if you are female/male, you'd be named "Mgbeke/Okeke", "Mgbokwu/Okonkwo", "Mgborie/Okorie", or "Mgbafor/Okafor" respectively, depending on the day you were born.

So this Psychic mentioned one of the female names and asked me which of the market days I was born. I didn't know when so I checked the calendar and behold it's the same market day with the supposed person he says I reincarnated.

Funnily enough, it's this same name my husband calls me when he wants to annoy me, and I took it as a random name that popped in his head and he chose to call me.

He asked if I'm prayerful and I said I try to the best of my ability. Asked if I don't see things while praying and I said no. He now said she(my Chi) is angry with me because I said bad words against her. I asked how and when. Those around said I must have shunned someone who tried to tell me about this same person I supposedly reincarnated.
 So it got her angry and she turned her back against me. I am Igbo and I understand the language but his was deep and I could barely understand him so people were translating for me.

It's possible I shunned someone trying to tell me about all these traditional and archaic stuff because I never used to believe in them.

Note that the psychic is an elite who schooled abroad. He's blind and does his exposΓ© in the open space in his compound, So aside my bro and I, there were three other people waiting in line and his adult kids were roaming about the compound.

He gave me some items to go outside the gate with, make declarations on, while calling on God and my ancestors, I should ask for their forgiveness, saying that I did all I did innocently and uninformed, then fling those things away. I did and returned. He said "she" is a notable person so want more and requested for a female goat that I'll slaughter at my convenience, in my compound or anywhere I deem fit. While slaughtering the goat I make positive declarations using God's name then prepare a meal with the slaughtered goat and share with family and friends. I'll also go do some cleansing in a temple called "Aja'ni" (not shrine, they say).

I asked what I'll get in return and through the psychic she said she'll make me the great person I am meant to be. Every other attempt at getting answers to the questions I came prepared with, proved abortive as she kept insisting I do the sacrifice and cleansing first.

In all humility, I am convinced that I am created for greater things, not mediocrity. I have an intimidating appearance, that leaves people in disbelief when I share my story. Also, a handful of friends have told me that I am not meant to be amongst them because I'm head and shoulders above them. I just laugh them off.

Note that I didn't go there because I want my marriage back. The marriage was dead on arrival and there has been no growth all these years. I am doing this because I'm tired of going in circles. I am just existing!

Now, this is my first attempt at towing the spiritual/traditional path. Like they say; You shouldn't expect a different result when you continue doing something the same way... It is also said that it is best to find and tackle the root of a problem first before any other thing. These are my reasons for visiting a psychic.

I will appreciate advice from the experienced ones; 

Do I go ahead with the sacrifice and cleansing? I have prayed and still praying that God should lead me aright. I don't want to start what I can't finish. I don't want to make mistakes that I'll later regret. I'm worried and confused. I have Googled and searched bible passages for "animal blood spilling for sacrifice". I am yet to get answers. Please guys, I need your input.

Thank you.

I dont know anything about this so i will read comments but please DO NOT START WHAT YOU CANNOT FINISH not that after killing goat, they will say you should kill your child next!!


  1. Replies
    1. Lmao don't worry we've a lot of traditionalist on here they'd give her the answers she seeks.

    2. I wish you were just next door..
      I can help you..
      Odinala dibalu gbogbo!

    3. Sorry to digress but this your chronicle will make a very interesting novel.

      I don't know anything about this but I have read queen of the blog make such statement and would like to know the end of your journey.

      I know there's one true God and Jesus is his son, through whom we pray and have our prayers answered. In the old testament before Jesus's time on earth, people prayed to God and made sacrifices but I don't know about ones chi being able to control your life.
      I thought your chi was some form of guardian angel.

      Pls share your end result

    4. Stella, but she has started already, so she has to finish it. When she went to consult the psychic and was told to go outside and appease the spirit, that was the start.

    5. Maybe we should allow you experience the consequence small. They say experience is the best teacher. In the search of children, l have seen and heard all manner of things. But l.have gone too far in God to go back. A friend connected me to woman in Enugu that gave her herbs and she took in after two months. In that womans village,
      it seems each family has a temple. People from all works of life come to that village for different spiritual needs but l have not seen a village that is as poor as that village.. let me not go further. All l can say is poster is an adult. Your instincts is instructing you and you want to use use shine. Go ahead and do what your mind told you. Remember you can not pay once. There will always be need for renewal and as you go further, the needs for renewal increase. Maybe chicken -goat - cow - human. Not just any human but blood related human and so on. If you have started, fear or the desires of this life will not allow you stop because there will always be need.
      If l.may ask, what if you are asked to bring cow and you take it to the native doctor and on getting there, you heard she is dead. Who will you give the sacrifice to offer for you. How do you break the convenant?

