Stella Dimoko Shocking And Sad Story.....


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Sunday, August 07, 2022

Shocking And Sad Story.....

This shocking and sad story happened when this beautiful Lady was 12 years old!

Her Narration goes thus......

''What happened to me could be likened to an accident because I never expected it. However, it was my mother that chopped off my hands and slashed my face.

On that fateful day, while I was still very young, I woke up one night wanting to urinate, so my father asked my mother to lead me with a torchlight to the back of our house where I could urinate.

While I squatted to urinate, I didn’t know my mother had a machete in her hand. The next thing I remember was that she descended on me with the machete and I fell down. While I was down, she continued to cut me all over my body and I was screaming. It was then that my father rushed out and collected the machete from her and raised an alarm, which attracted the neighbours.

Unfortunately, by the time my father rushed out, my mother had already accomplished her intention. My father wanted to use the machete on her too but was stopped by the neighbours. Afterwards, my father got my mother arrested by the police. However, she’s late now. The incident happened in Edo State in 2013.”


  1. Oh my God. Wicked woman. Mother how?

  2. What kind of wicked and devil possessed mother is this? Could it be mental illness? So many questions on my lips.

  3. Jeez!mother from the pit of hell

  4. Was she ( the mother) possessed? Jesus!

  5. Am kinda of confused here...was the mum sick mentally?or possessed?or....I just don't understand how a mother will risk her life and bring a child into this world,yet wants to kill the same child... happy Sunday pals!

  6. Kai... Mother from the pit of hell

  7. OMG! Maybe she had mental problem.

  8. No reason was given why she did it? Hmmmmm!

  9. Na wa ooo. Imagine the pain the little girl went through. I guess the woman had mental problem, because no woman will deliberately cause harm to her child.

    1. Most likely mental illness.
      I have interacted with one who said the voices in her head asked to push her kids into a well

  10. Hmmm,Indeed evil spirit exit.
    I'm glad she's alive to tell her story.

  11. How can a mother did this to her own child.

  12. Not her real mother! step mum but she wasn't told! so she calls her, her mother! not her mother! Even mad women don't kill their kids but guard them jealously!

    1. Just Google "mothers killing their kids" you gonna be shocked by the amount of wickedness by some women to their kids

  13. Still thinking if that woman was normal cos a normal person cannot do such a thing to their own children.

    What crime did this girl committed, did she ask you to bring her into this world. If the mother has mental illness why didn't they take her to a place where proper treatment was to be given to her.

    This babe may never forgive her mother .

  14. Oh dear. So sorry. This pain can only be healed by God's love.
    Your mother was possessed by an unseen force beyond her. She allowed herself to be used by the devil. I am not surprise she is dead. If you are a woman that jumps from one native doctor to another one prayer house to another especially those that ask you to do one kind of sacrifice or another. Kindly retrace your steps before you are consumed by forces greater than you. Our God is a jealous God.

  15. I don't understand. What did your mother say was her reasons for doing it? Did she not talk before she died? This is so sad and it's deep.
    So sorry πŸ™

    1. Which kind question be this?the only time anyone is allowed to do this to another person is if the persons life is at risk from the other person and apparently from this story,that was not the case.

  16. LordπŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

  17. Wickedness! This is so painful and wicked

  18. I'm just dumfounded,if it's another person I would have said something but her own MOTHER?

  19. πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

  20. Sorry to digress. The general concensus is she is possessed or mentally ill. But if it were the father that did this it would be that he wants to use her for rituals or he's just a wicked man. It just brought to mind yesterday post. Some mothers are also horrible.

  21. Its either the woman is sick or possess,no mother can do that to her child.

  22. What could have been the reason?

  23. Nah. I refuse to believe that her own Mum could do this to her. Probably step mum with a touch of madness and possessed by evil spirits. Poor girl

  24. What kind of mother is this? Was she mentally ok? What prompted her to do this😳😩

  25. Jeez this is beyond wickedness. Sorry dear

  26. This post and yesterday’s post brought a lot of tears to my eyes . Not everyone deserves to be a parent.Some kids are better off taken away to loving foster homes than with abusive biological parents. When my dad died I couldn’t shed a tear till date. May God heal us all.

  27. How can a mother do a terrible thing like this to her own daughter 😲😲😲

  28. Probably the mum had mental problem or was possessed. Otherwise.... I don't know

  29. No matter what she did she doesn't deserve this kind of cruelty

  30. Story with no head or tail.

  31. Maybe she was possessed by evil spirit.

  32. Just like that,i think there must be some mystery behind this evil act

  33. Kai, I believe the mum wasn't mentally sound. So sorry dear.

  34. Stella some mothers are from hell I tell you. When we were little my mum used needle to sew my elder sister mouth that she's amebo. Yes my sister talk too much, anything that happen in our house she will tell yard people.If my parents fight she tell them,if our mum say anything about other neighbors she will go and tell them,but she was only a child. One day my sister told our neighbor that our mum said her husband doesn't have work that she's the one feeding the family,come and see fight that day.
    The following day,my mum told my sis that she want her to stay at home and help her with something,so we all went to school without her,not noing that my mum had a plan.She locked door and use needle and thread to sew her mouth.

    1. What!!!πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

    2. Jeez! What an abuse. Hope your sister is okay now? Meehn! This your story gave me goosebumps.

    3. Just speechless
      Needle and thread to sew mouth😭😭😭 can't imagine the pains

    4. I am sorry WHAT ?! Hope your sister is okay?

  35. Such a sad tale. The mother was sick.

  36. Too bad!!,no mother can do this to a child,l guess she wasn't mentally ok.

  37. I don't understand this story, was the woman sick or what? What was her intention for doing that to her daughter, this story is still not complete.

  38. Maybe the mother was not mentally okay or possessed.

  39. Who does that to her kids, only a wicked and heartless mother ..

  40. She's so beautiful and what a wicked mother.😭😭😭😭


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