Stella Dimoko Anambra State Gov Soludo Visits Nnamdi Kanu In Jail...


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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Anambra State Gov Soludo Visits Nnamdi Kanu In Jail...

These photos are so good to look out!
I pray that Nnamdi Kanu comes out soon and corrects all the mistakes he made with IPOB....

Kanu says it is not IPOB causing problems in the East and he would like an opportunity to address for peace!

Governor Soludo posted

''I visited Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, yesterday, (Friday, 13th May, 2022) to felicitate with him and also as part of the wider consultations with critical stakeholders in search of lasting peace and security in the South East.

He was in very high spirits and we had quality and frank discussion in a very convivial atmosphere. He expressed sadness over what he described as “sacrilegious killings” of innocent persons, kidnappings and all forms of criminalities, including the brutal enforcement of the senseless “sit at home” perpetuated by sundry groups claiming to be acting for or on behalf of IPOB. 

He assured that if the opportunity arises, he will be glad to personally broadcast to his followers to maintain the peace.

Together, we shall restore peace, security and prosperity in Anambra and the Southeast.
It is well indeed!''

CC. Soludo, CFR


  1. Exactly and this have been my position right from when things took a different turn in the East. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu(Ohamadike) after his court hearing next week should be granted audience with the journalist. Let him speak and cancel all sit at home and direct every criminals commiting crimes and killings to stop. Believe me, they will listen to him. Those doing this don't believe Kanu is against their nefarious acts even when he spoke through his lawyers. The people are saying they want to hear from him direct.

    If the government want what's happening in the East to stop, they should allow Ohamadike to speak to his people. Unless they have another motive to it.

    I want the peaceful Eastern region to return to what it's known for.

    I must commend Soludo for his visit and pray things are handled speedily to put an end to all that's happening in the Eastern region.

    1. Abeg close mouth TJ.
      Prison don humble am, you think he wouldnt say anything peace related to get out of there?
      When he was in UK, what tune was he singing???

    2. Kanu is not a leader but an opportunist. That declare violence on opposing voice. The violence in the Eastern part of the country is his making.

    3. Why didn't he cancel the silly sit at home when he was enjoying funds he conned off of gullible people? Why was he going to the USA to get people to donate money for guns and recruiting anemic vagrants into his boy scouts army if he wants peace? Why was he sponsoring illiterates and touts with guns and methamphetamine if he didn't want deaths? Why was he celebrating the arson and chaos his fellow thugs used to destabilize the END SARS protests if he wants peace?

      Hand done touch Mr DJ, he begin sing different tune. Man pass man. Power pass power.

    4. Teejay, do you realise that you have just admitted that those committing the killings etc aka unknown gun men are Kanu, and by extension, YOUR people?

      That he did direct them to cause mayhem?

      And by this admission, your Kanu is guilty by extension and must be charged for multiple murders; including that of the Very well respected husband of Dr Akinyuli, arson, kidnapping, destruction of government properties etc?

      Do you have any idea of the implication of your write-up?!

  2. Nice move my governor πŸ‘ Anambra lives

  3. this Kanu come fresh o, they are taking good care of him obviously.😏😏

  4. Nice one Governor.

    Two sons of Igboland. Fine men. Let's restore peace.


  5. Beautiful prison

  6. Nice move. Governor Soludo has interest of Anambraians at heart.

  7. Why didn't he end the sit at home when he was enjoying in hiding while his people suffered and died? Now, they have given him his own sit at home in a comfortable government facility, he is begging for microphone.

    1. People with your mindset are the problem of this country. A country the different ethnicities are so prejudiced against the other. Thus, they can not critically analyse the issues affecting other people so far as it does not affect them. I rest my case!

  8. See the body language of a real, learned and exposed democrat in comparison to that of an opportunistic wannabe leader.

    Hopefully, his unit in prison will continue to keep him warm.

  9. This is the only way peace can return to Igboland, whether we like it or not, or we agree or not, the thugs are too mindful of Kanu that what ever he says stands.
    Good move Soludo.

  10. Election 2023.


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