  2. Mmmmmm this life no balance sha.on top chi!. It is well

    1. I wish I had plenty time to type but I will try.

      Poster, you are not wrong when you say you can't keep doing things the same way and expect different result. Very true. But is the psychic consultation going to help? I doubt it. Who can help you? The ANSWER is YOU. I will tell how.

      Go read "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne and you will discover who you are in ways experimented and proven beyond blind faith or religion. You will see that you are beyond the limits of flesh and blood. There you will read intellectuals in different fields like Quantum physics, Mathematics, history, religion and Astronomy use their fields of study to clarify issues such as you have asked.
      I am not nullifying traditional means of inquisition but I don't know them and it's hard in times like this to know who might be just a charlatan. Infact, with this book, you might even be able to understand the deeper essence of the scriptures, of what this man is trying to say,and many things around you and why they happen. You will also see why you attracted and married wrongly and why it eventually crashed.
      This book and it's other series helped me understand Pastor Oyedepo's books and the true depth of them (the only Pentecostal pastor I have any kind of respect for).

      We in this generation may not be able to get it right if we seek to inquire through traditional means but modern school of thoughts can help after all, everything in the universe are connected one way or the other.

      Pls I am really busy and can't type again. God's speed.

  3. I honestly don't know what advice or suggestion to give to you like right now.I wish you all the best

    1. Vince, I missed you.

    2. Missed you too. But I didn't miss your wahala Sha.

  4. I pity those who will partake in eating the goat🐐.

    Let me give space for others to advise you 'accordingly'

    1. Seriously
      That's why most times it's best not to eat some kind things in some places

      When my shop girl who attends some kind place like that had her birthday beginning of this year. There is this egg that they prayed over after people put money in the basin. They shared the egg to everyone
      Omo I no collect o. The world is deep

    2. 🀣🀣🀣 this is why i dnt accept meat from people.

  5. Poster please you cannot serve Mormon and Christ at the same time unless you want to start practicing Voodoo...Do you want God to answer you according to the ''idols of your hearts''....Don't start what you cannot finish biko..Don't go and invite 7 more demons into you....Change your attitude towards life, be friendly and serve God wholeheartedly...

    Don't go and kill any goat; do you know what that shedding of blood signifies? Please my dear be very careful...Join a real bible church and instead do agreement prayers with a highly spiritual person and conduct family liberation prayers...Believe and trust in him...All the best

  6. Go ahead, my dear. Nothing wrong with our Igbo traditional religion. We foolishly dumped our religion and embraced a foreign religion and are suffering for it.

    1. That same traditional Igbo religion said twins and multiple births were a curse. The babies that were born, sadly got thrown away into the so-called "evil forest", and suffered excruciatingly painful deaths!!! If not for the foreign religion, that practice will still be ongoing.

      I won't even be surprised that you comment regularly under "Prayer request" threads, asking for twins, triplets etc. Yet, you are here advocating for "traditional" religion.

    2. @15:14
      Just as you dumped using ogene by town crier to make announcements to watching TV
      You dumped trekking for riding cars
      You dumped sending people on errands to mobile phones
      You dumped living in the bushes to living in houses and wearing clothes.
      Hope you are regretting all you dumped; right?

    3. 18:09 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. SMH, other people too killed twins, it was not only in Africa. Like it or not, the religion we have adopted has done NOTHING for us. You can pretend all you want, you will only be deceiving yourself.
      What you people don’t know is that the word BLESS and BLOOD have the same root meaning. Which is to say you cannot Bless without Blood! What do you think these Ritualists are about? Or all these pastors being exposed daily who are seeking for power? Therein lies their secret. They use blood to acquire real power which they now use to control the rest of you who are wallowing in ignorance thinking you are making progress!
      I know for a fact that Investigators have found blood in some inner recesses of some of the older churches in Europe. There were fresh blood and they are HUMAN!

    5. Anon 13.56 Kindly rephrase as it has done NOTHING for YOU, don't lump the rest of us in biko.

  7. You have already started. You've crossed the Rubicon by going to consult a jazz man, which you've tried to tush up by calling him a psychic πŸ˜….
    Finish what you've started and come and tell us the outcome.
    Just kidding, biko repent and work hard, you will succeed.

