Stella Dimoko Singer Oxlade Ordered To Pay N5million Damages To Lady He Secretly Recorded And Leaked The Tape On Social Media


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Friday, February 03, 2023

Singer Oxlade Ordered To Pay N5million Damages To Lady He Secretly Recorded And Leaked The Tape On Social Media

Secretly recording his act with a woman and thereafter leaking it on the Internet was described by the Judge as “despicable, horrendous, distasteful and classless.”

Justice Olalekan Oresanya of an Ikeja High Court has awarded N5million damages against singer Oxlade (real name Ikuforijimi Olaitan Abdulrahman) over a leaked s3x tape with a woman named John Blessing ..
The tape was leaked on Snapchat.

In the judgement dated January 24,2023 Justice Oresanya described the action of the singer, in secretly recording his act with a woman and thereafter leaking it online as “despicable, horrendous, distasteful and classless.”

The sex tape surfaced online in February 2022, without the knowledge and consent of the woman involved in the video.

The leaked video sparked public outrage, and forced Oxlade to tender an apology to his fans and to the woman in the video.

John Blessing filed a suit before the court on March 15, 2022 seeking N20million damages and a declaration that the respondent (Oxlade’s) act of recording his explicit sexual acts without her knowledge and consent amounted to flagrant contravention of enabling laws and a gross violation of her fundamental rights to dignity, privacy and freedom from discrimination guaranteed under Sections 34 and 37 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended); and Articles 5 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Ratification and Enforcement), Act, CAP A9, LFN, 2004.

After hearing counsel for the claimant, E. T. Idemudia and O. S. Mabekoje with U. R. Michael for the respondent, the judge had set for judgment when parties agreed to opt for amicable resolution via a consent judgement.

Delivering judgment in the matter, Justice Oresanya chastised the singer and cautioned him against such act in his relationship with the opposite sex in the future.

Oxlade is to pay the N5million damages awarded against him to the claimant in two instalments of N2million and N3million respectively.
Both aprtoes are also to keep certain aspect of the Judgement private otherwise there would be consequences...

from thenationonlineng


  1. Good,lessons to his fellow geng recorders.

  2. Babe is 5meters richer, with ashi daint on her personality, oxlade wetin u gain from leaking the nonsense tape.

    1. too the time she pays legal fees etc it won't be enough for the damages caused by the video

    2. Generally, no appeal against consent judgments. An intending appellant must meet very high conditions before a consent judgment is set aside. And if he appeals in this case, he is likely to pay the full N20m at the end of the case.


    3. 5million is chicken change to oxlade na, she should have started with like 50million!

  3. 5million naira? Maybe 10 or 15million would have been better. Such an irresponsible act.

  4. Very what?
    Very good.
    You can choose to nyash down and do pity party.
    Ladies you can choose to test the law and ensure that these useless oafs are brought to justice.
    There are tons of pro bono platforms especially devoted to issues like domestic violence, revenge porn etc.
    Peasant hungry 'star' that cannot pay 5m in bulk, he has to pay in bits and pieces. Mtshewwwwww.

  5. Very good. Stupid boys doing this shit for long. Now is the time for people to face heavy punishment.

    The girl should not leave 10 kobo out of the money

  6. Good judgement. This will serve as a lesson to others.

  7. They should make sure he pay every dime. Foolish boy.

  8. 5mil is not enough for the crime,but it is fair.
    Stupid man and don't even know the yeye song he even sang sef, nonsense!

    1. He sings well but he is a wicked person.

    2. Yes. That's a very wicked act. Ladies avoid men like this!

    3. Very classless ratchet rubbish man with filthy doings , wickedness promax

    4. Never looked at his music same way again... Whenever he comes on, I zone out. A wicked man!

    5. Success L, same goes for me with Tiwa's music.

  9. stupid boy....lesson to other irresponsible boys....ladies pls be careful who you sleep with. close your legs till you are sure of their characters

  10. Can't takeaway the damages done though

  11. Wicked boy. πŸ˜’πŸ™„

  12. Hope he got the needed money and sugar mummies from the video? If so? 5milla na small change.

    1. Nothing good comes out of such actions, stop promotion male or female prostitution

  13. Very good. He was feeling like an OX then. Mumu Oxlade. Hope those boys cheering him then will learn there're consequences for every foolish action. Nigeria is getting better. Justice served even though the money is small.

  14. I can't tell what some people really gain for causing pain to others... SMHπŸ˜ͺ

  15. What is 5m naira with the damage his has done. At least they should have billed him high so that others can learn from this.

  16. 5m is too small compared to the damage done to her reputation,


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