Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....


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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative....



Dear Stella.
This second term, my child started telling me about a kid that was demoted from a higher class into their class, in this same second term. Let's call this kid "Dee".
From what I gathered Dee has learning disability.
Recently my kid has been "exictedly" telling me that their teacher calls Dee coconut head and tells Dee that Dee will remain in that class forever, that other kids will come to that class and leave Dee in that class and get promoted before Dee.
What should I do?

Hmmmmm approaching the kid's parents is not a good idea and reporting that teacher from what your child told you is hearsay technically but you have to do what you have to do by reporting to any body that can caution the teacher...

You also need to know that repeating what your child told you might warrant your child being secretly punished or ostracised for it....
What if the childs parents dont care enough to do anything about it? change your childs school once you take it up- 


  1. What kind of teacher is that?? She should be reported.

    1. Please reach out to the parents of the child, it’s good for them to know what their child is facing as this would be affecting other areas of the child’s life. Please make them promise not to disclose their source. Better still, reach them anonymously if you can, but they need to know what is going on and who is responsible. Hopefully they can afford to take the child to a special school.

  2. Hmmmmmmm

    This issue no get wahala at all. Get to know the teacher and have a discussion with him/her. Let him/her understand that, teachers are to be role model and not only that,they are to motivate and with love identify each child's academic problem and profer solutions to them

  3. Escalate it to the headmistress first... Such things shouldn't be teachers. And if they try to bully your child, blow it. After all the victim can speak..he or she can corroborate what the teacher has been saying.

  4. Dear OP, do whatever you would have done if that child was urs. You sound like a good mother.
    Dear mothers, don’t always form gentle dove in ur child’s school and don’t be rude too, but let them know that you are vocal and would address anything you are not comfortable with, in the school

  5. Why don't you anonymously send a message to the school prop. Or call out the teacher online stating the name of the school and class teacher anonymously in other to protect your child.
    This lifeeeeh hmmmm u might think your child might be the one in danger but only for you to find out in the other side of the world, but God forbid. People can go at any length to revenge. That teacher everyone might consider a nobody can be related to the deadliest cult leader of your town that can kpai you in a sec. Be careful.

  6. I know teaching someone and and not getting results is frustrating but that does not warrant using derogatory words on that child,as a teacher you must be kind, patient and understanding to a child's plight,please find a way to speak to the teacher.Using positive words will also encourage that child and even other learners there.

  7. Please report to the owner of the school or wait till parents/teachers conference and bring it up.

    Sound it as a warning or advice to the teachers to stop using demoralizing/derogatory words on the kids


    1. I like this idea,say it during the PTA meetings like you're advicing them because you heard some students saying things about some teachers using derogatory terms which can destroy the child self esteem,that they should do better and motivate their students.

  8. Madam don't put your child in trouble sha

    1. How? Schools ain't scarce. If you're scared to stand up for your child simply coz you don't want your child to be in trouble with a teacher, then don't give birth.

    2. Child in trouble how?

  9. Please, talk to that child’s parents.
    Let your son repeat it in their presence and they’ll take it from there.
    That child is already going through so much and instead of encouraging and supporting him with beautiful words, she’s doing the exact opposite.
    She is a bully, don’t spare her.


    1. Write a note to the child's parent with detailed information. Pay a random person N1k to give it to them when they drop the children off at school. Case closed. Let them question their child and do the needful.

  10. If you report to the school authority, your child will be blamed and punished directly or indirectly.
    Just keep an eye on the teacher anytime, you might be luck to catch her scolding the kid..
    Then you can call her aside and give her your advice.

    1. Nooooo she is already making that child feel very uncomfortable.
      It is better she makes the move now.


  11. The method the teacher is using is wrong but you should Do nothing. What if that is the push Dee needs to pick himself up and do better.
    The best you can do is to explain to your child why he should not laugh at Dee, but rather to encourage him to study hard so that he can be promoted. Also encourage your child to remember Dee in his prayers.

    1. Are you serious? Are you serious?!!!!!!!
      The kid has a LEARNING DISABILITY for chrissake!!! He doesn't need that kind of wicked push. Jeez!!!