  8. First things first,you are not a Christian.
    Secondly,the moment you find yourself in a herbalist shrine,a soothsayer,a seer, necromancer and the likes,they must surely see something for you.
    It isn't you alone who was created to be great. We all were. It's then a matter of how you want to stir up your own greatness
    The fact that you went there,you must do something. You cannot just go to such places and then later decide to change your mind because as you dey commot there,they don project one demon to follow you so that if you end up not coming back,the demon begins to act.

    Like Stella said,after the goat,what else will they ask for?
    In some covens, cutting a goat signifies killing a human.
    There is no one in the world that goes to such places that they will not have something to tell them

    Abeg let me follow my God jeje and have peace. With prayers and hardwork, greatness will come
    I wish you God's speed

    1. Even what you threw at the gate you don't know the convents you have entered into

    2. "You cannot just go to such places and then later decide to change your mind because as you dey commot there,they don project one demon to follow you so that if you end up not coming back,the demon begins to act."

      Now this scared me.
      So me that has gone to places n later changed my mind has demons following me?

    3. It's just sad. May God help us resist getting involved in these things. You've said it all. Be vigilant and prayerful because these days, some even call themselves "prophets". Like I always calm myself with these words "I am not a battle fighter; God Almighty fights my battles".

    4. Same thing my grandma told my dad and he passed down to us. Never go to a native doctor/pyschic/seer/whatever you want to call it because they must find something to tell you.

  9. Dear poster, the only form of cleansing as a Christian is through the blood of jesus christ, any other cleansing, apart from hypo and detergent is demonic. U don't mix devilish things with the name of Jesus, forget that fallacy. If u want to go ahead, go ahead and know that u are tired of the Christian way, stop looking for justification in other to satisfy your curiosity, jesus is a Christian not a traditionalist. Behold old things are passed away, all things have become new. U know what u want to do is not right, u just want us to cheer u on. Oya aunty go ahead.

  10. Nna All this traditional stuff do scare me to bone.. I still believe that after the goat Killing and cleanings it will have an expiration date where by you would still go back to renew them. to be on a safer side GOD IS THE FINAL BUS STOP, I believe all what it will take 4 a good result is punishing your flesh by praying and fasting, God will reveal hidden things to you via dream....

  11. here to read and learn

  12. Sweetheart Jesus saves! By all you already did, you have entangled yourself in evil abd diabolic stuff. You need to renounce all those. The only man of God I vouch for these days is pastor Jerry Eze. Why not join the 7am prayers nsppd. Believe me going to a psychic is not gonna bring back your lost glory. Only God can (thru Jesus Christ) not sacrificing whatever animal.

  13. You said you don't want assistant Jesus to preach to you so why are you still asking if you should go ahead with the cleansing and sacrifice? what are you scared of?
    Who do you want to advise you?
    Know the difference between being a christian and a church goer aunty, they are two different terms. Don't abuse the word christian.
    You cannot serve two masters. If you want to sacrifice please go ahead but dont say you are a christian, you only go to church. If you were a christian you would know that reincarnation are just familiar spirits under disguise. Please ma sacrifice ooo, and add heaps of problems to the one you already have. FISHPIE like you

    1. For her to state categorically that she doesn't want assistant Jesuses, she definitely wants assistant Satansis. Learn to pick a side

    2. Mine is the arrogance accompanying the write up. Those who visit dibia should advice her accordingly.. As they say we learn everyday.


  14. Everybody acting like saints, codedly, they do worse. I believe you should do whatever you need to do to move on with your life. Hypocrites full this blog.

    1. The hypocrites are those who go to church but go to see a psychic, an agent of the devil. Those are your ilk and you are hailing them.

    2. Some advised her to go ahead with it, others advised her against it, speak your own and leave "hypocrites" alone. I know someone who had strong marine connections from her mother, they did a spiritual work for her when she was 8 and she seemed okay, she is now in her 60s, only those of us close to her know she isn't really okay, many attitudes and things that have no explanation about her life.

      I know all these strong diabolic backgrounds can be daunting but my advise is hold on to God and keep living in Him and for Him, what if the Chi tells you to stop going to church or don't marry? You will keep appeasing one thing or the other, the psychic can even start duping you if he is broke. Face Jesus and hold on to God alone.

    3. Elijah in the Bible once thought he was the only prophet of God in Israel who is alive but God told him there are seven thousand prophets who has never bowed nor kissed Baal. 1kings 19: 14 - 18. My dear leave the generalization. There are hundreds of Bvs who has NEVER Bowed, kissed and have resolved never to bow or kiss baal no matter what comes their way.

