Stella Dimoko The POS Operator And The Honest Nigerian Man


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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The POS Operator And The Honest Nigerian Man

In Every 100 Nigerians, you may find one honest one....
The scarcity of honest people is due to the hardship in the Country...

Please read this piece and discuss.......

The story goes.....

'' I needed a little cash in my pocket today so I pulled over at a POS kiosk. A man who looked to be in his late fifties was the owner and operators of the POS business. He said he was an Igbo man from Imo state when I asked which state he was from.

I was in a hurry, but just by the side of the POS kiosk was a phone accessories shop, so I also decided to get an iPhone charger since I needed it.

While I was selecting the kind of charger I actually needed, I told the POS operator to give me N40,000 cash and include his service charge. He said his service charge was N800, and I did not object.

While my card was in the machine and debit was being processed after I had pointed my pin on the button of the machine, the man counted N40,000 cash and gave to me. I collected it and pocketed without counting.

Processing over and transaction approved, he issued me the print-out receipt which I threw to the ground without looking at it.

I picked an iPhone charger and paid cash to the accessories dealers from the money the POS operator paid me, and walked into my car to zoom off.
A still small voice told me to look at the debit alert on my phone; so I disengaged my gear to look at the alert.

Lo and Behold, the alert I got from my bank was N4,800 instead of N40,800 from the POS transaction.

I looked more closely the second time just to be absolutely sure, and saw that indeed the debit alert was N4,800.

I looked at the POS man from the tinted glass of my car. A man in his late 50s; you could tell that he was trying to battle to stay afloat on the turbulent waters of life.
His countenance said it all. He had just mistakenly "dashed" me N35,200 of his sweat; perhaps, almost all his capital for his POS business.

If I drove off, he would go back home to his family, and after trying to reconcile his account for the day's business, there would be festival of tears and anguish upon realizing the shortfall. The misery would last for weeks.

In my car, tears were already welling in my eyes as I peeped at the man. In this extremely hard economy in which we operate, a struggling man had just done himself in without even realising it.

I wiped off the tears from my eyes and alighted from the car with my key on ignition. I moved to the kiosk.

"Oga make I do another one?" he said enthusiastically. I shook my head without uttering a word, reached for the ATM card in my pocket and gave to him.
"Please collect N35,200 from this ATM card", I said.

"Should I include my charge?", he enquired.
"Just do as I said", I insisted.

Transaction done, he wanted to count the money before paying me.
And I said, "Sir, it's your money. You overpaid me by N35,200 from the first transaction. It's actually your own mistake."

Abruptly, the man fell down and held my feet, crying real heavy tears and mumbling blessings on me.

I lifted him up, hopped into my car and was gone!
A little honest here and there, and the world can actually be a better place for all.

By Kennedy Friday


  1. Aww, honesty pays. We still have good people with conscience.

    1. No Try the dishonesty of the citizens is resulting in hardship in the country says righteousness exalts a nation

  2. What he did is noble and should be commended. However he did WHAT HE SHOULD DO. You must not take what does not belong to you; whether the economy is bad or not.

  3. Indeed..when you do good to someone, the nutrients your body receives after that supercedes that of balanced diet. The man has done well and Peace like a river will never cease from him.

  4. God bless you real good for not letting this man go through the anguish. May God always be there in your hours of mistake to help you. Thank God for you.

    This is so emotional.
    I wish everyone can be this honest.

  6. The writer's conscience is working.. In this hard economy, a few will not return the money. They will see it as God's blessing.. May we continue to hear good news like this to strengthen our resolve to do better and live right..


  7. Mmmnm oga your kind is rear in this Nigeria, some will would have taken it has their own luck at the expense of someone's lost. Today's society is filled with desperate and self centred lots. May God have mercy.

  8. That was very good of you poster,let me share my experience with a shop owner last month...I went to get somethings from a shop and on getting there it was the sales boy that I met not the oga, bought the things I went to buy and left,on getting home I realized that I didn't pay him for glycerine that I bought,I told myself that any day I enter market I must go give them the money...I went there 2days later and this time I met the oga,I explained to him that I bought things 2 days ago and we didn't calculate well so I underpaid gave him the 500 and told him that is what is remaining without telling him it was actually for glycerine. I needed one more glycerine so I told him to give me glycerine,he brought the same glycerine I bought 2 days ago and I gave him another 500 and was about leaving when he told me to wait for my change,I asked him how much the glycerine was and he said 300,it turned out that the sales boy inflated the price....I told him the 500 I gave him earlier was actually for same glycerine that his boy sold to me two days ago and that the boy said it was 500 but since is 300 he should give me 400 change since I gave him 100 for the two, my people u won't believe this man refused,that the price was 500 last 2 days but now 300 that he won't be giving me change for the first 500 I gave him I was speechless,I collected the change for the second one and left...I told God I did not cheat him by returning the money he did not even know belongs to him but since he decided to cheat me God should deal with him for me.the money was just 200 but I was seriously pained that my honesty was not returned back by same person I willing came to give his money that he doesn't even know of...forgive my typos

