Stella Dimoko The Lekki Liar.


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Saturday, October 03, 2015

The Lekki Liar.

This is a long read and a true story....OMG!

I used to say ‘if it looks too good to be true, it usually is’. My theory was proven right a little more than three months ago.
Let me start with some background information about myself so you’ll get a little acquainted with where I’m coming from.

I’m from a highly dysfunctional family. My parents were living together and did only the traditional introduction, they never married. My mom had constant miscarriages when my father impregnated another woman. This other woman would then call the house and threaten my mother to leave ‘her’ husband’s house. My mom would tell my dad about the anonymous calls and he would brush them off as ‘prank calls’.

You see, my dad was, is and will forever be an accomplished liar. It’s not something I’m proud to admit to anyone, but I’ve accepted it as my cross. I have a liar as a father, I’ll do myself good to work hard and be the direct opposite. It’s not easy, it’s actually a depressing reality, but it’s MY reality.
The other woman eventually summoned the courage and came to the house with a big belly and met my mother. The cat was out of the bag and pops couldn’t deny at this point. My over-understanding mother allowed the woman move in and that was her biggest mistake. 

She had twin boys for my father. Long story short, the new woman and her mother got diabolical and my mom had to leave to save her life. Pops went to my mother some weeks later and convinced her he had driven the other woman away. My mother believed, came back and after some weeks, realised it was a lie. My dad had put them in a rented apartment and had even gone to pay the other woman’s dowry. My mom left for good this time but she was pregnant. With me.

Let me put this out there: I have a big issue with lying. Do I lie? Of course, I’m human. Am I good at it? Damn right! Do I lie often? NO. But you see, my father lies about EVERYTHING. The sky, the weather, his health, his family, his business, my mom even says his birthday is probably a lie. So it’s a big burden when your father speaks to you and you don’t know if it’s a lie or if it’s true. You realise you’d rather be safe to believe whatever he spews is a lie. Most times, it usually is. Not having a father you can believe in, even slightly, is a girl’s worst nightmare.

I grew up with my mom and my half-brother (my mom had tried to re-marry. Didn’t work out). Life was simple and beautiful in Festac till my mother had a stroke shortly after we moved to Abuja and had to move closer to family in Asaba. I came to live with my dad, his wife and my half-brothers during NYSC in 2010 and realised my mom had been fair to him and had kept the bad sides of him from me. Sure, she’d told me some truths but I got to realise how bad he was when I moved in. Anyway, the point here is I know how a lying mind works to an extent now, so let’s fast forward to 2013.

I work in a bank in Lekki. This guy comes in asking for one of those services the bank doesn’t offer. He’s not a bad-looking dude but he acts entitled and pompous so the meeting doesn’t really end well. Fast forward to 2014, I start following this intelligent guy on twitter because I have a weakness for smart asses (I broke up with the hottest, most caring guy because he’s not an intellectual). Move to 2015, I realise the smart ass is the same annoying guy from 2013. So I chip a comment asking him to be less grumpy when next he visits the bank and he says ‘ok, say hello next time’.

He visits the bank weeks later and I walk up to say hello and direct messages (DMs) came in after that. They were totally harmless, I was being friendly, I still have the DMs. We met up outside his house some days later and basically lamented about the fuel scarcity together. It was the first time I’d sit with someone and talk for hours at a first ‘meeting’. Simple, fluid conversations without a lot of effort. I was giddy!
We exchanged pins and numbers that night and the calls started. He invited me to spend the night at a house he had somewhere in Ajah about a week after. I felt that was too early in our acquaintance and told him, so he eased off and said we’d just chill and see movies, then I’d go home.  I thought about it, berated myself for being too uptight and I agreed.

We didn’t even get to see the first 20 mins of the movie, we made out and he kept trying to initiate sex. At some point, I lashed out and he backed down. There was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Eventually we did have sex a week later, it wasn’t totally consensual. He used the ‘don’t worry I won’t go in’ line. Stupid me, I fell for it. I felt terrible immediately, maybe because I’m not a fan of casual sex but deep down, I knew that wasn’t it. It just felt wrong, I felt convenient.

I found out the next day that he was married. You cannot imagine how I felt. Sucker-punched. I felt used, abused, violated, manipulated, angry, I’d let myself down. I was almost sick. Why did he have to lie? To what end? Nigga is a successful lawyer (read liar), smart, witty, intelligent, popular. So why?
And why ME? This guy is a successful writer, blogger, radio talk-show guest speaker, political critic, economic critic, the whole works.
I learnt he’d done it to some other girl before; he had lied that his wife was his sister until someone exposed him. I also learnt he’d raped a member of his church who had to relocate to Abuja when the shame was unbearable. I became obsessed with learning the truth, and found out he had a joint account with his wife in my branch. What pained me though was that Google brought up nothing about his being married. I had checked him out on Google when we had first started talking just to be careful. Till now, I still feel betrayed by Google.

I didn’t tell him my findings. I recalled how on earlier occasions he’d ask me if I could date a married man and I’d say never. Then he’d ask if I could date a man who was separated and I’d say never. Then he’d ask if I could date a divorcee and I’d say, it was possible but not an option I’d like to be faced with. The questions finally made sense. I also remember how I’d say to him ‘anything that looks too good to be true usually is’ and he’d lambast me for my pessimism and tell me how I was going to destroy a good thing with my doubts. He’d talk about love and beg me to be his girlfriend and I’d say I didn’t know him well enough yet.

I started planning with my friends on how to embarrass him publicly. I was wounded. I have a couple of friends who are mutual friends with his wife from secondary school and university. That was how I found out about the marriage. I had casually mentioned it to my girls that there was a new guy who seemed like a perfect fit and when I mentioned his name, one of them responded with ‘he’s married to so and so person’.

I showed up at his home in Lekki one day to throw him off balance. His wife was home. I knew because he kept trying to keep me from coming but I wasn’t having it. Then he told me some preposterous story about his neighbour having an accident at home: she’d fallen down the stairs, an ambulance was outside and how he was at her house and couldn’t leave her bedside just yet (all this was to buy time for his wife to leave the house. I was parked outside). After some minutes, he claimed the neighbour was now discussing business and he didn’t know how to get off. I responded with ‘tell her you left something on and you need to go turn it off before your house catches fire. Your house will burn in 10 minutes’. When his wife was finally about to drive out he said, ‘I’m home, where are you?’. I responded with ‘liar, I’m outside your house’. 