    4. Hmmmm. With the kind of shit my family is going through today based on all these things our ancestors did, I'd rather be an atheist than to dabble with Juju.
      Poster, if you're not ready for you and your children to worship what the 'psychic' is worshipping, nor put body o.
      Cos normally, you'd go there for a one off consultation and solution to your problems, unknown to you, you've made a covenant with the spirit of divination, which will demand your worship. Failure to do so, will bring doom.
      Nothing like one leg in church, one leg in juju. Choose one and serve it diligently.
      I suggest you choose Christ.

  15. You have summed it up poster, don't start what you cannot finish. Anything thst will lead to spiing of blood.... Hmmmmmmm!!!

  16. Jesus sacrificed himself for you when he died on the cross, so all other sacrifices are impotent

    When the devil gives you a thing remember he'll collect hundreds of things from you, so therefore desist from such people/act,go to a bible believing church and do not neglect the gathering of God's people so that you'll have peace that surpasses human understanding πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  17. This one get as e be o.Why you no fit stay one place? Na traditional person you be abi na Christian? Choose one na and focus

  18. You better do what you need to do and move on with your life. Am Igbo and I believe you need to reborn yourself after your parents birthed you. You are on your own in this world, find solution to your problems dear

  19. All I wanna say poster is that you can’t serve two masters at the same time. It’s either God or your Ancestors, choose ye whom you shall call upon.

    1. God bless you. Same thing I suggested.

  20. Isaiah 8:19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?

    Psalms 16:4 Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.

    I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods

    or take up their names on my lips.

  21. You've made one huge mistake and you want to take it further? It is time to retrace your steps and seek God your creator. Stop being double minded and seek today whom you will serve.

  22. You are not humble at all. You come for advice and condemn some people as "assistant Jesus?" Same Jesus you disobeyed to go and seek Satan's agent?

    1. Ironically, Majority of the people that will advice her are 'assistant Jesuses', they will give her good advice and she will follow. Yet stated she doesn't want them. You don't sound wise when you use the phrase. You sound ignorant and unlearned

  23. Visit old and aged people in the village and seek advice from them.

  24. You paid a psychic a visit. It's about time you paid another psychi... a visit. But this time around,it should be a psychiatrist.
    Chukwu gozie gi.

    1. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† You are mouthed

    2. Mad o πŸ˜‚

    3. Lmao Its the blessings attached to your suggestion that's hilarious looool .

    4. Ment! Lmao! 😁

    5. Heii God!! 🀣🀣🀣


    1. She should do it and be ready to face the consequence of not renewing it.don't start what you can't finish

    2. The renewal is not immediate like you’ll think. I did mine but mine was chicken and tortoise at the place, then when I got home I did the one with white chicken... reincarnation problem they worry o, try and do it and move on to the next phase of your life

    3. reincarnation is demonic. give your life to Christ and break every tie with any spirits. If you are sincere to yourself you will know all is not well with you

  26. My dear poster,prayer is the master key,don't partake in any animal sacrifice,the blood of Jesus has washed away our sin.

  27. Anything Jesus Christ cannot do is not in this life.

    Don't start what you cannot finished.

    Don't allow your mind to trick you into doing that

    Keep praying to God Almighty, things will change

  28. Are you willing to go thru all this rigorous processes of sacrificing goat to aja ani including the one you are asked to kill and make a meal with it at home? You claimed to have prayed to God to turn things around for good for you, why don't you wait for his time which is always the best? Yes, our Chi at times works for or against us but if you believe in Christ Jesus, all things will work in your favor no matter what your Chi has decreed either out of anger or destiny. Wait on the Lord pls. He will come thru for you.

    1. It's true o, and even when you are gone the thing will require more sacrifices from your children

  29. You should have sent in a chronicle stating how you don't feel you are where you ought to be and that you feel you're going in circles before visiting a psychic and people would have come up with different ideas or shared their experiences for you to pick from. Now that you have already visited the place and done the first procedure which is making declaration and throwing something away, you have already registered. Stepping aside at this point might have it's repercussions as whoever the sacrifice is going to might feel you didn't finish what you started, thereby complicating issues. You feel deep down that something is wrong somewhere and getting yourself involved in animal sacrifice looks fetish to you. At this point, you need wisdom and guidance on the right step to follow. It's either you go ahead and complete the process but remember, the psychic said 'she' wants more, she might want more after that or require you to do occasional cleansing which you don't know if it means getting you deeper into what you don't understand. Or you forget about what the psychic said and seek other means. You might want to seek the God of heaven, if so, remember he is a jealous God who would have loved that you seek him first. Therefore, this would require a total turnaround from the previous path and seeking him. You might also need assistance on taking this path as you alone knows the level of your spiritual maturity.

