Stella Dimoko Actor John Okafor Shares Testimony Of How His Family Member Poisoned Him Because He Built Houses And Bought Cars


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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Actor John Okafor Shares Testimony Of How His Family Member Poisoned Him Because He Built Houses And Bought Cars

Comic actor Mr Ibu Narrated in Church how his Family member poisoned him but God healed him through a powerful preacher......


In the Video he is heard saying....

"This sickness came as a poison from another person who does not like me. He administered this poison into me. I tried the much I can to see if I could treat myself from local herbs, somebody was busy telling me that I should not wrongly approach this poison unless I am prepared to go to the other side I said "which side?" the guy said "Ibu you are not a small boy you know what I mean when I say the other side, you will only get there when you close your eyes on your bed I said "God forbid."

This person began to talk about OPM then I said "it is a name of biscuit?" He said it was a church. I said "if that place will save me then I'm ready" but first of all my friend is coming. He came and put a call across to somebody who put a call across to the Pastor. That person called you (Pastor) and you picked then I narrated the whole story to you Instantly you said close your eyes, my eyes wey bin wan close all the time e no waste time I close am.

After that Prayers, Pastor God will bless you for free. Let me tell you dying is sweet oh e no hard for someone to die e no hard at all. I was seeing myself stepping close to the other side but God said no. only her (wife) tears when she started crying made me cry even though my face no fine but however God was hearing my tears.

The same boy poisoned my elder brother, we are from the same family but since God started helping me I started buying things I bought cars dashed out to people, built houses he is not happy.

He was really looking for means to eliminate me but God said no."

*Praise God!!!...... I hope this is not some kind of health issue that is being overlooked...He needs to do a thorough medical check up to rule that out because i have read severally that he was poisoned and the stories are different....

God that called Pastors also equipped Doctors to know what to do, if someone poisoned him, he should go for thorough check up to see how the poison can be flushed out.

God bless you funny man!


  1. Replies
    1. But Stellz, he was in the hospital at some point, so no worries

  2. Matthew 10:36. A man's worst enemy are those of his household.
    If your hands are clean. No weapon ever formed against you shall prosper.
    Your healing is permanent. Amen.

  3. This man is always talking about being poisoned and by people he knows. Hmmmm. Thank God for coming to your rescue but doa thorough medical checkup. Work on your tummy please.

    1. Thank u. That’s how someone I heard of kept saying he was poisoned and accusing family members. Meanwhile it was diabetes he had. It eventually killed him.

    2. As in! He go play for party, dem poison am. He build house, buy car, dem poison am. Na wah o. He should watch what and where he eats too if na mouth dem dey follow poison am every time. I wish him total recovery because im facial expressions alone dey burst laff. The industry and fans still need our Mr. Ibu.

  4. May God continue to protect you

  5. he looks so frail. May God perfect your healing Mr Ibu. Amen

  6. Hmmmmn, may you be totally healed sir. Africans and poison na wa. He obviously has liver problems, pot belly is not normal. Wish him well and may he never be poisoned again biko, he seems like a cool dude. The way he hypes his wife eh 🙂


    1. That is enh. I am not sure he has gone for a complete medical check up before. I thought I was the only one using side eye to look at his stomach.

    2. I wish there could be a law that once you claim you have been poisoned, the law will do a medical check up on the claimant make the report public.
      Too many avoidable deaths due to claims of "poison".

    3. Dont you think the doctors wouldve diagnosed that all through his stay in the hospital???

    4. Karen are you the one that gave him liver problem? If you do not understand the things of the spiritual, just keep shut and go to the next post! Telling someone’s father he has liver problem, how insensitive!

    5. 09:50, you obviously have not eaten! Please go and eat! Which one is someone’s father? Do you know what I am??? pray for sense madam spiritual. Spiritual kee you there! Ndi Ala

    6. Someone that was in the hospital won't do proper check-up?

  7. OPM, doctor Jesus in action..
    God is here...

  8. May God perfect all that concerns him.

  9. Lol @ The person begin to talk about OPM “I said is it a name of a biscuit”
    Thank God for his healing .

    1. I laughed hard when I read that part🤣🤣🤣🤣, the man is a clown.

    2. 🤣That part really cracked me up

  10. May your healing be permanent Mr Ibu.

  11. Kidney problem. Go make you catch winch, may God help us all, Mr ibu the key to long life is stick to your medication and diet and arrange money for sugery and pray it goes well ( amen)

  12. Even in his testimony he still found a way of making some comic relief. Lol @ "my eye wen bin wan close all the time , e no waste me time I close am

  13. Thank God for your healing.

  14. Thank God for healing, but I hope you also is living a healthy life funny man.

  15. Thank God for your life Mr ibu

  16. Stella u have said it all. He should be wise

    1. So the man nor wise before? Some people here are so rude and insensitive. Una nor read say the man been dey hospital? Haba, people just be writing nonsense liver problem o, kidney .... whatever, na wah, so una hospital not dey work at all? People just be writing okpata in very rude manner.

  17. Mr Ibu should shake off the stigma and see a psychiatrist. These persecutory delusions and undue suspicions he is suffering from can be easily treated with antipsychotics. Everyone cannot be trying to poison you even at parties where most are strangers. Your bad diet is enough of a self-administered poison.

    These people keep going about wasting money on charlatans and misdirecting people to them only to end up in the psych ward broke and broken over a little issue.

    These scammers are always looking for someone with fame to advertise their market and then blame the person when the placebo effect wears off. This is spiritual abuse.

    Remember all the frauds who used Jim Iyke, Majek Fashek and that late older actor that looked like Don Jazzy. Now they are after Chiwetala Agu and Genevieve. Luckily for Genny, she is surrounded with more learned people who got her medical help for her ailments but Mr Agu's sojourn with them has just begun.

    1. You guys are just so silly! Same doctors that approve venom as vaccines now una put hope on. The spiritual controls the physical! I have had surgery in one best hospitals in London, they could not find anything! I am talking about West London! The topmost consultant, a woman was baffled, with what she say in the theater. She said , “You must be an angel to still be alive.this is beyond me” I did any invasive camera scan in a top hospital in NewYork. Doctors could not interpret the scan. The plan of household wickedness was for me to waste all my resources on medical solutions.By his stripes we are healed. I use prayer and fasting to manage the situation and faith word on healing !!!I do not trust the medical field anymore, because it’s had been taken over by the NWO. See people dying all over the world from vaccines. Satan
      is the root of all sicknesses. So if use medical to solve your problem good for you. If trust God to heal you divinely, then best.Shalom

    2. 14.48 You could't have said it any better.
      I love your reference to PLACIBO EFFECT and SPIRITUAL ABUSE.

      I am impressed with this comment section.

    3. Anon 15:37, the next time you come down with malaria, faith it and go without medication. Let us not get to hypertension or diabetes level. Just extend your faith to ordinary malaria fever for a week. Don't immunize your children, just faith it. It's easy to recommend suicide for someone else. You just put your money where your mouth is and throw out your entire drug cabinet because doctors and pharmacists isolated quinine from tree barks and isolate other chemical substances from snake venom.

      Instead of learning biology during night prep, you people will be in the field dodging studying in the name of fellowship.

  18. May God keep protecting you for the days of your life


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