Stella Dimoko Actress Omotola Jalade Compares Nigeria To The US After Living 2 Years In America


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Friday, January 27, 2023

Actress Omotola Jalade Compares Nigeria To The US After Living 2 Years In America


  1. Okay!!! After getting politicians money? and she is there talking gibberish! Talk is cheap. Give me a break!!!

    1. Don't mind the social butterfly that doubles as a climber

    2. the united stae is more than 265 years the queen that gave nigeria independence just died last year common give nigeria a break , nigeria is not called a third world for no reason, and also the reason you could thrive as an actress is Nigeria in holly wood you wont even get a waka pass role

    3. If Nigeria keeps going like this, even in 300 years, better no go dey

    4. I’m not a fan of Omotola nor do I understand her point when she has also eaten and they have contributed some stolen largesses to support her. Having said that, the change should start from YOU and I. When was the last time that any of us filed a tax or paid tax on a common water in Nigeria? Even from Miss Oversabi Omotola that have so much to complain about? Give me a break!!!

    5. Whatever you may think of Omotola, she is definitely not talking gibberish in this instance. The longer you continue to accept rubbish the longer you continue to eat shit. Una mumu never do? I tire ooo.

  2. Honestly, the suffering we go through as a people is needles. There's still hope for a better Nigeria.

  3. I just pray that one day,we will get it right in this country.

  4. Hmmm, if only we can speak with one voice☹️

  5. I have said it before that you do not know the actual level of decay in Nigeria until you have lived in a sane country and I still maintain that.

    1. I could have sworn with my life if need be that you must be here

    2. I swear Eka, as I am in Australia now I always feel sad about the state of Nigeria. I’m like but these politicians travel and see well organized countries yet do nothing at all back home. So frustrating 😡

    3. Milkshakes Eka is right ,you need to see how things are done in other countries without stress.

  6. Still pray for us

  7. Omotola, excuse me ! This is not new to you, while you were here you knew and saw of the decay, but you couldn't speak up, because of your daily bread, l guess.

  8. I agree with her. But many Nigerians think that suffering is something to brag about. I moved to Lagos in 2021 as a result of marriage and I have never found it appealing. The craziness, the roughness and lawlessness all over is appalling. I've been praying and begging my husband for us to leave this city and God has answered my prayers. By next week, I will be kissing Lagos "good bye".

    1. I will NEVER understand Nigerians' obsessions with denigrating the country. Nigeria has good parts and bad parts, very much like the US where she claims to live.
      There are safe places in the US, beautiful houses and surroundings. There are also slums in the US, places that an average Nigerian cannot believe is livable. Sometimes, the distance between these 2 places may not be more than 15 miles.
      There is kidnapping in Nigeria, there's mass gun violence in the US. There's tribalism in Nigeria, there's racism in the US.
      I have lived here longer than Omotola claims to have lived, the one true difference is the constant supply of electricity and water. Even water, there are places like Flint Michigan where you can't drink the tap water. As good as the power situation is I have experienced outage for a few hours in the last 6 months. My work places me as middle class in the US.

      What's my point? Every where has its own challenges. The grass is greener any where it is watered, we do the work, we see good results. No one is really 'better than' you. We just need to do the work. These utopian stories about other places are not always universally true. If a Gambian comes to Lagos and stays in Oriental hotel and environs, he/she will say Lagos is cool, if he it is Ajegunle, he/she'll say it is trash.
      Omotola's narrative about the US is not universally true, I'm glad like me, she can afford nice places in the US. She however needs to look around and see others in the same country that don't have it as good, respect Nigeria and try to contribute to solving her challenges.

    2. Nice one, anon@21:20.

  9. Nigeria 🇳🇬 go better soon✌🏻

  10. I worked for Saudi Telecom in Riyadh a few years back..... this was part of my complain... how come Saudi Arabia is like this?... a lot of our leaders come here regurlarly, do they not see how this place is?

  11. So she too has japa

  12. Japarians and diasporians .. after all said and done, there is no place like home. Home sweet home.

  13. I agree with her. Folks accept substandard as normal. It is unacceptable the things ppl accept as what they are due. The low value of self to make the system push you even lower cannot be good in the long run.

  14. I don’t even understand the people that are dissing her. She spoke the truth. You may not want to accept it, but then, that is also part of the problem.

    Yes people are japaing because of the mentality of an average Nigerian. Then you think about your kids, is this what they will encounter when they get older?

    People are japaing because there is no vision of things changing or getting better. Or of the people changing. It is still the same old thing. The Nigerian of today is worse than the Nigeria of 5 years ago, what I am saying, 2 years ago.

    Imagine trains derailing all over the country. Even the small effort made to develop the country, some mischievous people derailed the train.

    Every single good thing gets destroyed!

  15. Oh my gosh! Does it mean that all the celebrities can’t write. What’s with the capital and small letters in between sentences.

    Well, Madam you’ve spoken well no doubt. It takes the grace of God to thrive in Nigeria. However there’s no place like home.


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