  30. My dear go and do what that man asked you to do so that you will be at peace with your chi, your chi is demanding for a goat because she is a great person and you have ignored her for a long time. Do this and watch how things will turn around for your good

    1. The chi don't know where they sell goats to eat?

      Poster run away from anything diabolical because it will be hard for you to go free.

      Nothing is free with Satan, be warned

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Yori πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚@ sell goats girl bye

  31. poster why don't you join a group in the church and have a personal relationship with God. please don't be ever shy to carry your Bible and see God reveal himself to you

  32. Madam choose one is either u are with him or against him

    1. Wallahi, if she kills that goat people will eat and she will still be at the same spot.

      Hunger dey land n some neva see goat meat for long.

      Make a u-turn and serve Jesus, give alms to orphans/widows that have not corrupted their bodies they will pray for you and be positive.
      Good luck

  33. I don't think this is from God. God already said we should not listen to fortune tellers, mediums, spiritists, diviners because they make their revelations through familiar spirits. Read Jeremiah 29.

    God frowns at it. You need patience. I will encourage you to keep praying and seeking God.
    Abraham kept hoping on God even when there was no reason to.

    There is a set to time to laugh and when it comes, everything will turn around.

  34. Dear Poster,
    There is absolutely No need for Christians to engage in blood sacrifice anymore. Blood sacrifice is to cover sin, but Jesus blood paid the price for all our sins. So being in covenant with God through Christ Jesus all that matters. If you go ahead and make any blood sacrifice as the psychic told you, it means you are ignoring the death and resurrection of Christ for our salvation.
    When you believe in your heart that Christ died for you, and resurrected giving you the power over all powers on earth, you must confess it with your mouth and proclaim the things you believe God for, and they will come to pass.

  35. poster if you think your ancestors/chi or whatever you call it is greater than GOD ALMIGHTY,and can provide you the solution to your problem,you go ahead but I mean BUT dont come crying to GOD when demons will come knocking on the door of your life(cos that's exactly what goona happen)GOD IS MERCIFUL and will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, but HE WILL NEVER BE MOCKED believe it or not.

  36. Don't do it and it's still early for you to retrace your steps. If you give goat today, the gods will demand for cow next from your children and know that you've established a covenant between you and the gods. Forget the modernized name,you went to a native doctor.

  37. Please I want to know our forefatherd who worshipped God through these means, who did not harm others, who did not covet their neighbors wives, hots or belongings are they going to hell?

    1. if they never heard the gospel of Jesus yes, but if they did then they will go to hell.

  38. Do what they ask you to do. You already know the answer within you. You have the power to discern and may I add that there is no such thing as a coincedence. Don't let people with Nollywood minds confuse you. The ways of our ancestors are very powerful. I personally would trust a devout traditionalist over any other religion, reason being they understand things in a different way and know that we are all responsible for our actions.
    I would like to share this quote with you:
    The universe isn’t testing you,
    You are testing yourself.
    That’s why the tests always feel like they are designed so specifically for you. Because they are.
    - Maryam Hasnaa

  39. There is zero tolerance across Nigerian religious divisions.
    If someone doesn’t align with your faith, He/She is devilish automatically. We need to get rid of this mentality to move on as a Country.
    I’m Christian by the way who spent time with the oldest Man in my Community before He died . I learnt a lot from him and whenever he offered prayers, He prayed to God ( Chukwu ) and He always referred to Heaven as “Obodo Eze”

    The true Igbo Tradition abhors evil which is why when Old Men who are conversant with the traditional methods will tell you to avoid evil to prosper and that they are consequences for evil doers ( ometere o Jiri isi ya buru) They are extremists everywhere even in Churches; Pay no attention to Yahoo traditionalist and Pastors.

    I had a conversation with a preacher some years ago who decided to share the gospel with me . I obliged him and asked if he could be open- minded so we could have a real conversation, He agreed and he proceeded to share the word with me .
    After listening and conversations about the passage He read, I asked one simple question;

    Are you aware that you would be a Muslim if you were born to Muslim Parents of Northern Extraction?
    You are only Christian because you were born to Christian Parents and your immediate environment promoted the Christian culture.