As a sharp brother, he responded with ‘I went in through the back gate’ (I knew there was no back gate). Then he went ‘my sis is about to drive out, let me open the gate for her’ and I sat there and watched in disbelief as his wife drove out while he pretended to be on the phone so as not to acknowledge my presence till she left. I watched knowing what he was doing in awe. The part that disgusted me though was when he tried to take me to his matrimonial bedroom. I was sick to my stomach. I hated him in that moment and told him I had to leave. That was the day I knew I had to show him. It was unfair to his wife. It was unfair to me. I’m pretty sure that’s the pattern my father had perfected. This lover of mine was like a mini version of the man.

The plans to embarrass him didn’t work as he never showed for the proposed hangout with my friends and I. He was smart about it. When I couldn’t deal anymore, I made him meet me at work on a weekend and confronted him with his wedding pictures I’d  gotten from his wife’s instagram. His response of ‘I knew you would find out because you’re friends with so and so person, let me explain’ enraged the devil in me. So he knew his wife and I had mutual friends (which was why he never showed for the hangouts. Wise bastard that he is). I was so freaking mad I wasn’t having any explanation so I walked him out.

After a week of mulling it over and simmering down, I made another foolish decision, I decided to hear him out (I’m so stupid). I needed to know why. There too many unanswered questions in my head. We met up and he gave me a sob story of how he had been having communication issues with his wife and thought that if he proposed, things would get better but they didn’t so he was currently separated from his wife and processing a divorce. He spoke about how a broken marriage isn’t something you’re proud of so you don’t publicise it which explained why people didn’t know (this made sense) apart from his immediate family. I did the next stupid thing, I somewhat could see the sense in what he was saying (they sounded logical) and I decided to believe some of it (foolishness doesn’t get any higher than this). He apologised about not telling me he was married, begged with everything pure on the face of the earth and I decided I was being too judgmental (you see why they call women gullible).

 I even attacked him about the day his wife was driving out and he claimed it was his sister. Guess his version? She lived with a friend around and needed to borrow a car and since they were not enemies, he asked her to come for one. Told some silly story of how she even tried to kiss him and he had a panic attack because I (his wonderful girlfriend to be) was outside and his estranged wife was begging for a kiss (the guy’s tales are legendary).
I told him I couldn’t trust him anymore and we couldn’t be friends but my anger was gone, he could move on with his life while I’d move on with mine. He was allowed to show me divorce papers and I’d consider taking his story seriously. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t being wise at all. I felt I had found him out, he had apologised and everything was over. I let my guard down again and decided that people couldn’t be that bad, he was probably someone who had made some bad decisions and just needed help. BIG MISTAKE. We were at it again. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. He’d come to visit, we’d talk, banter, argue, laugh. A part of me knew, deep down that he was lying. Sometimes I’d berate myself for being such a doubting Thomas, other times it’d be so glaringly obvious I’d stop talking to him for days. But I couldn’t specifically say what it was he lied about. He was playing mind games and winning, I was losing. I knew.

Imagine my renewed outrage when I found out that even the second phase of the friendship was a farce and it was something he did as a pastime: slide into DMs, be nice and witty just to get some. Me, who lives with the chief of all liars got fooled by a learner. Me, who considers myself smarter than the average doe-eyed female. He didn’t even fool me once, he fooled me TWICE! Even told me another version of the rape story, about how the sex was consensual but the girl claimed it was rape because she had a boyfriend and she was ashamed.
My birthday was around the corner, so I waited to hear the tale he would tell just to avoid celebrating me as a friend. He didn’t disappoint at all. 

He gave one see-through lie of how his phone crashed on that day, he forgot, thought it was the next day, blablabla…that’s when I decided I needed to find out the truth for myself. I stopped speaking to him for good. I knew the numerous lies, but I didn’t know the truth and everything was beginning to mess my head up.
I found a way to meet his wife and ask questions. I found out that there was no separation, no divorce, and no marital issues. They live together, they’ve been married for almost 2 years, their home is his family home which they moved into when his mom died last year (he claimed he rented it himself after his mom died because he needed a bigger house for his siblings and himself just to keep up the Lekki big boy charade).

Some wounded lioness apparently anonymously went to subdeliveryman to embarrass him on twitter but it didn’t work.  I was monumentally shocked out of my senses when other people began to confirm the stories and other women and another house in Yaba. I was dumbfounded. He brushed it off like an unfounded rumour and has moved on, happy with the new followers the publicity has gained him. I remember one time he was upset because of a Twitter glitch that made him lose about 3 thousand followers and the joy he used in announcing when the glitch was corrected. He feeds off his alter-ego on twitter, he’ll probably die without it. He could never miss a twitter organised event, it was always an opportunity to shine.

His wife wanted proof. I had none. I wasn’t asking her questions to give her armour. I needed the truth. Whatever she wanted to do was her own choice, marriages have survived worse. I was just tired of wondering, I needed the full story. Now that I know the truth, and that he has a long list of victims, he has to regret ever looking at me and thinking ‘this one looks stupid enough to be manipulated’. I admit he is skilled at what he does, he deserves either an award or psychological help because he has deep sated issues. The kind we only watch displayed by serial offenders on T.V. Be it serial rapists, killers or paedophiles.
I’m not about to let it go. It has to end and I need help.

His name is [redacted by editor] on twitter. He’s a serial sexual predator and this is a true story.

culled from

Hmmmmm......NA WAH OOOOOO!


  1. Hmmm na wa oh, wonders shall never end

    1. Ms. Writer, your intuition(God's best gift to women) told you everything you needed to know but you ignored it. Men are hunters, only disciplined ones don't lie/cheat.

    2. So I spent over 10 minutes of my precious time reading this rubbish? Adonbelivit.

      What's the connection between your family history/background and your relationship with the serial liar? The story is disjointed abeg.
      You were just being dumb or carried away.

      Stella please do not bore us with such tales next time, I beg you. Thanks in advance.

    3. Pls what's the moral of this rubbish story?

    4. I don't even know what to say to this story. What a long weekend

    5. Awwww! This story is a bomb. I mean it's well articulated. This girl is just good. I enjoyed reading with. I love your intelligence girlfriend.

      Hey, look at this:. "What pained me though was that Google brought up nothing about his being married. I had checked him out on Google when we had first started talking just to be careful. Till now, I still feel betrayed by Google" come on girl, you are too intelligent for this explanation. So, I will just leave it there.

      Now listen to this, I really need to tell you something; LET IT GO, FORGET ABOUT THIS MAN AND HIS LIE. Life is too beautiful for you to be messing yourself in a squared hole. Wave him bye. That's it.

    6. Why was his name redacted nahhhh people have used twitter to shine o.

      I'm interested in his twitter handle biko

    7. Poster sorry for what you went through. Lesson learned ; we all make mistakes, guy is obviously a lying fraud, move on. Sadly in this kind of society he will keep sleeping with women and his wife will stay and be sending chronicles here, I can't imagine how many women she fought to marry him, sadly you will be slut shamed.
      I know you feel hurt and upset but you need to let this go before it hurts you anymore.

