Stella Dimoko Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 155


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Monday, February 22, 2016

Educative,Entertaining And Inspirational - 155

These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,entertain or motivate you.....

weirdfacts cullage...


  1. See as those ones resemble nd also bearing same names

  2. oh yes i totally agree with the facial hair thing!

    ive heard the story of the first two men before. dont know if i believe it but if it were true, must have been amazing

  3. Ah thank God o! And he is such a very sweet cutie,Lorenzo.

  4. Last fact, so true for me.
    First fact, really, really mind boggling.

  5. First picture na cheating wandering dick imprEgnated their different mothers. Yaa ya. Don't argue.

    Pishure 2 eweh receive Diva award? Then Blogbrity should receive future award because she looks like a horse.

    Pishure 3, that young lad must be ibo. Snake eaters.
    Pishure 4, I don't know because I am a transgender.

    1. No be small "mtchew". Trying so hard. Ode!

    2. The first picture I believe was due to slavery. Families were torn apart and sold. Who knows if they were twins separated or brothers, who later had families of their own and gave similar names to remember where they came from ? West is the symbolic factor in the name. Again, who knows.

  6. DNA wasn't linked to genetic inheritance until 1943 so I'm guessing that's why these officers could not conduct one to tell whether they are related cus the resemblance, name, cannot be sheer coincidence now..they look like twins who may have been separated at birth. There goes my theory, lol.

  7. I like facial hair.
    But not too much and well groomed.

    Not the ones that look like bedside rug.

    Hair on the arms is also très sexy. *winks That's all. #okbye

  8. Wow @ No 1
    No 3 - I would have cried my eyes out if that was my baby.

    Nice One.

  9. I know that
    I've seen both movies. Good for her.

    Haaa!A child bit a venomous viper to death? Na wah!

    Lorenzo the viper slayer.


  10. Strange coincidence.. this is messing with my mind...same name,same look?

    I think fear kills us faster than the supposed danger,we become less articulate. This boy in his innocence killed the snake.

  11. The one year old boy...amazing feat. Thank God for his life.

  12. @Pix1: unbelievable! They look so much alike with same name yet unrelated!
    Pix2: Brave kid.

  13. Could this myth be right that God created two same people into different places/ countries. You go fear Lorenzo the baby terror. The monkey self showed off the award o

  14. Hmmmm no. 1 fact end time lost brothers.

  15. You may be right Anonymous-19:21. A report in The Journal of Police Science and Administration in 1980 revealed that the two actually were identical twins. They possessed many fingerprint similarities, nearly identical ear configurations (unusual in any circumstance except with identical twins), and each of the men wrote letters to the same brother, same five sisters, and same Uncle George. So, even though the brothers denied it, it seemed that they were related after all.


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