    He claimed he will convert to Christianity if he was born a Muslim.

    Funny πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    They are Good and Bad people in every Religion, tribe, Community, Country et al

    I forbid when someone says am from the marine world . I no get Strength for battles but I just want to let you that evil and good can be done with every Religion that’s why God gave us the power to discern!

    Choose Wisely !!!! And be Spiritually aware in Life .... We wrestle not against flesh but against principalities and powers !
    What FOOLERY πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
      Thank you very very much Anon 17:00
      You nailed it aptly.

      Man Know Thy Self!

    2. I doubt you are a Christian as you claimed.

    3. you were born Christian but not a believer in Jesus Christ aka born again.. that they hate evil still will not qualify them for heaven without Christ. they call God because they know there is a supreme being but they go to him through their idols which in itself is a sin.

  40. My own chi be like e go need ten goats o my stagnation no be here🀣🀣

    1. Don't worry, your time will come and God will turn things around for you. Continue to seek Him and turn away from sin.

    2. Anon17:06,I don see my second,I know say God get power o,but sometime,e be like say God don forget personπŸ˜”πŸ˜”,Baba God abeg,reason your pickin mata o,no let shame catch me,na die I dey so.Oluwa pick my call abeg.

  41. Poster you can go ahead and do the cleansing, somethings qe take for play really exist. No harm in trying since you are sure the person was saying the fact, if you are asked to bring human blood please run but since is goat and it will be done in a traditional way just do it and move on

    You may do it and your chi will give you second chance with your marriage.

  42. If I may say anything, my opinion is that the killing of the animal and other sacrifices may not solve the problems because you never know the spiritual power of the person that asked you to do it whether she is divinely gifted to do work of spirituality or she is doing the work as business. If she is truly gifted in spiritual things, the sacrifice will work because anything that is genuinely done according to spiritual directives must surely come to pass. If you are not sure of the person's means of spiritual activities, don't do it to avoid being initiated into spiritual problems. May God minister to you so that you will not regret anything.

  43. Dear poster, we are not allowed to know what the future entails!!!
    You might not know this, but going to consult all these seers subtracts something from you spiritually....
    Yes!!!! I would give you an example, let's assume there is an electric current in a cable in front of you, and you aren't aware of it and then you touch it, I hope you know it would shock you.
    That's exactly how it works! Not knowing is not an excuse...
    By going to know the future, how do you grow? How do you make mistakes? How do you learn from them?
    I wish I could enlighten you a bit, but I don't want to scare you or confuse you. In my quest for knowledge, I got into mysticism, (which isn't bad) which helped me understand that there is more to this world than you can imagine.
    Don't dabble into things you don't know!!!!!!!!!!
    I Have seen things, there are powers but I bet you... You do not want to.....
    The only snag about what I know is, everyday I struggle with not wanting to start applying/ putting into practice what I can do.
    My advice is that, you forget about that bullshit that man told you, because trust me if you dabble into the spiritual realm, the spirit takes your growth and tells you certain things.

    You see, we are more powerful than them because we have bodies, and they therefore take our spiritual growth and give us few information they are privy of.
    I don't want to begin to sound crazy, especially to those who cannot comprehend but do not dabble into what you don't know, even though it seems you are not killing anyone.
    I really wish I could enlighten you, but I don't know if you can comprehend

    1. 18.45 I think we are on the same frequency. I understand and agree with you perfectly.

      Poster, if you are curious as to what you are capable of, try mysticism. It's intellectual and only a deep mind will appreciate and exploit it positively. Start with that "The Secret" book and it's series. I think there are about 4 of them now by Rhonda Bryne. Google it.

    2. I assume both of you are not Christians, because no true Christian will dabble into mysticism in any form, including horoscopes.

    3. that some of you were lucky and did not encounter demons in mysticism does not make it good. e.g do you know people have encountered demons just from yoga? yes might be hard to believe but I have read testimonies of people that God have been brought out of bondage. a lot of these practices has to do with the control of your mind and a lot of them started from eastern religions that focus on deep meditation. people who have done into deep yoga to become masters delved into astral travels and boom, demonic manipulations.. If you have problems and want to discover yourself go to the one who created you, dont go looking for trouble. yes knowledge is power but seek the right knowledge

    4. 11:58,

      But a christian can receive readings & 'prophecy' from their pastor? If a person who climbs a pulpit does it, it's called a spiritual gift, ain't it? But if s/he isnt a church attendant/owner, it is forbidden?