      Don't be angry with the backlash from women on this blog or Nigerian women in general, most are married to lying cheats and managing, the rest are sleeping with married cheats, only few still keep their sanity

    8. Ur sin was going back to him after all ur friends told u!ah ah!are u the type that have problem with moving on dat u preferred d familiar suffering'?u couldn't trust ur instincts talk more of ur friends?haba!next time trust one!
      The guy is a smooth operator and u were just one of his many gullible desperate victims.if u told me u ripped him off financially as ur pay back d second come back,i would have declared u smart!so basically all ur gain was chats and intellectual discussions?#rme
      for now u are a still a learner jare,shine ur eyes next time!

    9. All I am interested is who d guy is. . Story long sha
      Gurl u wanted attention he gave u the attention. .. u fell for him so don't kee yourself for making a big mistake. . All u have to do is forgive your self and move on with life.

      Revenge won't get you anywhere o..

    10. Sounds so much like that Nmasinachi girls story with that olufemi guy.
      anyway, we should learn to trust our intuitions If it is too good to be true, IT IS!!! the ratio of single guys to married ones ia very very low. 70% of the comfortable under 40 men are married, home to abroad! Be careful ladies
      Poster, lick your wounds and move on. Deed is done, be wiser next time. Shame on him for fooling you the first time, shame on you he fooled you again....

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Palomnogeh English is not by force o...Go back and check what the word redacted means, and then come back...

    13. Excuse me. Yeah Yeah Yeah. If this is solely for entertainment then I enjoyed it as such. But if otherwise, then I have this to say....

      ...Being intelligent with words isn't enough to conquer the real world. You'lld need more than that. I lost hope in your smartness at the beginning of this article, where you said that u were partially raped when u first had sex with him. And that he used the usual line ...'I won't penetrate' to savour u. Give me a damn break will ya?

      ...Listen girlfriend, u cannot manipulate ur audience with reverse psychology... u wanted that shit as much as the guy wanted it and u gave in.. nothing wrong in that u know. So expect no pity cos he didn't manipulate u, u were ready and u had it. Also, I know you've slapped yourself on the cheek were necessary, as u admitted u were attracted to him for various reasons. But all I noticed is that u were being subservient to a greater authority in the game of intelligence.
      You strike as one who's smart, and so was/is he. But unfortunately he beat u to it... so eh. Why not let it go? Do you think that his wife doesn't know more than u do? Or you think she's not as smart as both of u put together? I think the man only plays this sort of game with girls outside his home... girls like YOU who think that they are the smartest. While the wife in the end will laugh at you all. That wife of his ain't going no where, she's staying put no matter what. And she'll keep reading articles of woe like this one from her husband's victims. I honestly do not think that you should make a show of your folly any further, even though you were tricked, as u put it. I don't see where this will end.. maybe it'll shame the guy and save other less intelligent girls from his game. Just maybe..

      But the guy did this to you prolly because you walked around with a chip on ur shoulder when he first met you at the bank. Or perhaps, because of the witty DM u sent to his social media to get his attention. He came at you after u initiated the DM.. didn't he? So, you were his case study and he conquered you. Ahahah... I'm sorry but this is my view after reading ur narrative.

      OK bye

    14. Dear gullible have been deceiving women to sleep with them since 1660! So why are you acting all up. Stop hurting unnecessary. ..face your work.

      Next time try to collect as much money as you can. Stop sitting on dicks for free. HER EXCELLENCY

  2. She knowingly had an affair with a married man and still wants to be viewed as the victim.

    Writing prowess doesn't compensate for smarts. She wants smart men, too bad she isn't smart herself. At least she's "smart" enough to write about her loses!

    Stella was wise to take off his Twitter handle. This is only one side of the story. Even if her account turns out to be 100% true, so what? You dated a man that you knew was married, he added you to his long list of owns, that's all!

    Instead of being mad and vindictive, smarten up!

    The entitlement/victim mentality of females sicken me.

    Bankers have always been easy anyway.

    1. Choi! Painful, but I agree!

    2. You must be really out of your mind to have said bankers have always been easy. Am sure you attract set of irresponsible people like you.

    3. God bless you! She is no victim.... once you have displayed a certain level of stupidity, it becomes a crime to even tell the story like you know it all and are very wise.
      The writer of this story needs to go seat her scorned ass somewhere.
      Imagine the introduction to this foolishness.... even using her mother's woes to whip up sentiments. I can't deal abeg.

    4. I love you already anony. Her writing prowess can never compensate for her foolishness

    5. I wondered the same. Why didn't she simply leave him when she foumd out about his marriage. I don't think she was a victim at least not the second time.

    6. Hmmm anon, sure you ain't the man in question?

    7. ..because of big judgemental mouth like una that's why people hardly tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


    8. I don't agree that bankers Are easy but you as so right.. Why didn't she walk away the first time you found out?? I don't have 50kobo sympathy for her.. Abeg move on, next time gbensh a married man and then turn around to cry..

    9. No mind the ASHAWO! See why you hate your father's pathological lying nature? It reminds you of YOU. You are not only a liar, you are a HOME BREAKER. Swear that you going to 'ask' the wife questions was not with the motive of finding out if she is about to or will leave her husband? See na God go punish you. You are a partaker in the adultery AND you are a mean creature. Here's why I say so: you SAW the man's wife leave home; you SAW he was lying about it, you still carried on the relationship IN THE HOPE that he will leave his wife for you. Reality check: men like that NEVER leave their wives. You are a prostitute, sadly you mor dey collect money inside the matter. Abeg leave the man alone. He DID NOT chase you - YOU chased him. Let him be. Ashawo.

    10. Well said Anon. Not all bankers are easy though but majority of them are.

    11. Oh dear. Exactly what I said up there before reading ur comment. Thank God someone shares my view.

  3. Wow.
    Too long abeg.
    I dey read law of tort i no fit join this one mbok.
    Cuss me and. Loose ur front tooth

    1. Lmao.
      My dear don't bother reading.
      The story sef no get head or tail

    2. Lmao, I would have cursed u but, I no wan loose my precious from teeth lol

    3. Lol! It's not even worth reading really.

    4. Lol @cuss me and loose ur front tooth

    5. Bae I had a first class for it. I can help if you need anything ...

  4. Kaelo's story Don enter SDK?? LMAOO! It's allover twitter though....

    1. I laugh, he has been a legendary liar from our uni days.
      Thank God for inheritance. Is his marriage up to 2 years tho?
      Na hin kess wan die untop hin matter then for skool.
      But hin wife be like man sha, God forgive me maybe she get good character I pity the girl she seems so fragile.