    1. 16:26 This life is complicated, we Nigerians are the cause of our problems. Imagine him boldly telling you that it was 500 two days ago, but is 300 now. Just imagine.

      Just leave him with God, let God be the judge.

    2. Kaแป‹!
      But let it not deter you from doing the right thing Always.

  9. What pple don't understand is there is a law of Nature. Take it as a wicked person u r, Lose more to another person, d chain continues.
    Don't take what is not yours. Very commendable ๐Ÿ‘

  10. So kind of him.A lot of people don't have a conscience anymore.

  11. When you are honest and not greedy, directly or indirectly people will hardly cheat or defraud you. I went to buy some goods last December. I did cash transfer to the man. It showed my transaction is incomplete. I did it again without getting alert. That was my first time of going to that market. I dropped my goods in his shop to buy other things in the market. When l came back, I picked my goods hurriedly, The man called me. I told him l was in a hurry as l have stayed long in the market. He shouted. Madam your money came twice. Haaaa. All the hurry jumped out. Behold both transaction was successful. He gave me back the cash and l thanked him.
    Good begets good. Be honest and God will bring honest people around you.

  12. The kind of prayer the elderly man prayed for you isn't ordinary. I covet such prayers. They usually don't go unanswered.

  13. This story has been making the rounds on sm. Evil has been engraved in our hearts so much so that a lil kind gesture is seen as inconceivable. Anyone with an iota of conscience will do exactly what he did so what's the furore for? I'll do exactly what this man did and won't act like I saved mankind.
    God bless him tho

    1. I don't know why you're using furore in this context..

    2. I don't know why you're using furore in this context..

    3. You obviously don't know shit. Look up the meaning and its usage and get the fuck off my comment!!!

    4. Shooter Gyal,your rudeness knows no bounds sha....The anonymous didn't even say it in a condescending manner,yet just look at your response.. You have a loooooong way to go girl. ..

  14. Whenever I travel to Lagos, I love to buy fruits for my hosts. There was this woman I do patronize for fruits. During one of my trips, my intention was to get just one pack of grapes as I didn't have so much cash on me that day. But she told me to take two packs at a discount price. I was like if I pay for the 2, I wont have transport fare to my destination. She told me not to worry that whenever I'm passing by I can give her the balance.
    I didn't travel to Lagos again till after 4 months, the next time I did, I ensured I returned the balance. In fact she didn't remember the transaction that happened 4 months earlier. So I had to explain to her, she was very grateful and showered prayers on me. In fact she told the woman whose stall was next to hers who also joined in the prayers.

    1. Awwwwwwwww ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    2. i had similar experience this January, 2022. I bought some packs of bottled water and did transfer to her account not knowing that I over paid the seller, when i ordered for another supply the seller called me to tell me that i overpaid her that i should deduct the money and transfer the balance. I was so grateful to God and to her. Then I remembered severally I have returned money to people either by way of not paying them without knowing or overpayment for something bought from me. Honesty is a virtue.

  15. That's very nice and thoughtful of him
    God bless you abundantly Sir

  16. This just dey melted my heart.

  17. You did well Sir. Good begets good

  18. Your conscience is not dead. God bless you.

  19. Something similar happened to my husband and I. We had dinner at lagos bistro, I paid with my card, collected the Pos receipt and we went home.

    I noticed I wasn't debited a few days after, so I decided to look at the pos receipt which was in my wallet. Lo and behold, it had transaction declined on it. Neither I or the waiter noticed it.

    I had to go back later in the day to make the payment again, the manager and the waiter were so happy, the waiter was new and the amount was going to be deducted from his salary.

    1. There are still many good people in this country. God bless you all, Amen.

  20. God will bless you abundantly Sir. It's just didifficu to be honest in Nigeria. Very commendable. God bless you

    1. It is not difficult if honesty is the only way to you


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