    5. 13.20 see ehn, you can dabble into whatever you want, na your choice, your life, your consequences. Leave Christians alone haba.

  44. Thank you Stella for posting. Thank you all for your responses too, I appreciate.

  45. Don't even try it!! It took me years to get delivered after my mum with good intentions took me to a medium for prayers. I was taken to stream to bath. All I can say is spirit husband come join my problem. So please trust God and His promises and keep the faith, you will be OK.

    1. Traditional worship has nothing to do with spiritualist churches. Going through the comments, I am actually shocked people are confalting the two. The fact that what you call a spirit husband entered into the mix is because your Chi or what the yorubas call Ori is weak. When your Chi or Ori is strong, you will make less mistakes and people will learn not to mess with you or your energy because if they do, they will collect. You will not have to do anything or say anything bad, but your battles will be fought for you with swift justice.
      You see all this that we doing saying - leave him/her to God, traditional religion does not abide by that. To every action, there is a reaction and sometimes it is almost immediate. A lot of people cannot deal with this or live their lives in such a righteous way.
      Traditional religion is not for the lazy. It is not about goign somewhere for 2 hours every Sunday and paying a pastor tithe. It is about a constant regeneration, a constant checking of yourself to make sure you are living right and not doign wrong to people.
      Are there bad people in it, yes, the same way there are bad people everywhere. The fear most people have is because Traditional practises are potent and can be damaging if misused.

    2. Tuwale to you Anon 20:59πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      You don finish talk!
      Daalα»₯ ooh!

    3. Traditional worship is downright demonic, no point trying to sugarcoat it as something righteous.

    4. are confused and dont know what you are saying. you are obviously just a Christian by name, if you have understanding of the scriptures you go no say all of them na the same thing

    5. Anon 12:00
      How do you know this? Have u ever been a traditional worshipper? Or is Nollywood the source of your info?
      Honest question

  46. This chronicle reminds me of the person that commented a few days ago about doing spiritual baths under the full moon for her sons. Just like this poster, I understand she's had experiences that made it seem necessary to do so, but the end results are never good. The devil never gives anything for free, he takes back far more than you imagine.

    1. Anon 20:09, so according to you, the moon that God created is the devil? Or is it the water she used to bath her sons? Which one is the devil here?

      Christians take holy communion, get baptised with water, fast, use 'anointed' oils, collect 'special' waters, oils, stickers, etc from their pastors, pray over sand, handkerchiefs, etc. You dont call those rituals nor devilish. But when another person who isn't your pastor does it, it must be from sAtAn. Can you please explain this? How does someone using God's creation to pray & seek blessings translate to collecting from the devil? Did she pray to the devil? Did the devil create the moon or water?

      By the way, Which devil sef? The same one that was present in a meeting with God & other Angels? Who God INSTRUCTED to strip faithful Job of everything in order to test his faith? That same devil who TAKES ORDERS FROM GOD? That same one?

    2. 13:05 stop trying to feign ignorance. If you are one of the devil's foot soldiers, simply say so, don't try and call black white biko.

    3. Anon 13:05
      I asked questions. Rather than answer, you call me ignorant. Well that is why I am asking the questions. Instead you resort to insults, accusing me of being the devil's foot soldier.
      Even if I was, as a Christian, isnt it your place to preach & teach me to get 'free'? A non Christian asks questions, u insult them. How then do they learn? How then do u evangelise?

      Y'all are the ones speaking from both sides of ur mouths. God created the sun, moon & stars plus the water. Yet u give credit to the devil for them. Explain na, no. Na to insult. You demonize anything that u do not understand. With no reasons, no scriptural backing, nothing. Just religious vibes.
      Lemme ask you. When Elijah instructed the sick man to dip himself in water to get healed, was it devilish?
      When Jesus healed a blind man by mixing sand with His spittle, was it devilish?

      People like u were the ones who crucified Jesus because He did things they did not understand. They called him a blasphemer for critiquing the religious folks then & for performing wonders that weren't particularly in line with what they believed. He was a radical! Today you criticise what u do not understand & condemn people who ask questions that u cant even answer.

      Priests pray on water and it becomes holy water. I pray on water & use it, you call me a devil. Issokay

  47. Someone told me the reason he has been suffering all the while is because he unknowingly offended his chi. So some people took him to a place so they can tell him what next to do. So he was told to appease his child,did some kinda mini rituals, candle burning and all that. Me I'm waiting to see how his chi would make him rich, cos it's still same him, nothing has changed. My dear embrace God, remember the devil doesn't give free gifts!!!