    2. Bunch of sapiosexuals...

    3. Oh thank u for this let me go and hound him on twitter.


    4. I have a similiar story. I'd send it


  5. Polygamy is a somewhat controversial topic. Even religious scholars don't seem to have come to an agreement as to it's being a sin or not. It's one of the topics that is not explicitly addressed in the bible. While some say it's not a sin, giving examples of great men in the old testament bible such as Solomon, David and the likes, others say it is wrong as Jesus preached being a husband of one wife (see 1Tim 3:2).

    I am one of those that do not accept polygamy and again it's MY OPINION. We are living in the new testament dispensation where things have changed. Jesus came to modify (not change entirely) some of these laws. There are lots of things that were acceptable in the past that are no longer ( eg instead of an eye for an eye Jesus preached forgiveness). Solomon also had concubines, so are you saying it's also okay for a married man to have concubines as well?

    I simply don't understand how you can be ONE with two or more women. Polygamy breeds partiality and jealousy. Even as parents we have that favourite child but we treat them all equally. Also what is the motive behind marrying another wife if not lust? If a man can comfortably marry more than one wife then the society should also accept a woman marrying more than one husband (who no like better thing?)

    Anyway Mr. Ignorant Barney, if you feel polygamy is right you can go ahead and marry 10 wives, it's none of my business. Nothing changes my opinion about this issue and it doesn't make me ignorant again. Muslims accept it because their role model (Prophet Muhammed) did it. Jesus Christ (my role model) didn't even marry ONE!  If you read my comment on that post I said "I won't judge him" I have no problem with whoever marries who. I have my own husband and i am happy and content with that. But if you are a public figure then you must be prepared to face public scrutiny. This is the last time I will be granting you any form of audience, master of ignorance!

    1. Jane kraine biko ozugo o? It haff do. The person you are referring to thinks he knows everything, and exchanging words with him will do you no good. Never seen a man with such uncouth morals....

    2. @jane : so you expect us to read your long epistle?
      Who you help?
      The one up there is enough mbok!

    3. Potable, no she doesn't expect you to, no one who's read your shallow and comments here would expect you to.In fact, it'll come as a surprise if you do.Intelligent comments like this isn't meant for your comprehension.

  6. #scoffs# Read this on Laila's... Abegi,this gurl should go and rest! Who cares! Leave this man and live ur life biko... Shii happens


    1. Wetin u dey talk sef?ddid he sleep with u with his clothes on?did u not consent to it?ddid he force u to believe his lies?you didn't lose unless u decide as far as I'm concerned U slept with him too,saw his D grabbed his pimple ridden butt and gave him head just the way he did u,abi u no enjoy am?why complaining???hes married u didn't know at first so no karma der.i hate it when girls sleep with men and cry wolf,u slept with them too andd uuud and ahhhhd as they had de guts to tell me "I f'd u"!my reply was yes and I f'd u too guess what u were bad In bed!!na der tory end.monve on jare na today?

  8. Wow!!!!! Always pay attention from your instinct. This is a true version of all that glitters is not gold. It is well with you.

  9. This is fucking too long but I read it to the very end.... What do I make out of this now? The sender is a very good writer .....

    1. Babe should just accept the fact that she's been played by the nigga and move on. Shit happens after all.

    2. This writer annoyed the hell out of me . First of all, with the way you claimed to know liars and can easily spot them out, seeing as you lived with one, you shouldn't have even fallen victim at all.Even if I decide to cut you some slack, considering the fact that you're also human, and as such prone to mistakes, I can understand the first time. But the second time, and with all the signs so glaring? Damn girl! !!!You have no one but yourself to blame. Therefore, you're in no way allowed to play "the victim" card.You fell the second time because you wanted to!!!! I would have joined the bandwagon to tell you to lick your wounds and move on, but I won't cuz you speaking up would hopefully help other girls who would have fallen victim to this beast in human format.

    3. Sassy, over confidence and self pride is what she exhibits. Which was what the guy saw and decided to teach her a lesson. And I hope this attitude doesn't destroy her future with other men. The self adulation was just too much abeg

  10. Replies
    1. This definitely doesn't touch my heart!
      She wasn't lured into it
      She willingly allowed herself be deceived
      Curiousity kils the cat

      Maybe this guy is good @ it an she love sex with him
      He bang her "real good"
      Maybe he is a good spender, handsome, good dresser and what have u!

      My candid advice to u is to move on girl
      U cant hurt or expose him nada
      He is used to it
      U will end up more bitter
      Now ur acting like a "scorned lover"
      Not his fault at all cos u saw all the signs and still went head dip!
      Am not sorry for u at all
      I hope u learn a lesson or two from this
      Next time think with ur head and not ur PUSSY like u did!

    2. I think another way to look at this is that she is trying to create awareness abt the guy. Trying to warn other girls out ther not to fall for for his antics. My two cents

  11. Liars! Tell me about them!
    I'm no longer active on twitter I should have easily guessed who he was/is.
    Your Dad's case though, is it psychological or spiritual? Is it even possible for it to be spiritual? I really need to know.
    Please SDK don't delete comments calling him out o, afterall your disclaimer is there already.

    1. If I tell you people my encounter with one Lekki liar years ago. Lmao! That nigga could lie for Africa. This fella had his family abroad but was claiming to be an eligible bachelor in Lagos. I used that muhfuh like he was my bleeping houseboy and totally messed with his head; poor nitwit thought at the end of the day I'd fuck him. Haha, the joke was on him! That's how you treat liars girl. Sorry for what happened to you though. Always listen to your instincts because most times, it's spot on.

  12. Blah blah blah. Worse things are happening around the world and u r here blabbing about someone screwing you. Move on with ur life and forget about him. Shit happens, life goes on. The deed has already been done. Can't turn back d hands of time can you????

  13. Someone should please decode who this Lekki Liar is.

    Dude is damn good.

    1. Gbayi! Pls what's his handle gangan

    2. Hmmm you sure? Besides this is her words against him. She got played

    3. The guy is cute. Just checked him on facebook.. lick your wounds girl

  14. Why are you obsessed with this guy madam banker? Are you his wife, why not leave her to deal with the headache of her husband gbokogboko. I read through your story and I know whose image you're trying to tarnish.
    You obviously do not have a lot to do as a banker to have enough time to worry about a man who only wants to sleep with you.
    Abeg I don't see the point of this post. You are obviously in love with him that is why you are still hung up. Abeg going to the market, i do not have time for this.

    1. Chop kiss!

      Erm, please arrange 6 fresh Cameroon pepper, 200 naira rodo, fresh garlic, erm if u see good boli, ripe but not too much, arrange 2 sexy ones!