    2. You are out your damn mind. You think someone struggling is going to do better being verbally and emotionally abused. May you meet a boss like the teacher to see how motivated and harder you work after being raked through the coals, not to mention the effect it has on your psyche and how you treat your loved one. Abuse in any form should never be accepted!

    3. Wow, anon 15:37, so breaking down the child psychologically and otherwise is the push you think the child might need? You must be a vile person yourself!

    4. You’re wicked and ill informed
      You can never get good results using shame
      She should use someoke failure as a motivation for her child?

      Omo una dey mud me
      What a mentality

  12. What a wicked teacher. Just like a wicked demon soul that has said to someone out envy, you can't be this.
    He goes behind doing all sorts to make sure the person is not going forward for them to blame the person for not being serious.

    Why am I saying this? if this is true, the teacher has shown dislike towards that child. Such attitude can also affects the child's performance. Not all teachers are well trained to handle kids.
    Telling him that he will remain there forever means she doesn't care.

    I would have said you should report the teacher or tell Dee's parents, but you were not there and the teacher may deny.

  13. That teacher is so unprofessional.
    Poster Stella's advice is so on point.
    I feel so sorry for that child, I believe if the right teacher handles the child, there will be much improvement.

  14. Gbam! best advise from Stella, well done Stella.

  15. Poster if you know Dee's parents please report to them so they can withdraw him or caution the teacher. Only that they must not mention your name. Otherwise you report to the headmistress. Imagine if that was your child? This is so damaging to Dee's psyche. Thst teacher ought to be sacked.
    Please I beg you to find Dee's parents and tell them what is going on, please.

  16. Speak to the parents of the child. Let them set up a recording device either on the child or in their school bag. Then they will have evidence to show the school administrators or file a lawsuit against the teacher.

    1. And if they choose to file a lawsuit, they should sue both the school as well as the teacher. This is very unacceptable and damaging to a young person.

  17. This kan teacher sef. Talkative. If you report to the school na wahala for your pikin. My advise is educate you child to know that the teacher's statements were wrong. It would help change the way he would react when the teacher makes such statements again.

  18. Talk to the head of the school about it. Not all teachers can cope about special child . Public schools would have been better option for that child speaking from experience.

    1. All teachers can refrain from being verbally or physically abusive to a pupil irrespective of the child’s learning capacity. No excuses should ever be made for such behaviour!

      If the child is unable to keep up with the material then the teacher should speak with the principal or a senior teacher to see what approach they should take. Will they tailor separate lessons specific to the child’s ability, explore doing an assessment to determine what is going on with the child, or suggest to the parents to send the child to an alternative school? I have dealt with some high functioning autistic adults and have met some students who were labeled with a learning disability in their younger years who are now at the university. Abuse is never the answer. There is a way to help these students.

  19. To be called a teacher means you have to be patient , loving and encouraging. You have to be restless until you achieve your goal of imparting positively without giving up on that pupil or student. If a particular student keep lingering behind, what will be your joy? Poster , you can send an anonymous message to the headmistress that she should address her teachers as a whole (You can even say it in PTA meetings without mentioning names)to stop using demoralizing words on their students because these kids do not forget whatever negative words being spoken to them.

  20. You need to speak with the child's parent so that they can help that child out before that teacher finally destroyed that child.

  21. Commot your child from that school or class. Na so the teacher go dey call all of them name, even abuse them join.
    Foolish adult.

  22. If that was your child, what would you like done? It's that simple.

  23. My advice is: speak to your child about the reason while Dee is demoted to that class and while she needs to show love and compassion to him. Secondly, call your child's teacher and speak to her about the consequences of what she's doing. If she refuses to change, then I'll advise you report to the school management because that's pure bullying. God will help all our educators of today.

  24. Poster, I feel you should confront the teacher personally to ask her why she's talking like that. Probably she doesn't know any better. Tell her to talk to the parents of Dee to see what they can do for the child

  25. Wicked teacher, I hate it when someone uses derogatory words not to talk on using it on a child. That teacher needs to be taught a lesson I think you should report to the school authority they should be able to call her to order.

  26. befriend and talk to Dee's parents. i never knew my sister had a disability until i started getting calls from her class to come and clean her up or finish her homework. not sure my parents knew too, at that time. He should be enrolled in a special school to cater for his learning disabilities.


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