    1. You are very ignorant to think that appeasing his chi automatically means he will get rich. Typical black man. You only go after your god(s) for the sake of material possessions and nothing else.
      True spirituality, whether as a christian, muslim, traditionalist etc is about service to humanity, and acquiring true wealth which is beyond this realm. But basic minded folks are all about money and material things, that's why you remain blind and are always led by charlatans in the name of some religion.
      If that someone is appeasing his chi simply because he wants money, you both are in the same lost boat. Appeasing your chi (or Ori, or higher self) simply means you are in alignment with your true destiny; the real purpose for which you came to this realm. Now if riches are part of your destiny, it will come. If it isn't, it won't. Dont confuse this with Money Rituals!

      If you think problems will suddenly end because u are in alignment, you are joking. Problems are part of our journey here and are part of your growth. Your chi will only guide you into your true purpose & teach you wisdom so that when u leave this realm, you ascend to a higher plane. You'd also impact this world positively. You will feel at peace knowing you are walking in your own path. All these talk of problems easing away simply because you go traditional is ignorant, and silly.
      And as for those of you calling satan upandan, no words. Lol just read the book of Job in your bibles and know who/what satan really is. It is right there! Lol

  48. I love God so much, I pray alot to him both in english and igbo, igbo is my language and my tradition. Tradition i love my tradition. Traditionalist pray to Chukwu okike(God). I use some natural things like bitter kola in my house cause it wades of evil spirits.people are saying when you go to a traditionalist they must see something in you, so are pastors and doctors. some pastors own are worst cause they will still bill you alot of money yet you might not get a solution and they will end up feeling they have a say in your life so you should jump at every of their demand. Nowadays Many Pastors go to the so called native doctor to seek power. To me it is not about the traditionalist or pastors, it is about us when we are told we filter the ones our mind accepts and go ahead with them. in all the prayers we pray for ourselves with FAITH is the key. some pastors advice people to go do salaka for open doors so also traditionalist. i know of a baby that was born all of a sudden he started stooling blood, he was taken to all hospital and they prayed nothing happened, there uncle ask them to come back for iju ese that is to ask questions, and after that it was discovered his Chi the person he reincarted was murder gruesomely and they were asked to just call the man's name, apologise and ask him for his anger to subside and the child stopped stooling. i have seen a woman that do lose her children after child birth and when she gave birth a mark was given to the child, the child later died and when next the woman gave birth the baby came into the world with that same mark and this one is still alive till today. As long as am doing all those with natural things and by my self i don't mind and i don't go diabolic. Life is deep and mysterious. just do what you feel is good within you, keep your hands clean and leave the rest to God.

    1. Jesus Christ is the answer. It's not by pastors or seed sowing. Jesus and only Jesus. He lives and He reigns over all.

    2. Why are you going to a pastor to get solution when Christ is the only solution. Madam read your Bible and stop following fake pastors who are just out there to eat your money. Real pastors will only pray for you without requesting for money. Christianity has turned to something else in Nigeria it’s so so sad.

  49. I only read your first paragraph. You're rude! Can we (all assistant Jesuses) boycott the comment section?

  50. yes call me assistant Jesus i have no apologies...which God did you say you are praying to again? sorry, he does not do psychic, astrology, idol worshipping, chi or still require sacrifices. you cannot serve two masters. you either choose to follow Christ and do things his way or you consult psychics and do things their way. what has light with darkness? God will not share his glory with other gods. you sense in your spirit that God has called you to greater things, then decide to follow Christ and his word in the bible and ask him to help you discover your purpose. if you continue to go down that road you will just be inviting demons or familiar spirits into your life. dont open yourself for demonic manipulations. as a Christian the only spirit allowed to influence and speak with you is the Holy spirit. no chi should have any influence over your life.

  51. My dear poster, Jesus has split his blood for your sake on the cross, he was humiliated and nailed on the cross for your sake. No amount of goat blood will save you! They will keep asking from you and until you dig yourself so deep that you can’t come out.

    Please ignore them. Seek God by yourself. You don’t need a pastor. All you need his your open heart, your bible, and a heart that is ready to believe and surrender all to God. Relationship with God like every other thing, is a process. The more time you spend reading, praying (discussions with God, and not necessarily making requests all the time), praising his name, the closer he will come to you, the more he will reveal himself to you. You have to go to him first, he is always waiting forever us to turn around and look at him.


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