    2. Gbam. Let her continue in her research on another woman hobby round lagos

    3. You can say that again, she is an obsessed, easy and bitter slut. She claimed not to know he was married and asked Google. Really??? This is someone who flaunts his wife on Facebook and Instagram

    4. She can write whatever she likes, his wife is solidly behind him. She is still the fool at the end of the day.

  15. I tire for this kain story abeg, your stupidity put me off so I couldn't read till the end

    1. Lmao. As in ehn, meanwhile she's claiming intelligence. She just made a mockery of her over hyped IQ

  16. Stella why didn't u put his name na...let's investigate him. Who knows how many BVs he has gbenshed....looool. can't wait to read comments biko

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Fiction, but interesting...

    1. It's actually a true story. I even know the girl who narrated it

  19. Ok.

    She's not the first, and she won't be the last to fall mugu for a guy.

    But some guys shaa!!!
    Denying your wife??!!!

    Dear men, please I need to understand why some of you deny your spouses.

    That's how ***lolu Ade**** kept denying that he's married.
    With alarming confidence o.
    When I confronted him with his wife's number, this dude still denied and said it's his mother that uses the line.
    Until I sent him screen shots of his wedding countdown with his wife in 2011, and his son in 2013.
    Nigga has been dumb till today.

    Some men...tufiakwa!!!

    1. Dunno why they deny their wives. Just dunno

    2. Lol @ his response when confronted with his wife's number.

    3. Ahahah that's how one fool lied to me many years back when I still dey market. I saw a call come tru and he stored the name as "my love". I freaked out and asked who it was... brother man tell me say na hin mama... that him and his mother call each other "my love". Chai... while it could be true, anyone can give their mother a pet name. But this man own na super lie cos I eventually found out. He had names like, baby 1, baby 2, smallie etc.. lol. Bad ass men

  20. Fuckery gone sour...
    Sorry dear. Next time, shine your eyes

  21. *yawns* too long a story on a sunny weekend. Let d comments rolls in biko.

  22. Long Hisssssssssssssssssss I wasted my time reading that rubbish

  23. From a bitter side chic. I hope you end well in your quest. The writer also need psychological help. Continue in the quest of stalking another woman husband.

  24. I can't imagine that I read every bit of this crap!
    Is greed that made you fall 4 him......and 2 think his name was not given!
    How are all this gullible babes know is him when they fall mugu?
    What's the morale of this long epistle?
    Who this long epistle done help?

    1. Lol, Viv Viv you are the new LInda eze in my head since she's missing.

    2. Are you minding the silly girl.
      I'm too smart, I like smart men, etc, here you are whining because of fuck.
      Gerrarahere mehn

    3. Na your mate write that beautiful piece so, but foolishness won't allow you focus...
      I go stop to dey read SDK the day I see your comment without spelling errors and appropriate sentences.
      Just imagine;
      1. "....and 2 think his name was not given!"
      2. "How are all this gullible babes know is him when they fall mugu?"
      3. "I can't imagine that I read every bit of this crap!"

      Balderdash. There's this girl that use to correct gbagbaun on this blog. Bloggie, get in here, you suppose know who I dey yan about nau.

    4. My God Dauda!!! I could kiss you right now. Help me tell her o.

    5. Dauda, you are in absolutely NO position to correct Viv or anyone else. Whilst trying to make an extremely feeble attempt to correct her, u still made blunders. You probably don't even realise it.

    6. The Judge, Don't get on my way please, I'm in no competition with no one. And I'm not gonna hire you to be my JUDGE no day. Lol.
      I'm only doing my job as a critic.
      Hey, did you even read your last line. I bet you read this your comment 'One Hundred and Onety One' times just to avoid errors.
      La, no one is perfect.
      Even the so said beautiful piece we all are clapping for, there are 1000 and 1 errors on it.
      Have even read (mistakes) on Wole Soyinka's books.
      So you see!

    7. At Dauda. .. is it dont get on my way or don't get in my way.....?

  25. The writer is a shameless woman.
    She knowingly dated and gbensh him skin to skin severally.

  26. Poster just so you know, you are not a victim. You ain't getting no pity from me. He has embraced who he is and moved on. Embrace you were a flung and move on too. I don't even card to know who he is talk less of bashing knew what you were getting into and it's kinda lame using your family's history in this could have been anyone from whatever background. Dysfunctional or not.#enoughsaid
    From a fellow woman.

    1. Don't mind her. What has your father's lies and mum's stroke got to do with anything? Foolish gist.

    2. I can hug you now.... Well said.

  27. Girl daz gud 4 u,God gave u a gud man but u wanted d one anoda woman has already made.D story long 4 noting.D oda guy u left 4 him wld be laffin his ass out.No pity at all.

  28. No be small wah, Stella abeg tell us his name.

  29. Wow!! Such an interesting read.
    But in this case lady,you gave up yourself to the predator,you gave him an invitation to prey.
    I'm glad you've chided and berated yourself before anyone else could.
    You've learnt your lessons,move on and find healing..
    You'll be fine.
    There is nothing new in your story,its been happening,and it will continue to happen.
    The escapades of married men in lekki is something else.
    I know the way they operate,I know their every move.
    I've been lucky to have such men as neighbours and friends,so I've been regaled with stories,and witness first hand their embarrasing show of shame.

  30. Madam nawa o, all this because a man slept with you, is it once and you found out he's married. Is that why you are killing ur self doing detective work? I don't get you, did the man propose marriage to you. Madam this is the reality of naija today, u won't be the 1st either will you be the last such will happen to. So bcos dis guy has joined ur body count that's why ur dis pained. I pity you, do you know whether this man or his wife are diabolical, the man can even send someone after ur life to kill you to shut u up . You went too far, was it not you that opened pussy so early for him without carrying out ur findings. This ur situation wat u shld have done is milk him 1st of money, curse d living day light of him, u can even threaten him dat u will report him to his wife, delete him off all ur social media and block his no. Brush ur self off and move on with your life.take it as a lesson, next man you meet, make sure u know everything abt him without opening legs. BTW why do women feel so pained just bcos a man slept with you, it's not a dieing matter. Must anyone know. Before I got married my husband asked me how many guys Iv slept with, I said 3, knowing in my mind it's 20. Is there a meter dere for anyone to read? So you want to kill yourself be us one married man slept with you. I am not praising d guy or anythn definitely he's a confirmed bastard, but such men one day their lifestyle will catch up with dem. maybe na syphillis or HIV dey will get rewarded with or perhaps dey will meet a married woman d hubby has put magun(charms) on dere privates. His not worth ur time and all dese efforts abeg. You better face ur life and ur job, the rite man will cum and if bastards cum in btw take it as an experience..........I'm out

    1. I just tire for dis girl. All this plenty story on top fuck?

    2. Well said, my dear please forget about him. Why waste your time on the philandering man and now from your story anyone can decode who you are

    3. Quicksilver sorry to say but you talking as if you donate free f*ck to all and sundry in dat dry town you live in. This poster isn't you!

    4. You slept with 20 men ????
      Madam , isn't that much ???

    5. Reigning queen, "sorry to say"?
      You shouldn't be sorry about your stupidity.
      Ass wipe!

    6. I should start commenting early. Quicksilver why are you so bitter, so pained? Na your life? Everyone else has cussed and advised her but you carry on...using every reply button to cuss further. I read your comments on this blog and you're as bitter as hell.

  31. Long but interesting.

    The girl is a good writer.

    About her story, wetin consign me?


    1. Oh yes she is. Very beautiful piece. Well articulated. I didn't want it to end.Too bad her writing skills is where her intelligence ends.Cuz the girl isn't smart at all.

  32. Great read.
    I laughed soo much at "my Dad lies about the weather. And d epic "I won't forgive Goggle "

    But den dear but den,,dis story started on a high high but ended on a High Low!
    I would have cheered if u paid back d Murrafucker in his own coin. But no u didn't. Let me not even go.near ur foolishness of going back to laugh and dance with a married man who fooled u and slept wit u.I wil skip that since u said u feel bad already.

    And I don't believe your Pa was a good Liar like u said.Cos D daughter of a Pro would have done a good job.
    D way u laid out thia story,yours truly was anticipating a mega show down wit d SOB.u knownd jing jing jing of movies where d actor beats d villain wella.
    Go back,treat his fuck up.and no,I dont mean physical fight.Show him that he played u doesn't mean he is a player.d real Player is u.u are d Daughter of The Player. LMAO
    Not judging u,but til u do this and come back with a great concluding part of the story,u are just one of "those girls"

    *I love girls that write well.U write well dear.

    1. Nwunye G...... Anam ekele.... In my opinion, no man is smarter than any woman.... Just use ur 2nd sense, then Bingo!

    2. TGW, there is nothing to show, let's tell her the truth.My sympathy turned to anger when she discovered he was married and still continued with the affair.

      You claimed you had mutual friends so I am sure you could get every detail about him.I agree you were deceived initially but what i don't understand is why you continued after confirming he was married, why? He promised to leave his wife or what exactly?

      The honourable thing was to end it if you were indeed uncomfortable dating a married man.

      Reality is a high percentage of men are irresponsible and cheat.It behoves on ladies to do their investigation before dating if they don't want to be deceived, not after sleeping with him.If you are as smart as you claim then you should be used to certain lines eg I am not happy in marriage, I married my wife cuz she was pregnant, my marriage is not working bla bla bla.

      Move on, shit happens.

    3. Ma dear,kedu?Greetings sweetie.

      Ah! I have seen another person dat shares d same opinion with us....
      Me,my kind of friends,u can't be smarter o.
      And so are some women.just that majority of women na GREED and LOW SELF ESTEEM dey worry dem.dey wanna chop d man and clean mouth.but d men know along.and chop dem pieces.and in d end,dey realise dat what they lost or got as d case may be wasn't worth d chopping d said man did.

    4. @Whirlie,u know from d story,d angle she came from is this "u can't play a player!Mbanu!"

      She gave me high hopes of settling dis "betrayal "
      ....That wot I meant by showing me what she got.cos really,all dis can't be because a married dude screwed u.and screwed u over.

      @Poster,come on.let's see how u play this guy.let's see how u show him who the Real Player is.

    5. Oh okay, I get it jare. How is the weekend going dearie?

    6. GW, same way I felt when I started reading the story o.. only to see that she's a "peff"

      Whirlwind dear, let's admit this for the sake of argument ehn, no matter the investigation u carry out on some men before u date them, u can still be victimized. You can still fall and not get to know the real them.. so really, we can't blame some ladies when things like this happen. But on this poster's matter, what is paining her is not the fact that he slept with her... Sebi they both enjoyed the sex na. Her grouse is the continuation of it..

      Perhaps when the poster approached the man's wife and blew his cover, he decided to stay away and move on. But madame poster felt spited that she didn't get to dump him early enough when she found all his lies, but rather, he dumped her when she blew the final whistle.... by informing his wife. It was her last joker and she used it... but lost the guy. Now she's playing "co wife" by trying to form a team with his wife to disgrace the man. But It won't work cos the joke is on her. Abeg I tire to comment on this matter jare..wetin be my own sef lol.

  33. Could it be tweet oracle ??

    Madam poster . You are weak... Rather unfortunate that despite growing up with a liar for a father,u still haven't learnt to trust ur instincts .

    1st - you had casual consensual sex with a stranger , please forget the 'he promised not to put it in', you are not a child ... You wanted him and you had him instead of getting to know him

    2. U found out he was married , yet you were dying for an explanation ... Biko what else were u expecting to hear ?of cos he would lie to cover up his many lies ... Deep down you knew he was lying yet u carried on ( you are following in ur mother's footsteps)thinking you were special .

    3. You were trying to prove smarter than a cassanova . But why? Why did U think you had the tools to handle a psychotic liar ?(only a spiritual person can-by tying him down spiritually) as if that was not enough you involved his wife , I hope you told her you kept on fucking him even after realizing he was married ?

    A lesson to women - trust ur instincts , u are not special , yes you are beautiful ... But there are so many others who are even more beautiful out there. If a married man can conveniently lie to his wife who he sleeps and wakes up with , without her catching on- then who are you?

    Poster , putting his name here won't change anything , he would continue to sleep with gullible girls who won't stand a chance . Look at you the smart one ... You fell,how much more others who are more trusting .

    Learn ur lessons and move on.

  34. All because this man fuck you once. All this epistle......

    1. We assume it was once, & she deliberately kept mum on that. I suspect multiple times, hence her hurt.

    2. I wonder what she wants us to do. Mschew

  35. Another day, another Man trouble!!! Wise up Women......

  36. write well! Maybe Karma just dealt you a huge blow since you love smart men. They say "once bitten, twice shy" so beats me why as smart as you are, and knowing this was a man with a huge character flaw like your dad, you went back to him even after giving you various story versions.
    Well, I guess love they say, is blind and even the smartest can fall hard!

    1. I'm thankful to everyone who acknowledged her writing skills.
      It takes a good writer to know one. You know what I mean?!

      Hello Tetrina.

    2. Heyyyy, Dauda the sexy guy! You good?

  37. No hard feelings but truth is, ladies are always gullible and no matter how smart a lady think she is, she'll always fall for the lies we guys tell cos truth is, ladies love to hear the lies men tell and the moment a guy tells the truth, it's over. Trust me, even this poster will still fall for more lies this guy tells her. That's just the way it is

    1. This your comment reminded me of a pidgin saying: "Na fish brain women get"

  38. shebi na yhu dey find smart, intelligent man. oya nah, enjoy it while it lasts

  39. A fool will Cm here Nau nd tell dis gal to go nd sit down nd tmrw dat same fool will cm here nd cry kwa!!!! Learn ur lessons ohhhhh men are becoming evil ohhhh!!!

  40. Tale of a fuck-dumped sidechick. Fuckricant. You found out he was lying about his marital status. Did you run far away from him after the discovery? No. You stayed, and continued with your fuckery. believing more lies hoping they will be true. Ojukokoro. He looked wealthy, intelligent, classy and everything you wanted reasons you were hoping. You wished those lies of "going through a divorce" will be true so you can jump in as Mrs.
    Desperado. Tueh. Fuck out of here.

  41. I dont feel sorry for this poster. Can u 'unfuck' him? Abeg move on

  42. Hmmmmmmmm things are really happening.

  43. Men are naturally useless ,Nigerian men are worse

  44. Wow!.... This almost gave me a headache

  45. Rubbish story.
    What's the point of this gist? To what end exactly?
    Who gives a flying fuck about you 2 fucktards?

  46. Madam you are a good writer and i really enjoyed this piece. Madam move on, the guy don chop clean mouth. Kpele o.

  47. Stella, don't remove comments with his name o. Let's know who the serial cheat is

  48. Though she has been beaten like somebody said but dis can help some ladies inoder not to fall into d same pit.Dats NG men for u.

  49. Finished reading this epistle and with all i have read;all i can say is that the guy still has "SSCE" in lying..not even "OND" or "HND"....
    His lies were to simple to be detected by the lady in question if only she didnt allow her Emotions cover up her eyes and mind completely in the first place;or if she did her assignments/checks well before falling in love with the said "LEKKI" guy..but from her write-up;she said she left her ex just to be with this "lekki guy" and what else do you think is the cause?? GREED!! She was carried away with his wealth and successful career hence the blindness she had and hence not having the idea of "why isn't he married at this age" in her own her,she has found "The perfect guy"...

    In the first place she should have asked herself why the guy hasn't brought her to his own residence willingly,since they are both dating...cos any guy who takes you seriously would want to flaunt you to the world irrespective of anything!! Either as his girlfriend,fiance etc...but the lekki liar didnt;and she was even the one forcing herself to come see him at his place..
    My dear,the truth is the Average guy out would be so happy to have his girlfriend come over his place and would try to keep everywhere tidy since "His Babe" is visiting...Every guy does that!! simple...

    On another note;guys don't even tell the truth nowadays to woe A lady cos its generally believed that "You have to tell the lady what she wants to hear"...which is lies!!
    Cos when you tell them the truth;you look so inferior to them and they can never give you A chance or take you more of falling in love completely with you!!

    USE MOST LADIES REQUIREMENT ON "SINGLE AND MINGLES" here on SDKB to understand better what i mean..The ladies place more than required standards which the Average Guy out there cant even what do you expect??

    all the same;its good to come out clean and am not saying there is any reason to justify lies from A guy;but the average lady out there needs to prioritise her "standards" so as to avoid unnecessary disappointments like that Above....



    1. Shit like this always happens because naija babes are mostly looking for ATMs in the name of husbands. Check out their requirements on SnM. Real wife is a home builder and a help mate not an ATM card. This mind set is the reason why many are not married. Shit mehnnnnnnnnn

  50. Poster you are simply inlove with the dude..and u can't let him go. Come what may,he is going to fcuk u as many aint smart period. You just got good writting skills which most people have if they only edit their writeups

    Stella you and your exclamations!!! Oi

  51. Men!!!may God nt let we single ladies,falls into rong hands,awon eletan okunrin...I wondr wt dey wnt to gain in deceiving ladies,Too bad of dem.

  52. Foolish writer, after all the investigations, you still fall for him. Victimized side chick

  53. Banker as u find out say Na person husband free am now.....

  54. Pained sidechic. Gerrarahere...

  55. What a long read...d only thing I noticed was your good writing skills...ur story though,anyways next time tie ur legs and pretend to be a mermaid

  56. After rushing to see the name only to find can actually make good cash with this writting prowess of urs. You just knew you were been fooled yet you alowed urself to be fooled al over again that's stupidity in its highest form. Ika bu a learner

  57. I'm in love with a married man with three kids ,I will marry him cos we love each other. L have butterflies in my tummy when I see him and he has eyes only for me. He loves my kids like his own . If only this posters married shagger loves her she won't be singing this song . I love love . Im in love with my other half . Even while I was married he was always there for me thru all the pain tho we Neva made love ,now I'm free to love my lover . If una like make una vomit and bleed under my comment it won't still the truth .

  58. Madam banker you saw the "red" light warning you but wetin you wan chop no gree you rest. If as a banker you can be this gullible one cannot but wonder whether the bank customers' money can be safe with you. You wanted a ready made "happening" guy and you got one to "happen" to you. Learn from it and move on.

  59. You willing slept with a married man. Who cares after donating rotten pussy. U were hoping he will send his wife away and wife you. Ole ashawo kobokobo. The guy has defrauded you pussy. Face your life and stop stalking before you are arrested crazy bitch. You had the guts to approach the wife. Wicked witch.

  60. ..... married men and lies are inseperable, imagine one telling me that his marriage was due to pressure and he never really liked his wife, he doubts paternity of his 3months old daughter just after one year of marriage and stupid me believed, we gbenshed twice and it was awesome but its wrong which i know and am not doing it again.

  61. Hehh,i knw him,he's a lawyer wit a law firm@Ikeja.
    Light skinned, very forward, d 1st time I met him,he was already talking of me sending him pictures of my privates.
    Wen I asked him him send his 1st,he gave 1 off excuse.
    Dude is very stingy.
    He claims he bought his Lekki home.

    1. I know kaelo ajuluchukwu all too well. Lying piece of garbage. This guy goes around dating multiple girls and lying to them that he's not married. He dated my friend this year and lied to her that he wasn't married as many times as she asked him, like this bastard repeatedly denied his wife. He's a manipulative sociopath and a compulsive liar and i'm happy more people now know him for the rotten piece of shit he is. GIRLS BEWARE OF KAELO AJULUCHUKWU O! you can't claim ignorance after this expose`

  62. Annon 14:00. I don't know why you are fighting yourself over this matter, you said he is married and you want to become second wife, fine. You said you two are in love, fine. you said you love love, fine. You are happy to marry another woman's DH, fine. Just know that he is a cheater, well, he cheated on his wife with you and of course he will cheat on you too. Good luck . Nah, no one is judging you, It's just a matter of time…Marry him first.

  63. Rubbish...Madam go and lick your wounds.
    Be extra careful next time.I just hope you've learnt your lesson.

  64. Rubbish...Madam go and lick your wounds.
    Be extra careful next time.I just hope you've learnt your lesson.

  65. Olosho somebody. So what do you want us to do now? Count your loss and move on already. There are more pressing issues in the world.

  66. The only reason I read this is the superb expressions used. Quite a fluent speaker, no doubt and a good writer.

    My take is once you find a man is married, wave him goodbye and let it go. C'est la fin!

  67. Somehow, I know how this writer feels. I've felt rage and anger tantamount to this and I've acted based on them but believe me, some of the best laid traps most often times do back-fire. You are pretty angry, you can't think 3 dimensionally when angry. The person you wanna retaliate on is just as smart, if not smarter, and that would need more than 3D thinking to nail.

    You are not angry because of other girls he probably have used. You are not angry because he had sex with you, if you'll be truthful, you know you don't even regret it really. You are angry because you like him, because you felt you had a chance and because he disappointed by not coming out truthful. The point you had to hear him out and gave him benefits of doubt were done not because you really believed him, but because you liked him. The point where you wanted to see divorce papers weren't yearned because you wanted to know the truth but because you were hoping somehow for that chance to be together. Maybe you aren't being a crusader here but it doesn't change fact that this brother here in question is an A-hole. Marriage isn't compulsory, your family can only persuade but not beat you. Why marry if you aren't ready to act married? Why marry if your mental state is like that of a child lost in the island of toys so confused he doesn't know which he wants? Why make a vow when you aren't ready to fulfill them?

    Reading in between the lines, your background psychologically had an effect on you. You can barely trust no one or give anyone the benefit of doubt. When one speaks, that instinct of "there goes a lie" comes on so long as the person isn't telling you what you want or expected to hear. The guy in question doesn't necessarily need psychological help, he just needs to grow up and grow some morals and principles. Its ironical but, really, you do need the psychological help here for future purposes. Your dad's lifestyle gave you an emotional injury you probably have no idea is there. The bitterness and sadness of the misfortune still plays a benign role in attitude which you probably don't know. Let me list what it does to you so you know I relate with you. You are often times very judgmental, you can rarely trust, you feel really alone almost all the time, you cry most of the times, you are vengeful, you write people off easily, you are a perfectionist, sometimes you want a lot of things to be about you. etc.

    I'm I wrong? These are reasons you should see a therapist. And none of these is about the child in an adult's body that deceived you. I'm writing or advising based on that I connect with you and I can feel your emotions and energy and I can relate how it often ends.

    Don't spend so much time trying to get revenge, you'll end up back in his arms. Trust me, this guy is good at what he does from your narration. There's no doubt the revenge will backfire. You'll carry out your plan. It will harm him. Being emotionally uncertain, you'll feel guilty. You'll call him and apologize. He wouldn't reply. You would get unstable emotionally at work and everywhere. You'll beg to meet him. He'll agree for it in a secluded place. He'll cry on your shoulder and he'll have sex with you, again. And after this, you'll never get to him again. If all these doesn't happen, something close will.

    Let go and build a better you. This is life where shiii happens all the time. You know that, let go and let God build you a better man while you build yourself a better, understanding and accommodating lady.

    Now my fingers ache tho.

    1. I really admire you. Never commented here before. Even never read this blog before. Wish we could be friends. :)

    2. You are such a good analyst. You are the only person that made sense of the posters story.

    3. David the baller nwunem, idi too much.... Seen, checked and verified analysis.

    4. David Baller!!! Just wow!
      You are something else, you are too deep for your age, it seem like you've gone through a lot too.
      I can relate with most of the things you wrote.
      Let's be Friends pls.

    5. Let me just add, poster will keep attracting her "father's type" if she doesn't forgive him (*her dad). So please, do yourself a big favor and forgive him, let go of the bitterness. Sorry about ur mom.

  68. I had to read from A to Z. But then again, y would a married man denial his wife for Christ sake? Why can't men be satisfied with what they have? If we check it now, the man in question must be married to one pretty damsel.
    Back to the poster! Maybe sleeping with the guy was an honest mistake, which most ladies do. But right now, she is sounding and acting like someone that is hopelessly in love with the guy. My advice is that she should move on already jor.
    Me just dey feel for the wife.

  69. You know what an excellent piece is when you have read one? The plot, the intrigue, the suspense is captivating and flawlessly put together by someone who is so convenient at writing; the lekki liar

  70. That is how I have been sleeping with a guy without knowing he has been married. I just distance myself for him because if I am to confront him I won't be able to do it without giving him a dirty slap. Married men can lie like tomorrow will never come.

  71. Excuse me dance right here.... He took u to his house (where he lives with his wife by the way) and you didn't perceive or detect even remotely that a woman lived there too. Gimme a break! You just got served.... Kapish! Y'all hoes and cutlasses should give your lives to Christ cos its not ending anytime soon, there's more where that came from.
    Its all a damn game. Play or get Played!!!

  72. Same thing abi**** sue** vgc club owner that can deceive girls 4 Africa n form serious lover boy. While he package his wife and kids 4 one side. Im tory go be for another day #bloodyliar #fellinlovewithaliar

  73. David Baller...I want to commend you for this writeup. I never knew pretty men can be smart.
    You are amazingly intelligent. While everyone condemned her , you understood her.

    Dear Bvs, read and understand before you comment .

    Dear Stella, delete every comment except David Ballers'


  74. David Baller...the only humane comment here. Thank you.

  75. Dem plenty o. Lagos Liars. My sister too fell victim for one like dat called Jo**** Erom***** The guy can lie for devil! Emotional dupes!

    1. Anon: I know that one o. His story no be here o. Fine guy, sweet mouth, sleek operator. This Lagos o

  76. It's good to understand but sometimes, tough love is needed. This poster is on a high horse and is also as mean and manipulative as this lekki liar with all the plans she cooked up in a bid to embarrass him.
    Poster, I know you're hurt and angry but I also don't know any mature girl who hasn't experienced something like this. When you find out, you move on. You din't even need to disturb the poor wife.
    Just grow some self-respect and move on.

  77. My dear a man like that can only be dealt with in the spiritual realm. Only God can dole out justice for his deeds. You tried but failed because you are not on his level of depravity and darkness. Move on with your life and leave him to God. Most of the world's greatest serial killers are highly intelligent ppl. You gave up a great relationship so you could have good conversations, you got what you wanted, you weren't looking for more that a great conversationalist and the universe gave you exactly what you wanted, good conversation! so take your conversation memories and keep it memory. Sometimes we women are the architects of our own misery, you got a great man and gave him up to get used in and out by a philanderer, meditate on that and learn from your mistakes and act with wisdom next time.


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